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Created January 8, 2013 20:26
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
# heroes.txt file format: One hero per line
# players.txt file format: One player per line.
# <player_name>: <banned_hero_1>, <banned_hero_2>, ..., <banned_hero_n>
# global list of heroes and players
heroes = list()
players = dict()
def main():
""" Main method. Calls all the important methods. """
def read_heroes_file():
""" Reads the heroes file and saves its content to the heroes list. """
with open('heroes.txt', 'r') as heroes_file:
for hero in heroes_file:
def read_players_file():
""" Reads the players file and saves its contet to the players list. """
with open('players.txt', 'r') as players_file:
for player in players_file:
player_name, banned_heroes_list = player.split(':')
banned_heroes = banned_heroes_list.split(',')
banned_heroes = [hero.strip() for hero in banned_heroes]
players[player_name] = {
'heroes': list(),
'banned_heroes': banned_heroes
def pick_heroes():
""" Picks two heroes for every player. """
# Randomize all player names. That way it's more fair.
player_names = players.keys()
# First round of drawings. Start at the front and iterate to the end.
for player_name in player_names:
# Second round. This time iterate in reverse.
for player_name in reversed(player_names):
def display_result():
""" Displays result on stdout. """
for player in players:
print "%s: %s" % (player, ', '.join(players[player]['heroes']))
def pick_hero(player_name):
""" Picks hero for the given player. Banned heroes are considered. """
while True: # iterate until a non-banned hero is found
hero = random.choice(heroes)
if hero not in players[player_name]['banned_heroes']:
# Hero is not banned by the player. Add him to his hero list
# Delete hero from the global hero list so it can't be drawn again.
del heroes[heroes.index(hero)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
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zwischen Zeile 29 + 30 einfügen

if player[0:1] != "#":

31 bis 37 dann einrücken

Und man muss keinen Helden als Bann angeben, klappt auch ohne.

Und Ich habe keine Ahnung wie ich den Quellcode ändern bzw. erweitern könnte.

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