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Last active February 26, 2016 17:31
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  • Save jellyjellyrobot/6bfa34c48e7461af698d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jellyjellyrobot/6bfa34c48e7461af698d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
new iterm has different api. updated the code to reflect that
-- Adapted from canuckistani/openItermHere.scpt
-- <- new api
-- cd to the current finder window folder in iTerm. Or drag a folder onto this script to cd to that folder in iTerm.
-- found this script in the comments of this article:
-- Instructions for use:
-- paste this script into Script Editor and save as an application to ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Finder/cd to in iTerm
-- run via the AppleScript Menu item (
-- Or better yet, Control-click and drag it to the top of a finder window so it appears in every finder window.
-- Activate it by clicking on it or dragging a folder onto it.
-- Another nice touch is to give the saved script the same icon as iTerm.
-- To do this, in the finder, Get info (Command-I) of both iTerm and this saved script.
-- Click the iTerm icon (it will highlight blue) and copy it by pressing Comand-C.
-- Click on this script's icon and paste by pressing Command-V.
-- Another way to give it the same icon as iTerm is to save the script as an application bundle (instead of an application),
-- then copy the icon by entering these commands in iTerm:
-- $ cd ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Finder/cd\ to\ in\
-- $ rm droplet.icns
-- $ cp /Applications/ droplet.icns
-- $ touch ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Finder/cd\ to\ in\
-- script was opened by click in toolbar
on run
tell application "Finder"
set currFolder to (folder of the front window as string)
on error
set currFolder to (path to desktop folder as string)
end try
end tell
CD_to(currFolder, false)
end run
-- script run by draging file/folder to icon
on open (theList)
set newWindow to false
repeat with thePath in theList
set thePath to thePath as string
if not (thePath ends with ":") then
set x to the offset of ":" in (the reverse of every character of thePath) as string
set thePath to (characters 1 thru -(x) of thePath) as string
end if
CD_to(thePath, newWindow)
set newWindow to true -- create window for any other files/folders
end repeat
end open
-- cd to the desired directory in iterm
on CD_to(theDir, newWindow)
set theDir to quoted form of POSIX path of theDir as string
tell application "iTerm"
delay 1
-- talk to the first terminal
tell current window
-- launch a default shell in a new tab in the same terminal
set newTab to (create tab with default profile)
on error
display dialog "There was an error creating a new tab in iTerm." buttons {"OK"}
end try
tell current session
-- cd to the finder window
write text "cd " & theDir & " && clear"
on error
-- display dialog "There was an error cding to the finder window." buttons {"OK"}
set newWindow to (create window with default profile)
write text "cd " & theDir & " && clear"
--tell current window
-- tell current session
-- end tell
--end tell
end try
end tell
end tell
end tell
end CD_to
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