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Created August 1, 2018 08:00
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array search vs LLRB
const enum AttributeEntry {
FG = 0,
BG = 1
const enum FLAGS {
BOLD = 1,
BLINK = 4,
DIM = 32,
interface IColorsRef {
indexed: number;
R: number;
G: number;
B: number;
interface ITextAttributes {
bold: number;
underline: number;
blink: number;
inverse: number;
invisible: number;
dim: number;
italic: number;
fgRGB: number;
bgRGB: number;
fgRef: IColorsRef;
bgRef: IColorsRef;
flags: number;
fg: number;
bg: number;
updateColors(fg: number, bg: number): void;
class TextAttributes implements ITextAttributes {
private _fgRef: IColorsRef;
private _bgRef: IColorsRef;
constructor(public flags: number, public fg: number, public bg: number) {
this._fgRef = {R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, indexed: 0};
this._getColors(this.fg, this._fgRef, this.fgRGB);
this._bgRef = {R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, indexed: 0};
this._getColors(, this._bgRef, this.bgRGB);
updateColors(fg: number, bg: number): void {
this.fg = fg;
this._getColors(this.fg, this._fgRef, this.fgRGB); = bg;
this._getColors(, this._bgRef, this.bgRGB);
get fgRGB(): number {
return this.fg & 0x80000000;
set fgRGB(value: number) {
if (value) this.fg | 0x80000000;
else this.fg &= ~0x80000000;
get bgRGB(): number {
return & 0x80000000;
set bgRGB(value: number) {
if (value) | 0x80000000;
else &= ~0x80000000;
private _getColors(value: number, colors: IColorsRef, isRGB: number): void {
if (isRGB) {
colors.R = (value >> 16) & 0xFF;
colors.G = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
colors.B = value & 255;
colors.indexed = 0;
} else {
colors.R = 0;
colors.G = 0;
colors.B = 0;
colors.indexed = value & 255;
private _setColors(colors: IColorsRef, isRGB: number): number {
if (isRGB) return (colors.R << 16) | (colors.G << 8) | colors.B | 0x80000000;
return colors.indexed & 255;
get fgRef(): IColorsRef {
return this._fgRef;
set fgRef(colors: IColorsRef) {
this.fg = this._setColors(colors, this.fgRGB);
this._getColors(this.fg, this._fgRef, this.fgRGB);
get bgRef(): IColorsRef {
return this._bgRef;
set bgRef(colors: IColorsRef) { = this._setColors(colors, this.bgRGB);
this._getColors(, this._bgRef, this.bgRGB);
get bold(): number {
return this.flags & FLAGS.BOLD;
set bold(value: number) {
if (value) this.flags |= FLAGS.BOLD;
else this.flags &= ~FLAGS.BOLD;
get underline(): number {
return this.flags & FLAGS.UNDERLINE;
set underline(value: number) {
if (value) this.flags |= FLAGS.UNDERLINE;
else this.flags &= ~FLAGS.UNDERLINE;
get blink(): number {
return this.flags & FLAGS.BLINK;
set blink(value: number) {
if (value) this.flags |= FLAGS.BLINK;
else this.flags &= ~FLAGS.BLINK;
get inverse(): number {
return this.flags & FLAGS.INVERSE;
set inverse(value: number) {
if (value) this.flags |= FLAGS.INVERSE;
else this.flags &= ~FLAGS.INVERSE;
get invisible(): number {
return this.flags & FLAGS.INVISIBLE;
set invisible(value: number) {
if (value) this.flags |= FLAGS.INVISIBLE;
else this.flags &= ~FLAGS.INVISIBLE;
get dim(): number {
return this.flags & FLAGS.DIM;
set dim(value: number) {
if (value) this.flags |= FLAGS.DIM;
else this.flags &= ~FLAGS.DIM;
get italic(): number {
return this.flags & FLAGS.ITALIC;
set italic(value: number) {
if (value) this.flags |= FLAGS.ITALIC;
else this.flags &= ~FLAGS.ITALIC;
class AttributeStorage {
public data: Uint32Array;
public refs: Uint32Array;
constructor(initial: number) { = new Uint32Array(initial * 2);
this.refs = new Uint32Array(initial);
private _getSlot(attrs: ITextAttributes): number {
// search in O(n) :(
for (let i = 0; i < this.refs.length; i++) {
if (!this.refs[i]) {[i * 2 + AttributeEntry.FG] = attrs.fg;[i * 2 + AttributeEntry.BG] =;
return i;
if ([i * 2 + AttributeEntry.FG] === attrs.fg
&&[i * 2 + AttributeEntry.BG] === return i;
// mem exhausted - resize
const idx = this.refs.length;
const data = new Uint32Array( * 2);
for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) data[i] =[i]; = data;
const refs = new Uint32Array(this.refs.length * 2);
for (let i = 0; i < this.refs.length; ++i) refs[i] = this.refs[i];
this.refs = refs;
return idx;
ref(slot: number): void {
if (slot < 0) this.refs[slot & 0xFFFFFF]++;
unref(slot: number): void {
if (slot < 0 && this.refs[slot & 0xFFFFFF]) this.refs[slot & 0xFFFFFF]--;
loadAttrs(slot: number, attrs: ITextAttributes): void {
if (slot < 0) {
attrs.flags = slot >> 24 & 7;
const idx = slot << 1 & 0xFFFFFF;
attrs.updateColors([idx + AttributeEntry.FG],[idx + AttributeEntry.BG]);
} else {
attrs.flags = slot >> 24;
attrs.updateColors(slot >> 16 & 0xFF, slot >> 8 & 0xFF);
storeAttrs(attrs: ITextAttributes): number {
if (attrs.fgRGB || attrs.bgRGB) {
const idx = this._getSlot(attrs);
return idx | attrs.flags << 24 | 2147483648;
return attrs.flags << 24 | attrs.fg << 16 | << 8;
class PoolAllocatorU32 {
public HEAP: Uint32Array;
public entrySize: number;
public head: number;
public numSlots: number;
constructor(public initialSlots: number, public maxSlots: number, public slotSize: number) {
// adjust slotSize to multiple of 4 (must be at least 4 bytes to hold list address)
this.entrySize = slotSize;
// check for address overflow
if ((initialSlots + 1) * this.entrySize > 0xFFFFFFFF) throw new Error('initial address space exceeds 2^32');
if ((maxSlots + 1) * this.entrySize > 0xFFFFFFFF) throw new Error('max address space exceeds 2^32');
// create storage, reserve first slot as NULL
this.HEAP = new Uint32Array(this.entrySize * (this.initialSlots + 1));
// insert free list pointers
// last slot gets NULL pointer
// head points to first slot at entrySize
for (let i = this.entrySize; i < this.HEAP.length; i += this.entrySize) this.HEAP[i] = i + this.entrySize;
this.HEAP[this.HEAP.length - this.entrySize] = 0;
this.head = this.entrySize;
this.numSlots = this.initialSlots;
alloc(): number {
if (!this.head) {
// out of memory, try to resize
let newSlots = this.numSlots * 2;
if (newSlots > this.maxSlots) newSlots = this.maxSlots;
if (newSlots === this.numSlots) throw new Error('out of memory');
// alloc new storage and copy values over
const HEAP = new Uint32Array(this.entrySize * (newSlots + 1));
for (let i = 0; i < this.HEAP.length; ++i) HEAP[i] = this.HEAP[i];
HEAP[HEAP.length - this.entrySize] = 0;
for (let i = this.HEAP.length; i < HEAP.length; i += this.entrySize) HEAP[i] = i + this.entrySize;
HEAP[HEAP.length - this.entrySize] = 0;
this.head = this.HEAP.length;
this.numSlots = newSlots;
this.HEAP = HEAP;
const idx = this.head;
this.head = this.HEAP[idx];
return idx;
free(idx: number) {
this.HEAP[idx] = this.head;
this.head = idx;
interface INode {
key: number;
value: number;
red: number;
left: PNode;
right: PNode;
const enum ENode {
KEY = 0,
VALUE = 1,
RED = 2,
LEFT = 3,
type PNode = number;
const nullptr = 0;
class LLRB {
//public memory: PoolAllocator;
public memory: PoolAllocatorU32;
public M: Uint32Array;
public root: PNode;
public bottom: PNode;
public alloc: () => PNode;
constructor(initialSlots: number, maxSlots: number) {
//this.memory = new PoolAllocator(initialSlots, maxSlots, 20);
//this.M = this.memory.HEAP32;
this.memory = new PoolAllocatorU32(initialSlots, maxSlots, 5);
this.M = this.memory.HEAP;
this.alloc = this.memory.alloc.bind(this.memory);
this.bottom = nullptr;
this.root = this.bottom;
//alloc() {
// return this.memory.alloc() >> 2;
compare(a: number, b: number): number {
return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
find(key: number): PNode {
const M = this.M;
let n = this.root;
while (n !== this.bottom) {
let c =, M[n + ENode.KEY]);
if (c === 0) return n;
n = c < 0 ? M[n + ENode.LEFT] : M[n + ENode.RIGHT];
return nullptr;
insert(key: number, value: number) {
this.root = this._insert(this.root, key, value, this.M);
this.M[this.root + ENode.RED] = 0;
removeMin() {
if (this.root === this.bottom) return;
const M = this.M;
const root_left = M[this.root + ENode.LEFT];
const root_right = M[this.root + ENode.RIGHT];
if (!M[root_left + ENode.RED] && !M[root_right + ENode.RED]) M[this.root + ENode.RED] = 1;
this.root = this._removeMin(this.root, M);
M[this.root + ENode.RED] = 0;
remove(key: number) {
if (!this.find(key)) return;
const M = this.M;
if (!M[M[this.root + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED] && !M[M[this.root + ENode.RIGHT] + ENode.RED]) M[this.root + ENode.RED] = 1;
this.root = this._remove(this.root, key, M);
M[this.root + ENode.RED] = 0;
private _insert(h: PNode, key: number, value: number, M: Uint32Array): PNode {
if (h === this.bottom) {
const idx = this.alloc();
this.M = this.memory.HEAP;
M = this.M;
M[idx + ENode.KEY] = key;
M[idx + ENode.VALUE] = value;
M[idx + ENode.RED] = 1;
M[idx + ENode.LEFT] = this.bottom;
M[idx + ENode.RIGHT] = this.bottom;
return idx;
const c =, M[h + ENode.KEY]);
if (c < 0) this.M[h + ENode.LEFT] = this._insert(M[h + ENode.LEFT], key, value, M);
else if (c > 0) this.M[h + ENode.RIGHT] = this._insert(M[h + ENode.RIGHT], key, value, M);
else this.M[h + ENode.VALUE] = value;
M = this.M;
if (M[M[h + ENode.RIGHT] + ENode.RED] && !M[M[h + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED]) h = this._rotateLeft(h, M);
if (M[M[h + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED] && M[M[M[h + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED]) h = this._rotateRight(h, M);
if (M[M[h + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED] && M[M[h + ENode.RIGHT] + ENode.RED]) this._flipColors(h, M);
return h;
private _remove(h: PNode, key: number, M: Uint32Array) {
if (, M[h + ENode.KEY]) < 0) {
const left = M[h + ENode.LEFT];
if (!M[left + ENode.RED] && !M[M[left + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED]) h = this._moveRedLeft(h, M);
M[h + ENode.LEFT] = this._remove(M[h + ENode.LEFT], key, M);
} else {
if (M[M[h + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED]) h = this._rotateRight(h, M);
if (, M[h + ENode.KEY]) === 0 && (M[h + ENode.RIGHT] === this.bottom)) return this.bottom;
const right = M[h + ENode.RIGHT];
if (!M[right + ENode.RED] && !M[M[right + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED]) h = this._moveRedRight(h, M);
if (, M[h + ENode.KEY]) === 0) {
const x = this._min(M[h + ENode.RIGHT], M);
M[h + ENode.KEY] = M[x + ENode.KEY];
M[h + ENode.VALUE] = M[x + ENode.VALUE];
M[h + ENode.RIGHT] = this._removeMin(M[h + ENode.RIGHT], M);
} else M[h + ENode.RIGHT] = this._remove(M[h + ENode.RIGHT], key, M);
return this._balance(h, M);
private _min(h: PNode, M: Uint32Array): PNode {
if (M[h + ENode.LEFT] === this.bottom) return h;
return this._min(M[h + ENode.LEFT], M);
private _removeMin(h: PNode, M: Uint32Array) {
const left = M[h + ENode.LEFT];
if (left === this.bottom) return this.bottom;
if (!M[left + ENode.RED] && !M[M[left + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED]) h = this._moveRedLeft(h, M);
M[h + ENode.LEFT] = this._removeMin(left, M);
return this._balance(h, M);
private _balance(h: PNode, M: Uint32Array) {
if (M[M[h + ENode.RIGHT] + ENode.RED]) h = this._rotateLeft(h, M);
const left = M[h + ENode.LEFT];
if (M[left + ENode.RED] && M[M[left + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED]) h = this._rotateRight(h, M);
if (M[M[h + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED] && M[M[h + ENode.RIGHT] + ENode.RED]) this._flipColors(h, M);
return h;
private _moveRedLeft(h: PNode, M: Uint32Array) {
this._flipColors(h, M);
const right = M[h + ENode.RIGHT];
if (M[M[right + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED]) {
M[h + ENode.RIGHT] = this._rotateRight(right, M);
h = this._rotateLeft(h, M);
return h;
private _moveRedRight(h: PNode, M: Uint32Array) {
this._flipColors(h, M);
if (M[M[M[h + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED]) h = this._rotateRight(h, M);
return h;
private _rotateRight(h: PNode, M: Uint32Array) {
const x = M[h + ENode.LEFT];
M[h + ENode.LEFT] = M[x + ENode.RIGHT];
M[x + ENode.RIGHT] = h;
M[x + ENode.RED] = M[h + ENode.RED];
M[h + ENode.RED] = 1;
return x;
private _rotateLeft(h: PNode, M: Uint32Array) {
const x = M[h + ENode.RIGHT];
M[h + ENode.RIGHT] = M[x + ENode.LEFT];
M[x + ENode.LEFT] = h;
M[x + ENode.RED] = M[h + ENode.RED];
M[h + ENode.RED] = 1;
return x;
private _flipColors(h: PNode, M: Uint32Array) {
M[h + ENode.RED] ^= 1;
M[M[h + ENode.LEFT] + ENode.RED] ^= 1;
M[M[h + ENode.RIGHT] + ENode.RED] ^= 1;
class LLRBIterator {
private _stack: number[];
constructor(private _llrb: LLRB, private _reverse=false) {
this._stack = [];
this._load(this._llrb.root, (this._reverse) ? ENode.RIGHT : ENode.LEFT);
private _load(node: PNode, direction: ENode) {
while (node) {
node = this._llrb.M[node + direction];
next(): PNode {
const node = this._stack.pop();
if (this._reverse) this._load(this._llrb.M[node + ENode.LEFT], ENode.RIGHT);
else this._load(this._llrb.M[node + ENode.RIGHT], ENode.LEFT);
return node;
hasNext(): boolean {
return !!this._stack.length;
toArray(): PNode[] {
const res = [];
while (this.hasNext()) res.push(;
return res;
function test(n: number, scale: number) {
let sum = [0, 0];
for (let k = 0; k < scale; ++k) {
const llrb = new LLRB(1, 20000000);
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) llrb.insert(n, n);
const start = process.hrtime();
for (let i = n; i < n+10000; ++i) llrb.insert(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 24) >>> 0, 0);
const end = process.hrtime(start);
sum[0] += end[0];
sum[1] += end[1];
return [sum[0], sum[1]/1000000];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('100,', test(100, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('250,', test(100, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('500,', test(100, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('750,', test(100, 100)[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('1000,', test(1000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('2500,', test(1000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('5000,', test(1000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('7500,', test(1000, 100)[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('10000,', test(10000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('25000,', test(10000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('50000,', test(10000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('75000,', test(10000, 100)[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('100000,', test(100000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('250000,', test(100000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('500000,', test(100000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('750000,', test(100000, 100)[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('1000000,', test(1000000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('2500000,', test(1000000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('5000000,', test(1000000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('7500000,', test(1000000, 100)[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('10000000,', test(10000000, 100)[1]);
function test2(n: number, scale: number) {
let sum = [0, 0];
const attr = new TextAttributes(0, 0, 0);
for (let k = 0; k < scale; ++k) {
const stor = new AttributeStorage(1);
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
attr.fg = i;
let p = stor.storeAttrs(attr);
const start = process.hrtime();
for (let i = n; i < n+10000; ++i) {
//attr.fg = i;
attr.fg = Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 24) >>> 0;
let p = stor.storeAttrs(attr);
const end = process.hrtime(start);
sum[0] += end[0];
sum[1] += end[1];
return [sum[0], sum[1]/1000000];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('100,', test2(100, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('250,', test2(100, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('500,', test2(100, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('750,', test2(100, 100)[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('1000,', test2(1000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('2500,', test2(1000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('5000,', test2(1000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('7500,', test2(1000, 100)[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('10000,', test2(10000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('25000,', test2(10000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('50000,', test2(10000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('75000,', test2(10000, 100)[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('100000,', test2(100000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('250000,', test2(100000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('500000,', test2(100000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('750000,', test2(100000, 100)[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('1000000,', test2(1000000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('2500000,', test2(1000000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('5000000,', test2(1000000, 100)[1]);
//for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('7500000,', test2(1000000, 100)[1]);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) console.log('10000000,', test2(10000000, 100)[1]);
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