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Last active February 21, 2020 13:20
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a code example that enables custom GraphQL tracing on NewRelic
class CustomGraphqlNewrelicTracing < GraphQL::Tracing::NewRelicTracing
# We need to create a singleton method here that inherit from the original/parent class.
self.platform_keys = GraphQL::Tracing::NewRelicTracing.platform_keys
# This is the only method we need to overwrite.
def platform_trace(platform_key, key, data)
if key == 'execute_query'
operation = data[:query].selected_operation
# Possible type: 'query', 'mutation', 'subscription'
type = operation.operation_type
# Differentiating GraphQL routes by the root field(s) name
field_key = operation.children&.map(&:name)&.join('.')
# (optional)
# - To log the the full query string, we can leverage the
# `add_custom_attributes` provided by NewRelic Ruby agent.
# - Below is a pre-processing of the original query string, in order
# to make sure the size is within the limit of 255 bytes.
# (see
# custom-data/insights-custom-data-requirements-limits).
query_str = operation.to_query_string.gsub(/[ \n]*/, '')
::NewRelic::Agent.add_custom_attributes({ query: query_str })
NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracerHelpers.trace_execution_scoped(platform_key) do
require 'path/to/custom_graphql_newrelic_tracing'
class RootSchema < GraphQL::Schema
# ... (omitting unrelated parts)
# Using the custom NewRelic tracing plugin to trace transactions on NewRelic with more granularity.
use CustomGraphqlNewrelicTracing
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