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Last active March 17, 2021 05:13
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// SCNVector3+MathUtils.swift
// Created by Jeremy Conkin on 4/26/16.
import SceneKit
Add two vectors
- parameter left: Addend 1
- parameter right: Addend 2
func +(left:SCNVector3, right:SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 {
return SCNVector3(left.x + right.x, left.y + right.y, left.z + right.z)
Subtract two vectors
- parameter left: Minuend
- parameter right: Subtrahend
func -(left:SCNVector3, right:SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 {
return left + (right * -1.0)
Add one vector to another
- parameter left: Vector to change
- parameter right: Vector to add
func +=(inout left: SCNVector3, right:SCNVector3) {
left = SCNVector3(left.x + right.x, left.y + right.y, left.z + right.z)
Subtract one vector to another
- parameter left: Vector to change
- parameter right: Vector to subtract
func -=(inout left: SCNVector3, right:SCNVector3) {
left = SCNVector3(left.x - right.x, left.y - right.y, left.z - right.z)
Multiply a vector times a constant
- parameter vector: Vector to modify
- parameter constant: Multiplier
func *(vector:SCNVector3, multiplier:SCNFloat) -> SCNVector3 {
return SCNVector3(vector.x * multiplier, vector.y * multiplier, vector.z * multiplier)
Multiply a vector times a constant and update the vector inline
- parameter vector: Vector to modify
- parameter constant: Multiplier
func *=(inout vector: SCNVector3, multiplier:SCNFloat) {
vector = vector * multiplier
extension SCNVector3 {
/// Calculate the magnitude of this vector
var magnitude:SCNFloat {
get {
return sqrt(dotProduct(self))
/// Vector in the same direction as this vector with a magnitude of 1
var normalized:SCNVector3 {
get {
let localMagnitude = magnitude
let localX = x / localMagnitude
let localY = y / localMagnitude
let localZ = z / localMagnitude
return SCNVector3(localX, localY, localZ)
Calculate the dot product of two vectors
- parameter vectorB: Other vector in the calculation
func dotProduct(_ vectorB:SCNVector3) -> SCNFloat {
return (x * vectorB.x) + (y * vectorB.y) + (z * vectorB.z)
Calculate the dot product of two vectors
- parameter vectorB: Other vector in the calculation
func crossProduct(_ vectorB:SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 {
let computedX = (y * vectorB.z) - (z * vectorB.y)
let computedY = (z * vectorB.x) - (x * vectorB.z)
let computedZ = (x * vectorB.y) - (y * vectorB.x)
return SCNVector3(computedX, computedY, computedZ)
Calculate the angle between two vectors
- parameter vectorB: Other vector in the calculation
func angleBetweenVectors(_ vectorB:SCNVector3) -> SCNFloat {
//cos(angle) = (A.B)/(|A||B|)
let cosineAngle = (dotProduct(vectorB) / (magnitude * vectorB.magnitude))
return SCNFloat(acos(cosineAngle))
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