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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Home Headlines

The basic shortcode to pull information from another post or page into an area of an issue is [home_headline id=1234] where "1234" is the ID of that page or post.

By default, the shortcode will attempt to pull saved information for headline, subtitle, call to action, URL, and background image. Each of these can be overridden with other attributes of the shortcode.

[home_headline id=12345 headline="My custom headline" subtitle="A custom subtitle" cta="Call to Action" background="" link=""]

Wrappers can be passed as well to wrap the entire home headline section in a container. This wrapper can be a, span, or div. If a, then the entire section will be wrapped in a link. Otherwise, only the call to action text will be wrapped in a link.

  • [home_headline id=12345 wrapper="div" wrapper_class="customwrap"]
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