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Created August 24, 2015 00:28
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Dpkg Scripts Windows
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
# Copied from /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/
use strict;
eval 'use Locale::gettext';
if ($@) {
eval q{
sub _g {
return shift;
sub textdomain {
sub ngettext {
if ($_[2] == 1) {
return $_[0];
} else {
return $_[1];
} else {
eval q{
sub _g {
return gettext(shift);
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT=qw(_g textdomain ngettext);
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::File;
my $version="1.13.25"; # This line modified by Makefile
my $dpkglibdir="/usr/lib/dpkg"; # This line modified by Makefile
($0) = $0 =~ m:.*/(.+):;
require '';
my %kmap= (optional => 'suggests',
recommended => 'recommends',
class => 'priority',
package_revision => 'revision',
my @fieldpri= ('Package',
# This maps the fields into the proper case
my %field_case;
@field_case{map{lc($_)} @fieldpri} = @fieldpri;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
my %options = (help => sub { &usage; exit 0; },
version => \&version,
udeb => 0,
arch => undef,
multiversion => 0,
my $result = GetOptions(\%options,'help|h|?','version','udeb|u!','arch|a=s','multiversion|m!');
sub version {
printf _g("Debian %s version %s.\n"), $0, $version;
sub usage {
printf _g(
"Usage: %s [<option> ...] <binarypath> <overridefile> [<pathprefix>] > Packages
-u, --udeb scan for udebs.
-a, --arch <arch> architecture to scan for.
-m, --multiversion allow multiple versions of a single package.
-h, --help show this help message.
--version show the version.
"), $0;
&usage and exit 1 if not $result and (@ARGV < 2);
my $udeb = $options{udeb};
my $arch = $options{arch};
my $ext = $options{udeb} ? 'udeb' : 'deb';
my @find_args;
if ($options{arch}) {
@find_args = ('(','-name',"*_all.$ext",'-o','-name',"*_${arch}.$ext",')',);
else {
@find_args = ('-name',"*.$ext");
push @find_args, '-follow';
my ($binarydir, $override, $pathprefix) = @ARGV;
-d $binarydir or die sprintf(_g("Binary dir %s not found"),
-e $override or die sprintf(_g("Override file %s not found"),
$pathprefix = '' if not defined $pathprefix;
our %vercache;
sub vercmp {
my ($a,$b)=@_;
return $vercache{$a}{$b} if exists $vercache{$a}{$b};
return $?;
my %packages;
my $find_h = new IO::Handle;
or die sprintf(_g("Couldn't open %s for reading: %s"),
$binarydir, $!)."\n";
while (<$find_h>) {
my $fn = $_;
my $control = `dpkg-deb -I $fn control`;
if ($control eq "") {
warn sprintf(_g("Couldn't call dpkg-deb on %s: %s, skipping package"), $fn, $!)."\n";
if ($?) {
warn sprintf(_g("\`dpkg-deb -I %s control' exited with %d, skipping package"), $fn, $?)."\n";
my %tv = ();
my $temp = $control;
while ($temp =~ s/^\n*(\S+):[ \t]*(.*(\n[ \t].*)*)\n//) {
my ($key,$value)= (lc $1,$2);
if (defined($kmap{$key})) { $key= $kmap{$key}; }
if (defined($field_case{$key})) { $key= $field_case{$key}; }
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$tv{$key}= $value;
$temp =~ /^\n*$/
or die sprintf(_g("Unprocessed text from %s control file; info:\n%s / %s\n"), $fn, $control, $temp);
or die sprintf(_g("No Package field in control file of %s"), $fn)."\n";
my $p= $tv{'Package'}; delete $tv{'Package'};
if (defined($packages{$p}) and not $options{multiversion}) {
foreach (@{$packages{$p}}) {
if (&vercmp($tv{'Version'}, $_->{'Version'})) {
printf(STDERR _g(
" ! Package %s (filename %s) is repeat but newer version;\n".
" used that one and ignored data from %s !\n"), $p, $fn, $_->{Filename})
|| die $!;
$packages{$p} = [];
} else {
printf(STDERR _g(
" ! Package %s (filename %s) is repeat;\n".
" ignored that one and using data from %s !\n"), $p, $fn, $_->{Filename})
or die $!;
next FILE;
printf(STDERR _g(" ! Package %s (filename %s) has Filename field!\n"), $p, $fn) || die $!
if defined($tv{'Filename'});
$tv{'Filename'}= "$pathprefix$fn";
open(C,"md5sum <$fn |") || die "$fn $!";
chop($_=<C>); close(C); $? and die sprintf(_g("\`md5sum < %s' exited with %d"), $fn, $?)."\n";
/^([0-9a-f]{32})\s*-?\s*$/ or die sprintf(_g("Strange text from \`md5sum < %s': \`%s'"), $fn, $_)."\n";
$tv{'MD5sum'}= $1;
my @stat= stat($fn) or die sprintf(_g("Couldn't stat %s: %s"), $fn, $!)."\n";
$stat[7] or die sprintf(_g("%s is empty"), $fn)."\n";
$tv{'Size'}= $stat[7];
if (defined $tv{Revision} and length($tv{Revision})) {
$tv{Version}.= '-'.$tv{Revision};
delete $tv{Revision};
push @{$packages{$p}}, {%tv};
select(STDERR); $= = 1000; select(STDOUT);
sub writelist {
my $title= shift(@_);
return unless @_;
print(STDERR " $title\n") || die $!;
my $packages= join(' ',sort @_);
format STDERR =
while (length($packages)) { write(STDERR) || die $!; }
print(STDERR "\n") || die $!;
my (@samemaint,@changedmaint);
my %overridden;
my $override_fh = new IO::File $override,'r'
or die sprintf(_g("Couldn't open override file %s: %s"), $override, $!)."\n";
while (<$override_fh>) {
next unless $_;
my ($p,$priority,$section,$maintainer)= split(/\s+/,$_,4);
next unless defined($packages{$p});
for my $package (@{$packages{$p}}) {
if ($maintainer) {
if ($maintainer =~ m/(.+?)\s*=\>\s*(.+)/) {
my $oldmaint= $1;
my $newmaint= $2;
my $debmaint= $$package{Maintainer};
if (!grep($debmaint eq $_, split(m:\s*//\s*:, $oldmaint))) {
" $p (package says $$package{Maintainer}, not $oldmaint)\n");
} else {
$$package{Maintainer}= $newmaint;
} elsif ($$package{Maintainer} eq $maintainer) {
push(@samemaint," $p ($maintainer)\n");
} else {
printf(STDERR _g(" * Unconditional maintainer override for %s *")."\n", $p) || die $!;
$$package{Maintainer}= $maintainer;
$$package{Priority}= $priority;
$$package{Section}= $section;
$overridden{$p} = 1;
my @missingover=();
my $records_written = 0;
for my $p (sort keys %packages) {
if (not defined($overridden{$p})) {
for my $package (@{$packages{$p}}) {
my $record= "Package: $p\n";
for my $key (@fieldpri) {
next unless defined $$package{$key};
$record .= "$key: $$package{$key}\n";
$record .= "\n";
print(STDOUT $record) or die sprintf(_g("Failed when writing stdout: %s"), $!)."\n";
close(STDOUT) or die sprintf(_g("Couldn't close stdout: %s"), $!)."\n";
my @spuriousover= grep(!defined($packages{$_}),sort keys %overridden);
&writelist(_g("** Packages in archive but missing from override file: **"),
if (@changedmaint) {
_g(" ++ Packages in override file with incorrect old maintainer value: ++")."\n",
"\n") || die $!;
if (@samemaint) {
_g(" -- Packages specifying same maintainer as override file: --")."\n",
"\n") || die $!;
if (@spuriousover) {
_g(" -- Packages in override file but not in archive: --")."\n",
"\n") || die $!;
printf(STDERR _g(" Wrote %s entries to output Packages file.")."\n", $records_written) || die $!;
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