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Created March 9, 2023 20:58
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Guaranteed closing of several resources (AutoCloseable)
* Copyright (c) 2023 Franz Wilhelmstötter
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Author:
* Franz Wilhelmstötter (
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Interfaces and classes for handling resource ({@link AutoCloseable}) objects.
* The common use cases are shown as follows:
* <p><b>Wrapping <em>non</em>-closeable values</b></p>
* <pre>{@code
* final Value<Path, IOException> file = Value.of(
* Files.createFile(Path.of("some_file")),
* Files::deleteIfExists
* );
* // Automatically delete the file after the test.
* try (file) {
* Files.write(file.get(), "foo".getBytes());
* final var writtenText = Files.readString(file.get());
* assert "foo".equals(writtenText);
* }
* }</pre>
* <p><b>Building complex closeable values</b></p>
* <pre>{@code
* final Value<Stream<Object>, IOException> result = -> {
* final var fin = resources.add(new FileInputStream(file.toFile()), Closeable::close);
* final var bin = resources.add(new BufferedInputStream(fin), Closeable::close);
* final var oin = resources.add(new ObjectInputStream(bin), Closeable::close);
* return Stream.generate(() -> readNextObject(oin))
* .takeWhile(Objects::nonNull);
* });
* try (result) {
* result.get().forEach(System.out::println);
* }
* }</pre>
* <p><b>Wrapping several closeables into one</b></p>
* <pre>{@code
* try (var __ = ExtendedCloseable.of(c1, c2, c3)) {
* ...
* }
* }</pre>
* @author <a href="">Franz Wilhelmstötter</a>
* @version 3.0
* @since 3.0
final class Lifecycle {
/* *************************************************************************
* General interfaces.
* ************************************************************************/
* Runnable task/method, which might throw an exception {@code E}.
* @param <E> the exception which might be thrown
public interface ThrowingRunnable<E extends Exception> {
* Running the task.
* @throws E if an error occurs while running the task
void run() throws E;
* A method which takes an argument and can throw an exception.
* @param <A> the argument type
* @param <E> the exception type
public interface ThrowingConsumer<A, E extends Exception> {
* Performs this operation on the given argument.
* @param arg the input argument
* @throws E if an error occurs while executing the operation
void accept(final A arg) throws E;
* A function which takes an argument and can throw an exception.
* @param <A> the argument type
* @param <R> the return type
* @param <E> the exception type
public interface ThrowingFunction<A, R, E extends Exception> {
* Applies this function to the given argument.
* @param arg the function argument
* @return the function result
* @throws E if an error occurs while applying the function
R apply(final A arg) throws E;
/* *************************************************************************
* Lifecycle interfaces/classes.
* ************************************************************************/
* Extends the {@link AutoCloseable} with methods for wrapping the thrown
* exception into <em>unchecked</em> exceptions or ignoring them.
* @param <E> the exception thrown by the {@link #close()} method
public interface ExtendedCloseable<E extends Exception>
extends AutoCloseable
void close() throws E;
* Calls the {@link #close()} method and wraps thrown {@link Exception}
* into an {@link RuntimeException}, mapped by the given {@code mapper}.
* @throws RuntimeException if the {@link #close()} method throws
* an {@link Exception}
default void uncheckedClose(
final Function<
? super E,
? extends RuntimeException> mapper
) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
final var error = (E)e;
throw mapper.apply(error);
* Calls the {@link #close()} method and ignores every thrown exception.
default void silentClose() {
* Calls the {@link #close()} method and ignores every thrown exception.
* If the given {@code previousError} is <em>non-null</em>, the thrown
* exception is appended to the list of suppressed exceptions.
* @param previousError the error, which triggers the close of the given
* {@code closeables}
default void silentClose(final Throwable previousError) {
try {
} catch (Exception suppressed) {
if (previousError != null) {
* Wraps a given {@code release} method and returns an
* {@link ExtendedCloseable}.
* @param release the release method to wrap
* @return a new extended closeable with the given underlying
* {@code release} method
* @throws NullPointerException if the given {@code release} method is
* {@code null}
static <E extends Exception> ExtendedCloseable<E>
of(final ThrowingRunnable<? extends E> release) {
return release::run;
* Create a new {@code ExtendedCloseable} object with the given initial
* release <em>methods</em>>. The given list of objects are closed in
* reversed order.
* @see #of(ThrowingRunnable...)
* @param releases the initial release methods
* @return a new closeable object which collects the given
* {@code releases}
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the {@code releases} is
* {@code null}
static <E extends Exception> ExtendedCloseable<E>
of(final Collection<? extends ThrowingRunnable<? extends E>> releases) {
final List<ThrowingRunnable<? extends E>> list = new ArrayList<>();
releases.forEach(c -> list.add(requireNonNull(c)));
return () -> Lifecycle.invokeAll(ThrowingRunnable::run, list);
* Create a new {@code ExtendedCloseable} object with the given initial
* release <em>methods</em>>. The given list of objects are closed in
* reversed order.
* @see #of(Collection)
* @param releases the release methods
* @return a new closeable object which collects the given
* {@code releases}
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the {@code releases} is
* {@code null}
static <E extends Exception> ExtendedCloseable<E>
of(final ThrowingRunnable<? extends E>... releases) {
return of(Arrays.asList(releases));
* This class represents a <em>closeable</em> value. It is useful in cases
* where the object value doesn't implement the {@link AutoCloseable}
* interface but needs some cleanup work to do after usage. In the following
* example the created {@code file} is automatically deleted when leaving the
* {@code try} block.
* <pre>{@code
* // Create the closeable file.
* final Value<Path, IOException> file = Value.of(
* Files.createFile(Path.of("some_file")),
* Files::deleteIfExists
* );
* // Automatically delete the file after the test.
* try (file) {
* Files.write(file.get(), "foo".getBytes());
* final var writtenText = Files.readString(file.get());
* assert "foo".equals(writtenText);
* }
* }</pre>
* @see #of(Object, ThrowingConsumer)
* @see #build(ThrowingFunction)
* @param <T> the value type
public static final class Value<T, E extends Exception>
implements Supplier<T>, ExtendedCloseable<E>
private final T _value;
private final ThrowingConsumer<? super T, ? extends E> _release;
private Value(
final T value,
final ThrowingConsumer<? super T, ? extends E> release
) {
_value = requireNonNull(value);
_release = requireNonNull(release);
public T get() {
return _value;
public void close() throws E {
public String toString() {
return format("Value[%s]", get());
* Applies the give {@code block} to the already created closeable value.
* If the {@code block} throws an exception, the resource value is
* released, by calling the defined <em>release</em> method. The typical
* use case for this method is when additional initialization of the
* value is needed.
* <pre>{@code
* final var file = CloseableValue.of(
* Files.createFile(Path.of("some_file")),
* Files::deleteIfExists
* );
* // Trying to do additional setup, e.g. setting the 'delete-on-exit'
* // flag.
* file.trying(f -> f.toFile().deleteOnExit());
* try (file) {
* // Do something with temp file.
* }
* }</pre>
* @param block the codec block which is applied to the value
* @param releases additional release methods, which are called in the
* case of an error
* @param <E> the thrown exception type
* @throws E if applying the {@code block} throws an exception
public final <E extends Exception> void trying(
final ThrowingConsumer<? super T, ? extends E> block,
final ThrowingRunnable<? extends E>... releases
throws E
try {
} catch (Throwable error) {
throw error;
* Create a new closeable value with the given resource {@code value}
* and its {@code release} method.
* @param value the actual resource value
* @param release the {@code release} method for the given {@code value}
* @param <T> the value type
* @return a new closeable value
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the arguments is {@code null}
public static <T, E extends Exception> Value<T, E> of(
final T value,
final ThrowingConsumer<? super T, ? extends E> release
) {
return new Value<>(value,release);
* Opens a kind of {@code try-catch} with resources block. The difference
* is, that the resources, registered with the
* {@link Resources#add(Object, ThrowingConsumer)} method, are only closed
* in the case of an error. If the <em>value</em> could be created, the
* caller is responsible for closing the opened <em>resources</em> by
* calling the {@link Value#close()} method.
* <pre>{@code
* final Value<Stream<Object>, IOException> result = -> {
* final var fin = resources.add(new FileInputStream(file.toFile()), Closeable::close);
* final var bin = resources.add(new BufferedInputStream(fin), Closeable::close);
* final var oin = resources.add(new ObjectInputStream(bin), Closeable::close);
* return Stream.generate(() -> readNextObject(oin))
* .takeWhile(Objects::nonNull);
* });
* try (result) {
* result.get().forEach(System.out::println);
* }
* }</pre>
* @see Resources
* @param builder the builder method
* @param <T> the value type of the created <em>closeable</em> value
* @param <BE> the exception type which might be thrown while building
* the value
* @param <VE> the exception type which might be thrown when releasing
* the returned <em>closeable</em> value
* @return the built closeable value
* @throws BE in the case of an error. If this exception is thrown, all
* already <em>registered</em> resources are closed.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given {@code builder} is
* {@code null}
public static <T, BE extends Exception, VE extends Exception> Value<T, VE>
final ThrowingFunction<
? super Resources<VE>,
? extends T,
? extends BE> builder
throws BE
final var resources = new Resources<VE>();
try {
return Value.of(
value -> resources.close()
} catch (Throwable error) {
throw error;
* This class allows to collect one or more {@link AutoCloseable} objects
* into one. The registered closeable objects are closed in reverse order.
* <p>
* Using the {@code Resources} class can simplify the creation of
* dependent input streams, where it might be otherwise necessary to create
* nested {@code try-with-resources} blocks.
* <pre>{@code
* try (var resources = new Resources<IOException>()) {
* final var fin = resources.add(new FileInputStream(file), Closeable::close);
* if ( != -1) {
* return;
* }
* final var oin = resources.add(new ObjectInputStream(fin), Closeable::close);
* // ...
* }
* }</pre>
* @see Value#build(ThrowingFunction)
public static final class Resources<E extends Exception>
implements ExtendedCloseable<E>
private final List<ThrowingRunnable<? extends E>> _resources = new ArrayList<>();
* Create a new {@code Resources} object, initialized with the given
* resource <em>release</em> methods.
* @param releases the release methods
public Resources(
final Collection<? extends ThrowingRunnable<? extends E>> releases
) {
* Create a new {@code Resources} object, initialized with the given
* resource <em>release</em> methods.
* @param releases the release methods
public Resources(final ThrowingRunnable<? extends E>... releases) {
* Create a new, empty {@code Resources} object.
public Resources() {
* Registers the given {@code resource} to the list of managed
* resources.
* @param resource the new resource to register
* @param release the method, which <em>releases</em> the acquired
* resource
* @param <C> the resource type
* @return the registered resource
* @throws NullPointerException if one of the given arguments is
* {@code null}
public <C> C add(
final C resource,
final ThrowingConsumer<? super C, ? extends E> release
) {
_resources.add(() -> release.accept(resource));
return resource;
public void close() throws E {
if (!_resources.isEmpty()) {
/* *************************************************************************
* Helper methods.
* ************************************************************************/
private Lifecycle() {
* Invokes the {@code method} on all given {@code objects}, no matter if one
* of the method invocations throws an exception. The first exception thrown
* is rethrown after invoking the method on the remaining objects, all other
* exceptions are swallowed.
* <pre>{@code
* final var streams = new ArrayList<InputStream>();
* streams.add(new FileInputStream(file1));
* streams.add(new FileInputStream(file2));
* streams.add(new FileInputStream(file3));
* // ...
* invokeAll(Closeable::close, streams);
* }</pre>
* @param <A> the closeable object type
* @param <E> the exception type
* @param objects the objects where the methods are called.
* @param method the method which is called on the given object.
* @throws E the first exception thrown by the one of the method
* invocation.
static <A, E extends Exception> void invokeAll(
final ThrowingConsumer<? super A, ? extends E> method,
final Collection<? extends A> objects
throws E
raise(invokeAll0(method, objects));
private static <E extends Exception> void raise(final Throwable error)
throws E
if (error instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException)error;
} else if (error instanceof Error) {
throw (Error)error;
} else if (error != null) {
final var e = (E)error;
throw e;
private static final int MAX_SUPPRESSED = 5;
* Invokes the {@code method}> on all given {@code objects}, no matter if one
* of the method invocations throws an exception. The first exception thrown
* is returned, all other exceptions are swallowed.
* @param objects the objects where the methods are called.
* @param method the method which is called on the given object.
* @return the first exception thrown by the method invocation or {@code null}
* if no exception has been thrown
static <A, E extends Exception> Throwable invokeAll0(
final ThrowingConsumer<? super A, ? extends E> method,
final Collection<? extends A> objects
) {
int suppressedCount = 0;
Throwable error = null;
for (var object : objects) {
if (error != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception suppressed) {
if (suppressedCount++ < MAX_SUPPRESSED) {
} else {
try {
} catch (VirtualMachineError|ThreadDeath|LinkageError e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
error = e;
return error;
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