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Created April 17, 2019 15:42
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SymPy Demo
import sympy as sym
import math
def title(s):
title("Square Root of 9")
print("Math: " + str(math.sqrt(9)))
print("Symbolic: " + str(sym.sqrt(9)))
title("Square Root of 3")
print("Math: " + str(math.sqrt(3)))
print("Symbolic: " + str(sym.sqrt(3)))
title("Square Root of 3")
print("Math: " + str(math.sqrt(3)))
print("Symbolic: " + str(sym.sqrt(3)))
title("Square Root of 8")
print("Math: " + str(math.sqrt(8)))
print("Symbolic: " + str(sym.sqrt(8)))
title("The expression: x + 2 * y")
x, y = sym.symbols('x y')
expression = x + 2 * y
print("Symbolic: " + str(expression))
title("The expression: x + 2 * y - x")
expr2 = expression - x
print("Symbolic: " + str(expr2))
title("The expression: (x + 2 * y) * x")
expr2 = expression * x
print("Symbolic: " + str(expr2))
expanded_expr = sym.expand(expr2)
print("Symbolic - expanded: " + str(expanded_expr))
print("Symbolic - expanded then factored: " + str(sym.factor(expanded_expr)))
title("The expression: x**2 + 4*x*y + 4*y**2")
expr2 = x**2 + 4*x*y + 4*y**2
print("Symbolic: " + str(expr2))
expanded_expr = sym.expand(expr2)
print("Symbolic - expanded: " + str(expanded_expr))
print("Symbolic - expanded then factored: " + str(sym.factor(expanded_expr)))
title("solve for x, where 0 = x**2 + 4*x*y + 4*y**2")
print("Symbolic x = " + str(sym.solve(expr2, x)))
print("Symbolic: " + str(sym.diff(expr2, x)))
print("Symbolic: " + str(sym.diff(expr2, y)))
title("f = exp(x) + sin(x)")
expr2 = sym.exp(x)+ sym.sin(x)
print("Symbolic (df/dx): " + str(sym.diff(expr2, x)))
print("Symbolic (df/dx): " + str(sym.diff(expr2, x)))
title("integral of sin(x**2) over x from - infinity to + infinity")
print("Symbolic: " + str(sym.integrate(sym.sin(x**2), (x, -sym.oo, sym.oo))))
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