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Tddium post-build task to deploy into Heroku
def cmd(c)
system c
namespace :tddium do
desc "post_build_hook"
task :post_build_hook do
# This build hook should only run after CI builds.
# There are other cases where we'd want to run something after every build,
# or only after manual builds.
return unless ENV["TDDIUM_MODE"] == "ci"
return unless ENV["TDDIUM_BUILD_STATUS"] == "passed"
dir = File.expand_path("~/.heroku/")
heroku_email = ENV["HEROKU_EMAIL"]
heroku_api_key = ENV["HEROKU_API_KEY"]
current_branch = `git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | cut -d"/" -f 3-`.strip
app_name = ENV["HEROKU_APP_NAME"]
push_target = "{app_name}.git"
abort "invalid current branch" unless current_branch
FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) or abort "Could not create #{dir}"
puts "Writing Heroku Credentials", "credentials"), "w") do |f|
f.write([heroku_email, heroku_api_key].join("\n"))
end"~/.netrc"), "a+") do |f|
['api', 'code'].each do |host|
f.puts "machine #{host}"
f.puts " login #{heroku_email}"
f.puts " password #{heroku_api_key}"
puts "Pushing to Heroku: #{push_target}..."
cmd "git push #{push_target} HEAD:master --force" or abort "could not push to #{push_target}"
puts "Running Heroku Migrations..."
cmd "heroku run rake db:migrate --app #{app_name}" or abort "aborted migrations"
puts "Restarting Heroku..."
cmd "bundle exec heroku restart --app #{app_name}" or abort "aborted heroku restart"
new_relic_api_key = ENV["NEW_RELIC_API_KEY"]
application_id = ENV["NEW_RELIC_APPLICATION_ID"]
user_name = ENV['TDDIUM_USER_NAME']
if new_relic_api_key && application_id
NewRelicApi.api_key = new_relic_api_key
NewRelicApi::Deployment.create :application_id => application_id, :user => user_name
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