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Created March 1, 2012 22:57
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Save jensens/1953832 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
generates dot file from workflows (zope python script)
context.REQUEST.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
print "digraph %s {" % context.getId()
wf = context
state_to_trans = []
for state in wf.states.values():
roles = state.getAvailableRoles()
permtable = [ ['<FONT POINT-SIZE="10">%s</FONT>' % _ for _ in ['permission', 'acquired'] + roles ] ]
for perm in state.getManagedPermissions():
pinfo = state.getPermissionInfo(perm)
row = [perm, pinfo['acquired'] and 'X' or '.']
row += [_ in pinfo['roles'] and 'X' or '.' for _ in roles]
table = '<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD colspan="%s" bgcolor="lightgrey"><B>%s</B></TD></TR>\n' % (len(roles)+2, state.title or state.getId())
cnt = 1
for row in permtable:
cnt += 1
table += '<TR>'
bgcolor = cnt % 2 and ' BGCOLOR="lightyellow"' or ''
for cell in row:
table += '<TD%s><FONT POINT-SIZE="10">%s</FONT></TD>' % (bgcolor, cell)
table += '</TR>\n'
table += '</TABLE>'
print '%s [label=<%s> shape=Mrecord];' % (state.getId(), table)
for trans in state.transitions:
state_to_trans.append((state.getId(), trans))
for state, trans in state_to_trans:
tob = wf.transitions[trans]
table = '<TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="lightgrey"><TR><TD colspan="2">%s</TD></TR>\n' % tob.title
proptable = [ ['id' , trans] ]
cnt = 0
for key, value in proptable:
bgcolor = cnt % 2 and ' BGCOLOR="lightyellow"' or ''
table += '<TR>'
table += '<TD%s><FONT POINT-SIZE="10">%s:</FONT></TD>' % (bgcolor, key)
table += '<TD%s ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT POINT-SIZE="10">%s</FONT></TD>' % (bgcolor, value)
table += '</TR>\n'
table += '</TABLE>'
print '"%s" -> "%s" [label=<%s>, arrowhead=normal, arrowtail=inve];' % (state, tob.new_state_id, table)
print "}"
return printed
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