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Created May 30, 2018 05:14
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This outer wrapper, the Name Space (I'm using older ES syntax; I may replace this later for
better clarification) is one point on which I am not so "certain"; but following Hebrew parallelism structures both sets of terms "without form and void" and "the face of the deep" consistent with completion or expansion of an idea. While in English at least "without form and void" would seem to indicate complete absence of substance or condition or total emptiness, the use of the terms "face of the deep" or "surface of the waters" implies pre-existing conditions. Viewing this first set of sentences within a synthetic parallel structure on a linguistic level would offer support for a reading of the first few verses according to an ancient Near Eastern cosmological perspective. I.e. both "without form and void" and "the face of the deep" imply "chaos" or "lack of meaning", thus it could be stated, as is linguistically literally consistent with the use of the Hebrew words for "made," that the process of "creation" described in Genesis 1 is a process of declaring the function or role of things pre-existing within chaos, or a process of "naming" as the verb "name" is used in a Postmodern context.
By naming this outer layer, "chaos" I am presupposing acceptance of a Hebrew synthetic parallel structure in the opening sentences. As an aside, the motion of God "over the waters" implies his existence separate from chaos. I may be getting a little too technical here, but I didn't necessarily want to make creation a function of chaos; that would be too equivalent to the ancient Greek cosmology. Rather, since God exists outside of chaos I can add his action within chaos to better convey the meaning of the text.
let chaos = {
/* "Pre-existing" conditions regarding physical universe, etc. */
/* Modern science seems to argue for the existence of a state machine here. The inclusion of GOD in this object's namespace does not imply control of GOD by this object, rather recognizes the existence of this object is dependent on GOD. */
chaos.prototype = {
/* Assuming action of */
constructor = function(/* Enumerable properties... a very long list. */) {
/* Mechanisms:
/* ... */
const GOD = {
creation:function() {
/* I will in many cases be relying on types rather than enumerated values because enumerating everything specifically is inconsistent with the passage of scripture itself. While this structure may be inexact, it allows for expansion of the initial "typing" process of creation itself. E.g. light, though it returns a value of "null" here, no longer returns a type of "undefined." In a linguistic sense, this seems reflective of the same way the passage reads, i.e. it does not define what "light" is, but presupposes understanding or allows for ambiguity (at this point) with regard to everything it contains. A return value of "null" does not exactly convey this, but typing it as an object presents it within the local scope of the function itself thereby subsetting it in the greater namespace. I.e. "Light is a more specific subset of chaos." */
dayOne: {
makeLight:function() {
let light = {};
light.light = {};
light.darkness = {};
return light;
orderLight:function() {
chaos.light = GOD.creation.dayOne.makeLight();
let day = {}; = chaos.light.light;
day.night = chaos.light.darkness;
return day;
firstDay:function() { = GOD.creation.dayOne.orderLight();
let firstDay = {};
firstDay.evening =;
firstDay.morning =;
return firstDay;
dayTwo: {
makeFirmament:function() {
let firmament = {};
return firmament;
orderFirmament:function() {
firmament = GOD.creation.dayTwo.makeFirmament();
firmament.above = {};
firmament.below = {};
let heaven = firmament;
return heaven;
secondDay:function() {
/* Here I add an additional namespace distinction within chaos to reflect a more physical ideation in this instance of these instances. While the firmament, light, day and night, and heaven are metaphorical for Heaven (as in a „separate from chaos“ sort of place) the passage here seems to cover a functional distinction. I am uncertain whether the particulars of the narrative are as relevant to the purpose of the narrative in these instances, considering ANE communication styles, and Moses’ training in particular. */
chaos.heaven = GOD.creation.dayTwo.orderFirmament();
let secondDay = {};
secondDay.evening =;
secondDay.morning =;
return secondDay;
dayThree: {
/* Again, this is an instance where enumeration is missing from the passage. Functionally, this section describes the nature of the flow of water according to gravity and surface tension. Note the use of being verbs throughout this and previous days’ words. Let…be… ES let seems appropriate in these instance, because allows for preexisting variable and defines it within scope. Wording is similar. „This order is of the order I am making out of chaos.“ Lack of enumeration provides insignificant argument for 6-day ex nihilo account, nor 6-day order-based account here. */
gatherWater:function() {
let water = {};
water.props = {
behavior:function() {
/* … */
/* … */
return water;
makeLand:function() {
chaos.water = gatherWater();
let land = {};
land.props = {
behavior:function() {
/* ... */
return land;
thirdDay:function() { = makeLand();
let thirdDay = {};
thirdDay.evening =;
thirdDay.morning =;
return thirdDay;
/* ... */
Some Main Points:
1. God is separate from chaos. This is especially important with regard to the narrative of the the OT law.
2. God's "creation" was imposing order on, or calling order out of, chaos. e.g. God was "dividing" and "separating." Creation is "sanctification." Making something holy and setting it apart. (This may be more simply conveyed using venn diagrams.)
3. God sanctified humanity through the process of creation. Moses marks this instance as the initiation of God's project for humanity which is being carried out by the Jews as the "people of God" in their Exodus from Egypt &c. (Romans)
4. This passage is not here to describe the mechanisms whereby things came to be, especially in any specifics hence the lack of enumeration, the lack of journalistic writing style, (see Numbers for comparison) but to literally describe what God has apppointed them to.
/* Ultimate product:
The nesting in this order is not the point, so much as for the specific purposes of the narrative, each object is now a "sanctified subset of chaos." e.g. chaos is a hashset containing all these things. These are some dictionary keys we use to reference objects in the hashset that God has appointed as separate hashes. */
let chaos = {
let this = this.chaos;
this.heavens: {
}, {
}, {
sun: this.sun,
moon: this.moon,
stars: this.stars,
birds: this.birds,
flyingThings: this.flyingThings,
this.sun: {
this.moon: {
sea: {
land: {
plants: {
animals: {
/* Genesis is not about taxonomy... get it? the nesting is completely unimportant except with regard to the fact that
humans: {
/* ... */
/* ... */
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