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Created January 28, 2016 20:50
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import SceneKit
class IcoSphere : Geometry {
// Initialize the data to the Icosahedron
var faceIndices:[Int32] = Icosahedron.faceIndices
var vertices:[SCNVector3] = Icosahedron.vertices
var wireframeIndices:[Int32] = Icosahedron.wireframeIndices
required init(subdivisions:Int) {
// Map string representations to indices (used to avoid duplicate vertices)
var map:[String:Int32] = [String:Int32]()
// For as many subdivisions do the following...
for _ in 0..<subdivisions {
// Copy of the face indices because the list is re-created on each iteration
let faces = faceIndices
wireframeIndices = []
faceIndices = []
// Loop through each of the faces (triangles)
for var i = 0; i <= faces.count - 3; i+=3 {
// Make a reference to each vertex index in a triangle
let vertexIndex1 = Int(faces[i])
let vertexIndex2 = Int(faces[i+1])
let vertexIndex3 = Int(faces[i+2])
// Make a reference to each of the actual vertices
// These three vertices make up the lines of a triangle
let v1 = vertices[vertexIndex1]
let v2 = vertices[vertexIndex2]
let v3 = vertices[vertexIndex3]
// Get the midpoint between each of the lines of the triangle
// Combined with the three vertices above, these are the six points of a subdivided triangle
let a = SCNVector3.getMidpoint(v1, v2: v2).normalized()
let b = SCNVector3.getMidpoint(v2, v2: v3).normalized()
let c = SCNVector3.getMidpoint(v3, v2: v1).normalized()
// Add new vertices to list only if they don't already exist
var indices:[Int32] = [Int32(vertexIndex1), Int32(vertexIndex2), Int32(vertexIndex3)]
for v in [a, b, c] {
if let idx = map[v.string()] {
} else {
let idx:Int32 = Int32(vertices.count)
map[v.string()] = idx
// Create new faces
indices[0], indices[3], indices[5],
indices[1], indices[4], indices[3],
indices[2], indices[5], indices[4],
indices[3], indices[4], indices[5]
// Create new pairs of points for the wireframe
indices[0], indices[3],
indices[3], indices[5],
indices[5], indices[0],
indices[3], indices[1],
indices[1], indices[4],
indices[4], indices[3],
indices[4], indices[2],
indices[2], indices[5],
indices[5], indices[4],
indices[3], indices[4],
indices[4], indices[5],
indices[5], indices[3]
lazy var wireframe:SCNGeometry = {
return self.createGeometry(
self.vertices, indices: self.wireframeIndices,
primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType.Line)
lazy var faces:SCNGeometry = {
return self.createGeometry(
self.vertices, indices: self.faceIndices,
primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType.Triangles)
lazy var points:SCNGeometry = {
return self.createGeometry(
self.vertices, indices: self.wireframeIndices, primitiveType: SCNGeometryPrimitiveType.Point)
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