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Created June 23, 2022 18:27
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`import` a module without caching it
import fs from "fs/promises";
import url from "url";
import vm from "vm";
* Import a single module without caching it; if you call this function again the module will be re-imported
* Moderately leaky workaround for
* Note:
* * Requires --experimental-vm-modules --experimental-import-meta-resolve
* * Has a memory leak due to (and possibly also V8?), but is
* less leaky than this workaround:
* Tested both approaches importing a ~2.5MB module hundreds of times, memory grew at half the rate
* * Dependencies are imported normally, so those do not get re-imported
* * Could be sped up with createCachedData, at the expense of greater memory usage
export async function uncachedImport(specifier) {
const moduleUrl = await import.meta.resolve(specifier);
return vm.runInThisContext(`import(\"${specifier}\");`, {
async importModuleDynamically() {
const module = new vm.SourceTextModule(await fs.readFile(url.fileURLToPath(moduleUrl), "utf-8"), {
importModuleDynamically: realImport,
initializeImportMeta(meta) {
meta.url = moduleUrl;
await module.evaluate();
return module;
const _cache = new Map();
// need to wrap real sub-imports in a vm.Module
async function realImport(specifier) {
if (_cache.has(specifier)) {
return _cache.get(specifier);
const mod = await import(specifier);
const result = new vm.SyntheticModule(Object.keys(mod), function () {
Object.entries(mod).forEach(([key, value]) => {
this.setExport(key, value);
_cache.set(specifier, result);
return result;
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