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Last active December 14, 2015 16:55
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  • Save jellyninjadev/ad0b8000bf783b9114db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jellyninjadev/ad0b8000bf783b9114db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
canvas1 = document.getElementById("canvas1");
surface1 = canvas1.getContext("2d");
image1 = new Image();
canvas2 = document.getElementById("canvas2");
surface2 = canvas2.getContext("2d");
image2 = new Image();
image1.onload = function () {
// Setting the size also clears the canvas:
canvas1.width = image1.width;
canvas1.height = image1.height;
if (canvas1.width > 400) {
canvas1.width = 400;
canvas1.height = Math.round(400.0 * image1.height / image1.width);
if (canvas1.height > 400) {
canvas1.height = 400;
canvas1.width = Math.round(400.0 * image1.width / image1.height);
surface1.drawImage(image1, 0, 0, canvas1.width, canvas1.height);
hash1 = differenceHash(image1);
try {
document.getElementById("hash1").innerText = "Image 1: " + bin2hex(hash1);
catch (exception) {
try {
document.getElementById("hash1").textContent = "Image 1: " + bin2hex(hash1);
catch (exception) {
try {
catch (exception) {
image2.onload = function () {
// Setting the size also clears the canvas:
canvas2.width = image2.width;
canvas2.height = image2.height;
if (canvas2.width > 400) {
canvas2.width = 400;
canvas2.height = Math.round(400.0 * image2.height / image2.width);
if (canvas2.height > 400) {
canvas2.height = 400;
canvas2.width = Math.round(400.0 * image2.width / image2.height);
surface2.drawImage(image2, 0, 0, canvas2.width, canvas2.height);
hash2 = differenceHash(image2);
try {
document.getElementById("hash2").innerText = "Image 2: " + bin2hex(hash2);
catch (exception) {
try {
document.getElementById("hash2").textContent = "Image 2: " + bin2hex(hash2);
catch (exception) {
try {
catch (exception) {
function scaleImage(theImage, width, height) {
scaleCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
scaleSurface = scaleCanvas.getContext("2d");
scaleCanvas.width = theImage.width;
scaleCanvas.height = theImage.height;
scaleSurface.drawImage(theImage, 0, 0, scaleCanvas.width, scaleCanvas.height);
tmpScaleCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
tmpScaleSurface = tmpScaleCanvas.getContext("2d");
while (scaleCanvas.width > width || scaleCanvas.height > height) {
tmpScaleCanvas.width = ((scaleCanvas.width + width) / 2) | 0;
tmpScaleCanvas.height = ((scaleCanvas.height + height) / 2) | 0;
tmpScaleSurface.drawImage(scaleCanvas, 0, 0, tmpScaleCanvas.width, tmpScaleCanvas.height)
scaleCanvas.width = tmpScaleCanvas.width;
scaleCanvas.height = tmpScaleCanvas.height;
scaleSurface.drawImage(tmpScaleCanvas, 0, 0, scaleCanvas.width, scaleCanvas.height)
return scaleCanvas;
function differenceHash(theImage) {
hashImage = scaleImage(theImage, 8, 8);
// Go through the image pixel by pixel.
// Return 1-bits when a pixel is equal to or brighter than the previous
// pixel, and 0-bits when it's below.
try {
pixels = hashImage.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, 8, 8).data;
} catch (exception) {
// Use the 64th pixel as the 0th pixel.
previousPixel = toGreyScale(getPixel(pixels, 7, 7, 8));
pixel = 0;
differenceHashValue = "";
for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++) {
// Go left to right on odd rows.
for (var x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
pixel = toGreyScale(getPixel(pixels, x, y, 8));
if (pixel >= previousPixel) {
differenceHashValue += "1"
} else {
differenceHashValue += "0"
previousPixel = pixel
// Go right to left on even rows.
for (x = 7; x >= 0; x--) {
pixel = toGreyScale(getPixel(pixels, x, y, 8));
if (pixel >= previousPixel) {
differenceHashValue += "1"
} else {
differenceHashValue += "0"
previousPixel = pixel
return differenceHashValue;
function bin2hex(theBigInt) {
high = theBigInt.substring(0, 32);
low = theBigInt.substring(32, 64);
high = parseInt(high, 2) >>> 0;
low = parseInt(low, 2) >>> 0;
high = high.toString(16);
low = low.toString(16);
while (high.length < 8) {
high = "0" + high
while (low.length < 8) {
low = "0" + low
return high + low
function getPixel(pixels, x, y, width) {
return {
red: pixels[(y * 4 * width) + (x * 4)],
green: pixels[(y * 4 * width) + (x * 4) + 1],
blue: pixels[(y * 4 * width) + (x * 4) + 2]
}; // Alpha would probably be + 3
function toGreyScale(pixel) {
return pixel['red'] * 0.3 + pixel['green'] * 0.59 + pixel['blue'] * 0.11
function xor(bigInt1, bigInt2) {
while (bigInt1.length < bigInt2.length) {
bigInt1 = "0" + bigInt1;
while (bigInt2.length < bigInt1.length) {
bigInt2 = "0" + bigInt2;
onexortwo = "";
for (var i = 0; i < bigInt1.length; i++) {
if (bigInt1.charAt(i) == bigInt2.charAt(i)) {
onexortwo += "0";
} else {
onexortwo += "1";
return onexortwo;
function compare() {
if (window.hash1 && window.hash2 && typeof hash1 != "undefined" && typeof hash2 != "undefined" && hash1 != null && hash2 != null && hash1 != "" && hash2 != "") {
resultString = "";
try {
resultString = "Image 1 and image 2 are " + (64 - (xor(hash1, hash2).split("1").length - 1)) * 100.0 / 64.0 + "% similar."
} catch (exception) {
try {
document.getElementById("comparison").innerText = resultString
} catch (exception) {
try {
document.getElementById("comparison").textContent = resultString
} catch (exception) {
image1.src = 'image.php?url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('remotefile1').value);
image2.src = 'image.php?url=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('remotefile2').value);
// -->
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