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Last active April 30, 2018 05:16
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Word Cloud Visualization
// Word cloud layout by Jason Davies,
// Algorithm due to Jonathan Feinberg,
(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g=(g.d3||(g.d3 = {}));g=(g.layout||(g.layout = {})); = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
var dispatch = require("d3-dispatch").dispatch;
var cloudRadians = Math.PI / 180,
cw = 1 << 11 >> 5,
ch = 1 << 11;
module.exports = function() {
var size = [256, 256],
text = cloudText,
font = cloudFont,
fontSize = cloudFontSize,
fontStyle = cloudFontNormal,
fontWeight = cloudFontNormal,
rotate = cloudRotate,
padding = cloudPadding,
spiral = archimedeanSpiral,
words = [],
timeInterval = Infinity,
event = dispatch("word", "end"),
timer = null,
random = Math.random,
cloud = {},
canvas = cloudCanvas;
cloud.canvas = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (canvas = functor(_), cloud) : canvas;
cloud.start = function() {
var contextAndRatio = getContext(canvas()),
board = zeroArray((size[0] >> 5) * size[1]),
bounds = null,
n = words.length,
i = -1,
tags = [],
data =, i) {
d.text =, d, i);
d.font =, d, i); =, d, i);
d.weight =, d, i);
d.rotate =, d, i);
d.size =, d, i);
d.padding =, d, i);
return d;
}).sort(function(a, b) { return b.size - a.size; });
if (timer) clearInterval(timer);
timer = setInterval(step, 0);
return cloud;
function step() {
var start =;
while ( - start < timeInterval && ++i < n && timer) {
var d = data[i];
d.x = (size[0] * (random() + .5)) >> 1;
d.y = (size[1] * (random() + .5)) >> 1;
cloudSprite(contextAndRatio, d, data, i);
if (d.hasText && place(board, d, bounds)) {
tags.push(d);"word", cloud, d);
if (bounds) cloudBounds(bounds, d);
else bounds = [{x: d.x + d.x0, y: d.y + d.y0}, {x: d.x + d.x1, y: d.y + d.y1}];
// Temporary hack
d.x -= size[0] >> 1;
d.y -= size[1] >> 1;
if (i >= n) {
cloud.stop();"end", cloud, tags, bounds);
cloud.stop = function() {
if (timer) {
timer = null;
return cloud;
function getContext(canvas) {
canvas.width = canvas.height = 1;
var ratio = Math.sqrt(canvas.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data.length >> 2);
canvas.width = (cw << 5) / ratio;
canvas.height = ch / ratio;
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.fillStyle = context.strokeStyle = "red";
context.textAlign = "center";
return {context: context, ratio: ratio};
function place(board, tag, bounds) {
var perimeter = [{x: 0, y: 0}, {x: size[0], y: size[1]}],
startX = tag.x,
startY = tag.y,
maxDelta = Math.sqrt(size[0] * size[0] + size[1] * size[1]),
s = spiral(size),
dt = random() < .5 ? 1 : -1,
t = -dt,
while (dxdy = s(t += dt)) {
dx = ~~dxdy[0];
dy = ~~dxdy[1];
if (Math.min(Math.abs(dx), Math.abs(dy)) >= maxDelta) break;
tag.x = startX + dx;
tag.y = startY + dy;
if (tag.x + tag.x0 < 0 || tag.y + tag.y0 < 0 ||
tag.x + tag.x1 > size[0] || tag.y + tag.y1 > size[1]) continue;
// TODO only check for collisions within current bounds.
if (!bounds || !cloudCollide(tag, board, size[0])) {
if (!bounds || collideRects(tag, bounds)) {
var sprite = tag.sprite,
w = tag.width >> 5,
sw = size[0] >> 5,
lx = tag.x - (w << 4),
sx = lx & 0x7f,
msx = 32 - sx,
h = tag.y1 - tag.y0,
x = (tag.y + tag.y0) * sw + (lx >> 5),
for (var j = 0; j < h; j++) {
last = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= w; i++) {
board[x + i] |= (last << msx) | (i < w ? (last = sprite[j * w + i]) >>> sx : 0);
x += sw;
delete tag.sprite;
return true;
return false;
cloud.timeInterval = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (timeInterval = _ == null ? Infinity : _, cloud) : timeInterval;
cloud.words = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (words = _, cloud) : words;
cloud.size = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (size = [+_[0], +_[1]], cloud) : size;
cloud.font = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (font = functor(_), cloud) : font;
cloud.fontStyle = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (fontStyle = functor(_), cloud) : fontStyle;
cloud.fontWeight = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (fontWeight = functor(_), cloud) : fontWeight;
cloud.rotate = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (rotate = functor(_), cloud) : rotate;
cloud.text = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (text = functor(_), cloud) : text;
cloud.spiral = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (spiral = spirals[_] || _, cloud) : spiral;
cloud.fontSize = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (fontSize = functor(_), cloud) : fontSize;
cloud.padding = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (padding = functor(_), cloud) : padding;
cloud.random = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (random = _, cloud) : random;
cloud.on = function() {
var value = event.on.apply(event, arguments);
return value === event ? cloud : value;
return cloud;
function cloudText(d) {
return d.text;
function cloudFont() {
return "serif";
function cloudFontNormal() {
return "normal";
function cloudFontSize(d) {
return Math.sqrt(d.value);
function cloudRotate() {
return (~~(Math.random() * 6) - 3) * 30;
function cloudPadding() {
return 1;
// Fetches a monochrome sprite bitmap for the specified text.
// Load in batches for speed.
function cloudSprite(contextAndRatio, d, data, di) {
if (d.sprite) return;
var c = contextAndRatio.context,
ratio = contextAndRatio.ratio;
c.clearRect(0, 0, (cw << 5) / ratio, ch / ratio);
var x = 0,
y = 0,
maxh = 0,
n = data.length;
while (++di < n) {
d = data[di];;
c.font = + " " + d.weight + " " + ~~((d.size + 1) / ratio) + "px " + d.font;
var w = c.measureText(d.text + "m").width * ratio,
h = d.size << 1;
if (d.rotate) {
var sr = Math.sin(d.rotate * cloudRadians),
cr = Math.cos(d.rotate * cloudRadians),
wcr = w * cr,
wsr = w * sr,
hcr = h * cr,
hsr = h * sr;
w = (Math.max(Math.abs(wcr + hsr), Math.abs(wcr - hsr)) + 0x1f) >> 5 << 5;
h = ~~Math.max(Math.abs(wsr + hcr), Math.abs(wsr - hcr));
} else {
w = (w + 0x1f) >> 5 << 5;
if (h > maxh) maxh = h;
if (x + w >= (cw << 5)) {
x = 0;
y += maxh;
maxh = 0;
if (y + h >= ch) break;
c.translate((x + (w >> 1)) / ratio, (y + (h >> 1)) / ratio);
if (d.rotate) c.rotate(d.rotate * cloudRadians);
c.fillText(d.text, 0, 0);
if (d.padding) c.lineWidth = 2 * d.padding, c.strokeText(d.text, 0, 0);
d.width = w;
d.height = h;
d.xoff = x;
d.yoff = y;
d.x1 = w >> 1;
d.y1 = h >> 1;
d.x0 = -d.x1;
d.y0 = -d.y1;
d.hasText = true;
x += w;
var pixels = c.getImageData(0, 0, (cw << 5) / ratio, ch / ratio).data,
sprite = [];
while (--di >= 0) {
d = data[di];
if (!d.hasText) continue;
var w = d.width,
w32 = w >> 5,
h = d.y1 - d.y0;
// Zero the buffer
for (var i = 0; i < h * w32; i++) sprite[i] = 0;
x = d.xoff;
if (x == null) return;
y = d.yoff;
var seen = 0,
seenRow = -1;
for (var j = 0; j < h; j++) {
for (var i = 0; i < w; i++) {
var k = w32 * j + (i >> 5),
m = pixels[((y + j) * (cw << 5) + (x + i)) << 2] ? 1 << (31 - (i % 32)) : 0;
sprite[k] |= m;
seen |= m;
if (seen) seenRow = j;
else {
d.y1 = d.y0 + seenRow;
d.sprite = sprite.slice(0, (d.y1 - d.y0) * w32);
// Use mask-based collision detection.
function cloudCollide(tag, board, sw) {
sw >>= 5;
var sprite = tag.sprite,
w = tag.width >> 5,
lx = tag.x - (w << 4),
sx = lx & 0x7f,
msx = 32 - sx,
h = tag.y1 - tag.y0,
x = (tag.y + tag.y0) * sw + (lx >> 5),
for (var j = 0; j < h; j++) {
last = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= w; i++) {
if (((last << msx) | (i < w ? (last = sprite[j * w + i]) >>> sx : 0))
& board[x + i]) return true;
x += sw;
return false;
function cloudBounds(bounds, d) {
var b0 = bounds[0],
b1 = bounds[1];
if (d.x + d.x0 < b0.x) b0.x = d.x + d.x0;
if (d.y + d.y0 < b0.y) b0.y = d.y + d.y0;
if (d.x + d.x1 > b1.x) b1.x = d.x + d.x1;
if (d.y + d.y1 > b1.y) b1.y = d.y + d.y1;
function collideRects(a, b) {
return a.x + a.x1 > b[0].x && a.x + a.x0 < b[1].x && a.y + a.y1 > b[0].y && a.y + a.y0 < b[1].y;
function archimedeanSpiral(size) {
var e = size[0] / size[1];
return function(t) {
return [e * (t *= .1) * Math.cos(t), t * Math.sin(t)];
function rectangularSpiral(size) {
var dy = 4,
dx = dy * size[0] / size[1],
x = 0,
y = 0;
return function(t) {
var sign = t < 0 ? -1 : 1;
// See triangular numbers: T_n = n * (n + 1) / 2.
switch ((Math.sqrt(1 + 4 * sign * t) - sign) & 3) {
case 0: x += dx; break;
case 1: y += dy; break;
case 2: x -= dx; break;
default: y -= dy; break;
return [x, y];
function zeroArray(n) {
var a = [],
i = -1;
while (++i < n) a[i] = 0;
return a;
function cloudCanvas() {
return document.createElement("canvas");
function functor(d) {
return typeof d === "function" ? d : function() { return d; };
var spirals = {
archimedean: archimedeanSpiral,
rectangular: rectangularSpiral
// Version 1.0.2. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
var noop = {value: function() {}};
function dispatch() {
for (var i = 0, n = arguments.length, _ = {}, t; i < n; ++i) {
if (!(t = arguments[i] + "") || (t in _)) throw new Error("illegal type: " + t);
_[t] = [];
return new Dispatch(_);
function Dispatch(_) {
this._ = _;
function parseTypenames(typenames, types) {
return typenames.trim().split(/^|\s+/).map(function(t) {
var name = "", i = t.indexOf(".");
if (i >= 0) name = t.slice(i + 1), t = t.slice(0, i);
if (t && !types.hasOwnProperty(t)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + t);
return {type: t, name: name};
Dispatch.prototype = dispatch.prototype = {
constructor: Dispatch,
on: function(typename, callback) {
var _ = this._,
T = parseTypenames(typename + "", _),
i = -1,
n = T.length;
// If no callback was specified, return the callback of the given type and name.
if (arguments.length < 2) {
while (++i < n) if ((t = (typename = T[i]).type) && (t = get(_[t], return t;
// If a type was specified, set the callback for the given type and name.
// Otherwise, if a null callback was specified, remove callbacks of the given name.
if (callback != null && typeof callback !== "function") throw new Error("invalid callback: " + callback);
while (++i < n) {
if (t = (typename = T[i]).type) _[t] = set(_[t],, callback);
else if (callback == null) for (t in _) _[t] = set(_[t],, null);
return this;
copy: function() {
var copy = {}, _ = this._;
for (var t in _) copy[t] = _[t].slice();
return new Dispatch(copy);
call: function(type, that) {
if ((n = arguments.length - 2) > 0) for (var args = new Array(n), i = 0, n, t; i < n; ++i) args[i] = arguments[i + 2];
if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(type)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + type);
for (t = this._[type], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) t[i].value.apply(that, args);
apply: function(type, that, args) {
if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(type)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + type);
for (var t = this._[type], i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; ++i) t[i].value.apply(that, args);
function get(type, name) {
for (var i = 0, n = type.length, c; i < n; ++i) {
if ((c = type[i]).name === name) {
return c.value;
function set(type, name, callback) {
for (var i = 0, n = type.length; i < n; ++i) {
if (type[i].name === name) {
type[i] = noop, type = type.slice(0, i).concat(type.slice(i + 1));
if (callback != null) type.push({name: name, value: callback});
return type;
exports.dispatch = dispatch;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Any value after quoted field isn't allowed in line 2464.
winston, 427
party, 273
face, 187
time, 186
we, 185
thought, 182
will, 180
then, 177
seemed, 173
o'brien, 171
never, 170
its, 169
other, 168
your, 166
again, 162
two, 162
over, 160
do, 158
than, 156
back, 152
about, 150
still, 149
moment, 148
always, 140
who, 135
very, 131
man, 130
know, 126
almost, 126
way, 124
before, 123
might, 121
eyes, 120
now, 120
though, 119
another, 119
war, 118
words, 115
can, 115
little, 114
same, 114
made, 113
years, 112
because, 112
knew, 110
long, 109
old, 106
round, 106
himself, 106
against, 105
three, 105
own, 104
must, 104
thing, 101
people, 101
through, 99
after, 99
past, 99
say, 98
few, 98
voice, 97
every, 97
away, 97
without, 97
something, 95
make, 95
word, 94
mind, 94
big, 93
just, 92
world, 92
see, 92
ever, 92
me, 91
kind, 90
off, 89
telescreen, 89
such, 89
place, 88
being, 87
where, 86
'you, 85
how, 83
first, 83
perhaps, 83
looked, 82
much, 82
life, 81
body, 80
hand, 80
power, 80
'i, 80
day, 79
room, 79
too, 78
came, 78
julia, 78
between, 76
newspeak, 76
once, 76
turned, 74
while, 74
got, 74
nothing, 73
has, 73
winston's, 72
whole, 72
get, 72
human, 72
end, 71
possible, 71
seen, 70
already, 70
brother, 69
sort, 69
also, 68
went, 67
should, 67
right, 66
except, 66
since, 66
pain, 66
feeling, 65
happened, 65
remember, 65
work, 64
table, 64
ministry, 63
come, 63
anything, 61
white, 61
side, 61
suddenly, 61
don't, 61
my, 61
enough, 60
merely, 60
far, 60
look, 60
called, 60
think, 60
necessary, 60
head, 59
under, 59
quite, 58
girl, 58
four, 57
small, 57
oceania, 56
took, 56
go, 56
everything, 56
sometimes, 56
here, 56
woman, 55
minutes, 55
yet, 55
whether, 54
most, 54
felt, 54
simply, 53
behind, 53
itself, 53
different, 53
certain, 53
saw, 53
hands, 53
bed, 53
sat, 52
actually, 52
men, 50
why, 50
fact, 50
put, 50
new, 50
those, 49
air, 49
across, 49
glass, 48
these, 48
impossible, 48
great, 48
true, 48
become, 48
take, 48
memory, 47
began, 47
used, 47
done, 47
our, 47
'the, 47
well, 46
course, 46
hours, 45
love, 45
upon, 45
full, 45
last, 45
good, 45
above, 44
act, 44
many, 44
heart, 44
enormous, 43
inside, 43
hair, 43
outside, 43
street, 43
paper, 43
police, 43
towards, 43
better, 42
door, 42
taken, 41
front, 41
member, 41
less, 41
days, 41
times, 40
gave, 40
left, 40
longer, 40
proles, 40
stopped, 40
middle, 40
fingers, 40
appeared, 40
victory, 39
large, 39
death, 39
somewhere, 39
keep, 39
others, 39
shall, 39
give, 39
part, 38
tell, 38
book, 38
things, 38
children, 38
ago, 38
both, 38
light, 38
together, 38
five, 38
black, 37
use, 37
dark, 37
matter, 37
heard, 37
stood, 37
set, 37
floor, 37
seconds, 37
inner, 37
alone, 37
parsons, 37
each, 36
next, 36
held, 36
members, 36
changed, 36
person, 36
one's, 36
later, 36
soon, 36
understand, 36
meaning, 36
hate, 35
ingsoc, 35
within, 35
really, 35
half, 35
hold, 35
real, 35
arm, 35
else, 35
brought, 35
truth, 34
young, 34
syme, 34
kept, 33
gin, 33
gone, 33
until, 33
passed, 33
thirty, 33
piece, 33
having, 33
themselves, 33
whose, 33
'it, 33
week, 32
going, 32
eurasia, 32
i'm, 32
mother, 32
chapter, 31
wall, 31
opposite, 31
however, 31
sitting, 31
written, 31
fear, 31
near, 31
revolution, 31
known, 31
it's, 31
yourself, 31
remembered, 31
believe, 31
society, 31
trying, 30
present, 30
whom, 30
either, 30
doing, 30
reality, 30
mouth, 30
standing, 30
existed, 30
ten, 30
history, 30
exist, 30
need, 30
probably, 29
able, 29
sense, 29
sure, 29
occurred, 29
case, 29
needed, 29
started, 29
name, 29
idea, 29
feel, 29
enemy, 29
eastasia, 29
control, 29
want, 29
prisoners, 29
meant, 29
dead, 29
told, 29
cell, 29
vocabulary, 29
overalls, 28
nearly, 28
water, 28
arms, 28
among, 28
records, 28
general, 28
o'brien's, 28
may, 28
physical, 28
turn, 28
top, 28
deep, 27
single, 27
sound, 27
wanted, 27
became, 27
read, 27
smell, 27
open, 27
future, 27
doublethink, 27
point, 27
happen, 27
important, 27
political, 27
alive, 27
faces, 27
feet, 27
looking, 27
whatever, 27
lay, 27
difficult, 27
us, 27
talking, 27
'yes', 27
it', 27
several, 26
given, 26
london, 26
reason, 26
let, 26
department, 26
goldstein, 26
exactly, 26
hatred, 26
everyone, 26
you', 26
example, 26
change, 26
effort, 25
during, 25
fell, 25
diary, 25
usual, 25
forgotten, 25
herself, 25
nose, 25
followed, 25
speech, 25
existence, 25
'it's, 25
can't, 25
'we, 25
coming, 25
early, 25
speak, 25
question, 25
'what, 25
heavy, 24
immediately, 24
instant, 24
often, 24
movement, 24
order, 24
aware, 24
age, 24
conscious, 24
year, 24
somehow, 24
boots, 24
struck, 24
lies, 24
sleep, 24
that's, 24
hour, 24
earlier, 24
century, 24
corner, 23
although, 23
worked, 23
brotherhood, 23
thinking, 23
hardly, 23
difference, 23
evening, 23
noticed, 23
clothes, 23
stop, 23
speaking, 23
added, 23
working, 22
completely, 22
knowing, 22
window, 22
second, 22
music, 22
easy, 22
night, 22
women, 22
spectacles, 22
books, 22
consciousness, 22
am, 22
broken, 22
pushed, 22
process, 22
'that, 22
bells, 22
mr, 22
shut, 21
picked, 21
sight, 21
freedom, 21
nor, 21
quarter, 21
short, 21
lost, 21
morning, 21
beyond, 21
eurasian, 21
found, 21
secret, 21
means, 21
caught, 21
mean, 21
care, 21
meet, 21
dream, 21
knowledge, 21
didn't, 21
'and, 21
lived, 21
vast, 20
tried, 20
appearance, 20
guards, 20
expression, 20
tiny, 20
free, 20
making, 20
running, 20
today, 20
movements, 20
dangerous, 20
filled, 20
continued, 20
opened, 20
thoughts, 20
six, 20
walked, 20
wondered, 20
therefore, 20
grown, 20
that', 20
danger, 20
cold, 19
dust, 19
skin, 19
low, 19
language, 19
metres, 19
contained, 19
below, 19
food, 19
stuff, 19
home, 19
writing, 19
complete, 19
curious, 19
finally, 19
shouting, 19
hundred, 19
group, 19
couple, 19
hear, 19
does, 19
fighting, 19
public, 19
lie, 19
knees, 19
winston', 19
easily, 19
grew, 19
'yes, 19
high, 19
singing, 19
cut, 18
peace, 18
glance, 18
date, 18
job, 18
ones, 18
spies, 18
chair, 18
disappeared, 18
produced, 18
forward, 18
evidence, 18
slightly, 18
pieces, 18
i'll, 18
chocolate, 18
pocket, 18
silent, 18
instance, 18
forth, 18
continuous, 18
me', 18
line, 18
pulled, 18
coffee, 18
picture, 18
afternoon, 18
natural, 18
happening, 18
flat, 17
slowly, 17
watching, 17
moved, 17
live, 17
news, 17
names, 17
instead, 17
least, 17
lying, 17
ordinary, 17
purpose, 17
believed, 17
huge, 17
boy, 17
nobody, 17
bring, 17
covered, 17
minute, 17
powerful, 17
help, 17
faint, 17
call, 17
twenty, 17
hundreds, 17
number, 17
there's, 17
st, 17
quickly, 16
move, 16
blue, 16
sun, 16
level, 16
simultaneously, 16
remained, 16
walls, 16
bombs, 16
strength, 16
thick, 16
position, 16
normal, 16
remain, 16
beautiful, 16
apart, 16
nature, 16
military, 16
impression, 16
gesture, 16
talk, 16
indeed, 16
teeth, 16
straight, 16
flung, 16
torture, 16
shoot, 16
saying, 16
following, 16
sooner, 16
passage, 16
vaguely, 16
common, 16
someone, 16
sister, 16
interest, 16
leave, 16
times', 16
find, 16
walking, 16
paused, 16
living, 16
strong, 16
step, 16
rest, 16
shoulders, 16
altered, 16
oldspeak, 16
i've, 16
original, 16
dropped, 16
expected, 16
till, 16
shop, 16
sit, 16
groups, 16
dial, 16
along, 15
seven, 15
figures, 15
figure, 15
razor, 15
rate, 15
partly, 15
desire, 15
carried, 15
weeks, 15
rubbish, 15
curiously, 15
anyone, 15
crimes, 15
voices, 15
violent, 15
message, 15
shoulder, 15
vaporized, 15
building, 15
sweat, 15
clear, 15
killed, 15
intellectual, 15
earth, 15
pure, 15
yes, 15
comrade, 15
allowed, 15
class, 15
direction, 15
'how, 15
meanings, 15
growing, 15
telescreens, 15
katharine, 15
principle, 15
crowd, 15
b, 15
ruling, 15
'do, 15
beginning, 15
beneath, 14
colour, 14
distance, 14
individual, 14
whenever, 14
vague, 14
structure, 14
object, 14
hidden, 14
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bread, 14
belly, 14
supposed, 14
difficulty, 14
taking, 14
league, 14
waist, 14
manner, 14
occasionally, 14
child, 14
powers, 14
terrible, 14
subject, 14
capable, 14
mere, 14
hope, 14
wife, 14
falling, 14
dirty, 14
filthy, 14
bad, 14
stand, 14
rocket, 14
principles, 14
cannot, 14
rather, 14
country, 14
bit, 14
memories, 14
tears, 14
comes, 14
learn, 14
obviously, 14
instinct, 14
force, 14
photograph, 14
walk, 14
says, 14
paperweight, 14
further, 14
super-states, 14
gazed, 13
vision, 13
watched, 13
habit, 13
larger, 13
ground, 13
concerned, 13
law, 13
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cigarette, 13
fifty, 13
bomb, 13
realized, 13
centre, 13
narrow, 13
neck, 13
edge, 13
endless, 13
besides, 13
waiting, 13
rose, 13
dictionary, 13
lunatic, 13
moments, 13
conversation, 13
invariably, 13
hard, 13
mrs, 13
constantly, 13
mass, 13
fragment, 13
blow, 13
seem, 13
attention, 13
fro, 13
asleep, 13
exists, 13
die, 13
masses, 13
fallen, 13
tube, 13
show, 13
speakwrite, 13
thousands, 13
wrong, 13
millions, 13
numbers, 13
ampleforth, 13
special, 13
brain, 13
aim, 13
tree, 13
stirred, 13
pressed, 13
imagine, 13
destroy, 13
effect, 13
'but, 13
charrington, 13
confess, 13
rats, 13
best, 12
reading, 12
sky, 12
everybody, 12
official, 12
thousand, 12
outer, 12
canteen, 12
red, 12
intended, 12
literally, 12
house, 12
suppose, 12
spoken, 12
carrying, 12
seeing, 12
community, 12
burst, 12
state, 12
uttered, 12
broke, 12
met, 12
likely, 12
imagined, 12
laid, 12
worst, 12
using, 12
you're, 12
holding, 12
answer, 12
recognized, 12
carefully, 12
obvious, 12
facts, 12
aside, 12
crowded, 12
controls, 12
simple, 12
touch, 12
hole, 12
population, 12
close, 12
main, 12
getting, 12
defeat, 12
spoke, 12
intelligent, 12
listening, 12
confessed, 12
empty, 12
beer, 12
'no, 12
clock, 12
folly, 12
labour, 12
guard, 12
square, 12
safe, 12
problem, 12
twentieth, 12
101', 12
cage, 12
seldom, 11
ran, 11
surface, 11
sank, 11
helicopter, 11
moreover, 11
childhood, 11
houses, 11
places, 11
slogans, 11
similar, 11
frightening, 11
kitchen, 11
leaving, 11
bottle, 11
older, 11
bought, 11
particular, 11
possession, 11
stream, 11
equal, 11
fiction, 11
corridor, 11
anywhere, 11
terms, 11
belief, 11
orthodoxy, 11
evidently, 11
stay, 11
machine, 11
screen, 11
breaking, 11
strange, 11
hated, 11
avoid, 11
kill, 11
ask, 11
betrayed, 11
eye, 11
cases, 11
repeated, 11
stupid, 11
warm, 11
banners, 11
'they, 11
raised, 11
understanding, 11
ration, 11
wearing, 11
swallowed, 11
barely, 11
lips, 11
late, 11
'em, 11
promptly, 11
destroyed, 11
invented, 11
perfectly, 11
throughout, 11
led, 11
applied, 11
literature, 11
consisted, 11
nevertheless, 11
solid, 11
man's, 11
bloody, 11
married, 11
rules, 11
sexual, 11
coat, 11
practice, 11
bones, 11
yellow, 11
impulse, 11
pavement, 11
run, 11
beings, 11
generation, 11
yard, 11
fixed, 11
charrington's, 11
chance, 11
smile, 11
form, 11
here', 11
dear, 11
'no', 11
wealth, 11
mental, 11
equality, 11
officer, 11
smith, 10
breast, 10
slipped, 10
poster, 10
varicose, 10
formed, 10
somewhat, 10
ended, 10
torn, 10
wire, 10
sides, 10
government, 10
plenty, 10
pen, 10
page, 10
him,, 10
shot, 10
lot, 10
atmosphere, 10
managed, 10
carry, 10
mixed, 10
spite, 10
cubicle, 10
none, 10
thin, 10
attack, 10
doubt, 10
vanished, 10
generally, 10
fresh, 10
mention, 10
opening, 10
slow, 10
horror, 10
feelings, 10
enemies, 10
slid, 10
altogether, 10
committed, 10
majority, 10
month, 10
creature, 10
moving, 10
ancient, 10
woke, 10
fifteen, 10
period, 10
months, 10
bodies, 10
forget, 10
sent, 10
capitalists, 10
'there, 10
destruction, 10
purposes, 10
africa, 10
alter, 10
copy, 10
needs, 10
million, 10
nearer, 10
chiefly, 10
presently, 10
arrested, 10
blade, 10
tongue, 10
final, 10
finished, 10
we're, 10
fire, 10
struggle, 10
lamp, 10
loved, 10
'if, 10
glasses, 10
accord, 10
played, 10
ain't, 10
'e, 10
choose, 10
failed, 10
soft, 10
church, 10
murmured, 10
deliberately, 10
julia's, 10
prepared, 10
realize, 10
english, 10
bench, 10
chinless, 10
wind, 9
prevent, 9
current, 9
metal, 9
posters, 9
windows, 9
patrols, 9
darkness, 9
series, 9
steel, 9
abruptly, 9
scarlet, 9
cigarettes, 9
smooth, 9
rule, 9
various, 9
wrote,, 9
certainty, 9
listen, 9
ready, 9
actual, 9
panic, 9
eleven, 9
terror, 9
peculiar, 9
named, 9
momentary, 9
dozen, 9
intelligence, 9
monstrous, 9
engaged, 9
army, 9
underground, 9
wave, 9
horrible, 9
contrary, 9
thus, 9
minds, 9
confessions, 9
lavatory, 9
contact, 9
story, 9
action, 9
wrote, 9
thoughtcrime, 9
abolished, 9
drew, 9
breath, 9
usually, 9
isn't, 9
animal, 9
youth, 9
worse, 9
start, 9
unconscious, 9
yelled, 9
nine, 9
wood, 9
stepped, 9
floating, 9
floated, 9
skull, 9
shape, 9
detail, 9
betray, 9
purges, 9
dreams, 9
private, 9
countries, 9
surprise, 9
ought, 9
utterly, 9
lines, 9
warning, 9
opinion, 9
clean, 9
papers, 9
ears, 9
settled, 9
organization, 9
triumph, 9
edition, 9
'not, 9
'i'm, 9
chestnut, 9
again', 9
girls, 9
eat, 9
passing, 9
possibly, 9
break, 9
cry, 9
reached, 9
false, 9
beside, 9
understood, 9
an', 9
buy, 9
ceased, 9
interested, 9
ages, 9
song, 9
commit, 9
possibility, 9
ways, 9
girl's, 9
brown, 9
'in, 9
doctrine, 9
knows, 9
'to, 9
wish, 9
blood, 9
attitude, 9
scientific, 9
'room, 9
save, 9
1984, 8
escape, 8
ulcer, 8
follow, 8
instrument, 8
coarse, 8
everywhere, 8
system, 8
third, 8
iron, 8
ignorance, 8
entire, 8
leading, 8
wear, 8
lunch, 8
tobacco, 8
command, 8
range, 8
suggested, 8
quick, 8
dollars, 8
helplessness, 8
begin, 8
born, 8
gazing, 8
pink, 8
screaming, 8
putting, 8
flash, 8
junior, 8
anti-sex, 8
smallest, 8
noise, 8
hiding-place, 8
expressionless, 8
emotion, 8
sanity, 8
succeeded, 8
naked, 8
gun, 8
faded, 8
otherwise, 8
characteristic, 8
unmistakable, 8
tear, 8
essential, 8
bound, 8
sudden, 8
seized, 8
attempt, 8
jobs, 8
'of, 8
shorts, 8
required, 8
dressed, 8
grey, 8
send, 8
flitted, 8
helpless, 8
remark, 8
worn, 8
write, 8
please, 8
won, 8
bottom, 8
cent, 8
reflected, 8
sinking, 8
lives, 8
becomes, 8
ideas, 8
workers, 8
external, 8
events, 8
atomic, 8
'ave, 8
opinions, 8
draw, 8
claimed, 8
aeroplanes, 8
bent, 8
pneumatic, 8
messages, 8
intervals, 8
goods, 8
ideological, 8
changes, 8
version, 8
producing, 8
sex, 8
entirely, 8
makes, 8
confession, 8
afterwards, 8
pass, 8
permanent, 8
heretical, 8
liberty, 8
stew, 8
unable, 8
halted, 8
orthodox, 8
saccharine, 8
'there's, 8
dare, 8
clung, 8
cafe, 8
rolled, 8
you've, 8
spent, 8
man', 8
agreed, 8
cried, 8
per, 8
happy, 8
cause, 8
sign, 8
ear, 8
scent, 8
produce, 8
ahead, 8
chose, 8
importance, 8
rich, 8
aaronson, 8
rutherford, 8
view, 8
arguments, 8
fall, 8
kilometres, 8
paid, 8
advance, 8
pale, 8
'now, 8
lemons, 8
hunger, 8
equally, 8
'then, 8
talked, 8
parts, 8
worth, 8
not', 8
standards, 8
identity, 8
frontiers, 8
warfare, 8
wars, 8
technical, 8
progress, 8
happens, 8
citizen, 8
lever, 8
stairs, 7
ankle, 7
list, 7
uniform, 7
blades, 7
mattered, 7
field, 7
plaster, 7
slavery, 7
quiet, 7
shelf, 7
marked, 7
hit, 7
unusual, 7
keeping, 7
possess, 7
fairly, 7
courage, 7
films, 7
sea, 7
laughter, 7
prole, 7
pour, 7
decided, 7
pretty, 7
dim, 7
deeply, 7
sabotage, 7
emotions, 7
press, 7
dull, 7
tramp, 7
newspapers, 7
neither, 7
turning, 7
heretic, 7
vivid, 7
din, 7
space, 7
event, 7
useless, 7
concealed, 7
shaking, 7
lights, 7
trial, 7
arrest, 7
record, 7
wiped, 7
closed, 7
games, 7
haven't, 7
pipe, 7
stupidity, 7
committee, 7
'a, 7
game, 7
spy, 7
couldn't, 7
hanging, 7
time', 7
doorway, 7
connected, 7
traitors, 7
thought-criminals, 7
frightened, 7
friend, 7
south, 7
reduced, 7
roar, 7
survive, 7
fifties, 7
baby, 7
family, 7
return, 7
trees, 7
leaves, 7
giving, 7
note, 7
fit, 7
noisy, 7
unbearable, 7
absolute, 7
accepted, 7
it,, 7
involved, 7
'smith', 7
hot, 7
try, 7
reach, 7
due, 7
scrap, 7
largely, 7
issue, 7
routine, 7
brother's, 7
agree, 7
rewritten, 7
rid, 7
nonsense, 7
material, 7
knee, 7
retained, 7
supply, 7
assume, 7
ogilvy, 7
questions, 7
refused, 7
bar, 7
smaller, 7
you'd, 7
tray, 7
pick, 7
rapidly, 7
contain, 7
forms, 7
beauty, 7
enthusiasm, 7
clearly, 7
anybody, 7
strip, 7
handed, 7
i'd, 7
disease, 7
texture, 7
aged, 7
ugly, 7
nervous, 7
mask, 7
shout, 7
brief-case, 7
liked, 7
bugs, 7
inconceivable, 7
loose, 7
twelve, 7
sixty, 7
desirable, 7
conditions, 7
marching, 7
goes, 7
demanded, 7
astonishing, 7
clasped, 7
fragments, 7
area, 7
serious, 7
'as, 7
barman, 7
presence, 7
them', 7
myself, 7
sufficiently, 7
rhyme, 7
mercy, 7
appear, 7
suicide, 7
wide, 7
chess, 7
elbow, 7
shade, 7
deeper, 7
wished, 7
learned, 7
everyday, 7
kinds, 7
defeated, 7
dying, 7
somebody, 7
cheeks, 7
continue, 7
beaten, 7
ultimately, 7
utter, 7
extent, 7
territory, 7
hierarchical, 7
mad, 7
needle, 7
exist', 7
bright, 6
mansions, 6
metre, 6
features, 6
daylight, 6
production, 6
switch, 6
plan, 6
received, 6
account, 6
economic, 6
facing, 6
shock, 6
instantly, 6
sensation, 6
died, 6
packet, 6
upright, 6
blank, 6
cover, 6
placed, 6
forty, 6
guess, 6
overwhelming, 6
forced-labour, 6
letters, 6
nowadays, 6
begun, 6
ship, 6
audience, 6
holes, 6
fright, 6
kicking, 6
suffering, 6
sash, 6
hips, 6
especially, 6
trick, 6
perfect, 6
glanced, 6
row, 6
acts, 6
heresies, 6
directly, 6
foreign, 6
pair, 6
goldstein's, 6
marched, 6
terrifying, 6
grow, 6
whispered, 6
rumours, 6
obliged, 6
relief, 6
mysterious, 6
apparent, 6
deliberate, 6
precisely, 6
recognition, 6
discovered, 6
'oh, 6
dingy, 6
battered, 6
tune, 6
is', 6
demonstrations, 6
becoming, 6
'you're, 6
'why, 6
songs, 6
glorious, 6
darkness', 6
statement, 6
significance, 6
announcement, 6
grammes, 6
wandering, 6
awake, 6
eating, 6
appeal, 6
finger, 6
green, 6
mother's, 6
perceived, 6
belonged, 6
loyalty, 6
summer, 6
fully, 6
golden, 6
ragged, 6
faintly, 6
stirring, 6
comrades, 6
exercise, 6
periods, 6
definitely, 6
emerged, 6
station, 6
trusted, 6
alliance, 6
evil, 6
thrust, 6
surely, 6
slogan, 6
telling, 6
constructed, 6
laying, 6
sixties, 6
gradually, 6
definite, 6
falsification, 6
touching, 6
desk, 6
rewrite, 6
north, 6
higher, 6
nineteenth, 6
output, 6
issued, 6
track, 6
reference, 6
direct, 6
deal, 6
steadily, 6
recall, 6
statue, 6
proletarian, 6
containing, 6
pleasure, 6
standard, 6
withers, 6
reasons, 6
involving, 6
rival, 6
familiar, 6
asking, 6
subjects, 6
counter, 6
sour, 6
eleventh, 6
'i've, 6
interesting, 6
continuously, 6
adjectives, 6
delicate, 6
bone, 6
stronger, 6
they're, 6
grasp, 6
hoped, 6
on,, 6
'don't, 6
fewer, 6
now', 6
proles', 6
unorthodox, 6
drink, 6
angle, 6
type, 6
handle, 6
playing, 6
'look, 6
yesterday, 6
spirit, 6
pattern, 6
innumerable, 6
dirt, 6
intolerable, 6
unless, 6
certainly, 6
dragged, 6
deadly, 6
parted, 6
touched, 6
school, 6
rebellion, 6
achieved, 6
truly, 6
dreadful, 6
taught, 6
notice, 6
poverty, 6
servants, 6
throw, 6
mentioned, 6
average, 6
areas, 6
eight, 6
jones, 6
murder, 6
confessing, 6
grave, 6
function, 6
countless, 6
theory, 6
controlled, 6
trouble, 6
objects, 6
taste, 6
alley, 6
lottery, 6
sharp, 6
c, 6
birth, 6
slept, 6
twist, 6
incapable, 6
bowed, 6
secure, 6
frame, 6
owe, 6
martin's, 6
treachery, 6
crushed, 6
development, 6
meeting, 6
slip, 6
presumably, 6
base, 6
trucks, 6
cheek, 6
off', 6
prevailing, 6
cheekbones, 6
clearing, 6
evenings, 6
yell, 6
aloud, 6
revolt, 6
sunlight, 6
sentence, 6
according, 6
happiness, 6
pan, 6
sang, 6
discover, 6
meals, 6
laughing, 6
invention, 6
'this, 6
actions, 6
result, 6
bare, 6
aims, 6
meanwhile, 6
fight, 6
products, 6
science, 6
inequality, 6
comparison, 6
habits, 6
crimestop, 6
verb, 6
noun, 6
adding, 6
april, 5
doors, 5
lift, 5
electric, 5
economy, 5
caption, 5
mirror, 5
shutting, 5
frail, 5
fair, 5
naturally, 5
soap, 5
harsh, 5
ninth, 5
three-year, 5
conceivable, 5
overheard, 5
grimy, 5
chief, 5
squeeze, 5
mostly, 5
concrete, 5
divided, 5
business, 5
uniforms, 5
plain, 5
drawer, 5
ink, 5
built, 5
junk-shop, 5
twenty-five, 5
camp, 5
fitted, 5
decisive, 5
interminable, 5
dared, 5
ticking, 5
sheer, 5
fat, 5
bullets, 5
child's, 5
showed, 5
totally, 5
chairs, 5
swift, 5
tightly, 5
amateur, 5
drawn, 5
sandy-haired, 5
oil, 5
activities, 5
party's, 5
sprang, 5
fill, 5
oneself, 5
rapid, 5
style, 5
normally, 5
replaced, 5
rage, 5
smashed, 5
referred, 5
dark-haired, 5
swine, 5
violently, 5
unnecessary, 5
lonely, 5
sole, 5
guardian, 5
hung, 5
civilization, 5
melted, 5
roaring, 5
seeming, 5
backwards, 5
battle, 5
extended, 5
entrails, 5
locked, 5
automatic, 5
neat, 5
crime, 5
ring, 5
report, 5
removed, 5
hysteria, 5
daily, 5
motives, 5
examined, 5
bending, 5
coughing, 5
devoted, 5
wherever, 5
kick, 5
won't, 5
steps, 5
description, 5
islands, 5
systematically, 5
tendency, 5
rebel, 5
discipline, 5
processions, 5
denounced, 5
bullet, 5
wondering, 5
dreamed, 5
degrees, 5
arrived, 5
reporting, 5
indoors, 5
imaginary, 5
ashes, 5
staying, 5
solitude, 5
old-fashioned, 5
tip, 5
friendship, 5
needing, 5
tore, 5
complex, 5
waking, 5
pools, 5
wrenched, 5
suit, 5
lungs, 5
breathing, 5
image, 5
proper, 5
backward, 5
extraordinarily, 5
map, 5
legs, 5
cap, 5
grasped, 5
existing, 5
forced, 5
contradictory, 5
claim, 5
historical, 5
watch, 5
toes, 5
unrolled, 5
waste, 5
matters, 5
lists, 5
articles, 5
indian, 5
classes, 5
consumption, 5
reduction, 5
assembled, 5
alteration, 5
persons, 5
duty, 5
forgery, 5
connexion, 5
allow, 5
recorded, 5
tillotson, 5
newspaper, 5
hurrying, 5
mild, 5
photographs, 5
directing, 5
composed, 5
permitted, 5
returned, 5
article, 5
trials, 5
executed, 5
circumstances, 5
adopted, 5
twenty-three, 5
leapt, 5
pouring, 5
search, 5
faced, 5
indifferently, 5
cellars, 5
china, 5
nerve, 5
on', 5
raising, 5
we've, 5
cutting, 5
smiled, 5
concept, 5
'by, 5
youthful, 5
unquestionably, 5
saving, 5
tone, 5
forearms, 5
hike, 5
expect, 5
tremendous, 5
doesn't, 5
completed, 5
factories, 5
tomorrow, 5
twenty-four, 5
furniture, 5
cheap, 5
beetle-like, 5
drinking, 5
instinctively, 5
nagging, 5
box, 5
burned, 5
remaining, 5
temptation, 5
bang, 5
spasm, 5
poor, 5
forbidden, 5
quarters, 5
borne, 5
party', 5
preliminary, 5
risk, 5
catch, 5
blackness, 5
eyelids, 5
overthrown, 5
humming, 5
spot, 5
tin, 5
saucepan, 5
sold, 5
animals, 5
judged, 5
accept, 5
civil, 5
fed, 5
slave, 5
land, 5
capitalist, 5
address, 5
bore, 5
terrified, 5
silence, 5
starving, 5
battles, 5
cling, 5
hopeless, 5
waiter, 5
chessboard, 5
motive, 5
minority, 5
beliefs, 5
laws, 5
granted, 5
assumed, 5
wandered, 5
years', 5
curiosity, 5
'that's, 5
wrist, 5
swing, 5
bleeding, 5
ending, 5
arrange, 5
capitalism, 5
board, 5
slaves, 5
'is, 5
train, 5
jacket, 5
dusty, 5
lump, 5
lit, 5
gateleg, 5
engraving, 5
farthings, 5
illusion, 5
stepping, 5
ice, 5
distant, 5
universe, 5
share, 5
trembling, 5
glimpse, 5
meal, 5
consider, 5
blown, 5
stretch, 5
comfort, 5
flesh, 5
intermittently, 5
astonished, 5
bluebells, 5
asked, 5
bits, 5
know', 5
spread, 5
bird, 5
resettled, 5
microphone, 5
corners, 5
speed, 5
hence, 5
pressure, 5
greater, 5
forehead, 5
dead', 5
leg, 5
beforehand, 5
ends, 5
sugar, 5
recognize, 5
flooded, 5
addition, 5
sake, 5
opposition, 5
us', 5
objective, 5
servant, 5
drugs, 5
founded, 5
snap, 5
ourselves, 5
ignored, 5
pace, 5
changing, 5
rolling, 5
bald, 5
limited, 5
inhabitants, 5
disputed, 5
roughly, 5
distinction, 5
ranks, 5
technique, 5
conquer, 5
oceanic, 5
depends, 5
socialism, 5
perpetuating, 5
hereditary, 5
present-day, 5
remember', 5
thumb, 5
seat, 5
criminals, 5
count, 5
skull-faced, 5
weight, 5
interrogation, 5
ever', 5
bulletin, 5
noun-verb, 5
2, 4
3, 4
smelt, 4
boiled, 4
cabbage, 4
moustache, 4
preparation, 4
thirty-nine, 4
contrived, 4
oblong, 4
distinguishable, 4
called), 4
plastered, 4
covering, 4
kilometre, 4
landscape, 4
city, 4
airstrip, 4
nineteenth-century, 4
cardboard, 4
patch, 4
wooden, 4
occurring, 4
background, 4
rooms, 4
scattered, 4
roof, 4
ministries, 4
entertainment, 4
minipax, 4
truncheons, 4
sacrificed, 4
liquid, 4
swallowing, 4
successful, 4
living-room, 4
town, 4
shops, 4
detected, 4
archaic, 4
ink-pencil, 4
fetched, 4
undertaken, 4
itching, 4
slight, 4
capital, 4
breasts, 4
boat, 4
grouping, 4
hall, 4
corridors, 4
mechanical, 4
hikes, 4
unorthodoxy, 4
remote, 4
brutal, 4
formidable, 4
recalled, 4
secretly, 4
wrist-watch, 4
flashed, 4
mysteriously, 4
escaped, 4
varied, 4
principal, 4
purity, 4
painful, 4
lean, 4
resembled, 4
denouncing, 4
immediate, 4
swam, 4
automatically, 4
constant, 4
despised, 4
saboteurs, 4
overthrow, 4
chest, 4
switched, 4
voluntary, 4
nightmare, 4
truncheon, 4
climax, 4
sweet, 4
drawing, 4
hostile, 4
sounded, 4
pause, 4
savage, 4
wisdom, 4
momentarily, 4
contempt, 4
worry, 4
arrests, 4
executions, 4
signal, 4
stomach, 4
awkward, 4
tempted, 4
jerk, 4
hurried, 4
ashamed, 4
knocking, 4
comrade', 4
sink, 4
blocked, 4
liable, 4
tom, 4
bigger, 4
knelt, 4
active, 4
thirty-five, 4
pride, 4
trampling, 4
charged, 4
younger, 4
uneasy, 4
demeanour, 4
evident, 4
guilty, 4
hanged, 4
catapult, 4
woman's, 4
clipped, 4
fortress, 4
organizations, 4
worship, 4
outwards, 4
foreigners, 4
phrase, 4
parents, 4
greatly, 4
trumpet, 4
india, 4
'oceania, 4
invisible, 4
coin, 4
bath, 4
trace, 4
physically, 4
sane, 4
included, 4
interval, 4
drop, 4
appropriate, 4
father, 4
feeble, 4
darkening, 4
hide, 4
loving, 4
unalterable, 4
swimming, 4
whistle, 4
muscular, 4
four', 4
driven, 4
considered, 4
struggling, 4
whimpering, 4
dreamy, 4
genuine, 4
alignment, 4
admitted, 4
painfully, 4
'who, 4
past', 4
alterable, 4
logic, 4
ultimate, 4
unconsciousness, 4
bringing, 4
establish, 4
leader, 4
prove, 4
documentary, 4
ease, 4
straightened, 4
fortresses, 4
nearest, 4
rectify, 4
forecasts, 4
satisfaction, 4
dealt, 4
minutes', 4
pamphlets, 4
item, 4
deed, 4
copies, 4
superseded, 4
mistaken, 4
admission, 4
implied, 4
errors, 4
dealing, 4
statistics, 4
cared, 4
folded, 4
windowless, 4
murmuring, 4
surprising, 4
rhymes, 4
experts, 4
chosen, 4
rubbed, 4
information, 4
benefit, 4
interrupted, 4
greatest, 4
lose, 4
occasion, 4
openly, 4
processes, 4
ocean, 4
marriage, 4
create, 4
queue, 4
metallic, 4
'just, 4
for', 4
closely, 4
market, 4
trays, 4
mug, 4
tablet, 4
quacking, 4
obsolete, 4
exact, 4
string, 4
express, 4
rigidly, 4
mystical, 4
disappear, 4
eagerly, 4
presented, 4
cast, 4
approach, 4
purged, 4
column, 4
studying, 4
money, 4
block, 4
boy', 4
'ah, 4
here's, 4
shoes, 4
wouldn't, 4
explosion, 4
boredom, 4
announced, 4
compared, 4
underclothes, 4
tea, 4
ancestral, 4
youths, 4
tinny, 4
silenced, 4
intensity, 4
backbone, 4
suggestion, 4
training, 4
they've, 4
gives, 4
side-street, 4
railway, 4
stations, 4
paint, 4
basement, 4
provided, 4
encourage, 4
prostitution, 4
suppressed, 4
appointed, 4
ideology, 4
forgetting, 4
encouraged, 4
absolutely, 4
clasping, 4
regularly, 4
threw, 4
nostrils, 4
lectures, 4
virtue, 4
swarming, 4
occasional, 4
rise, 4
doomed, 4
selling, 4
bumped, 4
yells, 4
oppressed, 4
flogged, 4
spreading, 4
primitive, 4
shorter, 4
free', 4
miserable, 4
masters, 4
whereas, 4
exposed, 4
promising, 4
cracked, 4
flattened, 4
chanced, 4
discovery, 4
portrait, 4
pressing, 4
philosophy, 4
heresy, 4
subtle, 4
follows, 4
banged, 4
rash, 4
palpable, 4
mouths, 4
angry, 4
approached, 4
problems, 4
jest, 4
smoke, 4
ruins, 4
takes, 4
probable, 4
systems, 4
survived, 4
surrender, 4
scrape, 4
volume, 4
darts, 4
pint, 4
'alf, 4
'never, 4
persisted, 4
drank, 4
speeches, 4
push, 4
race, 4
suffer, 4
friendly, 4
velvet, 4
pretend, 4
gleamed, 4
softly, 4
fascinated, 4
coral, 4
thing', 4
carpet, 4
arm-chair, 4
wild, 4
abandoned, 4
fender, 4
"here, 4
candle, 4
chopper, 4
chop, 4
centuries, 4
clement's, 4
propaganda, 4
recognizing, 4
blind, 4
strike, 4
staring, 4
desperate, 4
all', 4
regained, 4
luck, 4
soul, 4
smashing, 4
whereabouts, 4
phrases, 4
arrive, 4
crash, 4
'all, 4
southward, 4
pretending, 4
shouted, 4
warmth, 4
wait, 4
bushes, 4
twigs, 4
guilt, 4
surrounded, 4
thicker, 4
closer, 4
bear, 4
glad, 4
'julia, 4
out', 4
edges, 4
dislike, 4
thrush, 4
wings, 4
reverence, 4
scores, 4
anyway', 4
grass, 4
communication, 4
meetings, 4
induced, 4
jam, 4
frequently, 4
character, 4
infallible, 4
like', 4
too', 4
organized, 4
failure, 4
accepting, 4
'she, 4
described, 4
created, 4
cheering, 4
heat, 4
afraid, 4
foreseen, 4
strapped, 4
washtub, 4
fancy, 4
sye, 4
content, 4
materials, 4
climbed, 4
shouts, 4
peaceful, 4
wainscoting, 4
brutes, 4
comfortable, 4
nodded, 4
pay, 4
film, 4
explain, 4
paradise, 4
inviolate, 4
extinct, 4
opportunity, 4
indefinitely, 4
unconquerable, 4
independent, 4
startled, 4
(in, 4
regarded, 4
dimly, 4
unimportant, 4
starting, 4
remains, 4
generations, 4
tenth, 4
obey, 4
washed, 4
sick, 4
anxious, 4
centres, 4
possessed, 4
persuade, 4
condition, 4
innocent, 4
they'll, 4
questioning, 4
black-uniformed, 4
crimethink, 4
decanter, 4
martin, 4
answered, 4
syllables, 4
closing, 4
orders, 4
personal, 4
results, 4
question', 4
weakness, 4
central, 4
task, 4
tired, 4
irregular, 4
reading,, 4
decade, 4
comprises, 4
permanently, 4
conquered, 4
methods, 4
conqueror, 4
surplus, 4
revolutions, 4
raise, 4
basis, 4
social, 4
morale, 4
rulers, 4
efficiency, 4
undesirable, 4
safeguard, 4
preserve, 4
blissful, 4
justice, 4
intelligible, 4
socialist, 4
proletarians, 4
choice, 4
contradictions, 4
demands, 4
cowardly, 4
mistakes, 4
immortal, 4
russian, 4
revived, 4
weak, 4
chap, 4
kicks, 4
plank, 4
questioners, 4
session, 4
stern, 4
collective, 4
'four, 4
julia', 4
stars, 4
scalp, 4
yourself', 4
check, 4
knight, 4
arrow, 4
grammatical, 4
secondary, 4
translation, 4
sexcrime, 4
1, 3
4, 3
5, 3
6, 3
100, 3
101, 3
1960, 3
2050, 3
chin, 3
gritty, 3
entering, 3
coloured, 3
(the, 3
window-pane, 3
shining, 3
uncovering, 3
roofs, 3
flight, 3
bombed, 3
straggled, 3
sprung, 3
sordid, 3
unintelligible, 3
pyramidal, 3
glittering, 3
size, 3
surrounding, 3
homes, 3
newspeak,, 3
minitrue, 3
armed, 3
hunk, 3
dark-coloured, 3
sickly, 3
oily, 3
chinese, 3
poured, 3
rubber, 3
burning, 3
cheerful, 3
crumpled, 3
penholder, 3
alcove, 3
flats, 3
stayed, 3
creamy, 3
strictly, 3
guiltily, 3
compromising, 3
illegal, 3
reasonably, 3
furtively, 3
scratched, 3
notes, 3
bowels, 3
mark, 3
clumsy, 3
4th, 3
descended, 3
pin, 3
meaningless, 3
strident, 3
expressing, 3
originally, 3
restless, 3
unbearably, 3
caused, 3
setting, 3
handwriting, 3
helicopters, 3
hovering, 3
middle-aged, 3
hiding, 3
planted, 3
dont, 3
incident, 3
cubicles, 3
unexpectedly, 3
machines, 3
freckled, 3
disliked, 3
sidelong, 3
agent, 3
uneasiness, 3
post, 3
approaching, 3
solely, 3
hideous, 3
emmanuel, 3
condemned, 3
programmes, 3
earliest, 3
protection, 3
quality, 3
doctrines, 3
dictatorship, 3
demanding, 3
crying, 3
lest, 3
rhythmic, 3
dedicated, 3
circulated, 3
leaping, 3
quivering, 3
smash, 3
flame, 3
tower, 3
protector, 3
pillow, 3
stake, 3
throat, 3
chastity, 3
soldier, 3
sub-machine, 3
spring, 3
sigh, 3
calm, 3
individually, 3
bold, 3
murmur, 3
'my, 3
uttering, 3
drowning, 3
delirium, 3
instinctive, 3
conceivably, 3
significant, 3
inscrutable, 3
uncertain, 3
fleeting, 3
exchanged, 3
roused, 3
straighter, 3
rising, 3
helplessly, 3
filling, 3
twinge, 3
absurd, 3
abandon, 3
successfully, 3
denied, 3
drum, 3
wet, 3
flowed, 3
wispy, 3
lined, 3
creases, 3
thereabouts, 3
steam, 3
committees, 3
parsons', 3
comb, 3
issuing, 3
'he, 3
he's, 3
spontaneous, 3
'have, 3
toy, 3
thought-criminal, 3
busy, 3
hanging', 3
roared, 3
park, 3
popular, 3
spun, 3
armaments, 3
wretched, 3
lead, 3
quietly, 3
link, 3
affection, 3
malabar, 3
belched, 3
mutability, 3
unimaginable, 3
dominion, 3
endure, 3
centimetres, 3
grim, 3
fourteen, 3
identifiable, 3
grain, 3
tall, 3
unavoidable, 3
valuable, 3
tragic, 3
recurred, 3
pasture, 3
boughs, 3
elm, 3
breeze, 3
dense, 3
women's, 3
dace, 3
overwhelmed, 3
swept, 3
splendid, 3
emptied, 3
veins, 3
clutching, 3
bundle, 3
breathe, 3
confused, 3
represented, 3
agreement, 3
annihilated, 3
victories, 3
'stand, 3
instructress, 3
labyrinthine, 3
believing, 3
morality, 3
democracy, 3
consciously, 3
performed, 3
shooting, 3
pains, 3
histories, 3
fabulous, 3
horse, 3
screamed, 3
'6079, 3
w, 3
lower, 3
squad, 3
remarkable, 3
privilege, 3
better', 3
cylinders, 3
flopped, 3
nicknamed, 3
internal, 3
ran,, 3
bb, 3
fullwise, 3
fourth, 3
intricate, 3
previous, 3
offensive, 3
shortly, 3
published, 3
sixth, 3
files, 3
sound-tracks, 3
cartoons, 3
shown, 3
scraped, 3
section, 3
documents, 3
stated, 3
plenty's, 3
fantasy, 3
double, 3
ideologically, 3
sub-section, 3
brains, 3
policy, 3
falsified, 3
branch, 3
repeat, 3
operation, 3
separate, 3
drama, 3
oozing, 3
sealed, 3
packets, 3
depths, 3
authority, 3
prominent, 3
conspicuous, 3
abject, 3
oftener, 3
clue, 3
gently, 3
tricky, 3
motion, 3
suspected, 3
mechanics, 3
indicated, 3
released, 3
unconnected, 3
recently, 3
heroic, 3
occasions, 3
print, 3
answering, 3
etc, 3
troop, 3
designed, 3
perished, 3
planes, 3
friends, 3
darning, 3
greasy, 3
pile, 3
'did, 3
sticking, 3
please', 3
dumped, 3
swiftly, 3
cheese, 3
vomit, 3
hungry, 3
duck, 3
brightened, 3
leaned, 3
'we're, 3
verbs, 3
"good", 3
notion, 3
course', 3
lack, 3
prefer, 3
stick, 3
subsidiary, 3
excuse, 3
'has, 3
checked, 3
"freedom, 3
silly, 3
atrocities, 3
heroes, 3
eyeless, 3
spoon, 3
duckspeak, 3
abuse, 3
discredited, 3
decades, 3
boyish, 3
shirt, 3
sweating, 3
eh, 3
what's, 3
'which, 3
'for, 3
biggest, 3
outfit, 3
flags, 3
entered, 3
mine, 3
shows, 3
tail, 3
funny, 3
abstractedly, 3
heads, 3
risen, 3
leadership, 3
'our, 3
smoking, 3
streamed, 3
swallow, 3
streak, 3
tasted, 3
tables, 3
elbows, 3
composite, 3
socks, 3
synthetic, 3
lifts, 3
judge, 3
shake, 3
have', 3
temporarily, 3
loud, 3
loudly, 3
wander, 3
offence, 3
badly, 3
twice, 3
painted, 3
appealed, 3
symptom, 3
contorted, 3
odour, 3
inextricably, 3
prostitutes, 3
tacitly, 3
instincts, 3
submerged, 3
forming, 3
intercourse, 3
disgusting, 3
minor, 3
onwards, 3
artificial, 3
embrace, 3
pushing, 3
muscles, 3
sighed, 3
lamplight, 3
frozen, 3
affair, 3
unthinkable, 3
alike, 3
hurriedly, 3
occur, 3
despair, 3
stalls, 3
saucepans, 3
outburst, 3
another's, 3
throats, 3
hideously, 3
coal, 3
mines, 3
cattle, 3
brief, 3
petty, 3
agents, 3
individuals, 3
discontent, 3
focus, 3
amount, 3
imposed, 3
unpunished, 3
religious, 3
suspicion, 3
textbook, 3
cruel, 3
wicked, 3
hat, 3
owned, 3
kissing, 3
modern, 3
neutral, 3
worn-out, 3
ruinous, 3
proved, 3
relevant, 3
fled, 3
release, 3
neighbourhood, 3
cloves, 3
speciality, 3
impressed, 3
helped, 3
seamed, 3
describe, 3
jeering, 3
posterity, 3
york, 3
beating, 3
blowing, 3
supposing, 3
inevitable, 3
experience, 3
gravity, 3
controllable, 3
defended, 3
stones, 3
plus, 3
half-forgotten, 3
pavements, 3
sleeping, 3
eccentricity, 3
east, 3
losing, 3
absurdity, 3
doorways, 3
swollen, 3
creatures, 3
scraps, 3
unfamiliar, 3
pointing, 3
travelled, 3
faster, 3
severed, 3
kicked, 3
customers, 3
'ole, 3
in', 3
arguing, 3
prizes, 3
absence, 3
sunken, 3
pub, 3
knot, 3
pint', 3
tips, 3
'im, 3
'when, 3
surprisingly, 3
wore, 3
'at, 3
understand', 3
priests, 3
speaker, 3
this', 3
treated, 3
treat, 3
say', 3
'one, 3
once', 3
you'll, 3
details, 3
tolerant, 3
truck, 3
extra, 3
unanswerable, 3
sister's, 3
twenty-one, 3
questioned, 3
gentle, 3
literary, 3
well', 3
demand, 3
value, 3
odds, 3
magnified, 3
wasn't, 3
fortunately, 3
upstairs, 3
forest, 3
chimney-pots, 3
arranged, 3
fireplace, 3
twelve-hour, 3
mantelpiece, 3
mahogany, 3
inviting, 3
printed, 3
rear, 3
clement, 3
danes, 3
was', 3
uses, 3
"oranges, 3
'where, 3
gathered, 3
oranges, 3
hearing, 3
buying, 3
drag, 3
exaltation, 3
paralysed, 3
noticing, 3
ache, 3
cobblestone, 3
success, 3
undoubtedly, 3
astonishment, 3
acted, 3
seemingly, 3
aching, 3
grovelling, 3
transferred, 3
casually, 3
'five, 3
feared, 3
suppress, 3
showing, 3
conceal, 3
preparations, 3
instruments, 3
comparatively, 3
pretext, 3
exchange, 3
enquiry, 3
pretended, 3
refuse, 3
hallucination, 3
soup, 3
attached, 3
nipped, 3
rush, 3
shabby, 3
mongolian, 3
drowned, 3
'can, 3
precision, 3
route, 3
camps, 3
european, 3
scrubby, 3
palm, 3
prisoner, 3
kiss, 3
journey, 3
distances, 3
spend, 3
picking, 3
bunch, 3
flowers, 3
sunshine, 3
broad, 3
saplings, 3
hide-out, 3
away', 3
finding, 3
'well, 3
healthy, 3
'black, 3
abreast, 3
startling, 3
'come, 3
fast, 3
'with, 3
infected, 3
corrupt, 3
slowed, 3
pleasant, 3
sleepy, 3
practical, 3
go', 3
mastered, 3
good-bye', 3
intermittent, 3
preparing, 3
hostel, 3
machinery, 3
grandfather, 3
filth, 3
dog, 3
damn, 3
bursting, 3
excited, 3
pitch, 3
cliff, 3
sounds, 3
sorry, 3
inconvenient, 3
negative, 3
yet', 3
enjoy, 3
fix, 3
planned, 3
bolster, 3
visit, 3
oilstove, 3
courtesy, 3
june, 3
sacking, 3
pegging, 3
diapers, 3
pegs, 3
flagstones, 3
necessity, 3
lunacy, 3
tool-bag, 3
proud, 3
sniffed, 3
waiters, 3
starvation, 3
stain, 3
rouge, 3
rat, 3
limbs, 3
fruit, 3
midnight, 3
killing, 3
fatter, 3
grasping, 3
safety, 3
intention, 3
claiming, 3
denial, 3
bored, 3
world-view, 3
tended, 3
involuntary, 3
luminous, 3
ribs, 3
gas, 3
fierce, 3
wrench, 3
argument, 3
clinging, 3
obeyed, 3
grip, 3
lifted, 3
governed, 3
loyal, 3
tortures, 3
intently, 3
separately, 3
answers, 3
venereal, 3
strolling, 3
receive, 3
strategy, 3
face', 3
irony, 3
holds, 3
extend, 3
humanity, 3
pronounce, 3
sensations, 3
fretted, 3
joints, 3
ally, 3
demonstration, 3
gripped, 3
uncontrollably, 3
purely, 3
troubled, 3
mighty, 3
neolithic, 3
relative, 3
iii, 3
europe, 3
british, 3
northern, 3
combination, 3
conduct, 3
universal, 3
strategic, 3
waged, 3
territories, 3
capture, 3
essentially, 3
industrial, 3
empirical, 3
espionage, 3
increase, 3
aeroplane, 3
distributed, 3
necessarily, 3
convenient, 3
scrapped, 3
advantage, 3
favoured, 3
temples, 3
quantities, 3
conquest, 3
weapon, 3
useful, 3
tolerated, 3
inquisitor, 3
branches, 3
submarine, 3
translated, 3
inimical, 3
accurate, 3
practised, 3
minimum, 3
abolish, 3
distinctions, 3
govern, 3
rights, 3
totalitarian, 3
obedience, 3
property, 3
chooses, 3
undergone, 3
logical, 3
omnipotent, 3
frankly, 3
leap, 3
distinguishing, 3
cold', 3
protruded, 3
clang, 3
forefinger, 3
gasp, 3
agonizing, 3
fading, 3
recognizable, 3
surroundings, 3
fought, 3
trust, 3
her;, 3
shrank, 3
clanged, 3
joy, 3
emaciation, 3
unsteadily, 3
victim, 3
him', 3
feebly, 3
reasoning, 3
weeping, 3
rags, 3
dials, 3
thoughtfully, 3
punish, 3
remembering, 3
submission, 3
self-evident, 3
'four', 3
five', 3
bonds, 3
inquisition, 3
degradation, 3
"thou, 3
'does, 3
play, 3
float, 3
world', 3
fallacy, 3
solipsism, 3
tearing, 3
ugliness, 3
fail, 3
said;, 3
stool, 3
trickled, 3
trumpet-call, 3
concepts, 3
grammar, 3
adjective, 3
preterite, 3
participle, 3
euphony, 3
abbreviations, 3
inflected, 3
oldthink, 3
gods, 3
comintern, 3
7, 2
8, 2
20, 2
85, 2
145, 2
1925, 2
1930, 2
1973, 2
1983, 2
clocks, 2
striking, 2
vile, 2
display, 2
forty-five, 2
handsome, 2
drive, 2
resting, 2
landing, 2
pictures, 2
pig-iron, 2
plaque, 2
right-hand, 2
dimmed, 2
roughened, 2
blunt, 2
whirling, 2
black-moustachio'd, 2
commanding, 2
house-front, 2
flapped, 2
fitfully, 2
alternately, 2
hovered, 2
darted, 2
patrol, 2
whisper, 2
plugged, 2
plug, 2
scrutinized, 2
revealing, 2
towered, 2
rotting, 2
sagging, 2
directions, 2
heaps, 2
cleared, 2
colonies, 2
tableaux, 2
terrace, 2
lettering, 2
corresponding, 2
ramifications, 2
architecture, 2
apparatus, 2
education, 2
arts, 2
responsible, 2
affairs, 2
miniluv, 2
miniplenty, 2
enter, 2
machine-gun, 2
nests, 2
roamed, 2
jointed, 2
saved, 2
colourless, 2
teacupful, 2
gulped, 2
acid, 2
whereupon, 2
marbled, 2
stricken, 2
market', 2
shoelaces, 2
wanting, 2
nib, 2
sucked, 2
dipped, 2
tremor, 2
wonder, 2
communicate, 2
resemble, 2
stupidly, 2
transfer, 2
monologue, 2
inflamed, 2
imperfectly, 2
childish, 2
flicks, 2
bow, 2
burrow, 2
kilo, 2
terrific, 2
camera, 2
seats, 2
didnt, 2
kids, 2
aint, 2
cares, 2
typical, 2
reaction, 2
dragging, 2
novel-writing, 2
wound, 2
adherents, 2
unlikely, 2
hostility, 2
hush, 2
resettling, 2
civilized, 2
snuffbox, 2
prize-fighter's, 2
physique, 2
cheat, 2
verify, 2
guess,, 2
grinding, 2
bristled, 2
hisses, 2
squeak, 2
mingled, 2
disgust, 2
deviations, 2
mixture, 2
jewish, 2
clever, 2
despicable, 2
senile, 2
perched, 2
sheep, 2
sheep-like, 2
exaggerated, 2
habitual, 2
orators, 2
asiatic, 2
bleating, 2
anger, 2
theories, 2
ridiculed, 2
influence, 2
shadowy, 2
conspirators, 2
title, 2
frenzy, 2
drown, 2
fish, 2
flushed, 2
swine', 2
joining, 2
pretence, 2
flow, 2
abstract, 2
invincible, 2
rock, 2
hordes, 2
asia, 2
transferring, 2
tie, 2
saint, 2
supple, 2
flinched, 2
encouragement, 2
confidence, 2
capitals,, 2
buried, 2
throbbing, 2
sharing, 2
chanting, 2
chanted, 2
flowing, 2
incidents, 2
conspiracies, 2
snatches, 2
inconceivably, 2
equivocal, 2
loneliness, 2
cramped, 2
pages, 2
refrained, 2
dodge, 2
rough, 2
glaring, 2
one-time, 2
theyll, 2
futile, 2
whoever, 2
delay, 2
thumping, 2
heavily, 2
dreary, 2
and----', 2
snow, 2
mending, 2
football, 2
litter, 2
sniff, 2
toilet, 2
casting, 2
sentences, 2
greenish, 2
angle-joint, 2
moment', 2
paralysing, 2
imbecile, 2
stability, 2
depended, 2
unwillingly, 2
employed, 2
subordinate, 2
savings, 2
testimony, 2
strenuousness, 2
spanner', 2
fiddling, 2
disgustedly, 2
cleaned, 2
pistol, 2
shirts, 2
boy's, 2
vaporize, 2
imitating, 2
ferocity, 2
'they're, 2
clamoured, 2
anchored, 2
dummy, 2
paragraph, 2
pausing, 2
morning's, 2
stagnant, 2
'attention, 2
measurable, 2
annihilation, 2
'tis, 2
thee', 2
lighter, 2
exploded, 2
forests, 2
pursued, 2
covers, 2
enveloping, 2
quailed, 2
anonymous, 2
scribbled, 2
obscure, 2
continuity, 2
uniformity, 2
entail, 2
(a, 2
hint, 2
bathroom, 2
dark-brown, 2
whitish, 2
statuesque, 2
magnificent, 2
father's, 2
watchful, 2
saloon, 2
hearts, 2
retaining, 2
scenery, 2
privacy, 2
selfish, 2
dignity, 2
springy, 2
turf, 2
slanting, 2
rays, 2
gilded, 2
foot-track, 2
molehill, 2
hedge, 2
willow, 2
aroused, 2
admiration, 2
thrown, 2
grace, 2
nothingness, 2
belonging, 2
nought, 2
office, 2
clothing, 2
jerks, 2
gasps, 2
swelled, 2
cough, 2
'thirty, 2
group', 2
piercing, 2
female, 2
thirties, 2
rapped, 2
enjoyment, 2
refer, 2
outline, 2
recapture, 2
shapes, 2
raid, 2
blankets, 2
packed, 2
cloth, 2
drunk, 2
grief, 2
trusting, 2
buggers, 2
vividly, 2
furtive, 2
eurasia,, 2
future,, 2
everlasting, 2
'reality, 2
control', 2
'doublethink', 2
barked, 2
cancelled, 2
induce, 2
hypnosis, 2
heels, 2
buttocks, 2
hats, 2
rode, 2
motor-cars, 2
carriages, 2
legend, 2
socialism', 2
mist, 2
bend, 2
resentment, 2
tucked, 2
look', 2
aren't, 2
boys, 2
sailors, 2
lunge, 2
nearness, 2
blew, 2
mouthpiece, 2
slit, 2
protected, 2
grating, 2
disposal, 2
furnaces, 2
slips, 2
misprints, 2
312.83, 2
dayorder, 2
doubleplusungood, 2
refs, 2
unpersons, 2
upsub, 2
antefiling, 2
tedious, 2
issues, 2
items, 2
march, 2
launched, 2
predict, 2
december, 2
error, 2
promise, 2
words), 2
substitute, 2
reduce, 2
corrections, 2
devoured, 2
flames, 2
unseen, 2
labyrinth, 2
tubes, 2
corrected, 2
periodicals, 2
leaflets, 2
correct, 2
conflicted, 2
collect, 2
instructions, 2
interests, 2
re-adjusted, 2
rectified, 2
forecast, 2
sixty-two, 2
fifty-seven, 2
quota, 2
overfulfilled, 2
ineffectual, 2
poems, 2
multitude, 2
teams, 2
armies, 2
stored, 2
preserved, 2
primary, 2
citizens, 2
textbooks, 2
poem, 2
biological, 2
proletariat, 2
chain, 2
departments, 2
rubbishy, 2
versificator, 2
pornography, 2
entrusted, 2
rectification, 2
(or, 2
extremely, 2
unsatisfactory, 2
non-existent, 2
filing, 2
praising, 2
ffcc, 2
publicly, 2
commonly, 2
versions, 2
master, 2
cross-referencing, 2
corruption, 2
tendencies, 2
likeliest, 2
vaporizations, 2
ghostly, 2
implicate, 2
vanishing, 2
unperson, 2
exist,, 2
invent, 2
over-production, 2
humble, 2
faked, 2
fundamental, 2
model, 2
joined, 2
flying, 2
despatches, 2
envy, 2
remarks, 2
single-mindedness, 2
total, 2
celibacy, 2
hunting-down, 2
profound, 2
conviction, 2
low-ceilinged, 2
jerked, 2
grille, 2
overcome, 2
research, 2
specialist, 2
team, 2
mournful, 2
one', 2
longer', 2
scrounging, 2
mocking, 2
villages, 2
reminiscently, 2
appeals, 2
regulation, 2
pannikin, 2
telescreen', 2
'let's, 2
way', 2
served, 2
threaded, 2
unpacked, 2
spoonfuls, 2
meat, 2
pierced, 2
definitive, 2
speaks, 2
passion, 2
animated, 2
goodness, 2
eagerness, 2
sadly, 2
translations, 2
vagueness, 2
shades, 2
gets, 2
year', 2
briefly, 2
expressed, 2
defined, 2
continuing, 2
self-discipline, 2
newspeak', 2
latest, 2
beings', 2
shakespeare, 2
milton, 2
slavery", 2
climate, 2
sees, 2
plainly, 2
sideways, 2
secretary, 2
feminine, 2
distinguish, 2
jaw, 2
larynx, 2
puddle, 2
quacked, 2
quack, 2
opponent, 2
subtly, 2
zeal, 2
frequented, 2
frequenting, 2
leaders, 2
gather, 2
fate, 2
foresee, 2
matter,, 2
'here, 2
add, 2
sleeves, 2
pudgy, 2
activity, 2
extraordinary, 2
dampness, 2
brainy, 2
sub, 2
forgot, 2
notebook, 2
beggars, 2
d'you, 2
aback, 2
smart, 2
nipper, 2
eh', 2
rifle, 2
clicked, 2
'good', 2
afford, 2
dutifully, 2
wise, 2
gaping, 2
horizontal, 2
remoter, 2
furious, 2
denounce, 2
cooking-pots, 2
insanity, 2
upwards, 2
pale-coloured, 2
grime, 2
protest, 2
accurately, 2
scarcity, 2
tastes, 2
suspicious, 2
glances, 2
vital, 2
ministries,, 2
stout, 2
nimbly, 2
survival, 2
reverie, 2
pang, 2
muttering, 2
improper, 2
incredulous, 2
punishable, 2
coincidence, 2
finish, 2
stem, 2
'about, 2
skirt, 2
matches, 2
keen, 2
trumpets, 2
join, 2
diary,, 2
i----, 2
recurring, 2
translate, 2
time,, 2
spit, 2
fornication, 2
lapse, 2
poorer, 2
swarmed, 2
outlet, 2
unforgivable, 2
promiscuity, 2
accused, 2
loyalties, 2
approved, 2
indirect, 2
seriously, 2
efforts, 2
permit, 2
divorce, 2
intimately, 2
exception, 2
endured, 2
stiffen, 2
rigidity, 2
embarrassing, 2
positive, 2
dread, 2
luckily, 2
katharine's, 2
hypnotic, 2
ingrained, 2
parades, 2
exceptions, 2
impregnable, 2
awakened, 2
properly, 2
lust, 2
crack, 2
cavernous, 2
handwriting,, 2
therapy, 2
hope', 2
disregarded, 2
identifying, 2
mob, 2
crowding, 2
quarrels, 2
jostled, 2
accusing, 2
favouritism, 2
reserve, 2
bloated, 2
rebelled, 2
neighbours, 2
eliminating, 2
patriotism, 2
discontented, 2
nowhere, 2
specific, 2
thieves, 2
bandits, 2
drug-peddlers, 2
code, 2
puritanism, 2
children's, 2
stale, 2
frock, 2
queer, 2
shiny, 2
shaped, 2
prison, 2
catalogue, 2
cat-o'-nine, 2
tails, 2
jus, 2
primae, 2
noctis, 2
cruelty, 2
ideal, 2
shuffled, 2
lavatories, 2
dustbins, 2
bruised, 2
proving, 2
disproved, 2
survivors, 2
incriminate, 2
eurasia), 2
embezzlement, 2
funds, 2
posts, 2
fascination, 2
dates, 2
blurry, 2
flavoured, 2
barricades, 2
pouched, 2
it--but, 2
singing,, 2
me,, 2
shudder, 2
soil, 2
canada, 2
rendezvous, 2
staff, 2
secrets, 2
stuck, 2
sheet, 2
scribbling, 2
pad, 2
tormented, 2
afflicted, 2
imposture, 2
advantages, 2
falsifying, 2
how,, 2
madness, 2
penetrated, 2
deny, 2
announce, 2
works, 2
letter, 2
earth's, 2
boring, 2
exhausting, 2
creaking, 2
cobbled, 2
puddles, 2
alley-ways, 2
mothers, 2
winston;, 2
eyed, 2
brick-red, 2
"but, 2
'ah', 2
studied, 2
exactly;, 2
stiffening, 2
unwise, 2
'may, 2
commotion, 2
grabbed, 2
apron, 2
excitedly, 2
'steamer', 2
rockets, 2
supposedly, 2
shower, 2
cloud, 2
around, 2
stump, 2
gutter, 2
affected, 2
them), 2
endlessly, 2
absorption, 2
altercation, 2
months', 2
reg'lar, 2
oh, 2
delight, 2
faith, 2
coated, 2
links, 2
'tell, 2
pubs, 2
faintness, 2
arst, 2
straightening, 2
leaning, 2
calls, 2
serve, 2
drawed, 2
offer, 2
half-litres, 2
litre, 2
hadn't, 2
'ead, 2
dono, 2
funeral, 2
was--well, 2
lawyers, 2
lords, 2
lackeys, 2
sunday, 2
jews, 2
inferior, 2
recollect, 2
rowdy, 2
bumps, 2
overcoat, 2
charge, 2
wheels, 2
time;, 2
meditatively, 2
philosophical, 2
they'd, 2
urinal, 2
answerable, 2
hunt, 2
long-dead, 2
seventy, 2
discoloured, 2
suicidal, 2
impulses, 2
proprietor, 2
lighted, 2
eyebrows, 2
bushy, 2
accent, 2
'because, 2
satisfied, 2
is;, 2
stock, 2
interior, 2
slightest, 2
curved, 2
softness, 2
that'd, 2
nowadays', 2
pounds, 2
rainwatery, 2
attractive, 2
uselessness, 2
mattress, 2
apologetically, 2
kettle, 2
expensive, 2
bookcase, 2
rosewood, 2
wall', 2
courts, 2
ridiculous, 2
'oranges, 2
'what's, 2
clement's", 2
head", 2
dance, 2
churches, 2
determine, 2
'though, 2
ah, 2
'st, 2
pillars, 2
displays, 2
fields, 2
inscription, 2
half-remembered, 2
renting, 2
the----, 2
failing, 2
thigh, 2
lusty, 2
disappearances, 2
poison, 2
enough,, 2
battlefield, 2
chamber, 2
moment-to-moment, 2
sleeplessness, 2
tooth, 2
splinters, 2
embedded, 2
foreknowledge, 2
solitary, 2
sling, 2
noticeable, 2
kaleidoscopes, 2
plots, 2
novels, 2
accident, 2
wrung, 2
milky, 2
appealing, 2
hurt', 2
second', 2
hurt, 2
nothing', 2
thanks, 2
acquired, 2
status, 2
helping, 2
intentionally, 2
possibilities, 2
deliver, 2
fashion, 2
threat, 2
summons, 2
trap, 2
explanation, 2
intellect, 2
stunned, 2
resist, 2
agitation, 2
torment, 2
enthusiastic, 2
bearable, 2
reports, 2
nights, 2
solemn, 2
relation, 2
writhed, 2
shirk, 2
welled, 2
risks, 2
contemplated, 2
whichever, 2
sending, 2
sufficient, 2
reappeared, 2
searching, 2
vacant, 2
malignant, 2
all-important, 2
poet, 2
'any, 2
right', 2
vanquished, 2
eastasian, 2
represent, 2
monument, 2
vehicles, 2
convoy, 2
arm's, 2
length, 2
impenetrable, 2
sad, 2
jolted, 2
truck-load, 2
everything', 2
guise, 2
grizzled, 2
shapely, 2
lane, 2
gold, 2
difficulties, 2
mood, 2
weather, 2
carriage, 2
overflowing, 2
explained, 2
black-market, 2
footpath, 2
underfoot, 2
smelling, 2
froze, 2
crackle, 2
foot, 2
shook, 2
inferiority, 2
are', 2
mike, 2
sprouted, 2
before', 2
ironical, 2
believe', 2
noted, 2
easily', 2
incredulity, 2
precious, 2
hurry, 2
yours, 2
smith', 2
police', 2
disguise, 2
bough, 2
slab, 2
wrapped, 2
silver, 2
'actually, 2
troop-leader, 2
rot, 2
banner, 2
undo, 2
belong, 2
swear, 2
dripping, 2
smells, 2
hazel, 2
nearby, 2
waving, 2
mate, 2
drove, 2
speculations, 2
together;, 2
clatter, 2
members', 2
hinted, 2
weaken, 2
bones', 2
itself', 2
undifferentiated, 2
pillowed, 2
surname, 2
protecting, 2
mindless, 2
tenderness, 2
flank, 2
alert, 2
cunning, 2
coast, 2
nineteen-thirty, 2
belfry, 2
drifted, 2
deafening, 2
chalk, 2
camouflage, 2
pigeon, 2
dung, 2
stink, 2
enjoyed, 2
fond, 2
directive, 2
planning, 2
product, 2
bootlaces, 2
pornosec, 2
distribution, 2
there', 2
anyway, 2
love-affair, 2
sixteen, 2
'they', 2
it;, 2
pleasures, 2
crudest, 2
discuss, 2
daydream, 2
unlike, 2
transformed, 2
was,, 2
device, 2
detect, 2
tuft, 2
apparently, 2
root, 2
clump, 2
steady, 2
tickled, 2
'are, 2
didn't', 2
difference', 2
contradicted, 2
corpse, 2
feeling,, 2
twisted, 2
vigour, 2
twig, 2
half-darkness, 2
clock's, 2
letting, 2
generalities, 2
muslin, 2
curtain, 2
brawny, 2
'opeless, 2
ipril, 2
dye, 2
stolen, 2
'eart, 2
cries, 2
frequent, 2
entailed, 2
paler, 2
'tomorrow, 2
sensuality, 2
cheating, 2
unexpected, 2
predestined, 2
preceding, 2
wilful, 2
'half, 2
bag, 2
underneath, 2
'real, 2
because----', 2
coffee', 2
things', 2
squatted, 2
blackberry, 2
captured, 2
red-armed, 2
'eals, 2
forget;, 2
smiles, 2
acrorss, 2
'eart-strings, 2
drivelling, 2
inexhaustible, 2
spontaneously, 2
sing, 2
transformation, 2
make-up, 2
stripped, 2
blanket, 2
cares', 2
stir, 2
cheekbone, 2
ray, 2
boiling, 2
cool, 2
water's, 2
'i'll, 2
shoe, 2
beastly, 2
place', 2
'we've, 2
rat', 2
unendurable, 2
self-deception, 2
wrenching, 2
bedhead, 2
amusement, 2
brute, 2
head"', 2
halves, 2
dug, 2
washing, 2
eternity, 2
waxworks, 2
stands, 2
unit, 2
regular, 2
quoted, 2
crowds, 2
crashed, 2
streamers, 2
native, 2
element, 2
manual, 2
pulling, 2
pointed, 2
hip, 2
muzzle, 2
periodical, 2
frenzies, 2
burying, 2
victims, 2
trailing, 2
waves, 2
hardship, 2
unbelievably, 2
horn, 2
tinkling, 2
laugh, 2
morsel, 2
harm, 2
practicable, 2
hang, 2
available, 2
faintest, 2
insults, 2
fired, 2
uninteresting, 2
argued, 2
forcing, 2
truths, 2
they', 2
survives, 2
doubts, 2
lifetime, 2
corn, 2
recovered, 2
construction, 2
friendliness, 2
dictionary', 2
'very, 2
so', 2
'some, 2
messenger, 2
pockets, 2
conspiracy, 2
woken, 2
matter', 2
rain, 2
dome, 2
shelter, 2
murdered, 2
mother', 2
her', 2
sheltering, 2
superfluous, 2
immobile, 2
nursing, 2
thinness, 2
counterpane, 2
tones, 2
boomed, 2
snivelling, 2
plate, 2
store, 2
booming, 2
sticky, 2
days', 2
avert, 2
own;, 2
hardened, 2
same', 2
hopefully, 2
'no;, 2
registered, 2
gradual, 2
richness, 2
green-shaded, 2
bothered, 2
doubted, 2
intimidating, 2
haunted, 2
comma, 2
pleased, 2
privilege', 2
stopping, 2
drinks, 2
frank, 2
afraid', 2
goldstein', 2
wine, 2
do', 2
of', 2
forge, 2
disseminate, 2
scars, 2
settled', 2
contacts, 2
fanatic, 2
indestructible, 2
sustain, 2
handfuls, 2
collectively, 2
confusion, 2
gravely, 2
attendants, 2
straps, 2
"i, 2
allusion, 2
bedroom, 2
begins, 2
gelatinous, 2
fatigue, 2
drained, 2
nerves, 2
ninety, 2
convinced, 2
orgasm, 2
proceedings, 2
extreme, 2
including, 2
schoolchildren, 2
platform, 2
orator, 2
disproportionately, 2
lank, 2
bombing, 2
speaker's, 2
ripped, 2
trampled, 2
hunched, 2
tapped, 2
'excuse, 2
eighteen, 2
imagination, 2
geographical, 2
considerable, 2
crushing, 2
stroke, 2
stair, 2
undid, 2
oligarchical, 2
collectivism, 2
subdivided, 2
age,, 2
upheavals, 2
irrevocable, 2
reasserted, 2
gyroscope, 2
equilibrium, 2
irreconcilable, 2
appreciate, 2
keyhole, 2
splitting, 2
russia, 2
states, 2
distinct, 2
arbitrary, 2
atlantic, 2
isles, 2
southern, 2
portion, 2
western, 2
frontier, 2
mongolia, 2
slaughter, 2
populations, 2
involves, 2
causes, 2
shortage, 2
deaths, 2
occurs, 2
evenly, 2
pacific, 2
self-contained, 2
boundaries, 2
brazzaville, 2
portions, 2
seizing, 2
equatorial, 2
disposes, 2
basin, 2
congo, 2
eastasia;, 2
balance, 2
peoples, 2
equator, 2
tempo, 2
maintains, 2
latent, 2
urgent, 2
literate, 2
developing, 2
advanced, 2
devices, 2
dangers, 2
inherent, 2
drudgery, 2
eliminated, 2
threatened, 2
motor-car, 2
luxuries, 2
privileged, 2
caste, 2
thinkers, 2
solution, 2
indirectly, 2
rivals, 2
prevented, 2
inflicted, 2
industry, 2
increasing, 2
achieving, 2
stratosphere, 2
weapons, 2
life;, 2
increases, 2
accomplishes, 2
provide, 2
emotional, 2
ignorant, 2
capacity, 2
spurious, 2
continues, 2
'science', 2
method, 2
achievements, 2
diminution, 2
cultivated, 2
effects, 2
desert, 2
focusing, 2
tidal, 2
tapping, 2
realization, 2
researches, 2
scale, 2
art, 2
bases, 2
pact, 2
devastating, 2
formulated, 2
integrity, 2
sets, 2
languages, 2
neo-bolshevism, 2
death-worship, 2
philosophies, 2
support, 2
gain, 2
impose, 2
followers, 2
loss, 2
religion, 2
inefficient, 2
nations, 2
efficient, 2
ceases, 2
cease, 2
slogan,, 2
tiredness, 2
attraction, 2
good', 2
stove, 2
fixture, 2
propped, 2
awake', 2
outlines, 2
servitude, 2
millimetre, 2
cyclical, 2
assailed, 2
positions, 2
established, 2
tyranny, 2
stretching, 2
freeze, 2
arose, 2
accumulation, 2
growth, 2
so;, 2
underlying, 2
specialized, 2
others;, 2
differences, 2
price, 2
levels, 2
averted, 2
earthly, 2
influenced, 2
outlook, 2
extract, 2
emerge, 2
aristocracy, 2
upper, 2
centralized, 2
luxury, 2
half-hearted, 2
liberal, 2
regard, 2
overt, 2
uninterested, 2
catholic, 2
easier, 2
oligarchy, 2
so-called, 2
owns, 2
belongings, 2
thinks, 2
expropriated, 2
willingness, 2
degree, 2
articulate, 2
infer, 2
all-powerful, 2
achievement, 2
exhibit, 2
lands, 2
highest, 2
ruled, 2
stratified, 2
harmless, 2
trained, 2
reflect, 2
lasted, 2
attitudes, 2
mystique, 2
indifference, 2
deviation, 2
inspected, 2
behaviour, 2
regulated, 2
punishment, 2
elaborate, 2
blackwhite, 2
self-abasement, 2
simplest, 2
stage, 2
misunderstanding, 2
ability, 2
infallibility, 2
altered;, 2
reality;, 2
honesty, 2
genuinely, 2
oligarchies, 2
combine, 2
winning, 2
exercises, 2
rightly, 2
tumbling, 2
twenty-thirty, 2
stretched, 2
seems, 2
grandchildren, 2
sturdy, 2
childbearing, 2
'she's, 2
laundering, 2
scrubbing, 2
cooking, 2
birds, 2
vitality, 2
paris, 2
echoed, 2
smear, 2
sharply, 2
picture', 2
breathed, 2
'remain, 2
clasp, 2
chattering, 2
surrounded', 2
iron-shod, 2
fist, 2
doubling, 2
hoisted, 2
sack, 2
urinate, 2
pieces', 2
stooped, 2
porcelain, 2
overcame, 2
cells', 2
fiercely, 2
homosexuality, 2
potatoes, 2
drunks, 2
dearie', 2
'thass, 2
amid, 2
contracted, 2
accordingly, 2
foresaw, 2
calculate, 2
mentally, 2
motioned, 2
"rod", 2
shone, 2
clumsily, 2
sagged, 2
ball, 2
labour-camp, 2
guilty', 2
"thank, 2
defective, 2
rodent, 2
technician, 2
demonstrating, 2
humiliation, 2
unmistakably, 2
frantically, 2
wordless, 2
howling, 2
guard's, 2
boot, 2
unvarying, 2
decision, 2
thing,, 2
syringe, 2
subjected, 2
formality, 2
beatings, 2
fists, 2
spine, 2
beat, 2
stone, 2
stupor, 2
arriving, 2
coats, 2
pulse, 2
merciless, 2
shame, 2
signed, 2
lain, 2
forgiven, 2
pouches, 2
him;, 2
teacher, 2
cured, 2
with', 2
centimetre, 2
exists', 2
existed', 2
'"who, 2
past"', 2
mine', 2
preferred, 2
sane', 2
loosened, 2
'again', 2
healing, 2
tortured, 2
totalitarians, 2
german, 2
nazis, 2
communists, 2
martyrs, 2
imagining, 2
narrowed, 2
thinking', 2
resists, 2
term, 2
recover, 2
kindly, 2
emptiness, 2
insane, 2
case', 2
occupy, 2
gleam, 2
learning, 2
acceptance, 2
sessions, 2
"why", 2
starting-point, 2
weariness, 2
mankind, 2
eternal, 2
persecution, 2
speck, 2
'nonsense, 2
convulsive, 2
subtler, 2
humiliated, 2
impossible', 2
god, 2
steal, 2
'get, 2
remnants, 2
circle, 2
thighs, 2
roots, 2
mind,, 2
ruined, 2
trivial, 2
wash, 2
slate, 2
pencil, 2
sunlit, 2
be,, 2
happens', 2
'real', 2
decide, 2
batteries, 2
tone,, 2
cells, 2
baize, 2
addressing, 2
click, 2
shrill, 2
unbidden, 2
african, 2
excitement, 2
thickened, 2
mates, 2
fifteen-thirty, 2
medley, 2
crocuses, 2
stiffened, 2
mouthful, 2
sub-committee, 2
snakes, 2
ladders, 2
gabbling, 2
o, 2
devised, 2
gained, 2
embodied, 2
formations, 2
'politically, 2
'intellectually, 2
nameless, 2
assisted, 2
compound, 2
peculiarities, 2
staccato, 2
adverb, 2
etymological, 2
-ful, 2
adverbs, 2
-wise, 2
affix, 2
respectively, 2
ungood, 2
regularity, 2
plurals, 2
mans, 2
formation, 2
inflect, 2
verbal, 2
ranges, 2
pronounceable, 2
derivation, 2
thinkpol, 2
syllable, 2
grounded, 2
bellyfeel, 2
joycamp, 2
prolefeed, 2
ambivalent, 2
abbreviating, 2
associations, 2
communist, 2
international, 2
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h3>My dataset includes the word frequencies from the book 1984 by George Orwell. I was able to filter out frequently used words like "a" or "the". The data set has 103,369 words. My visualization shows a word cloud of the word frequencies and a bar graph showing how often words of a given length are used. You can hover over words in the word cloud to see more information about that word and you can click on a bar in the bar graph to show all of the words of that length.</h3>
<svg class="svg" width="960" height="500"></svg>
// data found here
var margin = {top: 30, right: 50, bottom: 30, left: 50};
var innerWidth = 960 - margin.left - margin.right;
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// the svg for the bar graph
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// create tool tip
var tooltip ="body").append("div")
.attr("class", "tooltip")
.style("opacity", 0);
// graph the frequency data
d3.csv("freq.csv", function(frequency_list) {
var averages = [];
// format the data
frequency_list.forEach(function(d) {
d.size = +d.size
// collect the counts of each word to create a histograpm of word count by length
if (d.text.length in averages) {
averages[d.text.length] += 1;
} else {
averages[d.text.length] = 1;
// create the word cloud
var cloud =[800, 300])
.fontSize(function(d) { return d.size; })
.on("end", draw)
var currentlySelectedWord = null
function draw(words) {
.attr("width", 850)
.attr("height", 350)
// without the transform, words words would get cutoff to the left and top, they would
// appear outside of the SVG area
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.style("font-size", function(d) { return d.size + "px"; })
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.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + [d.x, d.y] + ")rotate(" + d.rotate + ")";
.text(function(d) { return d.text; })
.on("mouseover", function() {
if (currentlySelectedWord != null || currentlySelectedWord != null) { return; }
var word;
// handle hovering over a word in the word cloud
.style("fill", function(d) {
word = d;
return "steelblue";
.style("opacity", .9);
tooltip.html(word.text + " was in the book " + averages[word.text.length] + " times")
.style("left", (d3.event.pageX) + "px")
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.on("mouseout", function(d, i) {
if (currentlySelectedWord != null || currentlySelectedWord != null) { return; }
.style("fill", "#aaa");
.style("opacity", 0);
// Create SVG for bar graph
var width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 500 - - margin.bottom;
var x = d3.scaleBand()
.range([0, width])
var y = d3.scaleLinear()
.range([height, 0]);
var barSvg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
"translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
y.domain([0, d3.max(averages, function(d) { return d; })]);
var currentlySelectedWordLength = null;
// create the bar chart based on the generated averages array
.attr("class", "bar-on")
.attr("x", function(d, i) { return x(i); })
.attr("width", x.bandwidth())
.attr("y", function(d) { return y(d); })
.attr("height", function(d) { return height - y(d); })
.on("mouseover", function() {
if (currentlySelectedWordLength != null) { return; }
var count;
.attr("class", "bar-off");
.attr("class", function(d) {
count = d;
return "bar-on";
.style("opacity", .9);
tooltip.html("Count of Words: " + count)
.style("left", (d3.event.pageX) + "px")
.style("top", (d3.event.pageY - 28) + "px");
.on("mouseout", function(d, i) {
if (currentlySelectedWordLength != null) { return; }
.attr("class", "bar-on");
.style("opacity", 0);
.on("click", function(count, wordLength) {
if (currentlySelectedWordLength != wordLength) { // click to turn on selected
currentlySelectedWordLength = wordLength
.attr("class", "bar-off");
.attr("class", "bar-on");
.style("opacity", 0);
// show only the words of that length
.style("opacity", function(d) {
if (d.text.length == currentlySelectedWordLength) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else { // click to turn off selected
currentlySelectedWordLength = null;
.attr("class", "bar-on");
.style("opacity", 1);
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")
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