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Created November 4, 2010 21:00
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A fabfile to manage git+appengine deployement
from __future__ import with_statement
import functools
import os
import sys
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.colors import green, red, green
import datetime
import re
#Some environment information to customize
APPENGINE_DEV_APPSERVER = "/usr/local/bin/"
APPENGINE_PATH = "/usr/local/google_appengine/"
APPENGINE_APP_CFG = "/usr/local/bin/"
PYTHON = "/opt/local/bin/python2.5"
#default values
env.version = "staging"
env.gae_email = ""
env.gae_src = "src/"
def fix_appengine_path():
os.path.join(APPENGINE_PATH, 'lib', 'antlr3'),
os.path.join(APPENGINE_PATH, 'lib', 'django'),
os.path.join(APPENGINE_PATH, 'lib', 'fancy_urllib'),
os.path.join(APPENGINE_PATH, 'lib', 'ipaddr'),
os.path.join(APPENGINE_PATH, 'lib', 'webob'),
os.path.join(APPENGINE_PATH, 'lib', 'yaml', 'lib'),
sys.path = EXTRA_PATHS + sys.path
from google.appengine.api import appinfo
def include_appcfg(func):
"""Decorator that ensures the current Fabric env has a GAE app.yaml config
attached to it."""
def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
if not hasattr(env, 'app'):
appcfg = appinfo.LoadSingleAppInfo(open(env.gae_src + 'app.yaml')) = appcfg
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_func
def last_tag():
print(green("Last %s tag: %s" % (env.version, get_last_tag_match("%s-*" % env.version))))
def staging():
"""Sets the deployment target to staging.""" = '%s-staging' %
env.version = "staging"
def production():
"""Sets the deployment target to production."""
env.version = "production"
def version(version):
env.version = version
def tgz():
tag = get_last_tag_match("%s*" % env.version)
local("git archive --format=tar %s | gzip > tag_%s.tar.gz" % (tag, tag))
def deploy(tag=None):
if not is_working_directory_clean():
abort("Working directory should be clean before deploying")
local('%s %s -A %s -V %s --email=%s update %s' % (PYTHON, APPENGINE_APP_CFG,,, env.gae_email, env.gae_src), capture=False)
def run():
local("%s %s --port 8080 --use_sqlite %s" % (PYTHON, APPENGINE_DEV_APPSERVER, env.gae_src), capture=False)
def help():
print(" staging")
print(" production")
print(" version")
print(" run")
print(" deploy")
print(" last_tag")
print(" tgz")
# helpers
def prepare_deploy(tag=None):
print(green("Preparing the deployement to %s" % env.version))
if env.version == "staging": = env.version
if tag != None:
if tag.find("staging") != 0 or get_last_tag_match(tag) == None:
abort("Can only deploy to staging a staging tag; use 'fab deploy:staging-YYYY-MM-DD.X'")
env.deployement_tag = tag
elif env.version == "production":
if tag != None:
if tag.find("production") == 0 and get_last_tag_match(tag) != None:
env.deployement_tag = tag
abort("Staging tag required; use 'fab production deploy:staging-YYYY-MM-DD.X'")
# Where are we checking out a clean copy?
deploy_path = local('mktemp -d -t %s' %
local('git clone . %s' % deploy_path)
with cd(deploy_path):
local('git checkout %s' % env.deployement_tag)
#local('git submodule init')
#local('git submodule update')
local('find . -name ".git*" | xargs rm -rf')
print(green('App: %s' %
print(green('Ver: %s' %
env.deploy_path = deploy_path
def end_deploy():
print(green("Cleaning up after the deploy"))
local('rm -r %s' % env.deploy_path)
#update_tag("current_%s_version" % env.version, env.deployement_tag)
def check_if_last_version():
branch = local("git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d'").replace("* ", "").strip()
local_sha = local("git log --pretty=format:%H HEAD -1").strip()
origin_sha = local("git log --pretty=format:%%H %s -1" % branch).strip()
if local_sha != origin_sha:
Your %s branch is not up to date with origin/%s.
Please make sure you have pulled and pushed all code before deploying:
git pull origin %s
#run tests, etc
git push origin %s
""" % (branch, branch, branch, branch))
def get_last_tag_match(str):
tags = local(" git tag -l '%s'" % str)
if len(tags) == 0:
return None
tags = tags.split()
return tags[-1]
def do_production_tag(tag_to_promote):
if tag_to_promote.find("staging") != 0:
abort("Staging tag required; use 'fab production deploy:staging-YYYY-MM-DD.X'")
tag_to_promote = get_last_tag_match(tag_to_promote)
if tag_to_promote == None:
abort("Staging tag \"%s\" does not exist." % tag_to_promote)
(last_tag_name, next_tag_name) = get_tags_name()
if need_to_tag(tag_to_promote, last_tag_name):
print(green("Tagging the last %s with %s" % (env.version, next_tag_name)))
local("git tag -a -m 'tagging current code for deployment to %s' %s %s" % (env.version, next_tag_name, tag_to_promote))
env.deployement_tag = next_tag_name
env.deployement_tag = last_tag_name
def do_staging_tag():
(last_tag_name, next_tag_name) = get_tags_name()
if need_to_tag("HEAD", last_tag_name):
local("git tag -a -m 'tagging current code for deployment to %s' %s" % (env.version, next_tag_name))
env.deployement_tag = next_tag_name
env.deployement_tag = last_tag_name
def update_tag(tag_name, from_tag):
if get_last_tag_match(tag_name) != None:
local("git tag -d %s" % tag_name)
local("git tag -a -m 'updating %s to %s' %s %s" % (tag_name, from_tag, tag_name, from_tag))
def need_to_tag(version1, version2):
sha_version1 = local("git log --pretty=format:%%H %s -1" % version1)
if version2:
sha_version2 = local("git log --pretty=format:%%H %s -1" % version2)
if sha_version1 == sha_version2:
print(green("No need to tag, the last %s tag is the same as the current version" % env.version))
return False
return True
def is_working_directory_clean():
status = local("git status")
if status.find("working directory clean") > -1:
print(green("Working directory clean."))
return True
print(red("Working directory not clean."))
return False
def get_tags_name():
num = 1
today =
next_tag_name = "%s-%i-%.2i-%.2i" % (env.version, today.year, today.month,
last_tag_name = get_last_tag_match(next_tag_name + ".*")
if last_tag_name == None:
num = 1
match ="%s-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\.([0-9]*)" % env.version, last_tag_name)
num = int( + 1
next_tag_name = "%s.%.3i" % (next_tag_name, num)
print(green("Last tag name: %s" % last_tag_name))
print(green("Next tag name: %s" % next_tag_name))
return (last_tag_name, next_tag_name)
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ses4j commented May 6, 2014

Hi - came across this gist looking for something like check_if_last_version. The branch/sed parsing doesn't work right for me (maybe a platform thing) but this is simpler anyway:

git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD

Which just gives you the branch name directly.

Also, new versions of fabric need local(..., capture=True)

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