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Created September 10, 2015 20:20
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A git config with lots of things going on
# Sample gitconfig
protocol = https
name = Jeremy Friesen
email =
helper = osxkeychain
user = jeremyf
[url ""]
insteadOf = "git://"
protocol = https
amend = "!sh -c 'GIT_EDITOR=vim git commit --amend'"
amend-no-change = "!sh -c 'git commit --amend -C `git sha-head`'"
ban = branch --verbose --all --no-merged
bam = branch --verbose --all --merged
forget = update-index --assume-unchanged
remember = update-index --no-assume-unchanged
expunge = "!sh -c 'git reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all && git gc --prune=now'"
latest-tag = describe --abbrev=0 --tags
sha-head = log --pretty=format:'%H' -1
author-count = "! sh -c 'git shortlog -se | sort -r'"
branch-list = "!sh -c ''"
prune-branches = "! sh -c 'git checkout master && git remote prune origin && git branch --merged | grep -v \"\\*\" | grep -v \"master\" | grep -v \"develop\" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d'"
ci = commit -v -a
st = status
reset-hard = reset --hard HEAD
undo = reset --soft HEAD
ba = branch -a -vv
co = checkout
branch-current = rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --abbrev-ref HEAD
number-of-commits-since-master = "! sh -c 'git log master..`git branch-current` --oneline | wc -l | tr -d \" \"'"
number-of-commits-since-develop = "! sh -c 'git log develop..`git branch-current` --oneline | wc -l | tr -d \" \"'"
# pull-request-message = log --reverse --pretty="format:## %s%n%n%b"
squash = "! sh -c 'GIT_EDITOR=subl git rebase --interactive HEAD~`git number-of-commits-since-master`'"
squash-develop = "! sh -c 'git rebase --interactive HEAD~`git number-of-commits-since-develop`'"
tag-release = "! sh -c 'git tag `date \"+RELEASE-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S\"`'"
release = "! sh -c 'git push origin master:release; git tag-release'"
repull = "! sh -c 'git stash && git pull --rebase'"
sync = "! sh -c 'git repull && git push'"
sync-pop = "! sh -c 'git sync && git stash pop'"
sp = "! sh -c 'git sync && git stash pop'"
plog = log --pretty=format:'%h\t%Cblue%cr%Creset\t%cn\t%Cgreen%s%Creset'
unmerged-edit = "!f() { git ls-files --unmerged | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; atom `f` --wait --one"
edit = "! sh -c 'git status --porcelain | sed \"s/^...//\" | xargs atom --wait --one'"
unmerged-add = "!f() { git ls-files --unmerged | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; git add `f`"
unstage = reset HEAD --
lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(red)%h%Creset — %Creset%s %C(blue)%an, %C(green)(%ar)%Creset'
# Clean up whitespace.
# See
# Fix whitespace in the index while preserving a dirty tree, if
# any.
# Assuming your index is empty, some useful variations are:
# - fix whitespace in all changes in all versioned files:
# git add -u :/ && git fixws && git reset
# - fix whitespace in all unversioned files and in all changes in
# all versioned files:
# git add --all :/ && git fixws && git reset
# Logic:
# The 'git stash save' fails if the tree is clean (instead of
# creating an empty stash :P). So, we only 'stash' and 'pop' if
# the tree is dirty.
# The 'git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~' throws away the commit
# if it's empty, and adding '--keep-empty' prevents the whitespace
# from being fixed. So, we first check that the index is dirty.
# Also:
# - '(! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD)' is true (zero) if
# the index is dirty
# - 'git diff-files --quiet `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`' is
# non-zero if the tree is dirty
# The 'rebase --whitespace=fix' trick is from here:
fixws = !"\
if (! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD); then \
git diff-files --quiet . ; \
export NEED_TO_STASH=$? ; \
git commit -m FIXWS_SAVE_INDEX && \
if [ 1 = $NEED_TO_STASH ] ; then git stash save FIXWS_SAVE_TREE; fi && \
git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~ && \
git reset --soft HEAD~ && \
if [ 1 = $NEED_TO_STASH ] ; then git stash pop; fi ; \
# Fix whitespace in the index and the tree.
# Precede with 'git add -N <files>' to also fix whitespace in
# unversioned files <files>.
# The different cases are:
# - dirty tree and dirty index
# - dirty tree and clean index
# - clean tree and dirty index
# We have to consider separate cases because the 'git rebase
# --whitespace=fix' is not compatible with empty commits (adding
# '--keep-empty' makes Git not fix the whitespace :P).
fixws-global-tree-and-index = !"\
if (! git diff-files --quiet .) && \
(! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD) ; then \
git commit -m FIXWS_SAVE_INDEX && \
git add -u :/ && \
git commit -m FIXWS_SAVE_TREE && \
git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~2 && \
git reset HEAD~ && \
git reset --soft HEAD~ ; \
elif (! git diff-files --quiet .) ; then \
git add -u :/ && \
git commit -m FIXWS_SAVE_TREE && \
git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~ && \
git reset HEAD~ ; \
elif (! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD) ; then \
git commit -m FIXWS_SAVE_INDEX && \
git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~ && \
git reset --soft HEAD~ ; \
# Fix whitespace in the index and the tree.
# BROKEN: Does not work because the 'git rebase --whitespace=fix'
# is not compatible with empty commits (adding '--keep-empty'
# makes Git not fix the whitespace :P).
# fixws-global-tree-and-index =!\
# git commit --allow-empty -m FIXWS_SAVE_INDEX && \
# git add -u :/ && \
# git commit --allow-empty -m FIXWS_SAVE_TREE && \
# git rebase --whitespace=fix --keep-empty HEAD~2 && \
# git reset HEAD~ && \
# git reset --soft HEAD~
# Fix whitespace in local-tree files (sub-tree rooted at current
# dir). Fail gracefully if the index is dirty.
# The if-statements:
# - if index is clean
# - if tree is dirty
fixws-local-tree =!"\
cd \"$GIT_PREFIX\" && \
if git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD ; then \
if ! git diff-files --quiet . ; then \
export GIT_EDITOR=: && \
git -c apply.whitespace=fix add -ue . && \
git checkout . && \
git reset ; \
fi ; \
else \
echo 'Your index is dirty! Bailing ...' >&2 && exit 1 ; \
# Fix whitespace in indexed files. Fail gracefully if the tree is
# dirty.
# We 'cd' to the top-level so that commands are relative the whole
# tree.
# The if-statements:
# - if tree is clean
# - if index is dirty
fixws-index =!"\
cd `git rev-parse --show-toplevel` && \
if git diff-files --quiet . ; then \
if ! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD ; then \
export GIT_EDITOR=: && \
git reset && \
git -c apply.whitespace=fix add -ue . && \
git checkout . ; \
fi ; \
else \
echo 'Your tree is dirty! Bailing ...' >&2 && exit 1 ; \
# Fix whitespace in the index and the local tree (sub-tree rooted
# at current dir).
# The complicated sequencing in the first branch: hide the index
# while fixing the tree, and then hide the tree while fixing the
# index. The 'git stash' is necessary if there are any
# non-indexed changes (not just in the current sub-tree, hence the
# `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`), but fails to create a stash if
# there are no non-indexed changes.
# Can't use 'git stash --keep-index' to save the tree first and
# avoid the 'git commit', since 'git stash' still stashes the
# indexed changes in this case, and so fixing whitespace errors in
# the index causes a conflict on 'git stash pop'.
fixws-local-tree-and-index =!"\
cd \"$GIT_PREFIX\" && \
if (! git diff-files --quiet `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`) && \
(! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD) ; then \
git commit --allow-empty -m FIXWS_SAVE_INDEX && \
git fixws-local-tree && \
git stash save FIXWS_SAVE_TREE && \
git reset --soft 'HEAD^' && \
git fixws-index && \
git stash pop ; \
elif (! git diff-files --quiet .) ; then \
git fixws-local-tree ; \
elif (! git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD) ; then \
git fixws-index ; \
recent = for-each-ref --count=5 --sort=-committerdate --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/
# This simpler version does not work because 'git stash save'
# does not create a stash when the tree is clean. In that case,
# the final 'git stash pop' does not do the right thing!
# git commit --allow-empty -m FIXWS_SAVE_INDEX && \
# git fixws-tree && \
# git stash save FIXWS_SAVE_TREE && \
# git reset --soft 'HEAD^' && \
# git fixws-index && \
# git stash pop
summary = true
default = current
date = local
branch = auto
diff = auto
status = auto
[color "branch"]
current = red reverse
local = red bold
remote = yellow
[color "diff"]
meta = yellow bold
frag = magenta bold
old = red bold
new = green bold
[color "status"]
added = yellow
changed = green
untracked = magenta
whitespace = fix
autosetupmerge = true
extendedRegexp = true
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
editor = atom --wait
stat = true
[filter "media"]
required = true
clean = git media clean %f
smudge = git media smudge %f
pruneduringfetch = true
diffcontext = 7
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