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Created February 4, 2016 18:04
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Hadoop benchmark 3. run testdfsio
# TestDFS will be performed with the total file size of 1TB using different dfs.block.size variations.
# Usage: TestDFSIO [genericOptions] -read | -write | -append | -clean [-nrFiles N] [-fileSize Size[B|KB|MB|GB|TB]] [-resFile resultFileName] [-bufferSize Bytes] [-rootDir]
# The test is designed with two variables
# 1) file_sizes_mb: file size variation with 1GB file x 1,000 = 1TB and 100MB file x 10,000 = 1TB
# this is to test large file and small file impact on HDFS
# 2) dfs.block.size (MB) variation: 512, 256, 128, 50 10
# this is to test impact of different block sizes.
# This will give a broad spectrum of DFSIO performance compared to a set of runs with single parameter value.
# The expected result is that all test would give smooth read and write throughput across two axes.
# command to run nohup
# nohup bash ./ > testdfsio.out 2>&1 &
# sudo -u hdfs nohup bash /tmp/ > /tmp/testdfsio.out 2>&1 &
total_size_mb=1000000 #1TB
file_sizes_mb="1000 100" #1GB 100MB
block_sizes_mb="512 256 128 50 10"
rm -f $summary_file
hadoop fs -rm -R -skipTrash $test_data_dir
for file_size_mb in $file_sizes_mb; do
for block_size_mb in $block_sizes_mb; do
#num_files are calculated by $TOTAL_SIZE_MB / (1000, 100) = (1000, 10000)
num_files=$(( $total_size_mb / file_size_mb ))
block_size_bytes=$(( block_size_mb * 1024 * 1024 ))
echo "# $result_file"
hadoop jar $hadoop_jar TestDFSIO \$test_data_dir \
-Ddfs.block.size=${block_size_bytes} \
-write \
-nrFiles $num_files \
-fileSize ${file_size_mb}MB \
-resFile $result_file
hadoop jar $hadoop_jar TestDFSIO \$test_data_dir \
-Ddfs.block.size=${block_size_bytes} \
-read \
-nrFiles $num_files \
-fileSize ${file_size_mb}MB \
-resFile $result_file
hadoop jar $hadoop_jar TestDFSIO \$test_data_dir \
awk -v file_name=$result_file '
/TestDFSIO/ {phase=$NF}
/Number of files/ {num_files=$NF}
/Total MBytes processed/ {total_mb=$NF}
/Throughput mb.sec/ {throughput[phase]=$NF}
/Average IO rate mb.sec/ {iorateavg[phase]=$NF}
/IO rate std deviation/ {ioratestd[phase]=$NF}
/Test exec time sec/ {exectime[phase]=$NF}
END{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n",
file_name, num_files, total_mb,
throughput["write"], iorateavg["write"], ioratestd["write"], exectime["write"],
throughput["read"], iorateavg["read"], ioratestd["read"], exectime["read"]
}' $result_file >> $summary_file
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