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Created December 21, 2018 10:57
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import * as fs from 'fs';
interface Player {
label: 'G' | 'E';
hp: number;
power: number;
coord: Coord;
type Coord = [number, number];
type PlayingMap = Array<Array<string>>;
function coordToString(coord: Coord) {
const [x, y] = coord;
return [x, y].join('x');
function readingOrder(from: Coord) {
return (a: Coord, b: Coord) => {
if (a[1] > from[1] && b[1] < from[1]) return 1;
if (b[1] > from[1] && a[1] < from[1]) return -1;
if (a[1] === from[1] && b[1] === from[1]) {
if (a[0] > from[0] && b[0] < from[0]) return -1;
if (b[0] > from[0] && a[0] < from[0]) return 1;
if (a[1] === b[1]) return a[0] - b[0];
return a[1] - b[1];
function d(a: number, b: number) {
return Math.max(a, b) - Math.min(a, b);
function distance(a: Coord, b: Coord) {
return d(a[0], b[0]) + d(a[1], b[1]);
type EachCellCallback = (c: Coord, char: string) => void;
function eachCell(map: PlayingMap, fn: EachCellCallback) {
map.forEach((line, y) => {
line.forEach((char, x) => {
fn([x, y], char);
let playersByCoord = new Map<string, Player>();
let players: Player[] = [];
let playerOrder: Coord[] = [];
let tracing = false;
let defaultInPlayCondition = () => {
const labels = => p.label);
return labels.includes('E') && labels.includes('G');
let stillInPlay: () => boolean;
function configureMap(elfPower = 3, inPlayCondition = defaultInPlayCondition) {
playersByCoord = new Map<string, Player>();
players = [];
playerOrder = [];
stillInPlay = inPlayCondition;
eachCell(map, ([x, y], char) => {
if (char === 'E' || char === 'G') {
const c = coordToString([x, y]);
const p: Player = {
coord: [x, y],
hp: 200,
power: char === 'E' ? elfPower : 3,
label: char,
playersByCoord.set(c, p);
playerOrder.push([x, y]);
map[y][x] = '.';
function cLeft([x, y]: Coord): Coord {
return [x - 1, y];
function cRight([x, y]: Coord): Coord {
return [x + 1, y];
function cUp([x, y]: Coord): Coord {
return [x, y - 1];
function cDown([x, y]: Coord): Coord {
return [x, y + 1];
function around(c: Coord): Coord[] {
return [cUp(c), cLeft(c), cRight(c), cDown(c)];
const enemyFilter = (player: Player) => (other: Player) =>
other && other.label !== player.label;
function removePlayer(player: Player) {
const c = coordToString(player.coord);
players = players.filter(p => p !== player);
function isFloor(c: Coord): boolean {
const [x, y] = c;
const line = map[y];
if (!line) return false;
return line[x] === '.' && !playersByCoord.has(coordToString(c));
function sortLowestHp(a: Player, b: Player) {
return a.hp - b.hp;
function attack(player: Player): boolean {
const target = around(player.coord)
.map(c => playersByCoord.get(c))
.sort((a, b) => readingOrder([1, 1])(a.coord, b.coord))
if (!target) return false;
if (tracing) console.log('Attack!', player.coord, target.coord);
target.hp -= player.power;
if (target.hp <= 0) removePlayer(target);
return true;
function movePlayer(player: Player, c: Coord) {
if (tracing) console.log('Move', player.coord, c);
const newStr = coordToString(c);
player.coord = c;
playersByCoord.set(newStr, player);
function nextTo(a: Coord) {
return (b: Coord) => distance(a, b) === 1;
function calcPath(from: Coord, to: Coord[]): Coord[] {
const foundTos: Coord[] = [];
let currentCoords: Coord[] = around(from).filter(isFloor);
let prevCoords: Array<Coord[]> = [[from]];
const prevCoordSet = new Set<string>(
while (true) {
currentCoords.forEach(c => {
to.forEach(t => {
if (nextTo(c)(t)) {
if (foundTos.length > 0) {
currentCoords.forEach(c => prevCoordSet.add(coordToString(c)));
const nextCoords = currentCoords.reduce((acc: Coord[], c) => {
const cc = around(c).filter(
a => !prevCoordSet.has(coordToString(a)) && isFloor(a)
cc.forEach(a => prevCoordSet.add(coordToString(a)));
return acc.concat(cc);
}, []);
if (nextCoords.length === 0) break;
currentCoords = nextCoords;
if (foundTos.length > 0) {
const foundTo = foundTos.sort(readingOrder(from))[0];
// reverse
const path: Coord[] = [foundTo];
while (prevCoords.length > 0) {
const nextCoords = prevCoords.shift();
const nextCoord = nextCoords
return path;
return null;
function playerTurn(player: Player) {
if (attack(player)) return;
const moveToPositions = players.filter(enemyFilter(player)).map(p => p.coord);
const movePath = calcPath(player.coord, moveToPositions);
if (movePath) {
movePlayer(player, movePath[1]);
function turn() {
let returning = true;
const po = playerOrder.slice();
po.forEach((coord, idx) => {
const player = playersByCoord.get(coordToString(coord));
if (player) playerTurn(player);
if (idx < po.length - 1 && !stillInPlay()) {
returning = false;
if (tracing) console.log('ended before full turn');
playerOrder = players
.map(p => p.coord)
.sort((a, b) => {
if (a[1] === b[1]) return a[0] - b[0];
return a[1] - b[1];
if (tracing) {
playerOrder.slice().forEach((coord, idx) => {
const player = playersByCoord.get(coordToString(coord));
console.log('Player', idx + 1, `(${player.label})`, coord, player.hp);
return returning;
function draw() {
map.forEach((line, y) => {
line.forEach((char, x) => {
const c = coordToString([x, y]);
const player = playersByCoord.get(c);
if (player) {
} else {
let map: PlayingMap;
function loadMap(file: string) {
map = fs
.map(line => line.split(''));
function score(turns: number): number {
return players.reduce((s, p) => s + p.hp, 0) * turns;
function play(file: string): number {
if (tracing) draw();
let turns = 0;
while (stillInPlay()) {
if (tracing) console.log('Turn', turns);
if (turn()) {
if (tracing) draw();
console.log('Finished after', turns, 'turns');
if (tracing)
'HPs:', => p.hp),
players.reduce((s, p) => s + p.hp, 0)
return score(turns);
function playWithoutElfLosses(file: string): number {
const elfCount = players.filter(p => p.label === 'E').length;
let elfPower = 3;
while (true) {
console.log('Trying with elfPower =', elfPower);
let turns = 0;
while (stillInPlay()) {
if (players.filter(p => p.label === 'E').length === elfCount) {
return score(turns);
} else {
'Failed, lost',
elfCount - players.filter(p => p.label === 'E').length,
players.filter(p => p.label === 'G').length,
'goblins left'
console.log(27730, play('15test4.txt'));
console.log(36334, play('15test6.txt'));
console.log(39514, play('15test7.txt'));
console.log(27755, play('15test8.txt'));
console.log(28944, play('15test9.txt'));
console.log(18740, play('15test10.txt'));
// Part 1
// Part 2
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