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Last active April 4, 2019 06:08
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  • Save jeremyevans/8a9693b1d3f14c94f635b1bf4275b2be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jeremyevans/8a9693b1d3f14c94f635b1bf4275b2be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
9000x Performance Regression Between PostgreSQL 9.6 and 10
"Plan": {
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"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 1861.16,
"Total Cost": 1893.82,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 304418.234,
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"Actual Rows": 305,
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"Plans": [
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"Actual Total Time": 5.254,
"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
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"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Alias": "concepts_2",
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"Actual Total Time": 0.072,
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"Index Cond": "((concepts_2.vocabulary_id = 'ICD03_Morphology'::text) AND (concepts_2.concept_code = ANY ('{8070/3,8071/3,8072/3,8073/3,8074/3,8083/3}'::text[])))",
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"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
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"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_2",
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"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.028,
"Actual Total Time": 0.092,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
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"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.89,
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.018,
"Actual Total Time": 0.018,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
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"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 3,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Node Type": "Merge Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1844.56,
"Total Cost": 1904.05,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 147,
"Actual Startup Time": 2.442,
"Actual Total Time": 4.702,
"Actual Rows": 1088,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Inner Unique": false,
"Merge Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id = clinical_codes_3.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date <= clinical_codes_3.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_3.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date))",
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"Plans": [
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"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 116.55,
"Total Cost": 159.16,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.437,
"Actual Total Time": 1.538,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
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"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 116.55,
"Total Cost": 132.18,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.435,
"Actual Total Time": 0.899,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
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"Startup Cost": 116.55,
"Total Cost": 120.46,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.520,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
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"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
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"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.003,
"Actual Total Time": 0.197,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Node Type": "Sort",
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"Startup Cost": 1728.01,
"Total Cost": 1728.02,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.991,
"Actual Total Time": 2.160,
"Actual Rows": 2459,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Sort Key": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 266,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 702,
"Shared Read Blocks": 9,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
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"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.56,
"Total Cost": 1728.00,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.326,
"Actual Total Time": 1.400,
"Actual Rows": 2164,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Inner Unique": false,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 702,
"Shared Read Blocks": 9,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 31.41,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.056,
"Actual Total Time": 0.078,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_3.vocabulary_id", "concepts_3.concept_code", "concepts_3.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_3.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SRC'::text) AND (concepts_3.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4,5,8}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 23,
"Shared Read Blocks": 2,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_3",
"Startup Cost": 12.00,
"Total Cost": 1691.98,
"Plan Rows": 461,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.053,
"Actual Total Time": 0.149,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_3.collection_id", "clinical_codes_3.context_id", "clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.quantity", "clinical_codes_3.seq_num", "clinical_codes_3.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_3.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Exact Heap Blocks": 662,
"Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 679,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.89,
"Plan Rows": 461,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.042,
"Actual Total Time": 0.042,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Merge Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1821.72,
"Total Cost": 1881.22,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 147,
"Actual Startup Time": 5.997,
"Actual Total Time": 8.123,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Inner Unique": false,
"Merge Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id = clinical_codes_4.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date <= clinical_codes_4.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_4.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 775,
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"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
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"Plan Width": 16,
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"Actual Total Time": 1.092,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
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"Total Cost": 120.46,
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"Plan Width": 16,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.704,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.026,
"Actual Total Time": 0.348,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 0,
"Shared Read Blocks": 18,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
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"Startup Cost": 1705.17,
"Total Cost": 1705.18,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 5.383,
"Actual Total Time": 5.507,
"Actual Rows": 1898,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Sort Key": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 179,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 5,
"Shared Read Blocks": 520,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.56,
"Total Cost": 1705.16,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.282,
"Actual Total Time": 4.821,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Inner Unique": false,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 5,
"Shared Read Blocks": 520,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 8.58,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.055,
"Actual Total Time": 0.059,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_4.vocabulary_id", "concepts_4.concept_code", "concepts_4.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_4.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SITERWHO'::text) AND (concepts_4.concept_code = '22010'::text))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 0,
"Shared Read Blocks": 5,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_4",
"Startup Cost": 12.00,
"Total Cost": 1691.98,
"Plan Rows": 461,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.223,
"Actual Total Time": 4.344,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_4.collection_id", "clinical_codes_4.context_id", "clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.quantity", "clinical_codes_4.seq_num", "clinical_codes_4.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_4.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Exact Heap Blocks": 512,
"Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 5,
"Shared Read Blocks": 515,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.89,
"Plan Rows": 461,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.171,
"Actual Total Time": 0.171,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1861.16,
"Total Cost": 1893.82,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 304418.204,
"Actual Total Time": 36400514.781,
"Actual Rows": 305,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id"],
"Inner Unique": false,
"Join Filter": "(( <> \"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id) AND (c_3.context_id = c_1.context_id))",
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"Shared Hit Blocks": 62327887002,
"Shared Read Blocks": 791,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 63801320,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Merge Join",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1805.29,
"Total Cost": 1805.32,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 19.136,
"Actual Total Time": 31.690,
"Actual Rows": 814,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "c_3.context_id", "c_4.context_id"],
"Inner Unique": false,
"Merge Cond": "(c_4.context_id = c_3.context_id)",
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id <>",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 12308,
"Shared Read Blocks": 651,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 8.48,
"Total Cost": 8.49,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 12.028,
"Actual Total Time": 14.217,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "c_4.context_id"],
"Sort Key": ["c_4.context_id"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 64,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3290,
"Shared Read Blocks": 644,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 8.47,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 6.028,
"Actual Total Time": 11.755,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "c_4.context_id"],
"Inner Unique": true,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3290,
"Shared Read Blocks": 644,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "CTE Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 0.02,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 6.002,
"Actual Total Time": 8.661,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
"Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 8,
"Shared Read Blocks": 538,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "clinical_codes_pkey",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 8.45,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.003,
"Actual Total Time": 0.003,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 847,
"Output": ["", "c_4.collection_id", "c_4.context_id", "c_4.patient_id", "c_4.start_date", "c_4.end_date", "c_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_4.quantity", "c_4.seq_num", "c_4.provenance_concept_id", "c_4.clinical_code_source_value", "c_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_4.measurement_detail_id", "c_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( = \"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3282,
"Shared Read Blocks": 106,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 1796.81,
"Total Cost": 1796.82,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 7.105,
"Actual Total Time": 12.853,
"Actual Rows": 1049,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "c_3.context_id"],
"Sort Key": ["c_3.context_id"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 98,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 9018,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1764.75,
"Total Cost": 1796.80,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 6.192,
"Actual Total Time": 6.885,
"Actual Rows": 1049,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "c_3.context_id"],
"Inner Unique": false,
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id = clinical_codes_1.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date <= clinical_codes_1.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_1.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 1000,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 9018,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Aggregate",
"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Partial Mode": "Simple",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.521,
"Actual Total Time": 0.742,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date", "NULL::bigint"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
"Actual Total Time": 0.093,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
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"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 5.652,
"Actual Total Time": 5.652,
"Actual Rows": 2108,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", "", "c_3.context_id"],
"Hash Buckets": 4096,
"Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
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"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.99,
"Total Cost": 1719.38,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.289,
"Actual Total Time": 5.046,
"Actual Rows": 2108,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", "", "c_3.context_id"],
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"Join Type": "Inner",
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 24,
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"Actual Total Time": 1.190,
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"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Index Cond": "((concepts_1.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_DXCONF'::text) AND (concepts_1.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4}'::text[])))",
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"Actual Total Time": 0.209,
"Actual Rows": 527,
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"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =",
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"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.89,
"Plan Rows": 461,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.050,
"Actual Total Time": 0.051,
"Actual Rows": 527,
"Actual Loops": 4,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 11,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
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"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "clinical_codes_pkey",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.52,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.001,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 2108,
"Output": ["", "c_3.collection_id", "c_3.context_id", "c_3.patient_id", "c_3.start_date", "c_3.end_date", "c_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_3.quantity", "c_3.seq_num", "c_3.provenance_concept_id", "c_3.clinical_code_source_value", "c_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_3.measurement_detail_id", "c_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 8436,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 55.87,
"Total Cost": 88.49,
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"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 24224.830,
"Actual Total Time": 44716.622,
"Actual Rows": 316,
"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Inner Unique": true,
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id =",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 6187604,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 62327874694,
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"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 55.44,
"Total Cost": 87.87,
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"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 24199.319,
"Actual Total Time": 42954.671,
"Actual Rows": 343808,
"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
"Inner Unique": true,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 63801320,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
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"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 55.01,
"Total Cost": 87.06,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 24199.262,
"Actual Total Time": 27540.097,
"Actual Rows": 8845440,
"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
"Inner Unique": false,
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"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date <= clinical_codes.start_date) AND (clinical_codes.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 1237056,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 63801320,
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"Partial Mode": "Simple",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.008,
"Actual Total Time": 0.434,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date", "NULL::bigint"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date"],
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"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1",
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"Actual Total Time": 0.096,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
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"Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 32,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.037,
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"Actual Rows": 8845440,
"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
"Inner Unique": true,
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id <>",
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"Output": ["c.context_id", "", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
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"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
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"Actual Total Time": 6.069,
"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "c_1.context_id"],
"Inner Unique": true,
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"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
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"Total Cost": 0.02,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.389,
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"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
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"Alias": "c_1",
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"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 389092,
"Output": ["", "c_1.collection_id", "c_1.context_id", "c_1.patient_id", "c_1.start_date", "c_1.end_date", "c_1.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_1.quantity", "c_1.seq_num", "c_1.provenance_concept_id", "c_1.clinical_code_source_value", "c_1.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_1.measurement_detail_id", "c_1.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( = \"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id)",
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"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
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"Actual Rows": 18,
"Actual Loops": 423332096,
"Output": ["", "c.collection_id", "c.context_id", "c.patient_id", "c.start_date", "c.end_date", "c.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.quantity", "c.seq_num", "c.provenance_concept_id", "c.clinical_code_source_value", "c.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c.measurement_detail_id", "c.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "(c.context_id = c_1.context_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1811117335,
"Shared Read Blocks": 105,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "clinical_codes_pkey",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.52,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.001,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 7623520256,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes.collection_id", "clinical_codes.context_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.quantity", "clinical_codes.seq_num", "clinical_codes.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 30512679296,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "concepts_pkey",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.62,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.002,
"Actual Rows": 0,
"Actual Loops": 7200188160,
"Output": ["", "concepts.vocabulary_id", "concepts.concept_code", "concepts.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "( = clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Filter": "((concepts.concept_code = ANY ('{00,01}'::text[])) AND (concepts.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SEQ'::text))",
"Rows Removed by Filter": 1,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 28803409517,
"Shared Read Blocks": 19,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "context_id_idx",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.57,
"Plan Rows": 4,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.003,
"Actual Rows": 18,
"Actual Loops": 279859712,
"Output": ["", "c_2.collection_id", "c_2.context_id", "c_2.patient_id", "c_2.start_date", "c_2.end_date", "c_2.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_2.quantity", "c_2.seq_num", "c_2.provenance_concept_id", "c_2.clinical_code_source_value", "c_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_2.measurement_detail_id", "c_2.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "(c_2.context_id = c_1.context_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1199109912,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Planning Time": 10.865,
"Triggers": [
"Execution Time": 36400520.241
Unique (cost=1861.16..1893.82 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=302380.672..36296343.069 rows=305 loops=1)
Output: c.context_id
Buffers: shared hit=62327887002 read=791, temp read=63851788 written=63801320
CTE jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7
-> Merge Join (cost=1844.56..1904.05 rows=1 width=147) (actual time=1.589..4.328 rows=478 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_2.patient_id,, 'clinical_codes'::text, 'condition_occurrence'::text, clinical_codes_2.start_date, clinical_codes_2.end_date, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, NULL::text, NULL::bigint, (row_number() OVER (?))
Merge Cond: (jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id = clinical_codes_2.patient_id)
Join Filter: ((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date <= clinical_codes_2.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_2.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 449
Buffers: shared hit=714 read=7
-> WindowAgg (cost=116.55..159.16 rows=1349 width=24) (actual time=0.437..1.861 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date, row_number() OVER (?)
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Group (cost=116.55..132.18 rows=1349 width=16) (actual time=0.433..1.094 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date
Group Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Sort (cost=116.55..120.46 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.432..0.607 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date
Sort Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 122kB
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Seq Scan on jigsaw_temp.jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2 (cost=0.00..33.63 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.003..0.195 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Sort (cost=1728.01..1728.02 rows=1 width=35) (actual time=1.144..1.566 rows=1075 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_2.patient_id,, clinical_codes_2.start_date, clinical_codes_2.end_date, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Sort Key: clinical_codes_2.patient_id
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 98kB
Buffers: shared hit=696 read=7
-> Nested Loop (cost=12.56..1728.00 rows=1 width=35) (actual time=0.193..0.874 rows=946 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_2.patient_id,, clinical_codes_2.start_date, clinical_codes_2.end_date, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Buffers: shared hit=696 read=7
-> Index Scan using vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx on esophagus_gdm.concepts concepts_2 (cost=0.56..31.41 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.037..0.078 rows=6 loops=1)
Output:, concepts_2.vocabulary_id, concepts_2.concept_code, concepts_2.concept_text
Index Cond: ((concepts_2.vocabulary_id = 'ICD03_Morphology'::text) AND (concepts_2.concept_code = ANY ('{8070/3,8071/3,8072/3,8073/3,8074/3,8083/3}'::text[])))
Buffers: shared hit=21 read=4
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes clinical_codes_2 (cost=12.00..1691.98 rows=461 width=43) (actual time=0.037..0.101 rows=158 loops=6)
Output:, clinical_codes_2.collection_id, clinical_codes_2.context_id, clinical_codes_2.patient_id, clinical_codes_2.start_date, clinical_codes_2.end_date, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes_2.quantity, clinical_codes_2.seq_num, clinical_codes_2.provenance_concept_id, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, clinical_codes_2.measurement_detail_id, clinical_codes_2.drug_exposure_detail_id
Recheck Cond: (clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =
Heap Blocks: exact=658
Buffers: shared hit=675 read=3
-> Bitmap Index Scan on clinical_code_concept_id_idx (cost=0.00..11.89 rows=461 width=0) (actual time=0.025..0.025 rows=158 loops=6)
Index Cond: (clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =
Buffers: shared hit=17 read=3
CTE jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2
-> Merge Join (cost=1844.56..1904.05 rows=1 width=147) (actual time=2.379..4.588 rows=1088 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_3.patient_id,, 'clinical_codes'::text, 'condition_occurrence'::text, clinical_codes_3.start_date, clinical_codes_3.end_date, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, NULL::text, NULL::bigint, (row_number() OVER (?))
Merge Cond: (jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id = clinical_codes_3.patient_id)
Join Filter: ((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date <= clinical_codes_3.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_3.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1021
Buffers: shared hit=720 read=9
-> WindowAgg (cost=116.55..159.16 rows=1349 width=24) (actual time=0.422..1.513 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date, row_number() OVER (?)
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Group (cost=116.55..132.18 rows=1349 width=16) (actual time=0.421..0.901 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date
Group Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Sort (cost=116.55..120.46 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.420..0.506 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date
Sort Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 122kB
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Seq Scan on jigsaw_temp.jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3 (cost=0.00..33.63 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.003..0.191 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Sort (cost=1728.01..1728.02 rows=1 width=35) (actual time=1.942..2.093 rows=2459 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_3.patient_id,, clinical_codes_3.start_date, clinical_codes_3.end_date, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Sort Key: clinical_codes_3.patient_id
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 266kB
Buffers: shared hit=702 read=9
-> Nested Loop (cost=12.56..1728.00 rows=1 width=35) (actual time=0.277..1.321 rows=2164 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_3.patient_id,, clinical_codes_3.start_date, clinical_codes_3.end_date, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Buffers: shared hit=702 read=9
-> Index Scan using vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx on esophagus_gdm.concepts concepts_3 (cost=0.56..31.41 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.032..0.054 rows=6 loops=1)
Output:, concepts_3.vocabulary_id, concepts_3.concept_code, concepts_3.concept_text
Index Cond: ((concepts_3.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SRC'::text) AND (concepts_3.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4,5,8}'::text[])))
Buffers: shared hit=23 read=2
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes clinical_codes_3 (cost=12.00..1691.98 rows=461 width=43) (actual time=0.051..0.142 rows=361 loops=6)
Output:, clinical_codes_3.collection_id, clinical_codes_3.context_id, clinical_codes_3.patient_id, clinical_codes_3.start_date, clinical_codes_3.end_date, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes_3.quantity, clinical_codes_3.seq_num, clinical_codes_3.provenance_concept_id, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, clinical_codes_3.measurement_detail_id, clinical_codes_3.drug_exposure_detail_id
Recheck Cond: (clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =
Heap Blocks: exact=662
Buffers: shared hit=679 read=7
-> Bitmap Index Scan on clinical_code_concept_id_idx (cost=0.00..11.89 rows=461 width=0) (actual time=0.040..0.040 rows=361 loops=6)
Index Cond: (clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =
Buffers: shared hit=17 read=7
CTE jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12
-> Merge Join (cost=1821.72..1881.22 rows=1 width=147) (actual time=6.604..8.484 rows=847 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_4.patient_id,, 'clinical_codes'::text, 'condition_occurrence'::text, clinical_codes_4.start_date, clinical_codes_4.end_date, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, NULL::text, NULL::bigint, (row_number() OVER (?))
Merge Cond: (jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id = clinical_codes_4.patient_id)
Join Filter: ((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date <= clinical_codes_4.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_4.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 775
Buffers: shared hit=8 read=538
-> WindowAgg (cost=116.55..159.16 rows=1349 width=24) (actual time=0.646..1.672 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date, row_number() OVER (?)
Buffers: shared hit=3 read=18
-> Group (cost=116.55..132.18 rows=1349 width=16) (actual time=0.641..1.097 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date
Group Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=3 read=18
-> Sort (cost=116.55..120.46 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.640..0.726 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date
Sort Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 122kB
Buffers: shared hit=3 read=18
-> Seq Scan on jigsaw_temp.jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4 (cost=0.00..33.63 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.021..0.368 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date
Buffers: shared read=18
-> Sort (cost=1705.17..1705.18 rows=1 width=35) (actual time=5.947..6.056 rows=1898 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_4.patient_id,, clinical_codes_4.start_date, clinical_codes_4.end_date, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Sort Key: clinical_codes_4.patient_id
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 179kB
Buffers: shared hit=5 read=520
-> Nested Loop (cost=12.56..1705.16 rows=1 width=35) (actual time=0.322..5.415 rows=1673 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_4.patient_id,, clinical_codes_4.start_date, clinical_codes_4.end_date, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Buffers: shared hit=5 read=520
-> Index Scan using vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx on esophagus_gdm.concepts concepts_4 (cost=0.56..8.58 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.060..0.062 rows=1 loops=1)
Output:, concepts_4.vocabulary_id, concepts_4.concept_code, concepts_4.concept_text
Index Cond: ((concepts_4.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SITERWHO'::text) AND (concepts_4.concept_code = '22010'::text))
Buffers: shared read=5
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes clinical_codes_4 (cost=12.00..1691.98 rows=461 width=43) (actual time=0.258..4.949 rows=1673 loops=1)
Output:, clinical_codes_4.collection_id, clinical_codes_4.context_id, clinical_codes_4.patient_id, clinical_codes_4.start_date, clinical_codes_4.end_date, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes_4.quantity, clinical_codes_4.seq_num, clinical_codes_4.provenance_concept_id, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, clinical_codes_4.measurement_detail_id, clinical_codes_4.drug_exposure_detail_id
Recheck Cond: (clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =
Heap Blocks: exact=512
Buffers: shared hit=5 read=515
-> Bitmap Index Scan on clinical_code_concept_id_idx (cost=0.00..11.89 rows=461 width=0) (actual time=0.208..0.208 rows=1673 loops=1)
Index Cond: (clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =
Buffers: shared hit=2 read=6
-> Nested Loop (cost=1861.16..1893.82 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=302380.669..36296341.115 rows=305 loops=1)
Output: c.context_id
Join Filter: (( <> "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id) AND (c_3.context_id = c_1.context_id))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 256919
Buffers: shared hit=62327887002 read=791, temp read=63851788 written=63801320
-> Merge Join (cost=1805.29..1805.32 rows=1 width=24) (actual time=19.173..35.169 rows=814 loops=1)
Output:, c_3.context_id, c_4.context_id
Merge Cond: (c_4.context_id = c_3.context_id)
Join Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id <>
Buffers: shared hit=12308 read=651
-> Sort (cost=8.48..8.49 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=12.250..14.860 rows=847 loops=1)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id, c_4.context_id
Sort Key: c_4.context_id
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 64kB
Buffers: shared hit=3290 read=644
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.43..8.47 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=6.630..12.002 rows=847 loops=1)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id, c_4.context_id
Inner Unique: true
Buffers: shared hit=3290 read=644
-> CTE Scan on "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12" (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=6.608..8.978 rows=847 loops=1)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".person_id, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_table, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_domain, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".start_date, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".end_date, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".source_value, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".source_vocabulary_id, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".uuid, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".visit_occurrence_id, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".window_id
Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=8 read=538
-> Index Scan using clinical_codes_pkey on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes c_4 (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=847)
Output:, c_4.collection_id, c_4.context_id, c_4.patient_id, c_4.start_date, c_4.end_date, c_4.clinical_code_concept_id, c_4.quantity, c_4.seq_num, c_4.provenance_concept_id, c_4.clinical_code_source_value, c_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, c_4.measurement_detail_id, c_4.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: ( = "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id)
Buffers: shared hit=3282 read=106
-> Sort (cost=1796.81..1796.82 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=6.921..13.133 rows=1049 loops=1)
Output:, c_3.context_id
Sort Key: c_3.context_id
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 98kB
Buffers: shared hit=9018 read=7
-> Hash Join (cost=1764.75..1796.80 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=6.005..6.696 rows=1049 loops=1)
Output:, c_3.context_id
Hash Cond: (jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id = clinical_codes_1.patient_id)
Join Filter: ((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date <= clinical_codes_1.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_1.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1000
Buffers: shared hit=9018 read=7
-> HashAggregate (cost=45.35..58.84 rows=1349 width=24) (actual time=0.483..0.705 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date, NULL::bigint
Group Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Seq Scan on jigsaw_temp.jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows (cost=0.00..33.63 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.004..0.088 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_table, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_domain, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_value, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_vocabulary_id
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Hash (cost=1719.38..1719.38 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=5.507..5.507 rows=2108 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_1.patient_id, clinical_codes_1.start_date, clinical_codes_1.end_date,, c_3.context_id
Buckets: 4096 (originally 1024) Batches: 1 (originally 1) Memory Usage: 164kB
Buffers: shared hit=9000 read=7
-> Nested Loop (cost=12.99..1719.38 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.274..4.926 rows=2108 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_1.patient_id, clinical_codes_1.start_date, clinical_codes_1.end_date,, c_3.context_id
Inner Unique: true
Buffers: shared hit=9000 read=7
-> Nested Loop (cost=12.56..1718.87 rows=1 width=24) (actual time=0.266..1.107 rows=2108 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_1.patient_id, clinical_codes_1.start_date, clinical_codes_1.end_date,
Buffers: shared hit=564 read=7
-> Index Scan using vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx on esophagus_gdm.concepts concepts_1 (cost=0.56..22.28 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.028..0.042 rows=4 loops=1)
Output:, concepts_1.vocabulary_id, concepts_1.concept_code, concepts_1.concept_text
Index Cond: ((concepts_1.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_DXCONF'::text) AND (concepts_1.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4}'::text[])))
Buffers: shared hit=20
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes clinical_codes_1 (cost=12.00..1691.98 rows=461 width=32) (actual time=0.063..0.196 rows=527 loops=4)
Output:, clinical_codes_1.collection_id, clinical_codes_1.context_id, clinical_codes_1.patient_id, clinical_codes_1.start_date, clinical_codes_1.end_date, clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes_1.quantity, clinical_codes_1.seq_num, clinical_codes_1.provenance_concept_id, clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, clinical_codes_1.measurement_detail_id, clinical_codes_1.drug_exposure_detail_id
Recheck Cond: (clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =
Heap Blocks: exact=534
Buffers: shared hit=544 read=7
-> Bitmap Index Scan on clinical_code_concept_id_idx (cost=0.00..11.89 rows=461 width=0) (actual time=0.049..0.049 rows=527 loops=4)
Index Cond: (clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =
Buffers: shared hit=11 read=6
-> Index Scan using clinical_codes_pkey on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes c_3 (cost=0.43..0.52 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=2108)
Output:, c_3.collection_id, c_3.context_id, c_3.patient_id, c_3.start_date, c_3.end_date, c_3.clinical_code_concept_id, c_3.quantity, c_3.seq_num, c_3.provenance_concept_id, c_3.clinical_code_source_value, c_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, c_3.measurement_detail_id, c_3.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: ( =
Buffers: shared hit=8436
-> Nested Loop (cost=55.87..88.49 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=24073.455..44588.584 rows=316 loops=814)
Output: c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, c_2.context_id
Inner Unique: true
Join Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id =
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 6187604
Buffers: shared hit=62327874694 read=140, temp read=63851788 written=63801320
-> Nested Loop (cost=55.44..87.87 rows=1 width=24) (actual time=24048.117..42823.243 rows=343808 loops=814)
Output: c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id
Inner Unique: true
Buffers: shared hit=61128764782 read=140, temp read=63851788 written=63801320
-> Hash Join (cost=55.01..87.06 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=24048.067..27443.714 rows=8845440 loops=814)
Output: clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id, c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id
Hash Cond: (jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id = clinical_codes.patient_id)
Join Filter: ((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date <= clinical_codes.start_date) AND (clinical_codes.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1237056
Buffers: shared hit=32325355265 read=121, temp read=63851788 written=63801320
-> HashAggregate (cost=45.35..58.84 rows=1349 width=24) (actual time=0.007..0.413 rows=1563 loops=814)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date, NULL::bigint
Group Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Seq Scan on jigsaw_temp.jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1 (cost=0.00..33.63 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.007..0.101 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_table, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_domain, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.source_value, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.source_vocabulary_id
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Hash (cost=9.64..9.64 rows=1 width=48) (actual time=24047.744..24047.744 rows=8845440 loops=814)
Output: clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes.patient_id, clinical_codes.start_date, clinical_codes.end_date, c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id
Buckets: 65536 (originally 1024) Batches: 32 (originally 1) Memory Usage: 34680kB
Buffers: shared hit=32325355247 read=121, temp written=57495262
-> Nested Loop (cost=1.29..9.64 rows=1 width=48) (actual time=0.032..21001.735 rows=8845440 loops=814)
Output: clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes.patient_id, clinical_codes.start_date, clinical_codes.end_date, c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id
Inner Unique: true
Join Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id <>
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 520064
Buffers: shared hit=32325355247 read=121
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.86..9.11 rows=1 width=40) (actual time=0.028..3681.866 rows=9365504 loops=814)
Output: c.context_id,, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id
Buffers: shared hit=1812675951 read=121
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.43..8.51 rows=1 width=24) (actual time=0.021..232.551 rows=520064 loops=814)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id
Join Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id <> "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id)
Buffers: shared hit=1558616 read=16
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.43..8.47 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.016..3.877 rows=478 loops=814)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id, c_1.context_id
Inner Unique: true
Buffers: shared hit=1557896 read=7
-> CTE Scan on "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7" (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.004..0.275 rows=478 loops=814)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".person_id, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_table, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_domain, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".start_date, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".end_date, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".source_value, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".source_vocabulary_id, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".uuid, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".visit_occurrence_id, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".window_id
Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=714 read=7
-> Index Scan using clinical_codes_pkey on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes c_1 (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.007..0.007 rows=1 loops=389092)
Output:, c_1.collection_id, c_1.context_id, c_1.patient_id, c_1.start_date, c_1.end_date, c_1.clinical_code_concept_id, c_1.quantity, c_1.seq_num, c_1.provenance_concept_id, c_1.clinical_code_source_value, c_1.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, c_1.measurement_detail_id, c_1.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: ( = "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id)
Buffers: shared hit=1557182
-> CTE Scan on "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2" (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.000..0.288 rows=1088 loops=389092)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".person_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_table, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_domain, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".start_date, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".end_date, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".source_value, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".source_vocabulary_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".uuid, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".visit_occurrence_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".window_id
Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=720 read=9
-> Index Scan using context_id_idx on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes c (cost=0.43..0.57 rows=4 width=16) (actual time=0.002..0.004 rows=18 loops=423332096)
Output:, c.collection_id, c.context_id, c.patient_id, c.start_date, c.end_date, c.clinical_code_concept_id, c.quantity, c.seq_num, c.provenance_concept_id, c.clinical_code_source_value, c.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, c.measurement_detail_id, c.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: (c.context_id = c_1.context_id)
Buffers: shared hit=1811117335 read=105
-> Index Scan using clinical_codes_pkey on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes (cost=0.43..0.52 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=7623520256)
Output:, clinical_codes.collection_id, clinical_codes.context_id, clinical_codes.patient_id, clinical_codes.start_date, clinical_codes.end_date, clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes.quantity, clinical_codes.seq_num, clinical_codes.provenance_concept_id, clinical_codes.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, clinical_codes.measurement_detail_id, clinical_codes.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: ( =
Buffers: shared hit=30512679296
-> Index Scan using concepts_pkey on esophagus_gdm.concepts (cost=0.43..0.62 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=7200188160)
Output:, concepts.vocabulary_id, concepts.concept_code, concepts.concept_text
Index Cond: ( = clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id)
Filter: ((concepts.concept_code = ANY ('{00,01}'::text[])) AND (concepts.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SEQ'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 1
Buffers: shared hit=28803409517 read=19
-> Index Scan using context_id_idx on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes c_2 (cost=0.43..0.57 rows=4 width=16) (actual time=0.002..0.004 rows=18 loops=279859712)
Output:, c_2.collection_id, c_2.context_id, c_2.patient_id, c_2.start_date, c_2.end_date, c_2.clinical_code_concept_id, c_2.quantity, c_2.seq_num, c_2.provenance_concept_id, c_2.clinical_code_source_value, c_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, c_2.measurement_detail_id, c_2.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: (c_2.context_id = c_1.context_id)
Buffers: shared hit=1199109912
Planning time: 10.129 ms
Execution time: 36296345.422 ms
"Plan": {
"Node Type": "Unique",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 409.29,
"Total Cost": 441.63,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 138847.353,
"Actual Total Time": 15261111.898,
"Actual Rows": 305,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 30042241374,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Merge Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 398.67,
"Total Cost": 458.16,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 147,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.329,
"Actual Total Time": 4.528,
"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Inner Unique": false,
"Merge Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id = clinical_codes_2.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date <= clinical_codes_2.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_2.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 449,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 721,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 116.55,
"Total Cost": 159.16,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.402,
"Actual Total Time": 2.167,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Group",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 116.55,
"Total Cost": 132.18,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.398,
"Actual Total Time": 1.166,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 116.55,
"Total Cost": 120.46,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.398,
"Actual Total Time": 0.669,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.003,
"Actual Total Time": 0.166,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 282.12,
"Total Cost": 282.12,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.922,
"Actual Total Time": 1.306,
"Actual Rows": 1075,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Actual Rows": 946,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
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"Relation Name": "concepts",
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"Alias": "concepts_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.050,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_2.vocabulary_id", "concepts_2.concept_code", "concepts_2.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_2.vocabulary_id = 'ICD03_Morphology'::text) AND (concepts_2.concept_code = ANY ('{8070/3,8071/3,8072/3,8073/3,8074/3,8083/3}'::text[])))",
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"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 268.60,
"Plan Rows": 239,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
"Actual Total Time": 0.064,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_2.collection_id", "clinical_codes_2.context_id", "clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_2.quantity", "clinical_codes_2.seq_num", "clinical_codes_2.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_2.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_2.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Actual Rows": 1088,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
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"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3",
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"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Actual Startup Time": 1.696,
"Actual Total Time": 1.869,
"Actual Rows": 2459,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
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"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 0.99,
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.027,
"Actual Total Time": 1.126,
"Actual Rows": 2164,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
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"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 11.11,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.013,
"Actual Total Time": 0.037,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_3.vocabulary_id", "concepts_3.concept_code", "concepts_3.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_3.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SRC'::text) AND (concepts_3.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4,5,8}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
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"Node Type": "Index Scan",
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"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 268.60,
"Plan Rows": 239,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
"Actual Total Time": 0.102,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_3.collection_id", "clinical_codes_3.context_id", "clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.quantity", "clinical_codes_3.seq_num", "clinical_codes_3.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_3.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Node Type": "Merge Join",
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"Join Type": "Inner",
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"Actual Startup Time": 2.897,
"Actual Total Time": 4.823,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.504,
"Actual Total Time": 1.612,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
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"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
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"Plan Width": 16,
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"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Actual Rows": 1898,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
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"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.047,
"Actual Total Time": 1.902,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
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"Relation Name": "concepts",
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"Alias": "concepts_4",
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"Plan Rows": 1,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.032,
"Actual Rows": 1,
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"Output": ["", "concepts_4.vocabulary_id", "concepts_4.concept_code", "concepts_4.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_4.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SITERWHO'::text) AND (concepts_4.concept_code = '22010'::text))",
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.012,
"Actual Total Time": 1.458,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
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"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_4.collection_id", "clinical_codes_4.context_id", "clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.quantity", "clinical_codes_4.seq_num", "clinical_codes_4.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_4.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
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"Plan Rows": 1,
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"Actual Total Time": 2.672,
"Actual Rows": 1049,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date <= clinical_codes_1.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_1.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date))",
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"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
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"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Actual Total Time": 1.437,
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"Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
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"Relation Name": "concepts",
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"Alias": "concepts_1",
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"Actual Total Time": 0.045,
"Actual Rows": 4,
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"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_1",
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"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
"Actual Total Time": 0.158,
"Actual Rows": 527,
"Actual Loops": 4,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_1.collection_id", "clinical_codes_1.context_id", "clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", "clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_1.quantity", "clinical_codes_1.seq_num", "clinical_codes_1.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_1.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_1.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Shared Hit Blocks": 551,
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"Node Type": "Index Scan",
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"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.002,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 1049,
"Output": ["", "c_3.collection_id", "c_3.context_id", "c_3.patient_id", "c_3.start_date", "c_3.end_date", "c_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_3.quantity", "c_3.seq_num", "c_3.provenance_concept_id", "c_3.clinical_code_source_value", "c_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_3.measurement_detail_id", "c_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 4198,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
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"Actual Startup Time": 84.623,
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"Actual Rows": 316,
"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Inner Unique": true,
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id =",
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"Actual Total Time": 17040.956,
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"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
"Inner Unique": true,
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"Join Type": "Inner",
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
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"Actual Rows": 8845440,
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"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
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"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date <= clinical_codes.start_date) AND (clinical_codes.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date))",
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"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
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"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.909,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 814,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date", "NULL::bigint"],
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"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.127,
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"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
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"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.004,
"Actual Rows": 18,
"Actual Loops": 520064,
"Output": ["", "c.collection_id", "c.context_id", "c.patient_id", "c.start_date", "c.end_date", "c.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.quantity", "c.seq_num", "c.provenance_concept_id", "c.clinical_code_source_value", "c.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c.measurement_detail_id", "c.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 9365504,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes.collection_id", "clinical_codes.context_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.quantity", "clinical_codes.seq_num", "clinical_codes.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 37484864,
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"Scan Direction": "Forward",
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"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.001,
"Actual Rows": 0,
"Actual Loops": 7200188160,
"Output": ["", "concepts.vocabulary_id", "concepts.concept_code", "concepts.concept_text"],
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"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Filter": "((concepts.concept_code = ANY ('{00,01}'::text[])) AND (concepts.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SEQ'::text))",
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"Startup Cost": 0.43,
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.004,
"Actual Rows": 18,
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"Output": ["", "c_2.collection_id", "c_2.context_id", "c_2.patient_id", "c_2.start_date", "c_2.end_date", "c_2.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_2.quantity", "c_2.seq_num", "c_2.provenance_concept_id", "c_2.clinical_code_source_value", "c_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_2.measurement_detail_id", "c_2.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Actual Startup Time": 31.127,
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"Actual Rows": 305,
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"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.source_vocabulary_id"],
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"Total Cost": 1706.88,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 4.392,
"Actual Total Time": 4.392,
"Actual Rows": 946,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
"Peak Memory Usage": 74,
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"Shared Read Blocks": 462,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
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"Startup Cost": 12.51,
"Total Cost": 1706.88,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.177,
"Actual Total Time": 4.076,
"Actual Rows": 946,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 241,
"Shared Read Blocks": 462,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 31.42,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.041,
"Actual Total Time": 0.079,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_2.vocabulary_id", "concepts_2.concept_code", "concepts_2.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_2.vocabulary_id = 'ICD03_Morphology'::text) AND (concepts_2.concept_code = ANY ('{8070/3,8071/3,8072/3,8073/3,8074/3,8083/3}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 19,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_2",
"Startup Cost": 11.95,
"Total Cost": 1670.92,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.038,
"Actual Total Time": 0.626,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_2.collection_id", "clinical_codes_2.context_id", "clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_2.quantity", "clinical_codes_2.seq_num", "clinical_codes_2.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_2.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_2.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 222,
"Shared Read Blocks": 456,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.83,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.023,
"Actual Total Time": 0.023,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 3,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1841.53,
"Total Cost": 1898.62,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 3.595,
"Actual Total Time": 5.003,
"Actual Rows": 1088,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id = clinical_codes_3.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date <= clinical_codes_3.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_3.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date))",
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.111,
"Actual Total Time": 1.745,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
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"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 132.35,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.104,
"Actual Total Time": 1.217,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.535,
"Actual Total Time": 0.705,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.100,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash",
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"Startup Cost": 1706.88,
"Total Cost": 1706.88,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 2.473,
"Actual Total Time": 2.473,
"Actual Rows": 2164,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
"Peak Memory Usage": 142,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 644,
"Shared Read Blocks": 67,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.51,
"Total Cost": 1706.88,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.287,
"Actual Total Time": 1.898,
"Actual Rows": 2164,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 644,
"Shared Read Blocks": 67,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 31.42,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.030,
"Actual Total Time": 0.054,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_3.vocabulary_id", "concepts_3.concept_code", "concepts_3.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_3.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SRC'::text) AND (concepts_3.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4,5,8}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 22,
"Shared Read Blocks": 3,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_3",
"Startup Cost": 11.95,
"Total Cost": 1670.92,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.053,
"Actual Total Time": 0.226,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_3.collection_id", "clinical_codes_3.context_id", "clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.quantity", "clinical_codes_3.seq_num", "clinical_codes_3.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_3.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 622,
"Shared Read Blocks": 64,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.83,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.040,
"Actual Total Time": 0.040,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1818.69,
"Total Cost": 1875.77,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 2.545,
"Actual Total Time": 3.795,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id = clinical_codes_4.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date <= clinical_codes_4.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_4.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 775,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 536,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Written Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.158,
"Actual Total Time": 1.798,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 132.35,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.153,
"Actual Total Time": 1.267,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
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"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
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"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.580,
"Actual Total Time": 0.755,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
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"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.115,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.source_vocabulary_id"],
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"Total Cost": 1684.04,
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"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.363,
"Actual Total Time": 1.363,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
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"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 35,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.945,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 518,
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"Plans": [
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"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
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"Plan Rows": 1,
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.019,
"Actual Total Time": 0.019,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_4.vocabulary_id", "concepts_4.concept_code", "concepts_4.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_4.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SITERWHO'::text) AND (concepts_4.concept_code = '22010'::text))",
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"Alias": "clinical_codes_4",
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.236,
"Actual Total Time": 0.645,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_4.collection_id", "clinical_codes_4.context_id", "clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.quantity", "clinical_codes_4.seq_num", "clinical_codes_4.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_4.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Plans": [
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"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.83,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.189,
"Actual Total Time": 0.189,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
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"Actual Startup Time": 31.125,
"Actual Total Time": 1703.605,
"Actual Rows": 305,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(( <> \"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id) AND (c_3.context_id = c_1.context_id))",
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"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 149.49,
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"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 19.195,
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"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date <= clinical_codes.start_date) AND (clinical_codes.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date) AND (clinical_codes.patient_id = jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id))",
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"Plans": [
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"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 20.52,
"Total Cost": 48.66,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 48,
"Actual Startup Time": 17.507,
"Actual Total Time": 122.064,
"Actual Rows": 316,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id =",
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"Shared Hit Blocks": 124787,
"Shared Read Blocks": 760,
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 19.96,
"Total Cost": 35.50,
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"Plan Width": 56,
"Actual Startup Time": 17.281,
"Actual Total Time": 46.555,
"Actual Rows": 8130,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id <>",
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"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
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"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
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"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
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"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 1.08,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 3.598,
"Actual Total Time": 5.758,
"Actual Rows": 1088,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
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"Output": ["", "c.collection_id", "c.context_id", "c.patient_id", "c.start_date", "c.end_date", "c.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.quantity", "c.seq_num", "c.provenance_concept_id", "c.clinical_code_source_value", "c.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c.measurement_detail_id", "c.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Index Cond": "( =",
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
"Actual Total Time": 0.008,
"Actual Rows": 2,
"Actual Loops": 8130,
"Output": ["", "concepts.vocabulary_id", "concepts.concept_code", "concepts.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SEQ'::text) AND (concepts.concept_code = ANY ('{00,01}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 81298,
"Shared Read Blocks": 2,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.005,
"Actual Total Time": 0.603,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 132.35,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
"Actual Total Time": 0.107,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Aggregate",
"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.546,
"Actual Total Time": 0.728,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.114,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1842.38,
"Total Cost": 2290.06,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.035,
"Actual Total Time": 4.050,
"Actual Rows": 814,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["", "c_3.context_id", "c_4.context_id"],
"Hash Cond": "(c_3.context_id = c_4.context_id)",
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id <>",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1331390,
"Shared Read Blocks": 13,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1832.83,
"Total Cost": 2280.31,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.014,
"Actual Total Time": 3.666,
"Actual Rows": 1049,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["", "c_3.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1327464,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1832.40,
"Total Cost": 1889.48,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.011,
"Actual Total Time": 1.431,
"Actual Rows": 1049,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": [""],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id = clinical_codes_1.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date <= clinical_codes_1.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_1.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 1000,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 580,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
"Actual Total Time": 0.718,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 132.35,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
"Actual Total Time": 0.135,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Aggregate",
"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.541,
"Actual Total Time": 0.722,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.092,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1697.75,
"Total Cost": 1697.75,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.513,
"Actual Total Time": 1.513,
"Actual Rows": 2108,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", ""],
"Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
"Peak Memory Usage": 116,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 562,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.51,
"Total Cost": 1697.75,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.277,
"Actual Total Time": 1.107,
"Actual Rows": 2108,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", ""],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 562,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_1",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 22.28,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.007,
"Actual Total Time": 0.021,
"Actual Rows": 4,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_1.vocabulary_id", "concepts_1.concept_code", "concepts_1.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_1.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_DXCONF'::text) AND (concepts_1.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_1",
"Startup Cost": 11.95,
"Total Cost": 1670.92,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.069,
"Actual Total Time": 0.185,
"Actual Rows": 527,
"Actual Loops": 4,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_1.collection_id", "clinical_codes_1.context_id", "clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", "clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_1.quantity", "clinical_codes_1.seq_num", "clinical_codes_1.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_1.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_1.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 545,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.83,
"Plan Rows": 454,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.057,
"Actual Total Time": 0.057,
"Actual Rows": 527,
"Actual Loops": 4,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 11,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "clinical_codes_pkey",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 8.13,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.002,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 331484,
"Output": ["", "c_3.collection_id", "c_3.context_id", "c_3.patient_id", "c_3.start_date", "c_3.end_date", "c_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_3.quantity", "c_3.seq_num", "c_3.provenance_concept_id", "c_3.clinical_code_source_value", "c_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_3.measurement_detail_id", "c_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1326884,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 9.54,
"Total Cost": 9.54,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 6.289,
"Actual Total Time": 6.289,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "c_4.context_id"],
"Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
"Peak Memory Usage": 40,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3926,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 9.54,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 2.552,
"Actual Total Time": 6.084,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "c_4.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3926,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "CTE Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 1.08,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 2.548,
"Actual Total Time": 4.407,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
"Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 536,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "clinical_codes_pkey",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 8.45,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.002,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 847,
"Output": ["", "c_4.collection_id", "c_4.context_id", "c_4.patient_id", "c_4.start_date", "c_4.end_date", "c_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_4.quantity", "c_4.seq_num", "c_4.provenance_concept_id", "c_4.clinical_code_source_value", "c_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_4.measurement_detail_id", "c_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( = \"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3390,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Triggers": [
"Total Runtime": 1704.585
"Plan": {
"Node Type": "Aggregate",
"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Startup Cost": 2113.87,
"Total Cost": 2113.88,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 5531.554,
"Actual Total Time": 5531.578,
"Actual Rows": 305,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id"],
"Group Key": ["c.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 4767212,
"Shared Read Blocks": 791,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1848.59,
"Total Cost": 1905.70,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 5.691,
"Actual Total Time": 9.307,
"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id = clinical_codes_2.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date <= clinical_codes_2.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_2.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 449,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 259,
"Shared Read Blocks": 462,
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"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.069,
"Actual Total Time": 2.863,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 132.35,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.066,
"Actual Total Time": 1.998,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
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"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.524,
"Actual Total Time": 0.655,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
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"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.088,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1713.92,
"Total Cost": 1713.92,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 4.612,
"Actual Total Time": 4.612,
"Actual Rows": 946,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
"Peak Memory Usage": 74,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 241,
"Shared Read Blocks": 462,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.53,
"Total Cost": 1713.92,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.188,
"Actual Total Time": 4.317,
"Actual Rows": 946,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 241,
"Shared Read Blocks": 462,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 31.42,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.050,
"Actual Total Time": 0.084,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_2.vocabulary_id", "concepts_2.concept_code", "concepts_2.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_2.vocabulary_id = 'ICD03_Morphology'::text) AND (concepts_2.concept_code = ANY ('{8070/3,8071/3,8072/3,8073/3,8074/3,8083/3}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 19,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_2",
"Startup Cost": 11.96,
"Total Cost": 1677.94,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.039,
"Actual Total Time": 0.660,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_2.collection_id", "clinical_codes_2.context_id", "clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_2.quantity", "clinical_codes_2.seq_num", "clinical_codes_2.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_2.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_2.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Exact Heap Blocks": 658,
"Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 222,
"Shared Read Blocks": 456,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.85,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.023,
"Actual Total Time": 0.023,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 3,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1848.59,
"Total Cost": 1905.70,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 3.694,
"Actual Total Time": 5.082,
"Actual Rows": 1088,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id = clinical_codes_3.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date <= clinical_codes_3.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_3.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 1021,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 662,
"Shared Read Blocks": 67,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.174,
"Actual Total Time": 1.796,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 132.35,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.172,
"Actual Total Time": 1.292,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Aggregate",
"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.594,
"Actual Total Time": 0.745,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.087,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1713.92,
"Total Cost": 1713.92,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 2.493,
"Actual Total Time": 2.493,
"Actual Rows": 2164,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
"Peak Memory Usage": 142,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 644,
"Shared Read Blocks": 67,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.53,
"Total Cost": 1713.92,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.312,
"Actual Total Time": 1.913,
"Actual Rows": 2164,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 644,
"Shared Read Blocks": 67,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 31.42,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.036,
"Actual Total Time": 0.056,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_3.vocabulary_id", "concepts_3.concept_code", "concepts_3.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_3.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SRC'::text) AND (concepts_3.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4,5,8}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 22,
"Shared Read Blocks": 3,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_3",
"Startup Cost": 11.96,
"Total Cost": 1677.94,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.054,
"Actual Total Time": 0.241,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_3.collection_id", "clinical_codes_3.context_id", "clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.quantity", "clinical_codes_3.seq_num", "clinical_codes_3.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_3.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Exact Heap Blocks": 662,
"Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 622,
"Shared Read Blocks": 64,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.85,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.044,
"Actual Total Time": 0.044,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1825.75,
"Total Cost": 1882.86,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 2.399,
"Actual Total Time": 3.611,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id = clinical_codes_4.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date <= clinical_codes_4.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_4.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 775,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 537,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.042,
"Actual Total Time": 1.669,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
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"Actual Total Time": 1.153,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
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"Startup Cost": 45.35,
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"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.522,
"Actual Total Time": 0.674,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.097,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
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"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
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"Node Type": "Hash",
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"Total Cost": 1691.07,
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"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.342,
"Actual Total Time": 1.342,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
"Peak Memory Usage": 125,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 519,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.52,
"Total Cost": 1691.07,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.235,
"Actual Total Time": 0.967,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 519,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
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"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 8.58,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.007,
"Actual Total Time": 0.007,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_4.vocabulary_id", "concepts_4.concept_code", "concepts_4.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_4.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SITERWHO'::text) AND (concepts_4.concept_code = '22010'::text))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 5,
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"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_4",
"Startup Cost": 11.96,
"Total Cost": 1677.94,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.224,
"Actual Total Time": 0.663,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_4.collection_id", "clinical_codes_4.context_id", "clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.quantity", "clinical_codes_4.seq_num", "clinical_codes_4.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_4.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Exact Heap Blocks": 512,
"Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 514,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.85,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.180,
"Actual Total Time": 0.180,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1982.14,
"Total Cost": 2113.87,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 3112.582,
"Actual Total Time": 5531.306,
"Actual Rows": 305,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id =",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 4803879,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 4767212,
"Shared Read Blocks": 791,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1981.71,
"Total Cost": 2113.24,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 40,
"Actual Startup Time": 3112.554,
"Actual Total Time": 4228.456,
"Actual Rows": 266805,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "c_2.context_id", "c_3.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id <>",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3624609,
"Shared Read Blocks": 791,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1981.71,
"Total Cost": 2112.14,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 40,
"Actual Startup Time": 3110.151,
"Actual Total Time": 4129.618,
"Actual Rows": 315,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "c_2.context_id", "", "c_3.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(( <> \"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id) AND (c_1.context_id = c_3.context_id))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 331169,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3624072,
"Shared Read Blocks": 785,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Semi",
"Startup Cost": 141.83,
"Total Cost": 189.44,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 3107.569,
"Actual Total Time": 3127.155,
"Actual Rows": 316,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2296610,
"Shared Read Blocks": 777,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Merge Join",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 141.40,
"Total Cost": 188.64,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 40,
"Actual Startup Time": 3107.416,
"Actual Total Time": 3113.566,
"Actual Rows": 8130,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Merge Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id = clinical_codes.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date <= clinical_codes.start_date) AND (clinical_codes.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 1137,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2264107,
"Shared Read Blocks": 757,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.410,
"Actual Total Time": 3.315,
"Actual Rows": 1562,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3,
"Shared Read Blocks": 18,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 132.35,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.406,
"Actual Total Time": 2.534,
"Actual Rows": 1562,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3,
"Shared Read Blocks": 18,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
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"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.800,
"Actual Total Time": 0.975,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date"],
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"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
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"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.021,
"Actual Total Time": 0.247,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_vocabulary_id"],
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"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Node Type": "Sort",
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"Plan Width": 56,
"Actual Startup Time": 3105.997,
"Actual Total Time": 3107.001,
"Actual Rows": 9267,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
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"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 1336,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
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"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Startup Cost": 1.72,
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 56,
"Actual Startup Time": 9.437,
"Actual Total Time": 3101.263,
"Actual Rows": 8130,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id <>",
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"Plans": [
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"Startup Cost": 1.29,
"Total Cost": 11.88,
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"Plan Width": 48,
"Actual Startup Time": 9.433,
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"Actual Rows": 8608,
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"Output": ["c.context_id", "", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
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"Join Type": "Inner",
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"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id =",
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"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id <> \"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id)",
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"Plans": [
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"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "c_1.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2072,
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "CTE Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 1.08,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 5.695,
"Actual Total Time": 9.886,
"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
"Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 259,
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"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
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"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_1",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 8.45,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.009,
"Actual Total Time": 0.009,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 478,
"Output": ["", "c_1.collection_id", "c_1.context_id", "c_1.patient_id", "c_1.start_date", "c_1.end_date", "c_1.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_1.quantity", "c_1.seq_num", "c_1.provenance_concept_id", "c_1.clinical_code_source_value", "c_1.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_1.measurement_detail_id", "c_1.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( = \"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1813,
"Shared Read Blocks": 100,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "CTE Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 1.08,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.008,
"Actual Total Time": 0.266,
"Actual Rows": 1088,
"Actual Loops": 478,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
"Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 662,
"Shared Read Blocks": 67,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "context_id_idx",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.58,
"Plan Rows": 4,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.004,
"Actual Rows": 18,
"Actual Loops": 520064,
"Output": ["", "c_2.collection_id", "c_2.context_id", "c_2.patient_id", "c_2.start_date", "c_2.end_date", "c_2.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_2.quantity", "c_2.seq_num", "c_2.provenance_concept_id", "c_2.clinical_code_source_value", "c_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_2.measurement_detail_id", "c_2.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "(c_2.context_id = c_1.context_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2224855,
"Shared Read Blocks": 105,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "context_id_idx",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.58,
"Plan Rows": 4,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.004,
"Actual Rows": 18,
"Actual Loops": 478,
"Output": ["", "c.collection_id", "c.context_id", "c.patient_id", "c.start_date", "c.end_date", "c.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.quantity", "c.seq_num", "c.provenance_concept_id", "c.clinical_code_source_value", "c.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c.measurement_detail_id", "c.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "(c.context_id = c_1.context_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2045,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "clinical_codes_pkey",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.52,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.001,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 8608,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes.collection_id", "clinical_codes.context_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.quantity", "clinical_codes.seq_num", "clinical_codes.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 34470,
"Shared Read Blocks": 5,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "concepts_pkey",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.62,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.001,
"Actual Rows": 0,
"Actual Loops": 8130,
"Output": ["", "concepts.vocabulary_id", "concepts.concept_code", "concepts.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "( = clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Filter": "((concepts.concept_code = ANY ('{00,01}'::text[])) AND (concepts.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SEQ'::text))",
"Rows Removed by Filter": 1,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 32503,
"Shared Read Blocks": 20,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1839.88,
"Total Cost": 1921.98,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.012,
"Actual Total Time": 3.030,
"Actual Rows": 1049,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["", "c_3.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1327462,
"Shared Read Blocks": 8,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1839.45,
"Total Cost": 1896.57,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.010,
"Actual Total Time": 1.211,
"Actual Rows": 1049,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": [""],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id = clinical_codes_1.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date <= clinical_codes_1.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_1.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 1000,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 579,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
"Actual Total Time": 0.583,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
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"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
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"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.003,
"Actual Total Time": 0.118,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
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"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
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"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.541,
"Actual Total Time": 0.696,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date"],
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"Plans": [
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"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1",
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"Plan Rows": 1563,
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.098,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.source_vocabulary_id"],
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"Actual Startup Time": 1.480,
"Actual Total Time": 1.480,
"Actual Rows": 2108,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", ""],
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"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.275,
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"Output": ["clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", ""],
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"Plans": [
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"Actual Total Time": 0.032,
"Actual Rows": 4,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Index Cond": "((concepts_1.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_DXCONF'::text) AND (concepts_1.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4}'::text[])))",
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"Alias": "clinical_codes_1",
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"Actual Rows": 527,
"Actual Loops": 4,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_1.collection_id", "clinical_codes_1.context_id", "clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", "clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_1.quantity", "clinical_codes_1.seq_num", "clinical_codes_1.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_1.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_1.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =",
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"Plans": [
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"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.85,
"Plan Rows": 456,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.053,
"Actual Total Time": 0.053,
"Actual Rows": 527,
"Actual Loops": 4,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 11,
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"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
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"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
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"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.001,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 331484,
"Output": ["", "c_3.collection_id", "c_3.context_id", "c_3.patient_id", "c_3.start_date", "c_3.end_date", "c_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_3.quantity", "c_3.seq_num", "c_3.provenance_concept_id", "c_3.clinical_code_source_value", "c_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_3.measurement_detail_id", "c_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1326883,
"Shared Read Blocks": 1,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "CTE Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 1.08,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.008,
"Actual Total Time": 0.186,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 315,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
"Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 537,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "context_id_idx",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.58,
"Plan Rows": 4,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.003,
"Actual Rows": 18,
"Actual Loops": 266805,
"Output": ["", "c_4.collection_id", "c_4.context_id", "c_4.patient_id", "c_4.start_date", "c_4.end_date", "c_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_4.quantity", "c_4.seq_num", "c_4.provenance_concept_id", "c_4.clinical_code_source_value", "c_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_4.measurement_detail_id", "c_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "(c_4.context_id = c_1.context_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1142603,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Planning Time": 9.443,
"Triggers": [
"Execution Time": 5532.445
"Plan": {
"Node Type": "Aggregate",
"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Startup Cost": 1893.25,
"Total Cost": 1893.26,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 5327.608,
"Actual Total Time": 5327.634,
"Actual Rows": 305,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id"],
"Group Key": ["c.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 4767215,
"Shared Read Blocks": 791,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1827.41,
"Total Cost": 1884.53,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 5.420,
"Actual Total Time": 8.807,
"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id = clinical_codes_2.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date <= clinical_codes_2.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_2.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 449,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 247,
"Shared Read Blocks": 480,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.246,
"Actual Total Time": 3.274,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 6,
"Shared Read Blocks": 18,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 132.35,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.238,
"Actual Total Time": 2.664,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 6,
"Shared Read Blocks": 18,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Aggregate",
"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.675,
"Actual Total Time": 0.828,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 0,
"Shared Read Blocks": 18,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.017,
"Actual Total Time": 0.248,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 0,
"Shared Read Blocks": 18,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1692.81,
"Total Cost": 1692.81,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 4.159,
"Actual Total Time": 4.159,
"Actual Rows": 946,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
"Peak Memory Usage": 82,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 241,
"Shared Read Blocks": 462,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.47,
"Total Cost": 1692.81,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.183,
"Actual Total Time": 3.907,
"Actual Rows": 946,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 241,
"Shared Read Blocks": 462,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 31.41,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.047,
"Actual Total Time": 0.081,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_2.vocabulary_id", "concepts_2.concept_code", "concepts_2.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_2.vocabulary_id = 'ICD03_Morphology'::text) AND (concepts_2.concept_code = ANY ('{8070/3,8071/3,8072/3,8073/3,8074/3,8083/3}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 19,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_2",
"Startup Cost": 11.92,
"Total Cost": 1656.89,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.038,
"Actual Total Time": 0.595,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_2.collection_id", "clinical_codes_2.context_id", "clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_2.quantity", "clinical_codes_2.seq_num", "clinical_codes_2.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_2.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_2.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Exact Heap Blocks": 658,
"Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 222,
"Shared Read Blocks": 456,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.80,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.024,
"Actual Total Time": 0.024,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 3,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1827.41,
"Total Cost": 1884.53,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 3.304,
"Actual Total Time": 4.631,
"Actual Rows": 1088,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id = clinical_codes_3.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date <= clinical_codes_3.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_3.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 1021,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 662,
"Shared Read Blocks": 67,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.102,
"Actual Total Time": 1.732,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 132.35,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.100,
"Actual Total Time": 1.233,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
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"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.544,
"Actual Total Time": 0.711,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.010,
"Actual Total Time": 0.108,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1692.81,
"Total Cost": 1692.81,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 2.187,
"Actual Total Time": 2.187,
"Actual Rows": 2164,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Hash Buckets": 4096,
"Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
"Peak Memory Usage": 174,
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"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.47,
"Total Cost": 1692.81,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.296,
"Actual Total Time": 1.677,
"Actual Rows": 2164,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 644,
"Shared Read Blocks": 67,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 31.41,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.033,
"Actual Total Time": 0.052,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_3.vocabulary_id", "concepts_3.concept_code", "concepts_3.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_3.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SRC'::text) AND (concepts_3.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4,5,8}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 22,
"Shared Read Blocks": 3,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_3",
"Startup Cost": 11.92,
"Total Cost": 1656.89,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.051,
"Actual Total Time": 0.206,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_3.collection_id", "clinical_codes_3.context_id", "clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.quantity", "clinical_codes_3.seq_num", "clinical_codes_3.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_3.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Exact Heap Blocks": 662,
"Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 622,
"Shared Read Blocks": 64,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.80,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.042,
"Actual Total Time": 0.042,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1804.57,
"Total Cost": 1861.70,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 2.455,
"Actual Total Time": 3.675,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id = clinical_codes_4.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date <= clinical_codes_4.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_4.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date))",
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 159.33,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.065,
"Actual Total Time": 1.712,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
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"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 128.97,
"Total Cost": 132.35,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.059,
"Actual Total Time": 1.231,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
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"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.527,
"Actual Total Time": 0.699,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.086,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1669.97,
"Total Cost": 1669.97,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.380,
"Actual Total Time": 1.380,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Hash Buckets": 2048,
"Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
"Peak Memory Usage": 141,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 519,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 12.47,
"Total Cost": 1669.97,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.252,
"Actual Total Time": 1.007,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 519,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 8.58,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.007,
"Actual Total Time": 0.008,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_4.vocabulary_id", "concepts_4.concept_code", "concepts_4.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_4.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SITERWHO'::text) AND (concepts_4.concept_code = '22010'::text))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 5,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_4",
"Startup Cost": 11.92,
"Total Cost": 1656.89,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.241,
"Actual Total Time": 0.701,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_4.collection_id", "clinical_codes_4.context_id", "clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.quantity", "clinical_codes_4.seq_num", "clinical_codes_4.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_4.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Exact Heap Blocks": 512,
"Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 514,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.80,
"Plan Rows": 450,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.193,
"Actual Total Time": 0.193,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1793.70,
"Total Cost": 1893.25,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 2908.067,
"Actual Total Time": 5327.229,
"Actual Rows": 305,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id =",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 4803879,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 4767215,
"Shared Read Blocks": 791,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1793.27,
"Total Cost": 1892.63,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 40,
"Actual Startup Time": 2903.864,
"Actual Total Time": 3919.868,
"Actual Rows": 266805,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "c_2.context_id", "c_3.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id <>",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3624612,
"Shared Read Blocks": 791,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1793.27,
"Total Cost": 1891.54,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 40,
"Actual Startup Time": 2901.404,
"Actual Total Time": 3810.245,
"Actual Rows": 315,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "c_2.context_id", "", "c_3.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(( <> \"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id) AND (c_1.context_id = c_3.context_id))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 331169,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3624075,
"Shared Read Blocks": 785,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Semi",
"Startup Cost": 58.19,
"Total Cost": 90.61,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 2899.287,
"Actual Total Time": 2918.939,
"Actual Rows": 316,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2296613,
"Shared Read Blocks": 777,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 57.75,
"Total Cost": 89.81,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 40,
"Actual Startup Time": 2899.173,
"Actual Total Time": 2904.538,
"Actual Rows": 8130,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id = clinical_codes.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date <= clinical_codes.start_date) AND (clinical_codes.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 1137,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2264110,
"Shared Read Blocks": 757,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Aggregate",
"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.562,
"Actual Total Time": 1.157,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date", "NULL::bigint"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.088,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash",
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"Startup Cost": 12.39,
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"Actual Total Time": 2898.595,
"Actual Rows": 8130,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
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"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
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"Plans": [
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"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1.72,
"Total Cost": 12.39,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 56,
"Actual Startup Time": 8.776,
"Actual Total Time": 2894.925,
"Actual Rows": 8130,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id <>",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 478,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2264092,
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"Plan Width": 48,
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"Actual Total Time": 2879.820,
"Actual Rows": 8608,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
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"Plans": [
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"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id <> \"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id)",
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"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "c_1.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2060,
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"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 5.423,
"Actual Total Time": 9.281,
"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
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"Alias": "c_1",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.012,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 478,
"Output": ["", "c_1.collection_id", "c_1.context_id", "c_1.patient_id", "c_1.start_date", "c_1.end_date", "c_1.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_1.quantity", "c_1.seq_num", "c_1.provenance_concept_id", "c_1.clinical_code_source_value", "c_1.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_1.measurement_detail_id", "c_1.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( = \"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id)",
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"Shared Hit Blocks": 1813,
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"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.007,
"Actual Total Time": 0.272,
"Actual Rows": 1088,
"Actual Loops": 478,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
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"Node Type": "Index Scan",
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"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.57,
"Plan Rows": 4,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.003,
"Actual Rows": 18,
"Actual Loops": 520064,
"Output": ["", "c_2.collection_id", "c_2.context_id", "c_2.patient_id", "c_2.start_date", "c_2.end_date", "c_2.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_2.quantity", "c_2.seq_num", "c_2.provenance_concept_id", "c_2.clinical_code_source_value", "c_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_2.measurement_detail_id", "c_2.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Shared Hit Blocks": 2224855,
"Shared Read Blocks": 105,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "context_id_idx",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.57,
"Plan Rows": 4,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.004,
"Actual Rows": 18,
"Actual Loops": 478,
"Output": ["", "c.collection_id", "c.context_id", "c.patient_id", "c.start_date", "c.end_date", "c.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.quantity", "c.seq_num", "c.provenance_concept_id", "c.clinical_code_source_value", "c.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c.measurement_detail_id", "c.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "(c.context_id = c_1.context_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2045,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "clinical_codes_pkey",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.52,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.001,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 8608,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes.collection_id", "clinical_codes.context_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.quantity", "clinical_codes.seq_num", "clinical_codes.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 34470,
"Shared Read Blocks": 5,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "concepts_pkey",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
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"Alias": "concepts",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.62,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.002,
"Actual Rows": 0,
"Actual Loops": 8130,
"Output": ["", "concepts.vocabulary_id", "concepts.concept_code", "concepts.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "( = clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Filter": "((concepts.concept_code = ANY ('{00,01}'::text[])) AND (concepts.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SEQ'::text))",
"Rows Removed by Filter": 1,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 32503,
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"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.010,
"Actual Total Time": 2.681,
"Actual Rows": 1049,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["", "c_3.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1327462,
"Shared Read Blocks": 8,
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"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
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"Join Type": "Inner",
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"Total Cost": 1774.91,
"Plan Rows": 48,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.008,
"Actual Total Time": 0.784,
"Actual Rows": 1049,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": [""],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id = clinical_codes_1.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date <= clinical_codes_1.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_1.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date))",
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"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
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"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
"Actual Total Time": 0.235,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 316,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date", "NULL::bigint"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date"],
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"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1",
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"Plan Width": 16,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.091,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.source_vocabulary_id"],
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"Actual Total Time": 1.539,
"Actual Rows": 2108,
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"Output": ["clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", ""],
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"Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
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"Plan Width": 24,
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"Actual Rows": 2108,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_1.patient_id", "clinical_codes_1.start_date", "clinical_codes_1.end_date", ""],
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"Plans": [
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"Actual Total Time": 0.033,
"Actual Rows": 4,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Index Cond": "((concepts_1.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_DXCONF'::text) AND (concepts_1.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4}'::text[])))",
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"Actual Rows": 527,
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"Actual Loops": 4,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =",
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"Total Cost": 0.52,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.001,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 331484,
"Output": ["", "c_3.collection_id", "c_3.context_id", "c_3.patient_id", "c_3.start_date", "c_3.end_date", "c_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_3.quantity", "c_3.seq_num", "c_3.provenance_concept_id", "c_3.clinical_code_source_value", "c_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_3.measurement_detail_id", "c_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1326883,
"Shared Read Blocks": 1,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "CTE Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 1.08,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.008,
"Actual Total Time": 0.218,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 315,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
"Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 537,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "context_id_idx",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 0.57,
"Plan Rows": 4,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
"Actual Total Time": 0.004,
"Actual Rows": 18,
"Actual Loops": 266805,
"Output": ["", "c_4.collection_id", "c_4.context_id", "c_4.patient_id", "c_4.start_date", "c_4.end_date", "c_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_4.quantity", "c_4.seq_num", "c_4.provenance_concept_id", "c_4.clinical_code_source_value", "c_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_4.measurement_detail_id", "c_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "(c_4.context_id = c_1.context_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 1142603,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Planning Time": 9.730,
"Triggers": [
"Execution Time": 5328.542
Unique (cost=1860.07..1926.73 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=2854.374..3722.695 rows=305 loops=1)
Output: c.context_id
Buffers: shared hit=3586009 read=791
CTE jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7
-> Hash Join (cost=1839.73..1909.24 rows=49 width=147) (actual time=1.568..4.507 rows=478 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_2.patient_id,, 'clinical_codes'::text, 'condition_occurrence'::text, clinical_codes_2.start_date, clinical_codes_2.end_date, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, NULL::text, NULL::bigint, (row_number() OVER (?))
Hash Cond: (jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id = clinical_codes_2.patient_id)
Join Filter: ((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date <= clinical_codes_2.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_2.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 449
Buffers: shared hit=713 read=8
-> WindowAgg (cost=116.55..159.16 rows=1349 width=24) (actual time=0.473..2.305 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date, row_number() OVER (?)
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Group (cost=116.55..132.18 rows=1349 width=16) (actual time=0.471..1.605 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date
Group Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Sort (cost=116.55..120.46 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.469..1.202 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date
Sort Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 122kB
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Seq Scan on jigsaw_temp.jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2 (cost=0.00..33.63 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.005..0.191 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Hash (cost=1717.46..1717.46 rows=458 width=35) (actual time=1.079..1.080 rows=946 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_2.patient_id,, clinical_codes_2.start_date, clinical_codes_2.end_date, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 82kB
Buffers: shared hit=695 read=8
-> Nested Loop (cost=12.54..1717.46 rows=458 width=35) (actual time=0.199..0.871 rows=946 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_2.patient_id,, clinical_codes_2.start_date, clinical_codes_2.end_date, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Buffers: shared hit=695 read=8
-> Index Scan using vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx on esophagus_gdm.concepts concepts_2 (cost=0.56..31.41 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.036..0.071 rows=6 loops=1)
Output:, concepts_2.vocabulary_id, concepts_2.concept_code, concepts_2.concept_text
Index Cond: ((concepts_2.vocabulary_id = 'ICD03_Morphology'::text) AND (concepts_2.concept_code = ANY ('{8070/3,8071/3,8072/3,8073/3,8074/3,8083/3}'::text[])))
Buffers: shared hit=21 read=4
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes clinical_codes_2 (cost=11.98..1681.46 rows=458 width=43) (actual time=0.041..0.105 rows=158 loops=6)
Output:, clinical_codes_2.collection_id, clinical_codes_2.context_id, clinical_codes_2.patient_id, clinical_codes_2.start_date, clinical_codes_2.end_date, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes_2.quantity, clinical_codes_2.seq_num, clinical_codes_2.provenance_concept_id, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, clinical_codes_2.measurement_detail_id, clinical_codes_2.drug_exposure_detail_id
Recheck Cond: (clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =
Heap Blocks: exact=658
Buffers: shared hit=674 read=4
-> Bitmap Index Scan on clinical_code_concept_id_idx (cost=0.00..11.87 rows=458 width=0) (actual time=0.029..0.029 rows=158 loops=6)
Index Cond: (clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =
Buffers: shared hit=17 read=3
CTE jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2
-> Hash Join (cost=1839.73..1909.24 rows=49 width=147) (actual time=2.263..4.173 rows=1088 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_3.patient_id,, 'clinical_codes'::text, 'condition_occurrence'::text, clinical_codes_3.start_date, clinical_codes_3.end_date, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, NULL::text, NULL::bigint, (row_number() OVER (?))
Hash Cond: (jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id = clinical_codes_3.patient_id)
Join Filter: ((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date <= clinical_codes_3.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_3.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1021
Buffers: shared hit=720 read=9
-> WindowAgg (cost=116.55..159.16 rows=1349 width=24) (actual time=0.461..1.637 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date, row_number() OVER (?)
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Group (cost=116.55..132.18 rows=1349 width=16) (actual time=0.458..1.002 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date
Group Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Sort (cost=116.55..120.46 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.457..0.616 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date
Sort Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 122kB
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Seq Scan on jigsaw_temp.jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3 (cost=0.00..33.63 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.003..0.241 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Hash (cost=1717.46..1717.46 rows=458 width=35) (actual time=1.784..1.784 rows=2164 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_3.patient_id,, clinical_codes_3.start_date, clinical_codes_3.end_date, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Buckets: 4096 (originally 1024) Batches: 1 (originally 1) Memory Usage: 174kB
Buffers: shared hit=702 read=9
-> Nested Loop (cost=12.54..1717.46 rows=458 width=35) (actual time=0.296..1.296 rows=2164 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_3.patient_id,, clinical_codes_3.start_date, clinical_codes_3.end_date, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Buffers: shared hit=702 read=9
-> Index Scan using vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx on esophagus_gdm.concepts concepts_3 (cost=0.56..31.41 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.028..0.052 rows=6 loops=1)
Output:, concepts_3.vocabulary_id, concepts_3.concept_code, concepts_3.concept_text
Index Cond: ((concepts_3.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SRC'::text) AND (concepts_3.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4,5,8}'::text[])))
Buffers: shared hit=23 read=2
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes clinical_codes_3 (cost=11.98..1681.46 rows=458 width=43) (actual time=0.054..0.151 rows=361 loops=6)
Output:, clinical_codes_3.collection_id, clinical_codes_3.context_id, clinical_codes_3.patient_id, clinical_codes_3.start_date, clinical_codes_3.end_date, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes_3.quantity, clinical_codes_3.seq_num, clinical_codes_3.provenance_concept_id, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, clinical_codes_3.measurement_detail_id, clinical_codes_3.drug_exposure_detail_id
Recheck Cond: (clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =
Heap Blocks: exact=662
Buffers: shared hit=679 read=7
-> Bitmap Index Scan on clinical_code_concept_id_idx (cost=0.00..11.87 rows=458 width=0) (actual time=0.044..0.044 rows=361 loops=6)
Index Cond: (clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =
Buffers: shared hit=17 read=7
CTE jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12
-> Hash Join (cost=1816.89..1886.40 rows=49 width=147) (actual time=6.466..8.376 rows=847 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_4.patient_id,, 'clinical_codes'::text, 'condition_occurrence'::text, clinical_codes_4.start_date, clinical_codes_4.end_date, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, NULL::text, NULL::bigint, (row_number() OVER (?))
Hash Cond: (jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id = clinical_codes_4.patient_id)
Join Filter: ((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date <= clinical_codes_4.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_4.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 775
Buffers: shared hit=8 read=538
-> WindowAgg (cost=116.55..159.16 rows=1349 width=24) (actual time=0.737..1.967 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date, row_number() OVER (?)
Buffers: shared hit=3 read=18
-> Group (cost=116.55..132.18 rows=1349 width=16) (actual time=0.733..1.335 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date
Group Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=3 read=18
-> Sort (cost=116.55..120.46 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.732..0.935 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date
Sort Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 122kB
Buffers: shared hit=3 read=18
-> Seq Scan on jigsaw_temp.jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4 (cost=0.00..33.63 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.028..0.399 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date
Buffers: shared read=18
-> Hash (cost=1694.62..1694.62 rows=458 width=35) (actual time=5.711..5.711 rows=1673 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_4.patient_id,, clinical_codes_4.start_date, clinical_codes_4.end_date, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Buckets: 2048 (originally 1024) Batches: 1 (originally 1) Memory Usage: 141kB
Buffers: shared hit=5 read=520
-> Nested Loop (cost=12.54..1694.62 rows=458 width=35) (actual time=0.321..5.115 rows=1673 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_4.patient_id,, clinical_codes_4.start_date, clinical_codes_4.end_date, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id
Buffers: shared hit=5 read=520
-> Index Scan using vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx on esophagus_gdm.concepts concepts_4 (cost=0.56..8.58 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.049..0.050 rows=1 loops=1)
Output:, concepts_4.vocabulary_id, concepts_4.concept_code, concepts_4.concept_text
Index Cond: ((concepts_4.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SITERWHO'::text) AND (concepts_4.concept_code = '22010'::text))
Buffers: shared read=5
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes clinical_codes_4 (cost=11.98..1681.46 rows=458 width=43) (actual time=0.268..4.648 rows=1673 loops=1)
Output:, clinical_codes_4.collection_id, clinical_codes_4.context_id, clinical_codes_4.patient_id, clinical_codes_4.start_date, clinical_codes_4.end_date, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes_4.quantity, clinical_codes_4.seq_num, clinical_codes_4.provenance_concept_id, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, clinical_codes_4.measurement_detail_id, clinical_codes_4.drug_exposure_detail_id
Recheck Cond: (clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =
Heap Blocks: exact=512
Buffers: shared hit=5 read=515
-> Bitmap Index Scan on clinical_code_concept_id_idx (cost=0.00..11.87 rows=458 width=0) (actual time=0.203..0.203 rows=1673 loops=1)
Index Cond: (clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =
Buffers: shared hit=2 read=6
-> Nested Loop (cost=1860.07..1926.72 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=2854.371..3722.523 rows=305 loops=1)
Output: c.context_id
Join Filter: (( <> "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id) AND ("jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id <> AND (c_1.context_id = c_3.context_id))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 320689
Buffers: shared hit=3586009 read=791
-> Merge Join (cost=100.24..100.26 rows=1 width=48) (actual time=2849.481..2852.142 rows=306 loops=1)
Output: c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, c_2.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id, c_4.context_id
Merge Cond: (c_4.context_id = c_1.context_id)
Buffers: shared hit=2300535 read=785
-> Sort (cost=9.57..9.58 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=12.436..14.710 rows=846 loops=1)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id, c_4.context_id
Sort Key: c_4.context_id
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 64kB
Buffers: shared hit=3292 read=644
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.43..9.56 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=6.489..12.157 rows=847 loops=1)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id, c_4.context_id
Buffers: shared hit=3292 read=644
-> CTE Scan on "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12" (cost=0.00..1.10 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=6.469..9.022 rows=847 loops=1)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".person_id, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_table, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_domain, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".start_date, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".end_date, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".source_value, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".source_vocabulary_id, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".uuid, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".visit_occurrence_id, "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".window_id
Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=8 read=538
-> Index Scan using clinical_codes_pkey on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes c_4 (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=1 loops=847)
Output:, c_4.collection_id, c_4.context_id, c_4.patient_id, c_4.start_date, c_4.end_date, c_4.clinical_code_concept_id, c_4.quantity, c_4.seq_num, c_4.provenance_concept_id, c_4.clinical_code_source_value, c_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, c_4.measurement_detail_id, c_4.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: ( = "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12".criterion_id)
Buffers: shared hit=3284 read=106
-> Sort (cost=90.67..90.67 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=2837.037..2837.163 rows=316 loops=1)
Output: c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, c_2.context_id
Sort Key: c.context_id
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 49kB
Buffers: shared hit=2297243 read=141
-> Nested Loop Semi Join (cost=58.23..90.66 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=2821.315..2836.869 rows=316 loops=1)
Output: c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, c_2.context_id
Buffers: shared hit=2297243 read=141
-> Hash Join (cost=57.80..89.85 rows=1 width=40) (actual time=2821.207..2823.854 rows=8130 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id, c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, c_2.context_id
Hash Cond: (jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id = clinical_codes.patient_id)
Join Filter: ((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date <= clinical_codes.start_date) AND (clinical_codes.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1137
Buffers: shared hit=2264739 read=122
-> HashAggregate (cost=45.35..58.84 rows=1349 width=24) (actual time=0.555..0.802 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date, NULL::bigint
Group Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Seq Scan on jigsaw_temp.jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows (cost=0.00..33.63 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.005..0.088 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_table, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_domain, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_value, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_vocabulary_id
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Hash (cost=12.43..12.43 rows=1 width=56) (actual time=2820.638..2820.638 rows=8130 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes.patient_id, clinical_codes.start_date, clinical_codes.end_date, c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, c_2.context_id
Buckets: 8192 (originally 1024) Batches: 1 (originally 1) Memory Usage: 763kB
Buffers: shared hit=2264721 read=122
-> Nested Loop (cost=1.72..12.43 rows=1 width=56) (actual time=3.876..2816.496 rows=8130 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes.patient_id, clinical_codes.start_date, clinical_codes.end_date, c.context_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, c_2.context_id
Join Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id <>
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 478
Buffers: shared hit=2264721 read=122
-> Nested Loop (cost=1.29..11.90 rows=1 width=48) (actual time=3.873..2800.412 rows=8608 loops=1)
Output: c.context_id,, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, c_2.context_id
Buffers: shared hit=2230246 read=122
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.86..11.29 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=3.869..2797.292 rows=478 loops=1)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, c_2.context_id
Join Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id =
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 9365026
Buffers: shared hit=2228201 read=122
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.43..10.68 rows=1 width=24) (actual time=3.840..202.952 rows=520064 loops=1)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id, c_1.context_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id
Join Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id <> "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id)
Buffers: shared hit=3346 read=17
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.43..9.56 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=1.574..8.237 rows=478 loops=1)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id, c_1.context_id
Buffers: shared hit=2626 read=8
-> CTE Scan on "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7" (cost=0.00..1.10 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=1.570..5.094 rows=478 loops=1)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".person_id, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_table, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_domain, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".start_date, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".end_date, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".source_value, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".source_vocabulary_id, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".uuid, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".visit_occurrence_id, "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".window_id
Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=713 read=8
-> Index Scan using clinical_codes_pkey on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes c_1 (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.006..0.006 rows=1 loops=478)
Output:, c_1.collection_id, c_1.context_id, c_1.patient_id, c_1.start_date, c_1.end_date, c_1.clinical_code_concept_id, c_1.quantity, c_1.seq_num, c_1.provenance_concept_id, c_1.clinical_code_source_value, c_1.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, c_1.measurement_detail_id, c_1.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: ( = "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7".criterion_id)
Buffers: shared hit=1913
-> CTE Scan on "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2" (cost=0.00..1.10 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.005..0.240 rows=1088 loops=478)
Output: "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".person_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_table, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_domain, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".start_date, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".end_date, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".source_value, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".source_vocabulary_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".uuid, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".visit_occurrence_id, "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".window_id
Filter: ("jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)
Buffers: shared hit=720 read=9
-> Index Scan using context_id_idx on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes c_2 (cost=0.43..0.57 rows=4 width=16) (actual time=0.001..0.003 rows=18 loops=520064)
Output:, c_2.collection_id, c_2.context_id, c_2.patient_id, c_2.start_date, c_2.end_date, c_2.clinical_code_concept_id, c_2.quantity, c_2.seq_num, c_2.provenance_concept_id, c_2.clinical_code_source_value, c_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, c_2.measurement_detail_id, c_2.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: (c_2.context_id = c_1.context_id)
Buffers: shared hit=2224855 read=105
-> Index Scan using context_id_idx on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes c (cost=0.43..0.57 rows=4 width=16) (actual time=0.001..0.004 rows=18 loops=478)
Output:, c.collection_id, c.context_id, c.patient_id, c.start_date, c.end_date, c.clinical_code_concept_id, c.quantity, c.seq_num, c.provenance_concept_id, c.clinical_code_source_value, c.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, c.measurement_detail_id, c.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: (c.context_id = c_1.context_id)
Buffers: shared hit=2045
-> Index Scan using clinical_codes_pkey on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes (cost=0.43..0.52 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=8608)
Output:, clinical_codes.collection_id, clinical_codes.context_id, clinical_codes.patient_id, clinical_codes.start_date, clinical_codes.end_date, clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes.quantity, clinical_codes.seq_num, clinical_codes.provenance_concept_id, clinical_codes.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, clinical_codes.measurement_detail_id, clinical_codes.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: ( =
Buffers: shared hit=34475
-> Index Scan using concepts_pkey on esophagus_gdm.concepts (cost=0.43..0.62 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=0 loops=8130)
Output:, concepts.vocabulary_id, concepts.concept_code, concepts.concept_text
Index Cond: ( = clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id)
Filter: ((concepts.concept_code = ANY ('{00,01}'::text[])) AND (concepts.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SEQ'::text))
Rows Removed by Filter: 1
Buffers: shared hit=32504 read=19
-> Nested Loop (cost=1759.83..1825.61 rows=49 width=16) (actual time=0.010..2.682 rows=1049 loops=306)
Output:, c_3.context_id
Buffers: shared hit=1285474 read=6
-> Hash Join (cost=1759.40..1799.78 rows=49 width=8) (actual time=0.008..0.768 rows=1049 loops=306)
Hash Cond: (jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id = clinical_codes_1.patient_id)
Join Filter: ((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date <= clinical_codes_1.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_1.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date))
Rows Removed by Join Filter: 1000
Buffers: shared hit=580 read=6
-> HashAggregate (cost=45.35..58.84 rows=1349 width=24) (actual time=0.002..0.238 rows=1563 loops=306)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date, NULL::bigint
Group Key: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Seq Scan on jigsaw_temp.jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1 (cost=0.00..33.63 rows=1563 width=16) (actual time=0.004..0.087 rows=1563 loops=1)
Output: jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.person_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_id, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_table, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.criterion_domain, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.start_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.end_date, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.source_value, jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_1.source_vocabulary_id
Buffers: shared hit=18
-> Hash (cost=1708.32..1708.32 rows=458 width=24) (actual time=1.555..1.555 rows=2108 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_1.patient_id, clinical_codes_1.start_date, clinical_codes_1.end_date,
Buckets: 4096 (originally 1024) Batches: 1 (originally 1) Memory Usage: 148kB
Buffers: shared hit=562 read=6
-> Nested Loop (cost=12.54..1708.32 rows=458 width=24) (actual time=0.283..1.207 rows=2108 loops=1)
Output: clinical_codes_1.patient_id, clinical_codes_1.start_date, clinical_codes_1.end_date,
Buffers: shared hit=562 read=6
-> Index Scan using vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx on esophagus_gdm.concepts concepts_1 (cost=0.56..22.28 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.010..0.025 rows=4 loops=1)
Output:, concepts_1.vocabulary_id, concepts_1.concept_code, concepts_1.concept_text
Index Cond: ((concepts_1.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_DXCONF'::text) AND (concepts_1.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4}'::text[])))
Buffers: shared hit=17
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes clinical_codes_1 (cost=11.98..1681.46 rows=458 width=32) (actual time=0.071..0.221 rows=527 loops=4)
Output:, clinical_codes_1.collection_id, clinical_codes_1.context_id, clinical_codes_1.patient_id, clinical_codes_1.start_date, clinical_codes_1.end_date, clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id, clinical_codes_1.quantity, clinical_codes_1.seq_num, clinical_codes_1.provenance_concept_id, clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_source_value, clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, clinical_codes_1.measurement_detail_id, clinical_codes_1.drug_exposure_detail_id
Recheck Cond: (clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =
Heap Blocks: exact=534
Buffers: shared hit=545 read=6
-> Bitmap Index Scan on clinical_code_concept_id_idx (cost=0.00..11.87 rows=458 width=0) (actual time=0.057..0.057 rows=527 loops=4)
Index Cond: (clinical_codes_1.clinical_code_concept_id =
Buffers: shared hit=11 read=6
-> Index Scan using clinical_codes_pkey on esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes c_3 (cost=0.43..0.52 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=320994)
Output:, c_3.collection_id, c_3.context_id, c_3.patient_id, c_3.start_date, c_3.end_date, c_3.clinical_code_concept_id, c_3.quantity, c_3.seq_num, c_3.provenance_concept_id, c_3.clinical_code_source_value, c_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id, c_3.measurement_detail_id, c_3.drug_exposure_detail_id
Index Cond: ( =
Buffers: shared hit=1284894
Planning time: 10.398 ms
Execution time: 3723.922 ms
"Plan": {
"Node Type": "Unique",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 1860.07,
"Total Cost": 1926.73,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 3181.229,
"Actual Total Time": 4026.489,
"Actual Rows": 305,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3586009,
"Shared Read Blocks": 791,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1839.73,
"Total Cost": 1909.24,
"Plan Rows": 49,
"Plan Width": 147,
"Actual Startup Time": 1.486,
"Actual Total Time": 4.452,
"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id = clinical_codes_2.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date <= clinical_codes_2.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_2.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 449,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 713,
"Shared Read Blocks": 8,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "WindowAgg",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 116.55,
"Total Cost": 159.16,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.426,
"Actual Total Time": 2.415,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date", "row_number() OVER (?)"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Group",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 116.55,
"Total Cost": 132.18,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.424,
"Actual Total Time": 1.602,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 116.55,
"Total Cost": 120.46,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.424,
"Actual Total Time": 1.182,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 122,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.005,
"Actual Total Time": 0.193,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_2.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.173,
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"Actual Rows": 946,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
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"Plans": [
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"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_2",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 31.41,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.034,
"Actual Total Time": 0.069,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_2.vocabulary_id", "concepts_2.concept_code", "concepts_2.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_2.vocabulary_id = 'ICD03_Morphology'::text) AND (concepts_2.concept_code = ANY ('{8070/3,8071/3,8072/3,8073/3,8074/3,8083/3}'::text[])))",
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_2",
"Startup Cost": 11.98,
"Total Cost": 1681.46,
"Plan Rows": 458,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.037,
"Actual Total Time": 0.103,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_2.collection_id", "clinical_codes_2.context_id", "clinical_codes_2.patient_id", "clinical_codes_2.start_date", "clinical_codes_2.end_date", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_2.quantity", "clinical_codes_2.seq_num", "clinical_codes_2.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_2.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_2.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
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"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.87,
"Plan Rows": 458,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.024,
"Actual Total Time": 0.024,
"Actual Rows": 158,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_2.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 3,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1839.73,
"Total Cost": 1909.24,
"Plan Rows": 49,
"Plan Width": 147,
"Actual Startup Time": 2.240,
"Actual Total Time": 4.081,
"Actual Rows": 1088,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id = clinical_codes_3.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date <= clinical_codes_3.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_3.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date))",
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"Plan Width": 16,
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"Plan Width": 16,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.651,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
"Sort Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3.end_date"],
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"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
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"Plan Width": 16,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.153,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Actual Rows": 2164,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
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"Original Hash Batches": 1,
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"Join Type": "Inner",
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"Total Cost": 1717.46,
"Plan Rows": 458,
"Plan Width": 35,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.294,
"Actual Total Time": 1.265,
"Actual Rows": 2164,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 702,
"Shared Read Blocks": 9,
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"Plans": [
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"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx",
"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_3",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 31.41,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.025,
"Actual Total Time": 0.049,
"Actual Rows": 6,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_3.vocabulary_id", "concepts_3.concept_code", "concepts_3.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_3.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SRC'::text) AND (concepts_3.concept_code = ANY ('{1,2,3,4,5,8}'::text[])))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_3",
"Startup Cost": 11.98,
"Total Cost": 1681.46,
"Plan Rows": 458,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.054,
"Actual Total Time": 0.137,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_3.collection_id", "clinical_codes_3.context_id", "clinical_codes_3.patient_id", "clinical_codes_3.start_date", "clinical_codes_3.end_date", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.quantity", "clinical_codes_3.seq_num", "clinical_codes_3.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_3.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_3.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Plans": [
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"Parallel Aware": false,
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.87,
"Plan Rows": 458,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.043,
"Actual Total Time": 0.043,
"Actual Rows": 361,
"Actual Loops": 6,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_3.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 17,
"Shared Read Blocks": 7,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "InitPlan",
"Subplan Name": "CTE jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
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"Total Cost": 1886.40,
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"Plan Width": 147,
"Actual Startup Time": 6.332,
"Actual Total Time": 8.117,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "'clinical_codes'::text", "'condition_occurrence'::text", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "NULL::text", "NULL::bigint", "(row_number() OVER (?))"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.person_id = clinical_codes_4.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.start_date <= clinical_codes_4.start_date) AND (clinical_codes_4.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4.end_date))",
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"Startup Cost": 116.55,
"Total Cost": 159.16,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.586,
"Actual Total Time": 1.712,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
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"Plan Width": 16,
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"Plan Width": 16,
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"Actual Total Time": 0.764,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
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"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows_4",
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"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id"],
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"Relation Name": "concepts",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "concepts_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.56,
"Total Cost": 8.58,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.048,
"Actual Total Time": 0.049,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "concepts_4.vocabulary_id", "concepts_4.concept_code", "concepts_4.concept_text"],
"Index Cond": "((concepts_4.vocabulary_id = 'SEER_SITERWHO'::text) AND (concepts_4.concept_code = '22010'::text))",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Bitmap Heap Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
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"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "clinical_codes_4",
"Startup Cost": 11.98,
"Total Cost": 1681.46,
"Plan Rows": 458,
"Plan Width": 43,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.253,
"Actual Total Time": 4.841,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["", "clinical_codes_4.collection_id", "clinical_codes_4.context_id", "clinical_codes_4.patient_id", "clinical_codes_4.start_date", "clinical_codes_4.end_date", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.quantity", "clinical_codes_4.seq_num", "clinical_codes_4.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes_4.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Recheck Cond": "(clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Exact Heap Blocks": 512,
"Lossy Heap Blocks": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 5,
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Bitmap Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Index Name": "clinical_code_concept_id_idx",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 11.87,
"Plan Rows": 458,
"Plan Width": 0,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.203,
"Actual Total Time": 0.203,
"Actual Rows": 1673,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Index Cond": "(clinical_codes_4.clinical_code_concept_id =",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2,
"Shared Read Blocks": 6,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
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"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1860.07,
"Total Cost": 1926.72,
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"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 3181.214,
"Actual Total Time": 4026.317,
"Actual Rows": 305,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(( <> \"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id) AND (\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id <> AND (c_1.context_id = c_3.context_id))",
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"Plans": [
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"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 100.24,
"Total Cost": 100.26,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 48,
"Actual Startup Time": 3176.258,
"Actual Total Time": 3177.765,
"Actual Rows": 306,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "c_4.context_id"],
"Merge Cond": "(c_4.context_id = c_1.context_id)",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2300535,
"Shared Read Blocks": 785,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 9.57,
"Total Cost": 9.58,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 11.892,
"Actual Total Time": 13.057,
"Actual Rows": 846,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "c_4.context_id"],
"Sort Key": ["c_4.context_id"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 64,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3292,
"Shared Read Blocks": 644,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 9.56,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 6.357,
"Actual Total Time": 11.631,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "c_4.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3292,
"Shared Read Blocks": 644,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "CTE Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 1.10,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 8,
"Actual Startup Time": 6.336,
"Actual Total Time": 8.700,
"Actual Rows": 847,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".person_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_table", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".start_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".end_date", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".source_value", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".source_vocabulary_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".uuid", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".visit_occurrence_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".window_id"],
"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
"Rows Removed by Filter": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 8,
"Shared Read Blocks": 538,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Index Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Scan Direction": "Forward",
"Index Name": "clinical_codes_pkey",
"Relation Name": "clinical_codes",
"Schema": "esophagus_gdm",
"Alias": "c_4",
"Startup Cost": 0.43,
"Total Cost": 8.45,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.003,
"Actual Total Time": 0.003,
"Actual Rows": 1,
"Actual Loops": 847,
"Output": ["", "c_4.collection_id", "c_4.context_id", "c_4.patient_id", "c_4.start_date", "c_4.end_date", "c_4.clinical_code_concept_id", "c_4.quantity", "c_4.seq_num", "c_4.provenance_concept_id", "c_4.clinical_code_source_value", "c_4.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c_4.measurement_detail_id", "c_4.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
"Index Cond": "( = \"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12\".criterion_id)",
"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 3284,
"Shared Read Blocks": 106,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
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"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Sort",
"Parent Relationship": "Inner",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 90.67,
"Total Cost": 90.67,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 3164.359,
"Actual Total Time": 3164.430,
"Actual Rows": 316,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Sort Key": ["c.context_id"],
"Sort Method": "quicksort",
"Sort Space Used": 49,
"Sort Space Type": "Memory",
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2297243,
"Shared Read Blocks": 141,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Nested Loop",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Semi",
"Startup Cost": 58.23,
"Total Cost": 90.66,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 3148.437,
"Actual Total Time": 3164.206,
"Actual Rows": 316,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2297243,
"Shared Read Blocks": 141,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Hash Join",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 57.80,
"Total Cost": 89.85,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 40,
"Actual Startup Time": 3148.331,
"Actual Total Time": 3150.958,
"Actual Rows": 8130,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Hash Cond": "(jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id = clinical_codes.patient_id)",
"Join Filter": "((jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date <= clinical_codes.start_date) AND (clinical_codes.end_date <= jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date))",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 1137,
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2264739,
"Shared Read Blocks": 122,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
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"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Aggregate",
"Strategy": "Hashed",
"Partial Mode": "Simple",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Startup Cost": 45.35,
"Total Cost": 58.84,
"Plan Rows": 1349,
"Plan Width": 24,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.546,
"Actual Total Time": 0.803,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date", "NULL::bigint"],
"Group Key": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
"Local Hit Blocks": 0,
"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Local Written Blocks": 0,
"Temp Read Blocks": 0,
"Temp Written Blocks": 0,
"Plans": [
"Node Type": "Seq Scan",
"Parent Relationship": "Outer",
"Parallel Aware": false,
"Relation Name": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Schema": "jigsaw_temp",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 33.63,
"Plan Rows": 1563,
"Plan Width": 16,
"Actual Startup Time": 0.004,
"Actual Total Time": 0.105,
"Actual Rows": 1563,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.person_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_id", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_table", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.criterion_domain", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.start_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.end_date", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_value", "jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows.source_vocabulary_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 18,
"Shared Read Blocks": 0,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
"Shared Written Blocks": 0,
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"Local Read Blocks": 0,
"Local Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Temp Written Blocks": 0
"Node Type": "Hash",
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"Startup Cost": 12.43,
"Total Cost": 12.43,
"Plan Rows": 1,
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"Actual Startup Time": 3147.772,
"Actual Total Time": 3147.772,
"Actual Rows": 8130,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
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"Original Hash Buckets": 1024,
"Hash Batches": 1,
"Original Hash Batches": 1,
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"Plans": [
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"Join Type": "Inner",
"Startup Cost": 1.72,
"Total Cost": 12.43,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 56,
"Actual Startup Time": 3.767,
"Actual Total Time": 3143.939,
"Actual Rows": 8130,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "c.context_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id <>",
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"Shared Hit Blocks": 2264721,
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"Join Type": "Inner",
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"Total Cost": 11.90,
"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 48,
"Actual Startup Time": 3.764,
"Actual Total Time": 3126.128,
"Actual Rows": 8608,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["c.context_id", "", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Shared Hit Blocks": 2230246,
"Shared Read Blocks": 122,
"Shared Dirtied Blocks": 0,
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"Join Type": "Inner",
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"Plan Rows": 1,
"Plan Width": 32,
"Actual Startup Time": 3.762,
"Actual Total Time": 3122.749,
"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id", "c_2.context_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id =",
"Rows Removed by Join Filter": 9365026,
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"Join Type": "Inner",
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"Plan Width": 24,
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"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "c_1.context_id", "\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id"],
"Join Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_id <> \"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id)",
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"Actual Total Time": 8.313,
"Actual Rows": 478,
"Actual Loops": 1,
"Output": ["\"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7\".criterion_id", "c_1.context_id"],
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"Parallel Aware": false,
"CTE Name": "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
"Alias": "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc7",
"Startup Cost": 0.00,
"Total Cost": 1.10,
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"Filter": "(\"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae2\".criterion_domain = 'condition_occurrence'::text)",
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.002,
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"Actual Rows": 18,
"Actual Loops": 478,
"Output": ["", "c.collection_id", "c.context_id", "c.patient_id", "c.start_date", "c.end_date", "c.clinical_code_concept_id", "c.quantity", "c.seq_num", "c.provenance_concept_id", "c.clinical_code_source_value", "c.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "c.measurement_detail_id", "c.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Actual Startup Time": 0.001,
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"Actual Rows": 1,
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"Output": ["", "clinical_codes.collection_id", "clinical_codes.context_id", "clinical_codes.patient_id", "clinical_codes.start_date", "clinical_codes.end_date", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_concept_id", "clinical_codes.quantity", "clinical_codes.seq_num", "clinical_codes.provenance_concept_id", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_source_value", "clinical_codes.clinical_code_vocabulary_id", "clinical_codes.measurement_detail_id", "clinical_codes.drug_exposure_detail_id"],
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"Actual Total Time": 0.001,
"Actual Rows": 0,
"Actual Loops": 8130,
"Output": ["", "concepts.vocabulary_id", "concepts.concept_code", "concepts.concept_text"],
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"Rows Removed by Index Recheck": 0,
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"Triggers": [
"Execution Time": 4027.286
"jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc77f638" AS
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(SELECT "person_id",
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"id" AS "criterion_id",
CAST('clinical_codes' AS text) AS "criterion_table",
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CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "window_id",
CAST(NULL AS text) AS "uuid",
CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "visit_occurrence_id"
FROM "clinical_codes"
WHERE ("clinical_code_concept_id" IN
(SELECT "id"
FROM "concepts"
WHERE (("vocabulary_id" = 'ICD03_Morphology')
AND ("concept_code" IN ('8070/3',
'8083/3')))))) AS "t1") AS "l"
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row_number() OVER (
ORDER BY "person_id",
"end_date") AS "window_id"
FROM "jigsaw_temp"."jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows"
GROUP BY "person_id",
"end_date") AS "r" ON (("l"."person_id" = "r"."person_id")
AND ("r"."start_date" <= "l"."start_date")
AND ("l"."end_date" <= "r"."end_date"))) AS "t1"),
"jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae29a1da99" AS
(SELECT "l".*,
(SELECT "person_id",
(SELECT "patient_id" AS "person_id",
"id" AS "criterion_id",
CAST('clinical_codes' AS text) AS "criterion_table",
CAST('condition_occurrence' AS text) AS "criterion_domain",
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CAST(NULL AS text) AS "uuid",
CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "visit_occurrence_id"
FROM "clinical_codes"
WHERE ("clinical_code_concept_id" IN
(SELECT "id"
FROM "concepts"
WHERE (("vocabulary_id" = 'SEER_SRC')
AND ("concept_code" IN ('1',
'8')))))) AS "t1") AS "l"
(SELECT "person_id",
row_number() OVER (
ORDER BY "person_id",
"end_date") AS "window_id"
FROM "jigsaw_temp"."jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows"
GROUP BY "person_id",
"end_date") AS "r" ON (("l"."person_id" = "r"."person_id")
AND ("r"."start_date" <= "l"."start_date")
AND ("l"."end_date" <= "r"."end_date"))) AS "t1"),
"jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12" AS
(SELECT "l".*,
(SELECT "person_id",
(SELECT "patient_id" AS "person_id",
"id" AS "criterion_id",
CAST('clinical_codes' AS text) AS "criterion_table",
CAST('condition_occurrence' AS text) AS "criterion_domain",
CAST("clinical_code_source_value" AS text) AS "source_value",
CAST("clinical_code_vocabulary_id" AS text) AS "source_vocabulary_id",
CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "window_id",
CAST(NULL AS text) AS "uuid",
CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "visit_occurrence_id"
FROM "clinical_codes"
WHERE ("clinical_code_concept_id" IN
(SELECT "id"
FROM "concepts"
WHERE (("vocabulary_id" = 'SEER_SITERWHO')
AND ("concept_code" IN ('22010')))))) AS "t1") AS "l"
(SELECT "person_id",
row_number() OVER (
ORDER BY "person_id",
"end_date") AS "window_id"
FROM "jigsaw_temp"."jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows"
GROUP BY "person_id",
"end_date") AS "r" ON (("l"."person_id" = "r"."person_id")
AND ("r"."start_date" <= "l"."start_date")
AND ("l"."end_date" <= "r"."end_date"))) AS "t1")
(SELECT DISTINCT "first"."context_id"
(SELECT "s".*,
"c"."context_id" AS "context_id"
(SELECT "l".*,
(SELECT "person_id",
(SELECT "patient_id" AS "person_id",
"id" AS "criterion_id",
CAST('clinical_codes' AS text) AS "criterion_table",
CAST('condition_occurrence' AS text) AS "criterion_domain",
CAST("clinical_code_source_value" AS text) AS "source_value",
CAST("clinical_code_vocabulary_id" AS text) AS "source_vocabulary_id",
CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "window_id",
CAST(NULL AS text) AS "uuid",
CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "visit_occurrence_id"
FROM "clinical_codes"
WHERE ("clinical_code_concept_id" IN
(SELECT "id"
FROM "concepts"
WHERE (("vocabulary_id" = 'SEER_SEQ')
AND ("concept_code" IN ('00',
'01')))))) AS "t1") AS "l"
(SELECT "person_id",
row_number() OVER (
ORDER BY "person_id",
"end_date") AS "window_id"
FROM "jigsaw_temp"."jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows"
GROUP BY "person_id",
"end_date") AS "r" ON (("l"."person_id" = "r"."person_id")
AND ("r"."start_date" <= "l"."start_date")
AND ("l"."end_date" <= "r"."end_date"))) AS "t1") AS "s"
INNER JOIN "clinical_codes" AS "c" ON ("c"."id" = "s"."criterion_id")
WHERE ("criterion_domain" = 'condition_occurrence')) AS "t1") AS "first"
(SELECT "context_id",
(SELECT "s".*,
"c"."context_id" AS "context_id"
(SELECT "person_id",
FROM "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc77f638") AS "t1") AS "s"
INNER JOIN "clinical_codes" AS "c" ON ("c"."id" = "s"."criterion_id")
WHERE ("criterion_domain" = 'condition_occurrence')) AS "t1") AS "t1" ON (("t1"."context_id" = "first"."context_id")
AND ("t1"."criterion_id" != "first"."criterion_id"))
(SELECT "context_id",
(SELECT "s".*,
"c"."context_id" AS "context_id"
(SELECT "person_id",
FROM "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae29a1da99") AS "t1") AS "s"
INNER JOIN "clinical_codes" AS "c" ON ("c"."id" = "s"."criterion_id")
WHERE ("criterion_domain" = 'condition_occurrence')) AS "t1") AS "t2" ON (("t2"."context_id" = "t1"."context_id")
AND ("t2"."criterion_id" != "t1"."criterion_id"))
(SELECT "context_id",
(SELECT "s".*,
"c"."context_id" AS "context_id"
(SELECT "l".*,
(SELECT "person_id",
(SELECT "patient_id" AS "person_id",
"id" AS "criterion_id",
CAST('clinical_codes' AS text) AS "criterion_table",
CAST('condition_occurrence' AS text) AS "criterion_domain",
CAST("clinical_code_source_value" AS text) AS "source_value",
CAST("clinical_code_vocabulary_id" AS text) AS "source_vocabulary_id",
CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "window_id",
CAST(NULL AS text) AS "uuid",
CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "visit_occurrence_id"
FROM "clinical_codes"
WHERE ("clinical_code_concept_id" IN
(SELECT "id"
FROM "concepts"
WHERE (("vocabulary_id" = 'SEER_DXCONF')
AND ("concept_code" IN ('1',
'4')))))) AS "t1") AS "l"
(SELECT "person_id",
row_number() OVER (
ORDER BY "person_id",
"end_date") AS "window_id"
FROM "jigsaw_temp"."jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows"
GROUP BY "person_id",
"end_date") AS "r" ON (("l"."person_id" = "r"."person_id")
AND ("r"."start_date" <= "l"."start_date")
AND ("l"."end_date" <= "r"."end_date"))) AS "t1") AS "s"
INNER JOIN "clinical_codes" AS "c" ON ("c"."id" = "s"."criterion_id")
WHERE ("criterion_domain" = 'condition_occurrence')) AS "t1") AS "t3" ON (("t3"."context_id" = "t2"."context_id")
AND ("t3"."criterion_id" != "t2"."criterion_id"))
(SELECT "context_id",
(SELECT "s".*,
"c"."context_id" AS "context_id"
(SELECT "person_id",
FROM "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12") AS "t1") AS "s"
INNER JOIN "clinical_codes" AS "c" ON ("c"."id" = "s"."criterion_id")
WHERE ("criterion_domain" = 'condition_occurrence')) AS "t1") AS "t4" ON (("t4"."context_id" = "t3"."context_id")
AND ("t4"."criterion_id" != "t3"."criterion_id"))) AS "t1";
EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, COSTS, VERBOSE, BUFFERS, FORMAT JSON) WITH "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc77f638" AS (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "l".*, "r"."window_id" FROM (SELECT "person_id", "criterion_id", "criterion_table", "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", "source_value", "source_vocabulary_id", "uuid", "visit_occurrence_id" FROM (SELECT "patient_id" AS "person_id", "id" AS "criterion_id", CAST('clinical_codes' AS text) AS "criterion_table", CAST('condition_occurrence' AS text) AS "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", CAST("clinical_code_source_value" AS text) AS "source_value", CAST("clinical_code_vocabulary_id" AS text) AS "source_vocabulary_id", CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "window_id", CAST(NULL AS text) AS "uuid", CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "visit_occurrence_id" FROM "clinical_codes" WHERE ("clinical_code_concept_id" IN (SELECT "id" FROM "concepts" WHERE (("vocabulary_id" = 'ICD03_Morphology') AND ("concept_code" IN ('8070/3', '8071/3', '8072/3', '8073/3', '8074/3', '8083/3')))))) AS "t1") AS "l" INNER JOIN (SELECT "person_id", "start_date", "end_date", row_number() OVER (ORDER BY "person_id", "start_date", "end_date") AS "window_id" FROM "jigsaw_temp"."jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows" GROUP BY "person_id", "start_date", "end_date") AS "r" ON (("l"."person_id" = "r"."person_id") AND ("r"."start_date" <= "l"."start_date") AND ("l"."end_date" <= "r"."end_date"))) AS "t1"), "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae29a1da99" AS (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "l".*, "r"."window_id" FROM (SELECT "person_id", "criterion_id", "criterion_table", "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", "source_value", "source_vocabulary_id", "uuid", "visit_occurrence_id" FROM (SELECT "patient_id" AS "person_id", "id" AS "criterion_id", CAST('clinical_codes' AS text) AS "criterion_table", CAST('condition_occurrence' AS text) AS "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", CAST("clinical_code_source_value" AS text) AS "source_value", CAST("clinical_code_vocabulary_id" AS text) AS "source_vocabulary_id", CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "window_id", CAST(NULL AS text) AS "uuid", CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "visit_occurrence_id" FROM "clinical_codes" WHERE ("clinical_code_concept_id" IN (SELECT "id" FROM "concepts" WHERE (("vocabulary_id" = 'SEER_SRC') AND ("concept_code" IN ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '8')))))) AS "t1") AS "l" INNER JOIN (SELECT "person_id", "start_date", "end_date", row_number() OVER (ORDER BY "person_id", "start_date", "end_date") AS "window_id" FROM "jigsaw_temp"."jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows" GROUP BY "person_id", "start_date", "end_date") AS "r" ON (("l"."person_id" = "r"."person_id") AND ("r"."start_date" <= "l"."start_date") AND ("l"."end_date" <= "r"."end_date"))) AS "t1"), "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12" AS (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "l".*, "r"."window_id" FROM (SELECT "person_id", "criterion_id", "criterion_table", "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", "source_value", "source_vocabulary_id", "uuid", "visit_occurrence_id" FROM (SELECT "patient_id" AS "person_id", "id" AS "criterion_id", CAST('clinical_codes' AS text) AS "criterion_table", CAST('condition_occurrence' AS text) AS "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", CAST("clinical_code_source_value" AS text) AS "source_value", CAST("clinical_code_vocabulary_id" AS text) AS "source_vocabulary_id", CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "window_id", CAST(NULL AS text) AS "uuid", CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "visit_occurrence_id" FROM "clinical_codes" WHERE ("clinical_code_concept_id" IN (SELECT "id" FROM "concepts" WHERE (("vocabulary_id" = 'SEER_SITERWHO') AND ("concept_code" IN ('22010')))))) AS "t1") AS "l" INNER JOIN (SELECT "person_id", "start_date", "end_date", row_number() OVER (ORDER BY "person_id", "start_date", "end_date") AS "window_id" FROM "jigsaw_temp"."jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows" GROUP BY "person_id", "start_date", "end_date") AS "r" ON (("l"."person_id" = "r"."person_id") AND ("r"."start_date" <= "l"."start_date") AND ("l"."end_date" <= "r"."end_date"))) AS "t1") SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT "first"."context_id" FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "s".*, "c"."context_id" AS "context_id" FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "l".*, "r"."window_id" FROM (SELECT "person_id", "criterion_id", "criterion_table", "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", "source_value", "source_vocabulary_id", "uuid", "visit_occurrence_id" FROM (SELECT "patient_id" AS "person_id", "id" AS "criterion_id", CAST('clinical_codes' AS text) AS "criterion_table", CAST('condition_occurrence' AS text) AS "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", CAST("clinical_code_source_value" AS text) AS "source_value", CAST("clinical_code_vocabulary_id" AS text) AS "source_vocabulary_id", CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "window_id", CAST(NULL AS text) AS "uuid", CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "visit_occurrence_id" FROM "clinical_codes" WHERE ("clinical_code_concept_id" IN (SELECT "id" FROM "concepts" WHERE (("vocabulary_id" = 'SEER_SEQ') AND ("concept_code" IN ('00', '01')))))) AS "t1") AS "l" INNER JOIN (SELECT "person_id", "start_date", "end_date", row_number() OVER (ORDER BY "person_id", "start_date", "end_date") AS "window_id" FROM "jigsaw_temp"."jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows" GROUP BY "person_id", "start_date", "end_date") AS "r" ON (("l"."person_id" = "r"."person_id") AND ("r"."start_date" <= "l"."start_date") AND ("l"."end_date" <= "r"."end_date"))) AS "t1") AS "s" INNER JOIN "clinical_codes" AS "c" ON ("c"."id" = "s"."criterion_id") WHERE ("criterion_domain" = 'condition_occurrence')) AS "t1") AS "first" INNER JOIN (SELECT "context_id", "criterion_id" FROM (SELECT "s".*, "c"."context_id" AS "context_id" FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "person_id", "criterion_id", "criterion_table", "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", "source_value", "source_vocabulary_id", "window_id", "uuid", "visit_occurrence_id" FROM "jtemp116phf7vSquamous_histology_6_1_7c1c3b0825892ef10f8ed1b8bc77f638") AS "t1") AS "s" INNER JOIN "clinical_codes" AS "c" ON ("c"."id" = "s"."criterion_id") WHERE ("criterion_domain" = 'condition_occurrence')) AS "t1") AS "t1" ON (("t1"."context_id" = "first"."context_id") AND ("t1"."criterion_id" != "first"."criterion_id")) INNER JOIN (SELECT "context_id", "criterion_id" FROM (SELECT "s".*, "c"."context_id" AS "context_id" FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "person_id", "criterion_id", "criterion_table", "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", "source_value", "source_vocabulary_id", "window_id", "uuid", "visit_occurrence_id" FROM "jtemp116phf7vNot_death_or_autopsy_6_2_e81af72efa89f03b72fa7dae29a1da99") AS "t1") AS "s" INNER JOIN "clinical_codes" AS "c" ON ("c"."id" = "s"."criterion_id") WHERE ("criterion_domain" = 'condition_occurrence')) AS "t1") AS "t2" ON (("t2"."context_id" = "t1"."context_id") AND ("t2"."criterion_id" != "t1"."criterion_id")) INNER JOIN (SELECT "context_id", "criterion_id" FROM (SELECT "s".*, "c"."context_id" AS "context_id" FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "l".*, "r"."window_id" FROM (SELECT "person_id", "criterion_id", "criterion_table", "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", "source_value", "source_vocabulary_id", "uuid", "visit_occurrence_id" FROM (SELECT "patient_id" AS "person_id", "id" AS "criterion_id", CAST('clinical_codes' AS text) AS "criterion_table", CAST('condition_occurrence' AS text) AS "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", CAST("clinical_code_source_value" AS text) AS "source_value", CAST("clinical_code_vocabulary_id" AS text) AS "source_vocabulary_id", CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "window_id", CAST(NULL AS text) AS "uuid", CAST(NULL AS Bigint) AS "visit_occurrence_id" FROM "clinical_codes" WHERE ("clinical_code_concept_id" IN (SELECT "id" FROM "concepts" WHERE (("vocabulary_id" = 'SEER_DXCONF') AND ("concept_code" IN ('1', '2', '3', '4')))))) AS "t1") AS "l" INNER JOIN (SELECT "person_id", "start_date", "end_date", row_number() OVER (ORDER BY "person_id", "start_date", "end_date") AS "window_id" FROM "jigsaw_temp"."jtemp116phf7v_initial_windows" GROUP BY "person_id", "start_date", "end_date") AS "r" ON (("l"."person_id" = "r"."person_id") AND ("r"."start_date" <= "l"."start_date") AND ("l"."end_date" <= "r"."end_date"))) AS "t1") AS "s" INNER JOIN "clinical_codes" AS "c" ON ("c"."id" = "s"."criterion_id") WHERE ("criterion_domain" = 'condition_occurrence')) AS "t1") AS "t3" ON (("t3"."context_id" = "t2"."context_id") AND ("t3"."criterion_id" != "t2"."criterion_id")) INNER JOIN (SELECT "context_id", "criterion_id" FROM (SELECT "s".*, "c"."context_id" AS "context_id" FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT "person_id", "criterion_id", "criterion_table", "criterion_domain", "start_date", "end_date", "source_value", "source_vocabulary_id", "window_id", "uuid", "visit_occurrence_id" FROM "jtemp116phf7vEsophagus_6_3_8d53d5e8bd26f2cfdce2981c089f6c12") AS "t1") AS "s" INNER JOIN "clinical_codes" AS "c" ON ("c"."id" = "s"."criterion_id") WHERE ("criterion_domain" = 'condition_occurrence')) AS "t1") AS "t4" ON (("t4"."context_id" = "t3"."context_id") AND ("t4"."criterion_id" != "t3"."criterion_id"))) AS "t1";
-- PostgreSQL database dump
-- Dumped from database version 11.2 (Ubuntu 11.2-1.pgdg18.04+1)
-- Dumped by pg_dump version 11.2 (Ubuntu 11.2-1.pgdg18.04+1)
SET statement_timeout = 0;
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SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;
-- Name: esophagus_gdm; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
CREATE SCHEMA esophagus_gdm;
ALTER SCHEMA esophagus_gdm OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: SCHEMA esophagus_gdm; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
COMMENT ON SCHEMA esophagus_gdm IS 'standard public schema';
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = false;
-- Name: addresses; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.addresses (
id bigint NOT NULL,
address_1 text,
address_2 text,
city text,
state text,
zip text,
county text,
census_tract text,
hsa text,
country text
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.addresses OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: admission_details; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.admission_details (
id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
admission_date date NOT NULL,
discharge_date date,
admit_source_concept_id bigint,
discharge_location_concept_id bigint,
admission_type_concept_id bigint
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.admission_details OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: ancestors; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.ancestors (
ancestor_id bigint,
descendant_id bigint
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.ancestors OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: concepts; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.concepts (
id bigint NOT NULL,
vocabulary_id text NOT NULL,
concept_code text NOT NULL,
concept_text text NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.concepts OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: ancestors_view; Type: VIEW; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE VIEW esophagus_gdm.ancestors_view AS
SELECT AS ancestor_id,
c1.vocabulary_id AS ancestor_vocabulary_id,
c1.concept_code AS ancestor_concept_code,
c1.concept_text AS ancestor_concept_text, AS descendant_id,
c2.vocabulary_id AS descendant_vocabulary_id,
c2.concept_code AS descendant_concept_code,
c2.concept_text AS descendant_concept_text
FROM ((esophagus_gdm.ancestors
JOIN esophagus_gdm.concepts c1 ON (( = ancestors.ancestor_id)))
JOIN esophagus_gdm.concepts c2 ON (( = ancestors.descendant_id)))
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.ancestors_view OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: clinical_codes; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes (
id bigint NOT NULL,
collection_id bigint NOT NULL,
context_id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
start_date date NOT NULL,
end_date date,
clinical_code_concept_id bigint NOT NULL,
quantity bigint,
seq_num integer,
provenance_concept_id bigint,
clinical_code_source_value text NOT NULL,
clinical_code_vocabulary_id text NOT NULL,
measurement_detail_id bigint,
drug_exposure_detail_id bigint
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: collections; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.collections (
id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
start_date date NOT NULL,
end_date date,
duration double precision,
duration_unit_concept_id bigint,
facility_id bigint,
admission_detail_id bigint,
collection_type_concept_id bigint
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.collections OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: contexts; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.contexts (
id bigint NOT NULL,
collection_id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
start_date date NOT NULL,
end_date date,
facility_id bigint,
care_site_type_concept_id bigint,
pos_concept_id bigint,
source_type_concept_id bigint NOT NULL,
service_specialty_type_concept_id bigint,
record_type_concept_id bigint NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.contexts OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: contexts_practitioners; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.contexts_practitioners (
context_id bigint NOT NULL,
practitioner_id bigint NOT NULL,
role_type_concept_id text,
specialty_type_concept_id bigint
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.contexts_practitioners OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: costs; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.costs (
id bigint NOT NULL,
context_id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
clinical_code_id bigint,
currency_concept_id bigint NOT NULL,
cost_base text NOT NULL,
value double precision NOT NULL,
value_type_concept_id bigint NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.costs OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: deaths; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.deaths (
id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
date date NOT NULL,
cause_concept_id bigint,
cause_type_concept_id bigint,
practitioner_id bigint
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.deaths OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: drug_exposure_details; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.drug_exposure_details (
id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
refills integer,
days_supply integer,
number_per_day double precision,
dose_form_concept_id bigint,
dose_unit_concept_id bigint,
route_concept_id bigint,
dose_value double precision,
strength_source_value text,
ingredient_source_value text,
drug_name_source_value text
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.drug_exposure_details OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: facilities; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.facilities (
id bigint NOT NULL,
facility_name text,
primary_identifier text,
primary_identifier_type text,
secondary_identifier text,
secondary_identifier_type text,
facility_type_concept_id bigint,
specialty_concept_id bigint,
address_id bigint
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.facilities OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: information_periods; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.information_periods (
id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
start_date date NOT NULL,
end_date date NOT NULL,
information_type_concept_id bigint NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.information_periods OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: mappings; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.mappings (
concept_1_id bigint NOT NULL,
relationship_id text NOT NULL,
concept_2_id bigint NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.mappings OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: mappings_view; Type: VIEW; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE VIEW esophagus_gdm.mappings_view AS
SELECT AS c1_id,
c1.vocabulary_id AS c1_vocabulary_id,
c1.concept_code AS c1_concept_code,
c1.concept_text AS c1_concept_text, AS c2_id,
c2.vocabulary_id AS c2_vocabulary_id,
c2.concept_code AS c2_concept_code,
c2.concept_text AS c2_concept_text
FROM ((esophagus_gdm.mappings
JOIN esophagus_gdm.concepts c1 ON (( = mappings.concept_1_id)))
JOIN esophagus_gdm.concepts c2 ON (( = mappings.concept_2_id)))
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.mappings_view OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: measurement_details; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.measurement_details (
id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
result_as_number double precision,
result_as_string text,
result_as_concept_id bigint,
result_modifier_concept_id bigint,
unit_concept_id bigint,
normal_range_low double precision,
normal_range_high double precision,
normal_range_low_modifier_concept_id bigint,
normal_range_high_modifier_concept_id bigint
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.measurement_details OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: patient_details; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.patient_details (
id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_detail_concept_id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_detail_source_value text NOT NULL,
patient_detail_vocabulary_id text NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.patient_details OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: patients; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.patients (
id bigint NOT NULL,
gender_concept_id bigint,
birth_date date,
race_concept_id bigint,
ethnicity_concept_id bigint,
address_id bigint,
practitioner_id bigint,
patient_id_source_value text NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.patients OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: payer_reimbursements; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.payer_reimbursements (
id bigint NOT NULL,
context_id bigint NOT NULL,
patient_id bigint NOT NULL,
clinical_code_id bigint,
currency_concept_id bigint NOT NULL,
total_charged double precision,
total_paid double precision,
paid_by_payer double precision,
paid_by_patient double precision,
paid_patient_copay double precision,
paid_patient_coinsurance double precision,
paid_patient_deductible double precision,
paid_by_primary double precision,
paid_ingredient_cost double precision,
paid_dispensing_fee double precision,
information_period_id double precision,
amount_allowed double precision
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.payer_reimbursements OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: practitioners; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.practitioners (
id bigint NOT NULL,
practitioner_name text,
primary_identifier text,
primary_identifier_type text,
secondary_identifier text,
secondary_identifier_type text,
specialty_concept_id bigint,
address_id bigint,
birth_date date,
gender_concept_id bigint
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.practitioners OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: vocabularies; Type: TABLE; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE TABLE esophagus_gdm.vocabularies (
id text NOT NULL,
omopv4_vocabulary_id integer NOT NULL,
vocabulary_name text NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE esophagus_gdm.vocabularies OWNER TO ryan;
-- Name: addresses addresses_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.addresses
ADD CONSTRAINT addresses_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: admission_details admission_details_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.admission_details
ADD CONSTRAINT admission_details_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: clinical_codes clinical_codes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes
ADD CONSTRAINT clinical_codes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: collections collections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.collections
ADD CONSTRAINT collections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: concepts concepts_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.concepts
ADD CONSTRAINT concepts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: contexts contexts_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.contexts
ADD CONSTRAINT contexts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: costs costs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.costs
-- Name: deaths deaths_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.deaths
-- Name: drug_exposure_details drug_exposure_details_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.drug_exposure_details
ADD CONSTRAINT drug_exposure_details_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: facilities facilities_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.facilities
ADD CONSTRAINT facilities_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: information_periods information_periods_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.information_periods
ADD CONSTRAINT information_periods_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: measurement_details measurement_details_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.measurement_details
ADD CONSTRAINT measurement_details_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: patient_details patient_details_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.patient_details
ADD CONSTRAINT patient_details_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: patients patients_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.patients
ADD CONSTRAINT patients_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: payer_reimbursements payer_reimbursements_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.payer_reimbursements
ADD CONSTRAINT payer_reimbursements_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: practitioners practitioners_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.practitioners
ADD CONSTRAINT practitioners_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: vocabularies vocabularies_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
ALTER TABLE ONLY esophagus_gdm.vocabularies
ADD CONSTRAINT vocabularies_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: ancestors_ancestor_id_index; Type: INDEX; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE INDEX ancestors_ancestor_id_index ON esophagus_gdm.ancestors USING btree (ancestor_id);
-- Name: clinical_code_concept_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE INDEX clinical_code_concept_id_idx ON esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes USING btree (clinical_code_concept_id);
-- Name: context_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE INDEX context_id_idx ON esophagus_gdm.clinical_codes USING btree (context_id);
-- Name: vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: esophagus_gdm; Owner: ryan
CREATE INDEX vocabulary_id_concept_code_idx ON esophagus_gdm.concepts USING btree (vocabulary_id, concept_code);
-- Name: SCHEMA esophagus_gdm; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
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