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Created February 28, 2022 11:26
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import re
from io import StringIO
from decimal import Decimal
# - investigate: late column casts better than early? (make temp table all text?)
# - encoder/decoder for all django field types
# - sanitize method interfaces of CopyConverter / more django-like
# - Do we need a temp file shim instead of StringIO for very big data?
# - Better with ByteIO instead of StringIO?
# - parse_copydata as generator
# - temp model abstraction needed?
'\\\\': '\\',
'\\b': '\b',
'\\f': '\f',
'\\n': '\n',
'\\r': '\r',
'\\t': '\t',
'\\v': '\v'
REX_DECODE_TEXT = re.compile(r'\\\\|\\[bfnrtv]')
't': True,
'f': False
'bytea': lambda v: '\\\\x' + v.hex(),
'text': lambda v: (v.replace('\\', '\\\\')
.replace('\b', '\\b').replace('\f', '\\f').replace('\n', '\\n')
.replace('\r', '\\r').replace('\t', '\\t').replace('\v', '\\v')),
'int': lambda v: str(v),
'decimal': lambda v: str(v),
'float': lambda v: str(float(v)),
'boolean': lambda v: 't' if v else 'f',
'bytea': lambda v: bytes.fromhex(v[3:]),
'text': lambda v: REX_DECODE_TEXT.sub(lambda m: TXT_REPL[m.string[m.start():m.end()]], v),
'int': lambda v: int(v),
'decimal': lambda v: Decimal(v),
'float': lambda v: float(v),
'boolean': lambda v: BOOLEAN_REPL[v],
class CopyConverter:
def __init__(self, sep='\t', null='\\N'):
self.sep = sep
self.null = null
def encode(self, v, typename):
if v is None:
return self.null
return ENCODERS[typename](v)
def decode(self, v, typename):
if v == self.null:
return None
return DECODERS[typename](v)
def create_copydata(self, f, column_types, data, fields=None):
tmpl = self.sep.join(['{}'] * len(column_types))
if fields is None:
for o in data:
line = [self.encode(dp, column_types[i]) for i, dp in enumerate(o)]
f.write(tmpl.format(*line) + '\n')
for o in data:
line = [self.encode(getattr(o, fname), column_types[i]) for i, fname in enumerate(fields)]
f.write(tmpl.format(*line) + '\n')
def copy_from(self, table, columns, cursor, data, column_types, fields=None):
f = StringIO()
self.create_copydata(f, column_types, data, fields)
cursor.copy_from(f, table, sep=self.sep, null=self.null, size=8192, columns=columns)
def parse_copydata(self, f, column_types):
parsed = []
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip('\n')
self.decode(col, column_types[i])
for i, col in enumerate(line.split(self.sep))
return parsed
def copy_to(self, table, columns, cursor, decoders):
f = StringIO()
cursor.copy_to(f, table, sep=self.sep, null=self.null, columns=columns)
return self.parse_copydata(f, decoders)
def copy_update(qs, objs, fieldnames, batch_size: int = 1000):
model = qs.model
# filter all non model local fields --> still handled by bulk_update
non_local_fieldnames = []
local_fieldnames = []
for f in fieldnames:
if model._meta.get_field(f) not in model._meta.local_fields:
# avoid more expensive doubled updates
if non_local_fieldnames and len(local_fieldnames) < 2:
return model.objects.bulk_update(objs, fieldnames, batch_size)
if local_fieldnames:
from django.db import connections
tablename = model._meta.db_table
pk_field =
if not pk_field:
return model.objects.bulk_update(objs, fieldnames, batch_size)
fields = [model._meta.get_field(f) for f in local_fieldnames]
connection = connections[qs.db]
with connection.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE my_temp (pk integer UNIQUE, f1 integer)')
cc = CopyConverter()
cc.copy_from('my_temp', ('pk', 'f1'), cur, objs, ('int', 'int'), ['pk'] + fieldnames)
cur.execute('CREATE INDEX some_idx_on_temp ON my_temp (pk)')
cur.execute(update_from_table(tablename, pk_field.column, fields))
cur.execute('DROP TABLE my_temp')
# TODO: apply left overs
def update_from_table(tname, pkname, fields):
cols = ','.join(f'"{f.column}"=my_temp.{f.column}' for f in fields)
where = f'"{tname}"."{pkname}"'
return f'UPDATE "{tname}" SET {cols} FROM my_temp WHERE {where}'
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jerch commented Mar 27, 2022

Decided not to continue working on a suitable COPY FROM update impl for django with psycopg2. The reason is quite simple - psycopg3's write_row is really great in terms of speed, correctness and ease of use, which we never can reach with a python based implementation. Better to get django moved to psycopg3 first, then things be adopted from there with its superior copy support.

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ghost commented Mar 31, 2022

Hi @jerch
Thank you for your interesting results on the Django update speed. When I tried to update 380k rows in one dataset it took forever so I tried my own benchmark.

The x-axis shows the size of a dataset whereas the y-axis shows how many updates per second are performed. This is with and without the batch_size parameter of the bulk_update().

Shows general loading times.

I experience a major performance hit when using bulk_update() without batch_size at around 13-14k sized datasets.
Something feels really wrong with here.

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jerch commented Mar 31, 2022

@fantasticle Which db backend have you tested here? Could you also test your dataset against my early fast_update impl here? Note that this gist is about postgres, and further speed gains from using COPY FROM vs. fast_update.

Also note that fast_update is not yet feature complete for general purpose django usage:

  • fk field support still missing (have not yet implemented/tested the ..._id side stepping)
  • f-expressions most likely never gonna work, needs at least spotting and bypassing those to .update
  • db routers not yet respected (wrongly uses the read db connection)

Beside that, it already should work with all other concrete field types.
Originally I planned to integrate fast_update more with existing ORM internals, but found it impossible to map to any existing sql compiler. Furthermore the backend distinction in the ORM does not offer different paths for mysql vs. mariadb, thus I stopped that endeavour and went with direct SQL formatting for now. A better way prolly would establish a new compiler for UPDATE FROM VALUES in the ORM and use its primitives, but thats a huge rewrite for rainy days.

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jerch commented Apr 2, 2022

If someone is interested, I've started packaging things more seriously in Still lacks all sorts of tests, from manual testing fast_update should mostly work though.
I also added a copy_update draft from my playground tests, but thats only half done (still misses several encoders and array support, have no priority on this, as psycopg3 will make it obsolete soon).

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