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Created January 20, 2022 18:14
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Damien P. George
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Scott Shawcroft for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Carter Nelson
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Roy Hooper
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Jeff Epler
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
`scorpio` - Neopixel strip driver using RP2040's PIO
* Author(s): Damien P. George, Scott Shawcroft, Carter Nelson, Roy Hooper, Jeff Epler
import adafruit_pioasm
import bitops
import microcontroller
import _pixelbuf
import rp2pio
_program = """
.program piopixl8
.side_set 2
; NeoPixels are 800kHz bit streams. Zeros are 1/3 duty cycle and ones are 2/3 duty cycle.
; 1 loop = 6 cycles, so the PIO peripheral needs to run at 1.2MHz.
; x must be pre-loaded with zero so we can set all-ones (with mov pins, !x)
; or all-zeros (with mov pins, x)
pull ifempty ; don't start outputting HIGH unless data is available
mov pins, ~ x [1]; always-high part
out pins, 8 [1] ; variable part
mov pins, x ; always-low part
_assembled = adafruit_pioasm.assemble(_program)
# Pixel color order constants
"""Red Green Blue"""
"""Green Red Blue"""
"""Red Green Blue White"""
"""Green Red Blue White"""
_gpio_order = [getattr(, f"GPIO{i}", None) for i in range(32)]
def _pin_directly_follows(a, b):
if a not in _gpio_order or b not in _gpio_order:
return False
return _gpio_order.index(a) + 1 == _gpio_order.index(b)
class Scorpio(_pixelbuf.PixelBuf):
A sequence of neopixels.
:param ~microcontroller.Pin data0: The first of 8 data registers, in GPIO order
:param int n: The total number of neopixels. Must be a multiple of the number of strands.
:param int num_strands: The number of neopixels in each strand.
:param int bpp: Bytes per pixel. 3 for RGB and 4 for RGBW pixels.
:param float brightness: Brightness of the pixels between 0.0 and 1.0 where 1.0 is full
:param bool auto_write: True if the neopixels should immediately change when set. If False,
`show` must be called explicitly.
:param str pixel_order: Set the pixel color channel order. GRBW is set by default.
Example for Raspberry Pi Pico:
.. code-block:: python
pixels = scorpio.NeoPIO(board.GP0, board.GP1, board.GP2, 8*30, auto_write=False)
.. py:method::
Shows the new colors on the pixels themselves if they haven't already
been autowritten.
The colors may or may not be showing after this function returns because
it may be done asynchronously.
.. py:method:: NeoPIO.fill(color)
Colors all pixels the given ***color***.
.. py:attribute:: brightness
Overall brightness of the pixel (0 to 1.0)
def __init__(
self, data0, n, *, num_strands=8, bpp=3, brightness=1.0,
auto_write=True, pixel_order=None
if n % num_strands:
raise ValueError("Length must be a multiple of num_strands")
if not pixel_order:
pixel_order = GRB if bpp == 3 else GRBW
if isinstance(pixel_order, tuple):
order_list = [RGBW[order] for order in pixel_order]
pixel_order = "".join(order_list)
n, brightness=brightness, byteorder=pixel_order, auto_write=auto_write
self._transposed = bytearray(bpp*n*8//num_strands)
self._num_strands = num_strands
self._sm = rp2pio.StateMachine(
frequency=800_000 * 6,
init=adafruit_pioasm.assemble("set pindirs 7\nset x 0"),
def deinit(self):
"""Blank out the neopixels and release the state machine."""
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
def __repr__(self):
return "[" + ", ".join([str(x) for x in self]) + "]"
def n(self):
The total number of neopixels in all strands (read-only)
return len(self)
def num_strands(self):
The total number of neopixels in all strands (read-only)
return self._num_strands
def _transmit(self, buffer):
bitops.bit_transpose(buffer, self._transposed, self._num_strands)
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