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Last active April 1, 2021 02:46
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Just-in-time debugging in MSYS2

MSYS2 processes

To get just-in-time debugging of MSYS2 processes, use the error_start MSYS environment variable setting:

export MSYS="error_start:$(cygpath -w /usr/bin/gdb)"

Native Windows processes

MINGW gdb can be used as a Windows JIT debugger. This is documented here under signal-event.

As Administrator:

regtool add -w '/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/AeDebug'
regtool set -w '/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/AeDebug/Debugger' \"$(cygpath -w /mingw64/bin/gdb.exe)'" -ex "attach %ld" -ex "signal-event %ld" -ex "continue"'
regtool set -w '/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/AeDebug/Auto' 1

regtool add -W '/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/AeDebug'
regtool set -W '/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/AeDebug/Debugger' \"$(cygpath -w /mingw32/bin/gdb.exe)'" -ex "attach %ld" -ex "signal-event %ld" -ex "continue"'
regtool set -W '/HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/AeDebug/Auto' 1

Native Windows processes started from MSYS2

When a native process which was started (possibly indirectly) from an MSYS2 process (such as bash) crashes, it does not invoke the registered debugger (or Windows Error Reporting), unless the SetErrorMode SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX flag was cleared in the meantime (SetErrorMode flags are inherited from a parent process by default). As of msys2-runtime 3.2.0-2, it is possible to tell MSYS2 to create processes without inheriting its error mode flags by setting an MSYS environment variable setting:

export MSYS=winjitdebug
exec bash

(note that the option needs to be set in the parent process, so bash needs to be restarted, assuming you are starting processes from bash).

Crashy test program


int main()
        volatile char * foo = (void*)0;
        *foo = 42;
        return 0;
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