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Last active October 22, 2023 11:20
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MODX resizeImage Snippet (modern pthumb replacement with srcset generation and very low options, but works on IONOS too)
# vars
$lib = $modx->getOption("resizeImage_imageLib", null, "cli");
$libPath = $modx->getOption("resizeImage_imageLibPath", null, "/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/convert");
$mode = $modx->getOption("mode", $scriptProperties, "");
$input = $modx->getOption("input", $scriptProperties, "");
$sizes = $modx->getOption("options", $scriptProperties, "");
$quality = $modx->getOption("quality", $scriptProperties, 70);
$cultureKey = $modx->getOption("cultureKey");
$basePath = $modx->getOption("base_path");
$filePath = preg_replace("/^\/?" . $cultureKey . "\//i", "", $input);
$filePathLast = $filePath;
$cachePath = $modx->getOption("cachePath", $scriptProperties, "assets/image-cache/");
$srcsets = [];
$src = [];
# original image not exists
if (!file_exists($basePath . $filePath)) {
return $input;
# loop sizes
$sizes = explode(",", $sizes);
foreach (array_reverse($sizes) as $size) {
list($width, $height) = explode("x", $size);
$filePathInfo = pathinfo($filePath);
$savePathExtension = "." . substr(md5($filePathLast), 0, 8) . "." . $width . "x" . $height . "-" . $quality . ".webp";
$savePath = $cachePath . $filePathInfo["filename"] . $savePathExtension;
# check if base image exists
if (!file_exists($basePath . $filePathLast) || filesize($basePath . $filePathLast) < 1) {
$filePathLast = $filePath;
# image already saved
if (!file_exists($basePath . $savePath)) {
# check if cache dir exists
if (!is_dir($basePath . $cachePath)) {
mkdir($basePath . $cachePath, 0755);
} else {
# cleanup cache
foreach (glob($basePath . $cachePath . "*.webp") as $file) {
if (filemtime($file) < time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)) {
# generate image on IONOS via cli
if ($lib == "cli") {
$resize = "-resize " . ( $width ?? "" ) . "x" . ( $height ?? "" );
if ($width && $height) {
$resize = "-resize " . $width . "x" . $height . "^ -gravity center -extent " . $width . "x" . $height;
$cmd = "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1;"; // bugfixes IONOS resize large images, thanks to
$cmd .= $libPath . " " . $basePath . $filePathLast . " " . $resize . " -quality " . $quality . " " . $basePath . $savePath;
} else {
$image = new Imagick($basePath . $filePathLast);
if ($width && $height) {
$image->cropThumbnailImage((int) $width, (int) $height);
} else {
$image->thumbnailImage((int) $width, (int) $height);
$image->writeImage($basePath . $savePath);
# get generated image
if (file_exists($basePath . $savePath)) {
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($basePath . $savePath);
$srcsets[] = [
"url" => $savePath,
"width" => $width,
"height" => $height
# use image for next loop
$filePathLast = $savePath;
# generate srcset
foreach ($srcsets as $srcset) {
$src[] = $srcset["url"] . " " . $srcset["width"] ."w";
# set width and height ratio
$width = $srcsets[0]["width"];
$height = $srcsets[0]["height"];
# output as json
if ($mode == "json") {
return json_encode([
"url" => $input,
"src" => implode(",", $src),
"width" => $width,
"height" => $height
return '="' . implode(",", $src) . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" style="aspect-ratio: ' . $width . '/' . $height . '"';
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