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Last active February 21, 2023 21:30
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import Foundation
actor SixSidedDie {
struct Environment: Sendable {
var doTheThing: @Sendable (_ range: ClosedRange<Int>) -> Int
private var environment = Environment(
doTheThing: { Int.random(in: $0) }
func updateEnvironment<T>(_ handler: (_ environment: inout Environment) -> T) -> T {
func roll() -> Int {
class SixSidedDieTests {
func testRanges() async {
let die = SixSidedDie()
let ranges = await die.updateEnvironment { environment in
return AsyncStream { continuation in
environment.doTheThing = { [original = environment.doTheThing] range in
return original(range)
await die.roll()
await die.roll()
await die.roll()
await print(ranges.allSatisfy { $0 == 1...6 })
Task {
await SixSidedDieTests().testRanges()
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