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Created July 24, 2016 17:13
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module SuaveLogging.SuaveExample
open System
open System.IO
open System.Net
open Suave
open Suave.Filters
open Suave.Successful
open Suave.Logging
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.Files
open Hopac
open NodaTime
open Logary
open Logary.Message
open Logary.Logging
open Logary.Configuration
open Logary.Targets
open Logary.Metric
open Logary.Metrics.WinPerfCounter
open SuaveLogging.Utilities
let app () =
let path = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location |> Path.GetDirectoryName
let logName = "suave"
// Configuration settings for text writer target
let textConf =
// The Happy log for std output
Path.Combine(path, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-happy.log") |> File.AppendText,
// The sad log for error output
Path.Combine(path, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-sad.log") |> File.AppendText)
let textConf' = { textConf with flush = true }
let logary =
withLogaryManager logName (
withTargets [
Console.create Console.empty (PointName.ofSingle("console"))
Debugger.create Debugger.empty (PointName.ofSingle("debugger"))
TextWriter.create textConf' (PointName.ofSingle("textwriter"))
] >>
(*withMetrics [
MetricConf.create (Duration.FromMilliseconds 3000L) (PointName.ofSingle "cpu") Sample.cpuTime
] >>*)
withRules [
Rule.createForTarget (PointName.ofSingle("console"))
Rule.createForTarget (PointName.ofSingle("debugger"))
Rule.createForTarget (PointName.ofSingle("textwriter"))
let webConfig =
{ defaultConfig with
bindings = [ HTTP IPAddress.Loopback (uint16 8084)]
logger = SuaveAdapter(logary.getLogger (PointName.ofSingle "Suave"))}
let logRequest s =
log logName s
let app =
[ pathScan "/hello/%s" (fun s ->
// Log tHeaders requests!
logRequest s
OK s)
Suave.Filters.path "/" >=> (OK "Hello world!")]
startWebServer webConfig app
0 // return an integer exit code
module SuaveLogging.Utilities
open System.IO
open Logary
open Hopac
let deleteIfExists path =
if File.Exists path then
File.Delete path
let log name text =
let namedLogger = Logging.getLoggerByName name
let writeLog x = Logary.Logger.log namedLogger x |> Hopac.TopLevel.start
Logary.Message.eventInfo text |> writeLog
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