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Created November 26, 2020 01:25
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Script to parse minecraft server logs and add up users' playtime.
# Script to parse minecraft server logs and add up users' playtime.
# Usage: python3 path/to/logs
# Rifkin 2020
import datetime
import gzip
import os
import pytz
import re
import sys
import traceback
FileRE = r"(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-\d+\.log\.gz"
timeRE = r"(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})"
entryRE = r"^\[(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\]"
UserAuthRE = r"^\[(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\] \[User Authenticator #\d+\/INFO\]: UUID of player (\w{3,16}) is ([0-9a-f\-]+)$"
LoggedInRE = r"^\[(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\] \[Server thread\/INFO\]: (\w{3,16})\[/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}:\d{1,5}\] logged in with entity id \d+ at \(\[\w+\]-?\d+\.\d+, -?\d+\.\d+, -?\d+\.\d+\)$"
LoggedOutRE = r"^\[(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\] \[(?:Server thread\/INFO|Thread-1\/INFO)\]: ([^ ]{3,16}) left the game$"
LoginFromOtherLocationRE = r"^\[\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\] \[Server thread\/INFO\]: \w{3,16} lost connection: You logged in from another location$"
StoppingServerRE = r"^\[(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\] \[(?:Server thread\/INFO|Thread-1\/INFO)\]: Stopping server$"
tz = pytz.timezone("America/Denver")
class Logger:
def __init__(self):
self.warnings = []
def warn(self, msg):
def status(self):
print("{} warnings --".format(len(self.warnings)))
for w in self.warnings:
# dict of sets. uuid -> {usernames: set, playtime: float, lastlogin: datetime or None}
class PlayerDatabase:
def __init__(self):
self.db = {}
def check_and_init(self, uuid):
if uuid not in self.db:
self.db[uuid] = {
"usernames": set(),
"playtime": 0,
"lastLogin": None
def search(self, username):
for uuid in self.db:
for name in self.db[uuid]["usernames"]:
if name == username:
return uuid
raise Exception("Username not found")
def register(self, uuid, username):
def login(self, username, time):
uuid =
if self.db[uuid]["lastLogin"] is not None:
raise Exception("Mismatch - login without registered logout")
self.db[uuid]["lastLogin"] = time
def logout(self, username, time):
uuid =
if self.db[uuid]["lastLogin"] is None:
raise Exception("Mismatch - logout without login")
self.db[uuid]["playtime"] += (time - self.db[uuid]["lastLogin"]).total_seconds()
self.db[uuid]["lastLogin"] = None
def user_has_logged_in(self, username):
uuid =
return self.db[uuid]["lastLogin"] is not None
def logout_all(self, time):
for uuid in self.db:
if self.db[uuid]["lastLogin"] is not None:
self.db[uuid]["playtime"] += (time - self.db[uuid]["lastLogin"]).total_seconds()
self.db[uuid]["lastLogin"] = None
def parseTime(t):
match = re.match(timeRE, t)
return [int(x) for x in match.groups()]
def process_logs(log_dir):
DB = PlayerDatabase()
logger = Logger()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(log_dir):
path = root.split(os.sep)
for filename in sorted(files):
f = None
date = None
if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == ".gz":
f = + "/" + filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8")
match = re.match(FileRE, filename)
groups = match.groups()
date =[0]), int(groups[1]), int(groups[2]))
f = open(root + "/" + filename, "r")
lastmod = os.path.getmtime(root + "/" + filename)
date =
line = f.readline()
lastTime = None
while line:
line = line.strip()
match = re.match(LoggedInRE, line)
if match:
groups = match.groups()
print("[{}] [login] {}".format(groups[0], groups[1]))
t = parseTime(groups[0])
dt = datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month,, t[0], t[1], t[2])
dt = tz.localize(dt)
DB.login(groups[1], dt)
elif "logged in" in line: # debug: catch regex anomalies
if not re.match(LoginFromOtherLocationRE, line):
logger.warn("Warning: possible regex miss: [{}] {}".format(date, line))
match = re.match(UserAuthRE, line)
if match:
groups = match.groups()
DB.register(groups[2], groups[1])
elif "UUID of player" in line: # debug: catch regex anomalies
logger.warn("Warning: possible regex miss: [{}] {}".format(date, line))
match = re.match(LoggedOutRE, line)
if match:
groups = match.groups()
print("[{}] [logout] {}".format(groups[0], groups[1]))
t = parseTime(groups[0])
dt = datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month,, t[0], t[1], t[2])
dt = tz.localize(dt)
#if not DB.user_has_logged_in(groups[1]):
# # need to artificially log the user in...
# pass
DB.logout(groups[1], dt)
elif "left the game" in line: # debug: catch regex anomalies
logger.warn("Warning: possible regex miss: [{}] {}".format(date, line))
match = re.match(StoppingServerRE, line)
if match:
groups = match.groups()
print("[{}] [crash] =====".format(groups[0]))
t = parseTime(groups[0])
dt = datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month,, t[0], t[1], t[2])
dt = tz.localize(dt)
break # TODO
elif "Stopping server" in line:
logger.warn("Warning: possible regex miss: [{}] {}".format(date, line))
# update time of last log message
match = re.match(entryRE, line)
if match:
groups = match.groups()
dt = datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month,, int(groups[0]), int(groups[1]), int(groups[2]))
dt = tz.localize(dt)
lastTime = dt
line = f.readline()
if filename == "latest.log":
print("wrapping up")
for uuid in DB.db:
user = DB.db[uuid]
if user["playtime"] > 0:
print("{}: {:.2f} hours".format(", ".join(user["usernames"]), user["playtime"] / 60 / 60))
def main():
if not (len(sys.argv) == 2 or len(sys.argv) == 3):
print("arguments: <log directory> [timezone]")
print("timezone shouldn't be horribly important")
log_dir = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
global tz
tz = pytz.timezone(sys.argv[2])
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