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Last active July 5, 2018 02:04
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Gnuplot script that generates a surface plot with a rasterized png part
# This gnuplot script generates a surface plot with a rasterized png part. It uses the following external utilities
# sed
# pdflatex
# The final output is output_base.'.pdf'
# Rendering the surface plot can be heavy, so here is a switch to not to do that part (rendersurf==1 -> surface will be rendered)
set ytics 1
set xtics 3
# Size of plot
set xlabel '$x$'
set ylabel '$y$'
set title 'Re$(\sin(\tan(x+iy)))$'
# First we produce the part of the plot that contains axes, labels and lines etc. with the cairolatex terminal
set term cairolatex pdf color standalone rounded size pnum(tot_size_x),pnum(tot_size_y) header\
set border lw 5 lc rgb '#666666'
# Colors from Colorbrewer (Google it! They have nice colors)
# line styles
set style line 1 lw liw lc rgb '#E41A1C' # red
set style line 2 lw liw lc rgb '#377EB8' # blue
set style line 3 lw liw lc rgb '#4DAF4A' # green
set style line 4 lw liw lc rgb '#984EA3' # purple
set style line 5 lw liw lc rgb '#FF7F00' # orange
set style line 6 lw liw lc rgb '#FFFF33' # yellow
set style line 7 lw liw lc rgb '#A65628' # brown
set style line 8 lw liw lc rgb '#F781BF' # pink
set output output_base.'_tex.tex'
set yrange [ymin:ymax]
set xrange [xmin:xmax]
set bmargin at screen bmarg
set tmargin at screen tmarg
set lmargin at screen lmarg
set rmargin at screen rmarg
plot sin(x) ls 2 notitle
set output
# Now we make the surface part of the plot
if (rendersurf==1){
print 'Starting with surf .png'
set term pngcairo size pnum(tot_size_x*png_res_factor),pnum(tot_size_y*png_res_factor) transparent #
unset border
unset colorbox
unset title
unset key
unset ytics
unset xtics
set format x ''
set format y ''
set output output_base.'_surf.png'
set yrange [ymin:ymax]
set xrange [xmin:xmax]
set cbrange [-cbran:cbran] #
set view map
set bmargin at screen bmarg
set tmargin at screen tmarg
set lmargin at screen lmarg
set rmargin at screen rmarg
set palette defined ( 0 '#b2182b', 1 '#ef8a62', 2 '#fddbc7', 3 '#ffffff', 4 '#d1e5f0', 5 '#67a9cf', 6 '#2166ac')
unset key
set samples 1000
set isosamples 1000
splot real(sin(tan((x+y*{0,1})))) w pm3d notitle #
set output
# For some weird reason strange an edge sometimes appears if the transparent option of pngcairo is used. Instead one can use an external utility (Imagemaick)
# system('convert '.output_base.'.png -transparent white '.output_base.'_surf.png') #
print 'Done with png' #
# Here the string in the tex file that includes the lines is modified such that it will also include the png image we just created
system("sed 's|{\\\\includegraphics{".output_base."_tex-inc}}|{\\\\includegraphics[width=\\\\textwidth]{".output_base."_surf.png}}\\\\put(0,0){\\\\includegraphics[width=\\\\textwidth]{".output_base."_tex-inc.pdf}}|' ".output_base."_tex.tex > ".output_base.".tex") #
# Finally the pdf is generated using pdflatex
system('pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode '.output_base.'.tex > pdfout.txt')
print 'Output in '.output_base.'.pdf'
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