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Last active May 27, 2021 20:31
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  • Save jeremyd2019/383afd81e5ae28fe598a20960c88caff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jeremyd2019/383afd81e5ae28fe598a20960c88caff to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
scripts for updating clangarm64 repos
shopt -s nullglob extglob
cd packages
# work around github issue with ~ in file name (turns into .)
for a in *~*; do
mv "$a" "`tr '~' '.' <<<"$a"`"
for u in{db,db.tar.xz,files,files.tar.xz}{,.sig}; do
curl -LO $u
repo-add -v clangarm64.db.tar.xz *.pkg.tar.!(*.sig)
FOR %%i IN (packages\*.pkg.tar.*) DO IF "%%~xi" neq ".sig" IF NOT EXIST "%%i.sig" gpg --detach-sign --no-armor %SIGNWITHKEY% "%%i"
CALL "D:\t\msys32\msys2_shell.cmd" -defterm -no-start -msys2 -here -c "./"
FOR %%i IN (packages\*.db packages\*.files) DO (
gpg --detach-sign --no-armor --batch --yes %SIGNWITHKEY% "%%i"
COPY /Y "%%i.sig" "%%i.tar.xz.sig"
#!/bin/bash -x
gh release upload -R msys2/CLANG-packages --clobber bootstrap-stage3-clangarm64 packages/*
release_id="$(gh api repos/msys2/CLANG-packages/releases -q '.[] | select(.name=="bootstrap-stage3-clangarm64").id')"
body="$(gh api repos/msys2/CLANG-packages/releases/${release_id} -q '.body')"
sed -e 's|\(msys2/MINGW-packages\)@[[:xdigit:]]\+|\1@'$1'|' <<<"$body" | gh api --silent -X PATCH "repos/msys2/CLANG-packages/releases/${release_id}" -F body=@-
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