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Created January 16, 2015 15:52
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wU
if ARGV[0] =~ /-h/i
$stdout.puts "Generates a fantasy demographic of workers by population size."
$stdout.puts ''
$stdout.puts "./#{File.basename(__FILE__)} 2000"
$stdout.puts ''
$stdout.puts "Derived from Fantasy Demographics by Robert S Conley, 2010."
$stdout.puts "Released under the Creative Commons License Attribution 3.0 Unported."
$stdout.puts "You can share, remix, as long you give proper Attribution."
$stdout.puts ''
$stdout.puts ""
SIZE = ARGV[0].to_i
# These are broad categories of profession. In the largest medieval settlements
# these were finely divided into bewildering array of guilds each dedicated to a
# different aspect of a trade. For example fletchers for arrows were different
# those who made the arrow shaft which were different than those who made the
# arrow heads. For most games this level of detail is overkill and confusing. I
# grouped similar professions into the same categories. Here I list each broad
# profession and the some of the detailed occupations that can be found under
# that category.
$stdout.puts "Population: #{SIZE}"
["Artist", 965],
["Baker", 202],
["Carpenter", 196],
["Chandler", 509],
["Clerk", 3_929],
["Engineer", 13_750],
["Finesmith", 238],
["Fisherman", 1_078],
["Games", 3_667],
["Glassmaker", 1_375],
["Harper", 6_875],
["Herbalist", 573],
["Jeweler", 276],
["Laborer", 149],
["Leathercrafter", 80],
["Legal", 1_222],
["Luxury", 18_333],
["Mason", 259],
["Mercernary", 3_929],
["Merchant", 243],
["Metalsmith", 529],
["Miller", 275],
["Miner", 1_618],
["Ostler", 322],
["Physician", 289],
["Pilot", 1_774],
["Potter", 2_619],
["Religious", 786],
["Sailor", 4_583],
["Scholar", 353],
["Servant", 154],
["Shipwright", 3_929],
["Tailor", 94],
["Tanner", 1_058],
["Tavern", 130],
["Teamster", 1_122],
["Timber", 833],
["Weaponsmith", 462],
["Weaver", 119]
].each do |profession, threshold|
number_existing = SIZE / threshold
chance_of_one_more = (SIZE - number_existing * threshold) / threshold.to_f
if chance_of_one_more > rand
number_existing += 1
if number_existing > 0
puts "* #{profession} #{number_existing}"
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