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Created April 16, 2016 03:16
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open System
open System.Net
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control.WebExtensions
// *********************************
// Pipes vs. Composition
// *********************************
// Pipe operator
let sum =
|> Array.filter (fun s -> s % 2 = 0) // array becomes last argument to Array.filter
|> Array.sum // The filtered array becomes the last argument to Array.sum
// Partial Application
let evens = Array.filter (fun s -> s % 2 = 0) // create a partially applied function
// Compose
let sumEvens = evens >> Array.sum // compose events with Array.Sum
let sum' = sumEvens [|1..10|] // sumEvens takes an array and returns an int
// More Compose
let sumEvens' = // Output of first function must match input of second function
Array.filter (fun s -> s % 2 = 0) >> Array.sum // Partially applied filter has an output of (int[] -> int[])
let sum'' = sumEvens [|1..10|]
// Even More Compose
let f = string // partially applied function
let g (x: string) = x.ToCharArray()
let taDa = f >> g
taDa "1234"
// *********************************
// Discriminated Union
// *********************************
// Basic Discriminated Union
type Shape =
| Circle of Radius : float
| Triangle of Base : float * Height : float
| Rectangle of Length : float * Height : float
member x.getArea () =
match x with // pattern matching
| Circle (r) -> (r ** 2.0) * System.Math.PI
| Triangle (b, h) -> 0.5 * (b * h)
| Rectangle (l, h) -> l * h
// create a circle
let circle = Shape.Circle 5.
printfn "%f" (circle.getArea ())
// Discriminated Union that compiles down to an Enum that C# can use
type Categories =
| Sedan = 0
| Truck = 1
| SUV = 2
| Coupe = 3
printfn "%d" <| int Categories.SUV // prints 2
// *********************************
// Basic Pattern Matching
// *********************************
let posNeg number =
match number with
| n when n > 0 -> "positive"
| n when n < 0 -> "negative"
| _ -> "zero"
printfn "%s" (posNeg -1) // negative
// Abbreviated syntax with function keyword
let posNeg' =
| n when n > 0 -> "positive"
| n when n < 0 -> "negative"
| _ -> "zero"
printfn "%s" (posNeg -1) // negative
// *********************************
// Pattern matching against a tuple
// *********************************
let points = [0, 0; 1, 0; 0, 1; -2, 3]
let locatePoint p =
match p with
| (0, 0) -> sprintf "%A is at the origin" p
| (_, 0) -> sprintf "%A is on the x-axis" p
| (0, _) -> sprintf "%A is on the y-axis" p
| (x, y) -> sprintf "%A is at x: %i, y: %i" p x y
// Combining patterns
let locatePoint' p =
match p with
| (0, 0) -> sprintf "%A is at the origin" p
| (_, 0) | (0, _) -> sprintf "%A is on an axis" p
| (x, y) -> sprintf "%A is at x: %i, y: %i" p x y
points |> locatePoint |> List.iter (fun s -> printfn "%s" s)
points |> locatePoint' |> List.iter (fun s -> printfn "%s" s)
// *********************************
// Pattern matching against Record Types
// *********************************
type Model =
| Six
| SixPlus
| Five
| FiveS
type Phone = { Manufacturer : string; Model : Model; OperatingSystem : string; Storage : int }
let phones = [{ Manufacturer = "Apple"; Model = Model.Six; OperatingSystem = "iOS"; Storage = 64 };
{ Manufacturer = "Apple"; Model = Model.Six; OperatingSystem = "iOS"; Storage = 128 };
{ Manufacturer = "Apple"; Model = Model.SixPlus; OperatingSystem = "iOS"; Storage = 64 };
{ Manufacturer = "Apple"; Model = Model.Five; OperatingSystem = "iOS"; Storage = 64 }]
let isNewEnough =
| { Model = Model.SixPlus } -> true
| { Model = Model.Six } -> true
| _ -> false
|> List.filter isNewEnough // only want "new" ones
|> List.iter
(fun p -> printfn "This phone is new enough - Manufacturer: %s, Storage: %i" p.Manufacturer p.Storage)
// *********************************
// Active Patterns
// *********************************
let (|XAxis|YAxis|Origin|Other|) p = // Create an active recognizer function
match p with
| (0, 0) -> Origin // order matters
| (_, 0) -> XAxis
| (0, _) -> YAxis
| _ -> Other
let locatePoint'' p =
match p with
| Origin -> sprintf "On the origin: %A" p
| XAxis -> sprintf "On the x-axis: %A" p
| YAxis -> sprintf "On the y-axis: %A" p
| Other -> sprintf "Not on an axis: %A" p
points |> locatePoint'' |> List.iter (fun s -> printfn "%s" s)
// *********************************
// Async
// *********************************
let asyncInt = async {
let r = new System.Random()
let n = r.Next(500, 2500)
printfn "Here we go again %O" DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay
do! Async.Sleep n
printfn "Done at %O" DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay
return n
let x = Async.RunSynchronously asyncInt // wait for the async operation to finish
printfn "Test blocking %d" x
let asyncUnit = async {
do asyncInt |> ignore
Async.Start asyncUnit // no way to get the result back at this point
// Child tasks
let timeOfDay () = System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay
let longWorkflow = async {
printfn "starting child @ %A" <| timeOfDay ()
do! Async.Sleep 1500
printfn "finishing child @ %A" <| timeOfDay ()
let r = new System.Random()
return r.Next(10)
let parentWorkflow = async {
printfn "Starting parent @ %A" <| timeOfDay ()
let! childAsync = Async.StartChild longWorkflow // returns Async<'T> (int in this case)
printfn "Do some work"
do! Async.Sleep 1000
printfn "Wait on the child task"
let! result = childAsync
printfn "Parent done"
Async.RunSynchronously parentWorkflow
printfn "Test not blocking"
// Async with continuations
let fetchGitHubAsync url = async {
let uri = new System.Uri(url)
let webClient = new WebClient()
let! html = webClient.AsyncDownloadString(uri)
printfn "Read %d characters for %s" html.Length url
printfn "First 50 characters are %s" <| html.Substring(0, 50)
| ex -> printfn "%s" (ex.Message);
Async.StartWithContinuations (
fetchGitHubAsync "",
(fun _ -> printfn "success"),
(fun _ -> printfn "not success"),
(fun _ -> printfn "canceled"))
// *********************************
// Mailbox Processors/Agents
// *********************************
// common type alias for MailboxProcessors
type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>
let countingAgent = Agent.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec messageLoop currentCount = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
let newCount = currentCount + msg
printfn "New count: %i" newCount
return! messageLoop newCount
messageLoop 0
countingAgent.Post 1 // New count: 1
countingAgent.Post 1 // New count: 2
countingAgent.Post 2 // New count: 4
type Message =
| Post of int
| Reply of int * AsyncReplyChannel<string>
let getState =
function // function-syntax pattern matching
| Post i -> i
| Reply (i, a) -> i
let boringBot = Agent.Start(fun (inbox : MailboxProcessor<Message>) ->
let rec messageLoop currentMessage = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive() // get the message
let currentState = getState currentMessage // get the current state
let newState = getState msg // get the state of the message
match msg with
| Reply (i, a) ->
let message = sprintf "New state: %i" (i + currentState)
a.Reply (message)
| _ -> ()
return! messageLoop (Message.Post(newState + currentState))
messageLoop <| Message.Post 0
boringBot.Post <| Message.Post 5
let getReply v = boringBot.PostAndReply (fun rc -> Message.Reply(v, rc))
let reply = getReply 1
printfn "%s" reply
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