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Created March 17, 2015 06:59
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Civ II Discworld Mod / Jingo Scenario
; Copyright (c) 1995 by MicroProse Software
; This file can be altered at your own risk to change
; the rules of the game. Keep in mind that altering the
; contents of this file may cause your game to malfunction,
; particularly if you use values outside the specified
; ranges.
; Cosmic Principles
; The following numbers control various key rules
; of the game. GREAT discretion is advised if you
; opt to change these. Values too far out of the
; expected range can cause the game to behave strangely.
3 ; Road movement multiplier
2 ; 1 in x chance Trireme lost (mod. by Seafaring, Navigation)
2 ; # of food each citizen eats per turn
10 ; # of rows in food box (rows * city_size+1 = box)
10 ; # of rows in shield box
1 ; Settlers eat (govt <= Monarchy)
2 ; Settlers eat (govt >= Communism)
7 ; City size for first unhappiness at Chieftain level
14 ; Riot factor based on # cities (higher factor lessens the effect)
8 ; Aqueduct needed to exceed this size
12 ; Sewer System needed to exceed this size
10 ; Tech paradigm (higher # slows research)
20 ; Base time for engineers to transform terrain (x2)
3 ; Monarchy pays support for all units past this
3 ; Communism pays support for all units past this
10 ; Fundamentalism pays support for all units past this
0 ; Communism is equivalent of this palace distance.
50 ; Fundamentalism loses this % of science
50 ; Percent shield penalty for production type change
10 ; Max paradrop range
75 ; Mass/Thrust paradigm (increasing slows spaceship time)
; Civilization Advances
; Ai Value, Civilized Modifier, Preq1, Preq2, Epoch, Category
; Ai Value = Basic value at which computer players
; view this advance (used in determining
; which discovery to pursue, which to
; acquire during exchanges, and value of
; gift during diplomacy).
; Modifier = Modifier to value based on the "civilized"
; aspect of a leader's personality. Positive
; values increase value for civilized leaders,
; decrease it for militaristic. Negative
; values vice versa.
; preq1, preq2 = Prerequisites
; Epoch = historical period
; 0 = Ancient
; 1 = Renaissance
; 2 = Industrial Revolution
; 3 = Modern
; Category = Knowledge category
; 0 = Military
; 1 = Economic
; 2 = Social
; 3 = Academic
; 4 = Applied
Advanced Levitation, 4,-2, Rad, Fli, 2, 4 ; AFl
Alphabet, 5, 1, nil, nil, 0, 3 ; Alp
Going-Under-Water-and-Fighting, 3,-2, Nav, Tac, 2, 0 ; Amp
Astronomy, 4, 1, Mys, Mat, 1, 3 ; Ast
Thaumic Theory, 4,-1, Cmp, Phy, 3, 3 ; Ato
Moving-by-Burning-Things-Vehicle, 6,-1, Cmb, Stl, 3, 4 ; Aut
Banking, 4, 1, Tra, Rep, 1, 1 ; Ban
Bridge Building, 4, 0, Iro, Cst, 0, 4 ; Bri
Bronze Working, 6,-1, nil, nil, 0, 4 ; Bro
Ceremonial Burial, 5, 0, nil, nil, 0, 2 ; Cer
Alchemy, 5,-1, Uni, Med, 2, 3 ; Che
Chivalry, 4,-2, Feu, Hor, 1, 0 ; Chi
The Watch, 4, 1, Alp, nil, 0, 2 ; CoL
Combined Arms, 5,-1, Mob, AFl, 3, 0 ; CA
Burning Things, 5,-1, U1, Exp, 2, 4 ; Cmb
Communism, 5, 0, Phi, Ind, 2, 2 ; Cmn
Cmp, 4, 1, Min, MP, 3, 3 ; Cmp
Beer, 4, 1, nil, nil, 2, 0 ; Csc
Building Things, 4, 0, Mas, Cur, 0, 4 ; Cst
CMOT Dibbler, 4, 0, Cur, Eco, 2, 1 ; Cor
Currency, 4, 1, Bro, nil, 0, 1 ; Cur
Democracy, 5, 1, Ban, Inv, 2, 2 ; Dem
Reflected-sound-of-underground-spirits, 4, 1, Uni, Ban, 2, 1 ; Eco
Demonology, 4, 0, Uni, Mys, 2, 4 ; E1
Nanodemons, 4, 1, E1, Cmp, 3, 4 ; E2
Engineering, 4, 0, Whe, Cst, 0, 4 ; Eng
Environmentalism, 3, 1, Rec, SFl, 3, 2 ; Env
Headology, 2,-1, Mys, Cmn, 2, 0 ; Esp
Explosives, 5, 0, Gun, Che, 2, 4 ; Exp
Class System, 4,-1, War, Mon, 0, 2 ; Feu
Levitation, 4,-1, nil, Uni, 2, 4 ; Fli
Church of Om, 3,-2, MT, Lit, 2, 2 ; Fun
Thaumic Fusion, 3, 0, NF, NP, 3, 3 ; FP
Stayboat's Morphic Changer, 3, 2, Med, Mys, 3, 3 ; Gen
Orang-utan Warfare, 4, 1, Cmn, Tac, 3, 0 ; Gue
No. 1 powder, 8,-2, Inv, Iro, 2, 0 ; Gun
Horseback Riding, 4,-1, nil, nil, 0, 0 ; Hor
Industrialisation, 6, 0, RR, Ban, 2, 1 ; Ind
Invention, 6, 0, Eng, Lit, 1, 4 ; Inv
Iron Working, 5,-1, Bro, War, 0, 4 ; Iro
Guild of Workers, 4,-1, MP, Gue, 3, 2 ; Lab
Stibbons' Thaumic Light, 4, 0, NP, MP, 3, 3 ; Las
Leadership, 5,-1, Chi, Gun, 1, 0 ; Ldr
Literature, 5, 2, Wri, Uni, 0, 3 ; Lit
Dwarf Workshop Tools, 4,-2, Stl, Rob, 2, 4 ; Too
The Love of Iron, 4,-1, Phy, Iro, 2, 4 ; Mag
Mapp Making, 6,-1, Alp, nil, 0, 1 ; Map
Masonry, 4, 1, nil, nil, 0, 4 ; Mas
Wongleweed's Great Reproducer, 5, 0, Aut, Uni, 3, 3 ; MP
Mathematics, 4,-1, Alp, Mas, 0, 3 ; Mat
Faculty of Medicine, 4, 0, Phi, Tra, 2, 1 ; Med
Metallurgy, 6,-2, Gun, Che, 2, 0 ; Met
Haddwock's Amazing Shrinker, 4, 1, Too, Uni, 3, 3 ; Min
Moving-Around-and-Fighting, 8,-1, Aut, Tac, 3, 0 ; Mob
Monarchy, 5, 1, Cer, CoL, 0, 2 ; Mon
Monotheism, 5, 1, Phi, PT, 1, 2 ; MT
Magic, 4, 0, nil, nil, 0, 3 ; Mys
Navigation, 6,-1, Sea, Ast, 1, 1 ; Nav
Splitting the Thaum, 6,-2, Ato, Cmp, 3, 3 ; NF
Thaumic Power, 3, 0, NF, E2, 3, 3 ; NP
Philosophy, 6, 1, Csc, Lit, 1, 2 ; Phi
Physics, 4,-1, Nav, Lit, 1, 3 ; Phy
Frymall's Superb Synthesiser, 4, 1, Ref, Ato, 3, 3 ; Pla
Plumbing, 4, 0, Cst, Pot, 1, 4 ; Plu
Polytheism, 4, 0, Cer, Hor, 0, 2 ; PT
Pottery, 4, 1, nil, nil, 0, 1 ; Pot
Crimpare's Communicator, 5,-1, Fli, E1, 3, 3 ; Rad
The Stagecoach, 6, 0, SE, Bri, 2, 1 ; RR
Ripart's Wonderful Re-User, 2, 1, Uni, Dem, 3, 1 ; Rec
Fenester's Separation Surprise, 4, 0, Che, Uni, 2, 4 ; Ref
Britchard's Accelerated Cooler, 3, 1, Uni, San, 3, 1 ; Rfg
The Republic, 5, 1, CoL, Lit, 0, 2 ; Rep
Golems, 5,-2, Pot, Alp, 0, 4 ; Rob
Alchemical Propulsion, 6,-2, Che, Cst, 3, 4 ; Roc
Sanitation, 4, 2, Med, Eng, 2, 1 ; San
Seafaring, 4, 1, Map, Pot, 0, 1 ; Sea
Potent Voyager, 4, 1, Roc, Sup, 3, 3 ; SFl
Invisibility, 3,-2, Uni, Tac, 2, 0 ; Sth
Steam Engine, 4,-1, Phy, Inv, 2, 3 ; SE
Steel, 4,-1, E1, Ind, 2, 4 ; Stl
Krullian Manufacture, 4, 1, Pla, Las, 3, 3 ; Sup
General Tacticus' Book, 6,-1, Lit, Ldr, 2, 0 ; Tac
Theology, 3, 2, MT, Feu, 1, 2 ; The
Theory of L-Space, 4, 1, Lit, Uni, 1, 3 ; ToG
Trade, 4, 2, Cur, CoL, 0, 1 ; Tra
Unseen University, 5, 1, Mys, U1, 1, 3 ; Uni
Warrior Code, 4,-1, nil, nil, 0, 0 ; War
The Wheel, 4,-1, Hor, nil, 0, 4 ; Whe
Writing, 4, 2, Alp, nil, 0, 3 ; Wri
Future Technology, 1, 0, FP, Rec, 3, 3 ; ...
Sourcery, 5, 2, Mys, nil, 0, 3 ; U1
Music With Rocks In, 4, 0, Mys, Inv, 1, 2 ; U2
Standing-Still-and-Fighting, 5,-1, War, Gun, 0, 0 ; U3
; Above 3 tech lots allow you to define your own civilization
; advances if desired. Supply the name, the AI value, and
; the prerequisites.
; Then use the "U1", "U2", or "U3"
; identifier to incorporate it into the tech chain as a
; prerequisite for other techs, units, city improvements.
; City Improvements
; cost(x10), upkeep, preq
Nothing, 1, 0, nil,
Palace, 10, 0, Mas,
Barracks, 4, 1, nil,
Granary, 6, 1, Pot,
Temple of Small Gods, 4, 1, Cer,
Market Place, 8, 1, Cur,
Library, 8, 1, Wri,
Courthouse, 8, 1, CoL,
City Walls, 8, 0, Mas,
Aqueduct, 8, 2, Cst,
Bank, 12, 3, Ban,
Mended Drum, 12, 3, MT,
Guild of Education, 16, 3, Uni,
Moving Lots of Things, 16, 4, MP,
Colosseum, 10, 4, Cst,
Factory, 20, 4, Ind,
Bjorn Hammerhock's Workshop, 30, 6, Too,
Palace Guard, 20, 4, U3,
Recycling Centre, 20, 2, Rec,
Power Plant, 16, 4, Ref,
Water Plant, 24, 4, E1,
Thaumic Plant, 16, 2, NP,
Guild of Merchants, 16, 4, Eco,
Guild of Plumbers and Dunnikindivers, 12, 2, San,
Pork Futures Warehouse, 8, 3, Rfg,
Crossroads, 20, 5, Aut,
Alchemists' Guild, 16, 3, Che,
Gonne-That-Shoots-at-the-Sky, 10, 2, Exp,
Coastal Fortress, 8, 1, Met,
Solar Plant, 32, 4, Env,
Harbour, 6, 1, Sea,
Fishing Rig, 16, 3, Min,
Airport, 16, 3, Fli,
Watch House, 6, 2, Cmn,
Docks, 8, 3, Amp,
PV Structural, 8, 0, SFl,
PV Component, 16, 0, Pla,
PV Module, 32, 0, Sup,
(Capitalisation), 60, 0, Cor,
Ptaclusp's Pyramids, 20, 0, Mas,
Hanging Gardens of Phyve, 20, 0, Pot,
Colossus of Avn'Yuz, 20, 0, Bro,
Lighthouse, 20, 0, Map,
UU Library (Oook!), 30, 0, ToG,
St Ungulant's Wheel, 30, 0, Phi,
Great Wall of Pors Elayne, 30, 0, Mas,
Captain Carrot's School of War, 30, 0, Mob,
King Artorollo's Crusade, 30, 0, Eng,
Purdeigh's Embassy, 20, 0, Tra,
Fomaggio's Chapel, 40, 0, MT,
UU Observatory, 30, 0, Ast,
Llamedos Jones' Expedition, 40, 0, Nav,
The Dysk, 30, 0, Lit,
Leonard of Quirm's Workshop, 40, 0, Inv,
Hilda's Stall, 30, 0, Esp,
Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick Dragons, 40, 0, Med,
Guild of C.M.O.T. Dibblers, 40, 0, Cor,
HEM Building, 40, 0, Cmp,
The Dancers, 40, 0, Esp,
Tower of Art, 30, 0, Uni,
Cable Street Particulars, 50, 0, CA,
Brass Bridge, 60, 0, E2,
Thaumic Research Project, 60, 0, FP,
Oblong Office, 60, 0, Cmn,
Artemis Program (Potent Voyager), 60, 0, SFl,
Ephebeian Baths, 60, 0, Phi,
Bugarup Opera Hosue, 50, 0, U2,
; Yes, Hosue *is* spelt correctly!
; Expiration advancements for Wonders of the World
nil, ; Ptaclusp's Pyramids
RR, ; Hanging Gardens of Phyve
AFl, ; Colossus of Avn'Yuz
Mag, ; Lighthouse
E2, ; UU Library
The, ; St Ungulant
Met, ; Great Wall of Pors Elayne
Mob, ; Captain Carrot's School of War
Ind, ; King Artorollo's Crusade
Cmn, ; Purdeigh's Embassy
nil, ; Llamedos Jones' Expedition
nil, ; Fomaggio's Chapel
nil, ; UU Observatory
nil, ; The Dysk
Aut, ; Leonard of Quirm's Workshop
Med, ; Hilda's Stall
nil, ; Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick Dragons
nil, ; Guild of C.M.O.T. Dibblers
nil, ; HEM Building
nil, ; The Dancers
nil, ; Tower of Art
nil, ; Brass Bridge
nil, ; Cable Street Particulars
nil, ; Ephebeian Baths
nil, ; Oblong Office
nil, ; Apollo
nil, ; Thaumic Research Project
nil, ; Bugarup Opera Hosue
; Unit Types
; until, domain, move,rng, att,def hit,firepwr cost,hold, role, preq, flags
; until = Civ advance which renders unit obsolete
; Move = Movement rate (spaces per turn)
; Range = # of turns fuel carried (0 for non-air units)
; domain = Movement domain of unit
: 0 = Ground
; 1 = Air
; 2 = Sea
; att = Attack factor (chance to score hit attacking)
; def = Defense factor (chance to score hit defending)
; hit = Hit points (damage x10 which can be taken before elimination)
; firepwr = # damage points caused per hit scored on enemy.
; cost = Cost (# of shield rows, usually of 10 shields each)
; hold = # of holds on ship (for carrying units)
; role = AI role (Generally affects the way in
; which computer players use the unit, but
; roles >= 5 will actually affect abilities
; of the unit)
; 0 = Attack
; 1 = Defend
; 2 = Naval Superiority
; 3 = Air Superiority
; 4 = Sea Transport
; 5 = Settle
; 6 = Diplomacy
; 7 = Trade
; preq = Prerequisite advance
; "Flags" control special advantages & restrictions. Not
; all of these flags "make sense" for all types of units
; (paradropping ships, for instance). Nonsensical variations
; may produce bizarre effects (or worse). You were warned.
; 000000000000001 = Two space visibility
; 000000000000010 = Ignore zones of control
; 000000000000100 = Can make amphibious assaults
; 000000000001000 = Submarine advantages/disadvantages
; 000000000010000 = Can attack air units (fighter)
; 000000000100000 = Ship must stay near land (trireme)
; 000000001000000 = Negates city walls (howitzer)
; 000000010000000 = Can carry air units (carrier)
; 000000100000000 = Can make paradrops
; 000001000000000 = Alpine (treats all squares as road)
; 000010000000000 = x2 on defense versus horse (pikemen)
; 000100000000000 = Free support for fundamentalism (fanatics)
; 001000000000000 = Destroyed after attacking (missiles)
; 010000000000000 = x2 on defense versus air (AEGIS)
; 100000000000000 = Unit can spot submarines
Settlers, Exp, 0, 1.,0, 0a,1d, 2h,1f, 4,0, 5, nil, 000000000000000
Wizards, nil, 0, 2.,0, 0a,2d, 2h,1f, 4,0, 5, Exp, 000000000000010
Ecksians, Feu, 0, 1.,0, 1a,1d, 1h,1f, 1,0, 1, nil, 000000000000000
Trolls, Feu, 0, 1.,0, 1a,2d, 1h,1f, 2,0, 1, Bro, 000000000000000
C.W. St John Nobby Nobbs, Gun, 0, 1.,0, 3a,2d, 1h,1f, 3,0, 1, War, 000000000000000
City Watch, Gun, 0, 1.,0, 4a,2d, 1h,1f, 4,0, 1, Iro, 000000000000000
Dwarfs, Gun, 0, 1.,0, 1a,2d, 1h,1f, 2,0, 1, Feu, 000010000000000
Crossbowmen, Cmb, 0, 1.,0, 3a,3d, 2h,1f, 3,0, 1, Gun, 000000000000000
Brutha, nil, 0, 1.,0, 4a,4d, 2h,1f, 2,0, 1, Fun, 000100000000000
Partisans, nil, 0, 1.,0, 4a,4d, 2h,1f, 5,0, 1, Gue, 000001000000010
Hublandish Troops,nil, 0, 1.,0, 5a,5d, 2h,1f, 5,0, 1, Tac, 000001000000000
Gonners, nil, 0, 1.,0, 5a,4d, 2h,1f, 4,0, 1, Cmb, 000000000000000
Venturi's Infantry, nil, 0, 1.,0, 8a,5d, 2h,1f, 6,0, 0, Tac, 000000000000100
Levitating Wizard, nil, 0, 1.,0, 6a,4d, 2h,1f, 6,0, 1, CA, 000000100000000
Young Warriors, nil, 0, 3.,0, 6a,6d, 3h,1f, 5,0, 1, Lab, 000000000000000
Horse People, Chi, 0, 2.,0, 2a,1d, 1h,1f, 2,0, 0, Hor, 000000000000000
Ynci's Chariot, PT, 0, 2.,0, 3a,1d, 1h,1f, 3,0, 0, Whe, 000000000000000
One of 1000 Elephants!, MT, 0, 2.,0, 4a,1d, 1h,1f, 4,0, 0, PT, 000000000000000
Omnian Warriors, Ldr, 0, 2.,0, 5a,1d, 1h,1f, 4,0, 0, MT, 000000000000000
Vimes's First of Foot, Ldr, 0, 2.,0, 4a,2d, 1h,1f, 4,0, 0, Chi, 000000000000000
D'regs, Tac, 0, 2.,0, 5a,2d, 2h,1f, 5,0, 0, Ldr, 000000000000000
Cavalry, Mob, 0, 2.,0, 8a,3d, 2h,1f, 6,0, 0, Tac, 000000000000000
The Turtle, nil, 0, 3.,0, 10a,5d, 3h,1f, 8,0, 0, Mob, 000000000000000
Sulphur-Throwing Machine, Met, 0, 1.,0, 6a,1d, 1h,1f, 4,0, 0, Mat, 000000000000000
Barking Dogs, nil, 0, 1.,0, 8a,1d, 2h,1f, 4,0, 0, Met, 000000000000000
Artillery, nil, 0, 1.,0, 10a,1d, 2h,2f, 5,0, 0, no, 000000000000000
Howitzer, nil, 0, 2.,0, 12a,2d, 3h,2f, 7,0, 0, no, 000000001000000
Flying-and-Attacking Machine, Inv, 1, 10.,1, 4a,2d, 2h,2f, 6,0, 3, Fli, 000000000010001
Bomber, Inv, 1, 8.,2, 12a,1d, 2h,2f, 12,0, 0, no, 000000000000001
Leonard's Flying Machine, nil, 1, 6.,0, 10a,3d, 2h,2f, 10,0, 0, Inv, 100000000000001
Invis. Flying-and-Attacking Machine, nil, 1, 14.,1, 8a,3d, 2h,2f, 8,0, 3, Sth, 000000100000001
Invisible Hydrophobe, nil, 1, 12.,2, 14a,3d, 2h,2f, 16,0, 0, Sth, 000000010000000
Trireme, Nav, 2, 3.,0, 1a,1d, 1h,1f, 4,2, 4, Map, 000000000100000
The Prid of Ankh-Morpork, Mag, 2, 3.,0, 2a,1d, 1h,1f, 4,3, 4, Nav, 000000000000000
Galleon, Ind, 2, 4.,0, 0a,2d, 2h,1f, 4,4, 4, Mys, 000000000000000
Frigate, E1, 2, 4.,0, 4a,2d, 2h,1f, 5,2, 2, Mys, 000000000000000
Ironclad, E1, 2, 4.,0, 4a,4d, 3h,1f, 6,0, 2, no, 000000000000000
Destroyer, nil, 2, 6.,0, 4a,4d, 3h,1f, 6,0, 2, no, 100000000000001
Cruiser, Sth, 2, 5.,0, 6a,6d, 3h,2f, 8,0, 2, Inv, 100000000000001
Invisible Cruiser,nil, 2, 5.,0, 8a,8d, 3h,2f, 10,0, 2, Sth, 110000000000001
Battleship, nil, 2, 4.,0, 12a,12d, 4h,2f, 16,0, 2, no, 000000000000001
Going-Under-The-Water-Safely-Device, nil, 2, 3.,0, 10a,2d, 3h,2f, 6,0, 2, Cmb, 000000000001001
Carrier, nil, 2, 5.,0, 1a,9d, 4h,2f, 16,0, 2, no, 000000010000001
Hydrophobe, nil, 2, 5.,0, 0a,3d, 3h,1f, 5,8, 4, Ind, 000000000000000
Wizard's Fireball, nil, 1, 12.,1, 20a,0d, 1h,3f, 6,0, 0, Roc, 001000000000000
Sourcerer's Fireball, nil, 1, 16.,1, 99a,0d, 1h,1f, 16,0, 0, Roc, 001000000000000
Tourist, Esp, 0, 2.,0, 0a,0d, 1h,1f, 3,0, 6, Wri, 000000000000010
Vetinari's Spies, nil, 0, 3.,0, 0a,0d, 1h,1f, 3,0, 6, Esp, 000000000000011
Zoons, Cor, 0, 1.,0, 0a,1d, 1h,1f, 5,0, 7, Tra, 000000000000010
Zoon Liars, nil, 0, 2.,0, 0a,1d, 1h,1f, 5,0, 7, Cor, 000000000000010
Rincewind, Gue, 0, 1.,0, 0a,1d, 1h,1f, 3,0, 0, Sea, 000001000000010
Extra Land, nil, 0, 1.,0, 1a,1d, 1h,1f, 5,0, 0, no, 000000000000000
Extra Ship, nil, 2, 4.,0, 4a,2d, 2h,1f, 5,1, 2, no, 000000000000000
Extra Air, nil, 1, 8.,4, 8a,8d, 2h,2f, 10,0, 0, no, 000000000000000
; Note: the above 3 unit types (extra land, ship, air) are available
; for user defined unit types. If these units are given prerequisites
; other than "no" they will appear in the game when the specified
; technology is reached. Use if you want to create your own unit types
; without sacrificing any of the predefined units. Be sure to define
; the "role" field accurately, so that the computer will understand how
; to make use of the new units in its own civilizations.
; There is no requirement that the extra units be used to
; create exactly one of each type; you could create three
; ground units. But the icons provided are for one of each.
; The 3 extra unit types have default icons provided by the game.
; To actually change the icons is a somewhat more difficult
; task. The icons are stored in "UNITS.GIF".
; Sound effects for these three units may be added by providing
; Ideas:
; Hovercraft, nil, 2, 8.,0, 0a,1d, 2h,2f, 7,1, 4, MP, 000000000000000
; Terrain
; Movecost, defense, food, shields, trade,
; . . . Irrigate, bonus, #turns, ai-irrigate,
; . . . Mine, bonus, #turns, ai-mine
; . . . Transform
; defense = multiply by 50% to get % of normal combat factor defended at.
; (so 3 x 50% = 150%, meaning a strength 2 unit defends at 3).
; Irrigate/Mine = yes, no, or type of terrain changed to
; Transform = Terrain type engineers can transform to
; bonus = # extra production from that change
; turns = # turns for settler to make change
; ai = Minimum govt level necessary for
; computer player to want to perform irrigate/mine
; 0 Never
; 1 Despotism
; 2 Monarchy
; 3 Communism
; 4 Fundamentalism
; 5 Republic
; 6 Democracy
Desert, 1,2, 0,1,0, yes, 1, 5, 5, yes, 1, 5, 3, Pln, ; Drt
Plains, 1,2, 1,1,0, yes, 1, 5, 1, For, 0,15, 0, Grs, ; Pln
Grassland, 1,2, 2,1,0, yes, 1, 5, 2, For, 0,10, 0, Hil, ; Grs
Forest, 2,3, 1,2,0, Pln, 0, 5, 5, no, 0, 5, 0, Grs, ; For
Hills, 2,4, 1,0,0, yes, 1,10, 0, yes, 3,10, 1, Pln, ; Hil
Mountains, 3,6, 0,1,0, no, 1,10, 0, yes, 1,10, 6, Hil, ; Mou
Tundra, 1,2, 1,0,0, yes, 1,10, 1, no, 0, 0, 0, Drt, ; Tun
Glacier, 2,2, 0,0,0, no, 0, 0, 0, yes, 1,15, 3, Tun, ; Gla
Swamp, 2,3, 1,0,0, Grs, 0,15, 6, For, 0,15, 0, Pln, ; Swa
Jungle, 2,3, 1,0,0, Grs, 0,15, 6, For, 0,15, 0, Pln, ; Jun
Ocean, 1,2, 1,0,2, no, 0, 0, 0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, ; Oce
Oasis, 1,2, 3,1,0,
Buffalo, 1,2, 1,3,0,
Grassland, 1,2, 2,1,0,
Pheasant, 2,3, 3,2,0,
Coal, 2,4, 1,2,0,
Gold, 3,6, 0,1,6,
Game, 1,2, 3,1,0,
Ivory, 2,2, 1,1,4,
Peat, 2,3, 1,4,0,
Gems, 2,3, 1,0,4,
Fish, 1,2, 3,0,2,
Oil, 1,2, 0,4,0,
Wheat, 1,2, 3,1,0,
Grassland, 1,2, 2,1,0,
Silk, 2,3, 1,2,3,
Wine, 2,4, 1,0,4,
Iron, 3,6, 0,4,0,
Furs, 1,2, 2,0,3,
Oil, 2,2, 0,4,0,
Spice, 2,3, 3,0,4,
Fruit, 2,3, 4,0,1,
Whales, 1,2, 2,2,3,
Anarchy, Mr., Ms.
Dictatorship, Emperor, Empress
Monarchy, King, Queen
Communism, Comrade, Comrade
Omnianism, High Priest, High Priestess
Republic, Consul, Consul
Democracy, President, President
; Leaders
; leader, female, color, style, plural, adjective, ...
; ...attack, expand, civilize, ...
; ...govt, male, female...<repeat>
; female: 0 = male 1 = female
; color: Color set (1 - 7)
; style: City style (0 - 3)
; 0 = Bronze Age
; 1 = Classical
; 2 = Far East
; 3 = Medieval
; attack: 1 = aggressive -1 = rational
; expand: 1 = expansionist -1 = perfectionist
; civilize: 1 = civilized -1 = militaristic
; govt = government type for name replacement (0 = Anarchy, 6 = Democracy)
; male, female = titles for leader of government
Lord Vetinari, Lady Selachii, 0, 1, 1, Ankh-Morporkians, Ankh-Morporkian, 0, 1, 1, 1, Dictator, Dictator, 2, Patrician, Matrician,
Hammurabi, Ishtari, 0, 2, 0, Babylonians, Babylonian, -1, -1, 1,
Frederick, Maria Theresa, 0, 3, 3, Germans, German, 1, -1, 1, 4, Archbishop, Archbishop, 6, Chancellor, Chancellor
Ramesses, Cleopatra, 1, 4, 0, Egyptians, Egyptian, 0, 0, 1, 1, Pharaoh, Pharaoh, 2, Great Pharaoh, Great Pharaoh
Abe Lincoln, E. Roosevelt, 0, 5, 1, Americans, American, -1, 0, 1, 4, Reverend, Reverend, 5, Speaker, Speaker
Alexander, Hippolyta, 1, 6, 1, Greeks, Greek, 0, 1, -1, 6, Prime Minister, Prime Minister
Mohandas Gandhi,Indira Gandhi, 0, 7, 2, Indians, Indian, -1, -1, 0, 2, Maharaja, Maharaja,
Lenin, Catherine the Great, 1, 1, 3, Russians, Russian, 1, 0, -1, 2, Czar, Czarina, 4, Patriarch, Matriarch
Shaka, Shakala, 0, 2, 0, Zulus, Zulu, 1, 0, 0,
Louis XIV, Joan of Arc, 0, 3, 3, French, French, 1, 1, 1, 4, Archbishop, Archbishop, 6, Premier, Premier
Montezuma, Nazca, 0, 4, 0, Aztecs, Aztec, 0, -1, 1,
Mao Tse Tung, Wu Zhao, 0, 5, 2, Chinese, Chinese, 0, 0, 1, 3, Chairman, Chairperson
Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, 1, 6, 3, English, English, 0, 1, 0, 4, Lord Protector, Lady Protector, 6, Prime Minister, Prime Minister
Genghis Khan, Bortei, 0, 7, 0, Mongols, Mongol, 1, 1, -1,
Cunobelin, Boadicea, 1, 1, 0, Celts, Celtic, -1, 1, 0, 4, Druid, Druid
Tokugawa, Amaterasu, 0, 2, 2, Japanese, Japanese, 1, -1, -1, 2, Shogun, Shogun, 6, Prime Minister, Prime Minister
Canute, Gunnhild, 1, 3, 3, Vikings, Viking, 1, 1, 0, 1, Warlord, Warlord
Philip II, Isabella, 1, 4, 3, Spanish, Spanish, -1, 1, -1, 4, Archbishop, Archbishop
Xerxes, Scheherezade, 0, 5, 0, Persians, Persian, 0, -1, 0, 2, Shah, Shah, 4, Ayatollah, Ayatollah
Hannibal, Dido, 0, 6, 1, Carthaginians, Carthaginian, 0, 0, -1,
Sitting Bull, Sacajawea, 0, 7, 0, Sioux, Sioux, 0, 0, 0, 1, Chief, Chief, 2, Great Chief, Great Chief
Saladin, ..., 0, 5, Arabs, Arab, 1, 0, 1, 4, Ayatollah, Ayatollah, 2, Sultan, Sultana
Atawallpa, ..., 0, 1, Incas, Inca, -1, 1, 1,
; Trading Commodities
Fortify, F
Fortified, F
Sleep, S
Build Fortress, F
Build Road, R
Build Irrigation, I
Build Mine, m
Transform, O
Clean Pollution, p
Build Airbase, E
Go to, G
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