Jenny Bryan
12 January, 2015
I want to convert a list of lists into another list of lists through ... catenation or binding? Hard to describe in words -- easier to illustrate.
FWIW, in real life, I make a sequence of requests to an API, traversing all possible pages of results. Each GET
request yields a list representing the data for one page, with components for the content, headers, status code, etc. I want to wrangle the resulting list of lists into something closer to what I would have gotten in the absence of pagination.
I illustrate with a simpler example that has nothing to do with an API. Here's a picture, but there's R code below:
is the input list of lists, with two conformable components, april
and july
x <-
list(april = list(n_days = 30,
holidays = list(list("2015-04-01", "april fools"),
list("2015-04-05", "easter")),
month_info = c(number = "4", season = "spring")),
july = list(n_days = 31,
holidays = list(list("2014-07-04", "july 4th")),
month_info = c(number = "7", season = "summer"))) %T>% str
## List of 2
## $ april:List of 3
## ..$ n_days : num 30
## ..$ holidays :List of 2
## .. ..$ :List of 2
## .. .. ..$ : chr "2015-04-01"
## .. .. ..$ : chr "april fools"
## .. ..$ :List of 2
## .. .. ..$ : chr "2015-04-05"
## .. .. ..$ : chr "easter"
## ..$ month_info: Named chr [1:2] "4" "spring"
## .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "number" "season"
## $ july :List of 3
## ..$ n_days : num 31
## ..$ holidays :List of 1
## .. ..$ :List of 2
## .. .. ..$ : chr "2014-07-04"
## .. .. ..$ : chr "july 4th"
## ..$ month_info: Named chr [1:2] "7" "summer"
## .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "number" "season"
, below, is indicative of my desired output, though I'm flexible on details like (row) names, matrix vs. data.frame, etc. I want to catenate or bind each component, such as n_days
or holidays
, across all the months.
y <- list(n_days = c(april = 30, july = 31),
holidays = list(list("2015-04-01", "april fools"),
list("2015-04-05", "easter"),
list("2014-07-04", "july 4th")),
month_info = cbind(april = c(number = "4", season = "spring"),
july = c(number = "7", season =
"summer"))) %T>% str
## List of 3
## $ n_days : Named num [1:2] 30 31
## ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "april" "july"
## $ holidays :List of 3
## ..$ :List of 2
## .. ..$ : chr "2015-04-01"
## .. ..$ : chr "april fools"
## ..$ :List of 2
## .. ..$ : chr "2015-04-05"
## .. ..$ : chr "easter"
## ..$ :List of 2
## .. ..$ : chr "2014-07-04"
## .. ..$ : chr "july 4th"
## $ month_info: chr [1:2, 1:2] "4" "spring" "7" "summer"
## ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
## .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "number" "season"
## .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "april" "july"
I can of course do with brute force. But it isn't a great starting place for a general solution to the actual problem, which is catenating across pages returned by an API.
brute_force_y <-
list(n_days = laply(x, `[[`, "n_days"),
holidays = llply(x, `[[`, "holidays") %>% unlist(recursive = FALSE),
month_info = lapply(x, function(z) z[["month_info"]] %>% unlist) %>%"cbind", .))
## agree up to naming stuff
all.equal(y, brute_force_y)
## [1] "Component \"n_days\": names for target but not for current"
## [2] "Component \"holidays\": names for current but not for target"
Feels like there must be some way to do this with mapply()
or tidyr
or ???
Is there a (better) name for what I am trying to do? Is this close to some pre-existing workflow that I could exploit by approaching differently?
Via Twitter, @rdpeng says: