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Last active May 29, 2024 14:05
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AWS Cognito Identity SRP authentication helper
use Aws\AwsClient;
use Aws\Result;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger;
class AwsCognitoIdentitySRP
const G_HEX = '2';
const INFO_BITS = 'Caldera Derived Key';
* @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
protected $N;
* @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
protected $g;
* @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
protected $k;
* @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
protected $a;
* @var \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
protected $A;
* @var string
protected $clientId;
* @var string
protected $poolName;
* @var \Aws\AwsClient
protected $client;
* Create new AWS CognitoIDP instance.
* @param \Aws\AwsClient $client
* @param string $clientId
* @param string $poolName
* @return void
public function __construct(AwsClient $client, string $clientId, string $poolName)
$this->N = new BigInteger(static::N_HEX, 16);
$this->g = new BigInteger(static::G_HEX, 16);
$this->k = new BigInteger($this->hexHash('00'.static::N_HEX.'0'.static::G_HEX), 16);
$this->client = $client;
$this->clientId = $clientId;
$this->poolName = $poolName;
* Get random a value.
* @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
public function smallA(): BigInteger
if (is_null($this->a)) {
$this->a = $this->generateRandomSmallA();
return $this->a;
* Get the client's public value A with the generated random number a.
* @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
public function largeA(): BigInteger
if (is_null($this->A)) {
$this->A = $this->calculateA($this->smallA());
return $this->A;
* Generate random bytes as hexadecimal string.
* @param int $bytes
* @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
public function bytes(int $bytes = 32): BigInteger
$bytes = bin2hex(random_bytes($bytes));
return new BigInteger($bytes, 16);
* Converts a BigInteger (or hex string) to hex format padded with zeroes for hashing.
* @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger|string $longInt
* @return string
public function padHex($longInt): string
$hashStr = $longInt instanceof BigInteger ? $longInt->toHex() : $longInt;
if (strlen($hashStr) % 2 === 1) {
$hashStr = '0'.$hashStr;
} elseif (strpos('89ABCDEFabcdef', $hashStr[0] ?? '') !== false) {
$hashStr = '00'.$hashStr;
return $hashStr;
* Calculate a hash from a hex string.
* @param string $value
* @return string
public function hexHash(string $value): string
return $this->hash(hex2bin($value));
* Calculate a hash from string.
* @param string $value
* @return string
public function hash($value): string
$hash = hash('sha256', $value);
return str_repeat('0', 64 - strlen($hash)).$hash;
* Performs modulo between big integers.
* @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $a
* @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $b
* @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
protected function mod(BigInteger $a, BigInteger $b): BigInteger
return $a->powMod(new BigInteger(1), $b);
* Generate a random big integer.
* @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
public function generateRandomSmallA(): BigInteger
return $this->mod($this->bytes(128), $this->N);
* Calculate the client's public value A = g^a%N.
* @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $a
* @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
public function calculateA(BigInteger $a): BigInteger
$A = $this->g->powMod($a, $this->N);
if ($this->mod($a, $this->N)->equals(new BigInteger(0))) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Public key failed A mod N == 0 check.');
return $A;
* Calculate the client's value U which is the hash of A and B.
* @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $A
* @param \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger $B
* @return \phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger
public function calculateU(BigInteger $A, BigInteger $B): BigInteger
$A = $this->padHex($A);
$B = $this->padHex($B);
return new BigInteger($this->hexHash($A.$B), 16);
* Extract the pool ID from pool name.
* @return null|string
protected function poolId(): ?string
return explode('_', $this->poolName)[1] ?? null;
* Authenticate user with given username and password.
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @return \Aws\Result
* @throws \RuntimeException
public function authenticateUser(string $username, string $password): Result
$result = $this->client->initiateAuth([
'AuthFlow' => 'USER_SRP_AUTH',
'ClientId' => $this->clientId,
'UserPoolId' => $this->poolName,
'AuthParameters' => [
'USERNAME' => $username,
'SRP_A' => $this->largeA()->toHex(),
if ($result->get('ChallengeName') != 'PASSWORD_VERIFIER') {
throw new \RuntimeException("ChallengeName `{$result->get('ChallengeName')}` is not supported.");
return $this->client->respondToAuthChallenge([
'ChallengeName' => 'PASSWORD_VERIFIER',
'ClientId' => $this->clientId,
'ChallengeResponses' => $this->processChallenge($result, $password)
* Generate authentication challenge response params.
* @param \Aws\Result $result
* @param string $password
* @return array
protected function processChallenge(Result $result, string $password): array
$challengeParameters = $result->get('ChallengeParameters');
$time = Carbon::now('UTC')->format('D M j H:i:s e Y');
$secretBlock = base64_decode($challengeParameters['SECRET_BLOCK']);
$userId = $challengeParameters['USER_ID_FOR_SRP'];
$hkdf = $this->getPasswordAuthenticationKey(
$msg = $this->poolId().$userId.$secretBlock.$time;
$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $msg, $hkdf, true);
return [
'TIMESTAMP' => $time,
'USERNAME' => $userId,
'PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE' => base64_encode($signature),
* Calculates the final hkdf based on computed S value, and computed U value and the key.
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @param string $server
* @param string $salt
* @return string
* @throws \RuntimeException
protected function getPasswordAuthenticationKey(string $username, string $password, string $server, string $salt): string
$u = $this->calculateU($this->largeA(), $serverB = new BigInteger($server, 16));
if ($u->equals(new BigInteger(0))) {
throw new \RuntimeException('U cannot be zero.');
$usernamePassword = sprintf('%s%s:%s', $this->poolId(), $username, $password);
$usernamePasswordHash = $this->hash($usernamePassword);
$x = new BigInteger($this->hexHash($this->padHex($salt).$usernamePasswordHash), 16);
$gModPowXN = $this->g->modPow($x, $this->N);
$intValue2 = $serverB->subtract($this->k->multiply($gModPowXN));
$s = $intValue2->modPow($this->smallA()->add($u->multiply($x)), $this->N);
return $this->computeHkdf(
* Standard hkdf algorithm.
* @param string $ikm
* @param string $salt
* @return string
protected function computeHkdf(string $ikm, string $salt): string
return hash_hkdf('sha256', $ikm, 16, static::INFO_BITS, $salt);
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jenky commented Oct 12, 2021

Thanks so much for this @jenky I've spent all day doing pretty much exactly what you said - reverse engineering the JavaScript library, and I was stuck getting errors with the password claim signature - this saved me a bunch of time (and if i'd found it this morning would have saved me even more).

How do I buy you a beer?

Cool, I'm happy to see that my little code would solve your problem. You can buy me a beer here if you can make it, otherwise it's fine.

Happy coding!

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mtindall89 commented Nov 11, 2021

Hello - When I try and use this library, i keep getting a PHP fatal Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhauted - any ideas? It happens particularly on the authenticateUser ftn call

$this->awsClient = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient([
   'credentials' => false,
   'region' => $this->region,
    'version' => 'latest'
$srp = new \AwsCognitoIdentitySRP($this->awsClient, $this->clientId, $this->poolId);

$result = $srp->authenticateUser($this->username, $this->password);

if (!$result) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to obtain access token from AWS CognitoIdp.');

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jenky commented Nov 11, 2021

Hello - When I try and use this library, i keep getting a PHP fatal Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhauted - any ideas? It happens particularly on the authenticateUser ftn call

$this->awsClient = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient([
   'credentials' => false,
   'region' => $this->region,
    'version' => 'latest'
$srp = new \AwsCognitoIdentitySRP($this->awsClient, $this->clientId, $this->poolId);

$result = $srp->authenticateUser($this->username, $this->password);

if (!$result) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to obtain access token from AWS CognitoIdp.');

What is your PHP version? And I think cognito IDP doesn't have the latest version. You should use the version from the code example or remove the version option.

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Hello - When I try and use this library, i keep getting a PHP fatal Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhauted - any ideas? It happens particularly on the authenticateUser ftn call

$this->awsClient = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient([
   'credentials' => false,
   'region' => $this->region,
    'version' => 'latest'
$srp = new \AwsCognitoIdentitySRP($this->awsClient, $this->clientId, $this->poolId);

$result = $srp->authenticateUser($this->username, $this->password);

if (!$result) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to obtain access token from AWS CognitoIdp.');

What is your PHP version? And I think cognito IDP doesn't have the latest version. You should use the version from the code example or remove the version option.

PHP 7.4.25
It seems version is required, and I get the same fatal when I use the version in your example

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jenky commented Nov 11, 2021

Maybe try to use this version?

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If I keep the rest of the code the same and just change version to 2014-06-30 I get the an exception with message "The cognito-idp service does not have version: 2014-06-30".

If I try to change the client to the CognitoSyncClient mentioned there, I get exception with message "Operation not found: InitiateAuth" once it gets to the auth ftn

I have been stuck for 3 days on this I will happily buy you some beers if we can get past this pain!

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jenky commented Nov 11, 2021

Try using example code with your hard-coded value. Pay attention to namespace as well, please note that phpseclib version in the example is 2.x, you might need to update the namespace if you're using 3.x version. Maybe try to debug or dump the variable step by step to pin point which line of code causing the error.

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I'm using phpseclib 2.x specifically so I can use your class as is. I did remove the namespace and that's it (as I don't have/use that namespace).

I have narrowed it down to the initiateAuth call being where this happens. I had this same issue when trying build this whole process myself, which led me to your class.

So frustrating, as I'm not even sure how to debug further since the memory error really seems to prevent getting any deeper. And can't find anyone else who's reported this type of issue.

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FYI to anyone who may come across it, the issue was that PHP was needing to allocate 600+mb to complete this process (Seems high to me, unsure if that's normal/expected), and the server we were running this on had a low php memory limit. Increasing that resolved the issue. It seems that the BigInteger library uses a lot of memory.

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Since yesterday i start getting requests exceeded seems its IP related and AWS banned IP because from localhost requests still works. Is there a way to apply proxy into lib so requests go troughs proxy to AWS?

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jenky commented Nov 18, 2021

Since yesterday i start getting requests exceeded seems its IP related and AWS banned IP because from localhost requests still works. Is there a way to apply proxy into lib so requests go troughs proxy to AWS?

This simple class doesn't handle the HTTP request. In fact it uses aws client to make the request. You should looking for the help from aws/aws-sdk-php

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Since yesterday i start getting requests exceeded seems its IP related and AWS banned IP because from localhost requests still works. Is there a way to apply proxy into lib so requests go troughs proxy to AWS?

This simple class doesn't handle the HTTP request. In fact it uses aws client to make the request. You should looking for the help from aws/aws-sdk-php

i know and what is documneted here not working maybe someone managed to find workaround thats why i did ask :)

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jenky commented Nov 18, 2021

Since yesterday i start getting requests exceeded seems its IP related and AWS banned IP because from localhost requests still works. Is there a way to apply proxy into lib so requests go troughs proxy to AWS?

This simple class doesn't handle the HTTP request. In fact it uses aws client to make the request. You should looking for the help from aws/aws-sdk-php

i know and what is documneted here not working maybe someone managed to find workaround thats why i did ask :)

Did you try to set proxy on http option?

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Since yesterday i start getting requests exceeded seems its IP related and AWS banned IP because from localhost requests still works. Is there a way to apply proxy into lib so requests go troughs proxy to AWS?

This simple class doesn't handle the HTTP request. In fact it uses aws client to make the request. You should looking for the help from aws/aws-sdk-php

i know and what is documneted here not working maybe someone managed to find workaround thats why i did ask :)

Did you try to set proxy on http option? image

like i said in previous comment i tried...

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tar-2 commented Jul 1, 2022

That would be awesome! I'm still trying to work it out on my own as well. I think the second link that I shared can be a good starting point as I haven't seen any other solid implementation for the DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER challenge. I can create a user pool on my personal account and give you the credentials with the proper IAM permissions or there is also this program offered by AWS - we can open a repo.

Let me know what you think.

I'm also getting the "incorrect username or password" error: were you able to solve it? Thanks in advance. @marco3211 @jenky

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Life saver...

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This is hopefully so painfully obvious that no one else has this problem, but I debugged 'Incorrect username or password' for hours.

It turned out that I was using my IdentityPoolId instead of my UserPoolId in the poolId field. Changing it got the auth working immediately

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Thanks so much for this, was a life saver. BUT!!! the service I am accessing has now switched on MFA permanently and I need to have my system capable of accessing it unattended.

The answer is to implement Device Authentication. This seems to almost work for me but fails as the final step (DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER) just thowing the usual 'Incorrect username or password'.

As far as I can see there are two potential problem areas:
1 - confirmDevice - Where you have to confirm the device you're using and send over DeviceSecretVerifierConfig details including a PasswordVerifier and salt. Given that this is the primary area of difference from your code above I think this is where it is going wrong and hence even if I am getting things correct on the finl DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER section it will of course fail due to this earlier issue. This is my hack:

    $passSalt = $this->getDeviceSecretVerifierConfig($deviceGroupKey, $deviceK);
    $result = $this->client->confirmDevice([
        'AccessToken' => $accessT,
        'DeviceKey' => $deviceK,
        'DeviceName' => $location." Auto",
        'DeviceSecretVerifierConfig' => [
            'PasswordVerifier' => $passSalt['PasswordVerifier'],
            'Salt' => $passSalt['Salt'],

    public function getDeviceSecretVerifierConfig(string $deviceGroupKey, string $deviceKey): array
            $randomPassword = $this->bytes(40);
            $fullPassword = $this->hash(sprintf('%s%s:%s', $deviceGroupKey, $deviceKey, $randomPassword));
            $salt = $this->bytes(16);
            $SaltToHashDevices = $this->padHex(new BigInteger($salt->toHex(),16));

            $passwordVerifier = $this->g->modPow(
            new BigInteger($this->hexHash($SaltToHashDevices . $fullPassword), 16),
            return [
                    'Salt' => base64_encode($this->padHex($SaltToHashDevices)),
                    'PasswordVerifier' => base64_encode($this->padHex($passwordVerifier)),
                    'rndPass' => $randomPassword //->toString()

2 - DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER has a problem... as said though I believe the problem is most likely with the above.

So to the question, has anyone expanded this for device authentication, and if you have it working PLEASE cna you let me have the solution as it is making me mad.

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So After many hours....... I have managed to fix it. The issue was in my getDeviceSecretVerifierConfig function which now reads as follows:

public function getDeviceSecretVerifierConfig(string $deviceGroupKey, string $deviceKey): array

    $randomPassword = $this->bytes(40);
    $fullPassword = $this->hash(sprintf('%s%s:%s', $deviceGroupKey, $deviceKey, $randomPassword));

    $salt = $this->bytes(16);
    $SaltToHashDevices = $this->padHex(new BigInteger($salt->toHex(),16));

    $x = new BigInteger($this->hexHash($SaltToHashDevices.$fullPassword), 16);
    $gModPowXN = $this->g->modPow($x, $this->N);
    $passwordVerifier = $this->padHex($gModPowXN->toHex());

    return [
        'Salt' => base64_encode(hex2bin($SaltToHashDevices)),
        'PasswordVerifier' => base64_encode(hex2bin($passwordVerifier)),
        'rndPass' => $randomPassword

Hopefully this will save someone else a whole lot of time if they need to add device verification. Thankfully I can now wave goodbye to sms MFA requests.... or at least until the service is 'played' with again.


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marcocot commented Nov 28, 2023

Hi, we are trying to implement device authentication, using this code. The problem is that after responding to the SMS_MFA challenge, I try to call confirmDevice like this:

$response = $this->client->respondToAuthChallenge([
    "ChallengeName"      => "SMS_MFA",
    "ChallengeResponses" => $challengeResponses,
    'Session'            => $session,
    'ClientId'           => $this->appClientId,
    'UserPoolId'         => $this->userPoolId,

$metadata = $response->get('AuthenticationResult');

$accessToken = $metadata['AccessToken'] ?? null;
$deviceGroupKey = $metadata['NewDeviceMetadata']['DeviceGroupKey'] ?? null;
$deviceKey = $metadata['NewDeviceMetadata']['DeviceKey'] ?? null;

$passSalt = $srp->getDeviceSecretVerifierConfig($deviceGroupKey, $deviceKey);
$result = $this->client->confirmDevice([
    'AccessToken' => $accessToken,
    'DeviceKey' => $deviceKey,
    'DeviceName' => "My personal location" . " Auto",
    'DeviceSecretVerifierConfig' => [
        'PasswordVerifier' => $passSalt['PasswordVerifier'],
        'Salt' => $passSalt['Salt'],

but the client returns the error "Invalid device key given.". does anyone have ideas on how to fix this?

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you are a life saver. thank you. your buy me a beer link 404s but if you've got another send it over.

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jenky commented Jan 30, 2024

You can try this one. I'm glad that my code was able to help.

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I have question what will be in the case of DEVICE_SRP_AUTH, DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER

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Hello @jenky,
we're encountering an issue with the DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER challenge - it's returning an 'Incorrect username and password' error. Could you possibly assist us by providing code that utilizes both DEVICE_SRP_AUTH and DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER? We believe this could resolve our problem.

public function authenticateUser(string $username, string $password, string $deviceKey)
try {
$result = $this->client->initiateAuth([
'ClientId' => config('services.aws_cognito.client_id'),
'UserPoolId' => config('services.aws_cognito.user_pool_id'),
'AuthParameters' => [
'USERNAME' => $username,
'PASSWORD' => $password,
'DEVICE_KEY' => $deviceKey,

        if ($result->get('ChallengeName') == 'DEVICE_SRP_AUTH') {
            $result = $this->client->respondToAuthChallenge([
                'ChallengeName' => 'DEVICE_SRP_AUTH',
                'ClientId' => $this->clientId,
                'ChallengeResponses' => [
                    'USERNAME' => $username,
                    'DEVICE_KEY' => $deviceKey,
                    'SRP_A' => $this->largeA()->toHex(),
                'SESSION' => $result->get('Session'),

        if ($result->get('ChallengeName') != 'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER') {
            throw new RuntimeException("ChallengeName `{$result->get('ChallengeName')}` is not supported.");

        if ($result->get('ChallengeName') == 'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER') {
            $challengeParameters = $this->processChallenge($result, $password);
            $result =  $this->client->respondToAuthChallenge([
                'ChallengeName' => 'DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER',
                'ClientId' => $this->clientId,
                'ChallengeResponses' => $challengeParameters,
    } catch (\Throwable $th) {

 * Generate authentication challenge response params.
 * Generate authentication challenge response params.
protected function processChallenge(Result $result, $password): array
    $challengeParameters = $result->get('ChallengeParameters');
    $time = Carbon::now()->tz('UTC')->format('D M j H:i:s e Y');
    $secretBlock = base64_decode($challengeParameters['SECRET_BLOCK']);
    $userName = $challengeParameters['USERNAME'];
    $deviceKey = $challengeParameters['DEVICE_KEY'];
    $deviceGroupKey = '*********';

    //$fullPassword = $this->getDeviceSecretVerifierConfig($deviceGroupKey, $userName);
    $hkdf = $this->getPasswordAuthenticationKey(

    $msg = $this->poolId().$userName.$secretBlock.$time;
    $signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $msg, $hkdf, true);

    return [
        'TIMESTAMP' => $time,
        'USERNAME' => $userName,
        'DEVICE_KEY' => $deviceKey,
        'PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK' => $challengeParameters['SECRET_BLOCK'],
        'PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE' => base64_encode($signature),

Thank you!

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@steveWinter Hi, can you plz share you js code in which you have mplenented password_verifirer challenge ?

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