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Created December 1, 2024 14:16
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Rank latest rstats posts from Bluesky and print to console
# Rank latest rstats posts from Bluesky, accrding to likes, and
# print to console
# authenticate to bsky
auth <- bs_auth(user = bs_get_user(), pass = bs_get_pass())
# experiement with different values for n_posts. After 100, try with 50
n_posts <- 100
query <- "#rstats"
# search for posts
rstats_posts_raw <- bs_search_posts(
query = query,
limit = n_posts,
sort = "latest"
) |>
# define a function to construct a URL to a post on a user profile
post_url <- function(did, uri) {
# did should be the author's did
# the uri should be the uri of the post
# from the uri we will extract the rkey and combine it
# with the author's did to make a link to the post
# on the author's profile
base <- ""
user <- paste0(did, "/post/")
rkey <- str_extract(uri, "[A-Za-z0-9]+(?=\\/?$)")
base, user, rkey
# just the 50 most liked
posts <- rstats_posts_raw |>
slice(1:50) |>
select(uri, like_count, repost_count, author, record) |>
unnest_wider(c(author, record), names_sep = "_") |>
select(uri, author_did, like_count, repost_count, author_displayName,
record_text, author_handle) |>
post_url = post_url(did = author_did, uri = uri),
rank = row_number()
) |>
# print in console
"\n", posts[["rank"]], ". ", posts[["author_displayName"]], "\n",
posts[["like_count"]], " likes:", "\n",
posts[["record_text"]], "\n",
posts[["post_url"]], "\n",
"-----", "\n",
sep = ""
sep = ""
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