π Insert project badges separated by a space (remove this comment)
Describe briefly the pupose of the project in one sentence.
π If for some reason you need a deeper explanation on what the project covers we suggest an unordered list starting with a strong preceding motivation like React's README (https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/README.md) (remove this comment)
π Please include an unordered list of links to help people navigate through it. (remove this comment)
Start enumarating the requirements (ie: node, packages, versions) followed by a brief sentence explaining how to install the project if it requires no more than two steps or commands.
# install with yarn
yarn add your-awesome-library
# install with npm
npm install your-awesome-library --save
π If the project requires several steps use the section for environment description, requrements and possible external dependencies like licenses in combination with an unordered list with every step, from installing dependencies to running commands or changing files. If content list is too large move it to an INSTALLING.md
file. (remove this comment)
When the library has a generic pattern of use or a required first action, describe it in one or two brief sentence and a code snippet if necessary.
import awesome from 'your-awesome-library'
When the library has a set of utils (ie: lib/something, lib/anotherThing, etc.), methods (ie: library.something, library.anotherThing, etc.) or different aspects of use or customization enumerate them with a heading, notes and code snippets for each of them.
const wubba = awesome.firstUsage({
// wubba -> 'lubba'
Some aspects of a project might not fall into obvious sections, you can create a new section describing in a paragraph or two something about it and a simple use case.
If the content gets too long, consider moving this to a new markdown file for it.
Enumarate requirements and steps to run locally the project and check tests.
π If content gets too big consider creating a CONTRIBUTING.md file and link to it here
π If your projects require some extra steps than the normal ones when creating issues or pull requests, consider using GitHub templates
Don't forget any necessary steps for each of them like local changes or commands.
Feel free to add anything related to contributing unles they are already covered by the frontend guidebook.
For further information about code styles, commit standards and hooks please visit our frontend guidebook.
- Core maintainer's name (@github_handle) mail@typeform.com
If you have any doubt or question feel free to ask at #some-channel in Slack.
Tips are prefixed with π, once you covered it, remove it.