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Created June 3, 2011 18:43
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Save jeremy-w/1006912 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using `dispatch_after` to update UI regularly
// clang -framework Foundation dispatch_after_example.m -o dispatch_after_example
// Compiling with gcc requires separating declaration of b from assignment,
// but you can omit the -framework flag for GCC.
/* @author Jeremy W. Sherman
* @date 2011-06-03
* Demonstrates use of a recursive block to set up a repeating action
* using `dispatch_after()`.
* Assumes 10.6+ or iOS with GCD and blocks (whichever version that was).
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
static int times = 10;
int64_t repeatAfterSec = 1LL;
dispatch_queue_t q = dispatch_get_main_queue();
/* Need __block to have the recursive call work. */
__block dispatch_block_t b = ^{
dispatch_time_t when = dispatch_time(
fprintf(stdout, "boom! %d\n", times);
if (--times >= 0) dispatch_after(when, q, b);
else exit(0);
return 0;
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