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Created January 24, 2019 10:11
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vim-surround toggling quotes
function! Toggle_Surround(char)
let pos = getcurpos()
let cur = col(".")
exe "norm! va".a:char
let start = col("v")
let end = col(".")
exe "norm! \<esc>"
call cursor(pos[1], pos[2])
if start <= cur && cur <= end && start != end
" inside quote :)
exe "norm ds".a:char
call cursor(pos[1], pos[2]-len(a:char))
" not inside a quote
" hapens when cur <= start or end <= cur_sol or cur == start == end
exe "norm ysiw".a:char
call cursor(pos[1], pos[2]+len(a:char))
nmap <silent> "" :call Toggle_Surround('"')<cr>
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