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Last active September 28, 2016 10:35
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Agent-based simulation example in Java

This program is a simple simulation of four agents giving each other credits.

This example shows you some of the basic Java concepts such as public & private member variables, passing this as an argument, and the difference between this.variable and variable.

You can compile it using javac and run it using java Simulation.

class Agent
// Like a struct, every agent object has a credits and a reference to the simulation
private String name; // Name of the agent
private int credits; // Number of credits the agent has
private Simulation sim; // Simulation the agent lives in
public Agent(Simulation sim, String name, int credits)
// here I was stupid enough to name the parameters with the
// same name as the member variables (credits, name and sim)
// Thus I have to use this, to make sure that Java knows I mean
// the instance-specific variables.
this.sim = sim; = name;
this.credits = credits;
public String getName()
public int getCredits()
return this.credits;
public void act()
// Initialize the variable in which I'll store the poorest agent. But for now, I'll initialize it
// to 'null', meaning empty. (Very similar to a C pointer pointing to location 0.)
Agent poorestAgent = null;
// Find the poorest agent
// Note that I can access the simulation through this.sim here, and access the list of agents
// because that is a public member variable (thus accessible and editable by anyone)
for (Agent agent : sim.agents) {
// First, lets check if the agent is not me (because I'm one of the agents of the simulation!)
if (agent != this) {
// Then, if there is no poorest agent yet, or there is one but the current agent
// is poorer than the currently poorest agent, save that one as the poorest agent
if (poorestAgent == null || agent.getCredits() < poorestAgent.getCredits()) {
poorestAgent = agent;
// Calculate how much I can give away and already remove it from my own count.
// Because the receiving agent will ask me for how much I have as soon as I give
// them credits (see the receiveCredits method).
int creditsToGive = credits / 2;
credits = credits - creditsToGive;
// Now (given that there are more agents than only me in the sim.agents array) we can give the
// agent some of our credits, and tell them it was ours so they can thank us
// I pass on 'this' as the contributor, because it was I who gave the other agent credits!
poorestAgent.receiveCredits(this, creditsToGive);
public void receiveCredits(Agent contributor, int amountOfCredits)
// Update our amount of credits
this.credits += amountOfCredits;
// Print out a thank you!
System.out.println(this.getName() + " says:");
System.out.println(contributor.getName() + " just gave me " + Integer.toString(amountOfCredits) + " credits.");
System.out.println("Now I have " + Integer.toString(this.credits) + " and they have " + Integer.toString(contributor.getCredits()));
// If I now have more credits than the contributing agent gave me, thank them especially
if (credits > contributor.getCredits()) {
System.out.println("I now have more than my contributor! Thanks!");
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
class Simulation
public ArrayList<Agent> agents;
public Simulation()
// This method is called when a new simulation instance is created
// Create an empty list where we can put agents in
agents = new ArrayList<Agent>();
// But that could also be written as:
this.agents = new ArrayList<Agent>();
public void step()
// Call Agent.act method on every agent in the agents list
// Again, you could also write this.agents here.
for (Agent agent : agents) {
public void printAgentCredits()
for (Agent agent : agents) {
System.out.println(agent.getName() + ":\t" + Integer.toString(agent.getCredits()));
static public void main(String[] args)
// This (static) method is called when you run `java Simulation`
// static means that it is not
Random random = new Random(); // Source of random numbers
Simulation sim = new Simulation();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
String name = "Agent " + Integer.toString(i + 1);
int credits = random.nextInt(10); // int between 0 and 10
Agent agent = new Agent(sim, name, credits);
// Print the amount of credits all agents have at the start
// Simulate 3 epochs
for (int epoch = 0; epoch < 3; ++epoch) {
System.out.println("----- Epoch " + Integer.toString(epoch + 1) + " -----");
// Print the final results
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