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Last active December 15, 2015 00:19
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Save jeremiaheb/5172134 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Validation --- Overlapping Size
// Check that a species record does not have overlapping sizes with another
// record of the same species
//get current species record info....this is the species info to compare with all the others
$.validator.addMethod("doesNotHaveOverlap", function(value, element, params){
var spp = {}
var $index = $(element).parent().parent().index();
var $thisSpecies = $(element).parent().find('.sppCommon').select2("val");
var $thisNumber = $(element).parent().find('[id$="number_individuals"]').val();
var $thisMean = $(element).parent().find('[id$="average_length"]').val();
var $thisMin = $(element).parent().find('[id$="min_length"]').val();
var $thisMax = $(element).parent().find('[id$="max_length"]').val();
var $thisRange
if ( $thisNumber == 1 ){
$thisRange = [parseFloat($thisMean)];
} else if ( $thisNumber == 2 ) {
$thisRange = [parseFloat($thisMin), parseFloat($thisMax)];
} else {
$thisRange = _.range(parseFloat($thisMin), parseFloat($thisMax) + 1);
//get all other species entered thus far (are visible, same species code and not the record we are comparing with) and
//put in a multidimensional array
$("#animals .fields").each(function(i){
if ($(this).is(":visible") && $(this).find(".sppCommon").select2("val") == $thisSpecies && i != $index ) {
var $animal = $(this).find('.sppCommon').select2("val");
var $number = $(this).find('[id$="number_individuals"]').val();
var $mean = $(this).find('[id$="average_length"]').val();
var $min = $(this).find('[id$="min_length"]').val();
var $max = $(this).find('[id$="max_length"]').val();
var $range
if ( $number == 1 ){
$range = [parseFloat($mean)];
} else if ( $number == 2 ) {
$range = [parseFloat($min), parseFloat($max)];
} else {
$range = _.range(parseFloat($min), parseFloat($max) + 1);
spp[i] = { "species": $animal, "range": $range};
//if {spp} is not empty then loop through each record and test for overlapping ranges...
//trigger error if species sizes overlap with another record of same species
var hasOverlap;
if ( _.isEmpty(spp) ) { hasOverlap = false; }
else {
var checkBool = []
for ( rec in spp ) { checkBool.push( _.intersection(spp[rec].range, $thisRange).length>0); };
hasOverlap = _.contains( checkBool, true );
return hasOverlap == false;
}, "record overlaps with other record"
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