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Created July 22, 2014 21:47
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echor() - Beutified variable/array/object output for debugging
* Beutified variable/array/object output for debugging
* Intellegently determines the type of data in $input and
* prints out a pleaseant rendering of its contents.
* Distinguishes between arrays, objects, strings, integers and booleans
* Otherwise states its not sure what $input is.
* $args is an array of optional parameters:
* hide • Default false. If true wrap the output in <!--html comment tags--> instead of pretty divs.
* title • Default false. H3 to show at the start of output explaning expectations/source
* strip_tags • Default true, false to disable. HTML stripped from strings and print_r output.
* truncate • Default 2000. False to disable. Strings will be truncated to this many characters.
* excluded_children • Children of the passed-in object/array to NOT show. Can be array or a single key to exclude.
* collapse • Whether to collapse array/object content by default or not.
* echo • Default true. False will return HTML output instead of printing it to screen.
* @uses GV_ECHOR_CSS_USED bool Whether echor CSS has been used on this pageload yet to only output echor CSS on the first instance.
* @uses GV_ECHOR_JQUERY_USED bool Whether echor CSS has been used on this pageload yet to only output echor CSS on the first instance.
* @global <type> $gv
* @param <type> $input
* @param <type> $args
function echor($input, $args = "") {
// See function doc for explanation of default arguments.
$defaults = array (
'hide' => false,
'title' => false,
'strip_tags' => true,
'truncate' => 2000,
'excluded_children' => '',
'collapse' => false,
'echo' => true,
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
* Echor CSS, only inserted once per pageview, tracked by GV_ECHOR_CSS_USED constant
if (!defined('GV_ECHOR_CSS_USED') and (!$hide AND $echo )) :
<style type="text/css">
.echor-container {
margin:5px 5px 5px 0;
.echor {
font-family: "Source Code Pro", monaco, courier, verdana;
color: #333;
background-color: #FFF3C2;
border: 2px solid #F1E19D;
.echor h3 {
margin: 0 0 5px 0;
padding: 0;
font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif;
font-size: 17px;
font-weight: normal;
.echor b {
font-weight: normal;
font-family: "Source Sans Pro", sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
.echor pre {
margin: 5px 0;
white-space: pre-wrap;
.echor .calling-function {
font-size: 9px;
padding: 5px 0 0 0 ;
color: #666;
// Set the constant to avoid showing CSS again
define('GV_ECHOR_CSS_USED', true);
// Label shows above any content. Mandatory
$label = '';
// Echor content shows below label, optional if label covers it.
$echor_content = '';
* Array or Object (enhanced print_r output)
if (is_array($input) OR is_object($input)) :
$label = "Object";
if (is_array($input))
$label = "Array";
$input_count = count($input);
* Remove excluded children if requested
if ($excluded_children) :
// Reformat as array with one element if it's just a string
if (!is_array($excluded_children))
$excluded_children = array($excluded_children);
* Remove excluded children by recreating the array/object with unwanted children replaced.
// Array Style
if (is_array($input)) :
$input_copy = array();
foreach ($input as $key => $value) :
// If this element is not excluded add it to the copy
if (!in_array($key, $excluded_children))
$input_copy[$key] = $value;
// Otherwise add a note that it was excluded
$input_copy[$key] = '•• VALUE EXCLUDED ••';
// Object style (has to be one or the other)
else :
$input_copy = new stdClass();
foreach ($input as $key =>$value) :
// If it is not in the excluded array then add it to the input_copy
if (!in_array($key, $excluded_children))
$input_copy->$key = $value;
// Otherwise add a note that it was excluded
$input_copy->$key = '•• VALUE EXCLUDED ••';
// If we aren't excluding children just copy $input into $input_copy
else :
$input_copy = $input;
// Fetch the <pre>-formatted print_r output
$print_r_output = print_r($input_copy, 1);
// Convert it into an array of each line of the output
$print_r_lines = explode("\n", $print_r_output);
// Clear 3 spaces from the front of the print_r <pre> output, its unnecessary space
foreach ($print_r_lines as $key => $line)
$print_r_lines[$key] = substr($line, 3);
// Remove the first two and last two lines, they are unnecessary brackets and labels from print_r
// Turn the array of lines back into a string
$reformatted_print_r = implode("\n",$print_r_lines);
* Remove any HTML to avoid breaking the page
if ($strip_tags)
$reformatted_print_r = strip_tags($reformatted_print_r);
* Add item count and show/hide button to label
$label .= " ($input_count items) ";
// Add show/hide button to label
if (!$hide)
$label .= " &middot; <small><a class=\"echor-toggle\">[show/hide]</a></small>";
* Prepare content with print_r
$echor_content = "<pre>$reformatted_print_r</pre> \n";
* String - Truncated and shown in <pre>
elseif ( is_string($input) ) :
* If it's empty then say so in words
if (empty($input)) :
$label = ' <i>is_string() but empty</i>';
else :
$label = '<b>String: </b>';
* Remove any HTML to avoid breaking the page with strange string
* Pass 'strip_tags=0' into echor to disable this and output whatever html was in $input
if ($strip_tags)
$input = strip_tags($input);
* If it's long and $truncate is active condense the string to it's start and end.
* Pass 'truncate=0' into echor to turn off truncation for that instance,
* or pass in a larger number that suits your specific task.
if ($truncate) :
// Default truncation length is 2000
$text_truncation_length = $truncate;
$text_truncation_half = (int) $truncate / 2;
if (strlen($input) > $text_truncation_length) :
// Copy the last $text_truncation_half characters (start -$text_truncation_half from the end, copy $text_truncation_half chars) of the string
$end_of_string = substr($input, -$text_truncation_half, $text_truncation_half);
// Cut the $input to only it's first 500 characters
$start_of_string = substr($input, 0, 1000);
// Tack the ending onto the starting
$input = $start_of_string . "\n\n • TRUNCATED • \n\n" . $end_of_string;
endif; // $truncate
$echor_content = "<pre>$input</pre>";
* Integers
elseif ( is_int($input) AND $input) :
$label = "<b>Integer • $input</b> ";
* Float number
elseif (is_float($input)) :
$label = "<b>Float • $input</b>";
* Numeric Zero
elseif ($input === 0) :
$label = '<b>0 === $input</b>';
* Boolean False
elseif ($input === FALSE) :
$label = '<b>false === $input</b>';
* Boolean True
elseif ($input === TRUE) :
$label = '<b>true === $input</b>';
* Undefined variable
elseif (!$input) :
$label = '<i>Undefined or empty value</i>';
* Other defined value
elseif ($input) :
$label = "Not sure what it is • $input";
* Determine the calling function
$debug_backtrace = debug_backtrace();
$calling_function = $debug_backtrace[1]['function'];
$final_output = '';
$extra_css_classes = '';
* Hide mode with $output wrapped in HTML comments
if ($hide) :
$final_output .= "<!-- ECHOR (SET TO SILENT) \n";
if ($title)
$final_output .= " $title \n";
$final_output .= "\n $label \n \n";
$final_output .= "\n $echor_content \n \n";
$final_output .= " -->\n";
* Non-Hidden printout using divs
else :
* Add the echor collapsed class so that this will start as closed
if ($collapse)
$extra_css_classes .= "echor-collapsed ";
$final_output .= "<div class='echor-container'>\n";
$final_output .= "<div class='echor'> \n";
if ($title)
$final_output .= "<h3>{$args['title']}</h3> \n";
if ($label)
$final_output .= "<span class='echor-label'>$label</span>";
if ($echor_content)
$final_output .= "<div class='echor-content $extra_css_classes'>$echor_content</div>";
// $final_output .= $output;
$final_output .= "<p class='calling-function'> $calling_function()</p>";
$final_output .= "</div><!--.echor-->\n";
$final_output .= "</div><!--#echor-container-->\n";
* Output Echor jQuery code only once per pageload, tracked by GV_ECHOR_JQUERY_USED
if (!defined('GV_ECHOR_JQUERY_USED') and $collapse ) :
$final_output .= "
<script type='text/javascript'>{
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// Hide any initially-collapsed echors
// Make the toggle button toggle the content of the current echor
$('.echor-toggle').click(function() {
// Get the parent echor, then find it's child .echor-content and toggle it
}); // end document.ready
// Set the constant to avoid showing this again
define('GV_ECHOR_JQUERY_USED', true);
* Echo or return output
if ($echo)
echo $final_output;
return $final_output;
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