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Created September 2, 2015 15:19
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Logstash conf file to parse pfsense logs
input {
syslog {
type => "pfsense"
filter {
if [type] == "pfsense" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "/opt/logstash/patterns"
match => [
"message", "%{PFSENSE}" ]
if [prog] == "filterlog" {
grok {
patterns_dir => "/opt/logstash/patterns"
match => [ "msg", "%{LOG_DATA}%{IP_SPECIFIC_DATA}%{IP_DATA}%{PROTOCOL_DATA}" ]
geoip {
#database => "/opt/logstash/GeoLiteCity.dat"
source => "src_ip"
target => "geoip"
add_field => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "%{[geoip][longitude]}" ]
add_field => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "%{[geoip][latitude]}" ]
mutate {
convert => [ "[geoip][coordinates]", "float" ]
remove_tag => [ "_grokparsefailure" ]
output {
stdout { codec => dots }
elasticsearch {
protocol => "http"
host => "elkserver"
cluster => "mycluster"
index => "pfsense-logs-%{+dd.MM.YYYY}"
#index => "pfsense-logs"
if "ntopng" in [message] {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
email {
options => [
"smtpIporHost" , "",
"port" , "26",
"userName" , "",
"password", "P@ssword",
"authenticationType" , "login"
from => "<>"
cc => "<>"
to => "<>"
subject => "Logstash alert (TEST) "
htmlbody => "
<table border=\"1\">
<tr bgcolor=\"#99FF66\">
<td>Pfsense email emergency report :</td>
<tr bgcolor=\"#FF6600\">
<td>ERROR </td>
<td> ntopn fails to start %{date} at host %{host}</td>
<td> %{msg}</td>
via => "smtp"
if "flooder" in [message]{
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
email {
via => "smtp"
options => [
"smtpIporHost" , "",
"port" , "26",
"userName" , "",
"password", "P@ssword",
"authenticationType" , "login"
from => "<>"
to => "<>"
subject => "Logstash alert (TEST) "
htmlbody => "
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
<html xmlns=\"\" style=\"font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 14px; margin: 0;\">
<table border=\"1\">
<tr bgcolor=\"#99FF66\">
<td>Pfsense email emergency report :</td>
<tr bgcolor=\"#FF6600\">
<td>ERROR </td>
<td> ntopn fails to start %{date} at host %{host}</td>
<td> %{msg}</td>
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