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  • Save jeremyHixon/c29079502507f5f7dece to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jeremyHixon/c29079502507f5f7dece to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set db_user to "user"
set db_pass to "password"
set db_path to "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql"
set local_url to "http://localhost/"
set wp_url to ""
set latest_wp to "latest.tar.gz"
set posix_path to POSIX path of (path to sites folder from user domain) as text
display dialog "New site folder name (e.g. custom-name):" default answer "wordpress" buttons {"Install", "Cancel"} default button 1
if the button returned of the result is "Cancel" then
display dialog "Cancelled"
set folder_name to (text returned of the result)
end if
set curl_command to "curl " & wp_url & latest_wp & " -o " & posix_path & latest_wp
do shell script curl_command
set tar_command to "tar -xvzf " & posix_path & latest_wp & " -C " & posix_path
do shell script tar_command
set delete_command to "rm " & posix_path & latest_wp
do shell script delete_command
if folder_name is not "wordpress" then
set rename_command to "mv " & posix_path & "wordpress " & posix_path & folder_name
do shell script rename_command
end if
set own_command to "chown -R _www " & posix_path & folder_name
do shell script own_command with administrator privileges
set mod_command to "chmod -R g+w " & posix_path & folder_name
do shell script mod_command with administrator privileges
set database_command to db_path & " -u " & db_user & " -p" & db_pass & " -e 'create database `" & folder_name & "`;'"
do shell script database_command
set user_name to short user name of (system info)
open location local_url & "~" & user_name & "/" & folder_name
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