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Created January 28, 2016 21:03
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from vec import Vec
from random import randrange
from operator import itemgetter
# The raw data points
raw_data = [
(41, 45),(39, 44),(42, 43),(44, 43),(10, 42),(38, 42),
(8, 41),(41, 41),(13, 40),(45, 40),(7, 39),(38, 39),
(42, 39),(9, 38),(12, 38),(19, 38),(25, 38),(6, 37),
(13, 35),(9, 34),(12, 34),(32, 27),(26, 25),(39, 24),
(34, 23),(37, 23),(22, 22),(38, 21),(35, 20),(31, 18),
(26, 16),(38, 13),(29, 11),(34, 11),(37, 10),(40, 9),(42, 9)
# Create vectors
data = [Vec(x, y) for x, y in raw_data]
# Find the min and max range of data-points
minX = min(raw_data, key=itemgetter(0))[0]
maxX = max(raw_data, key=itemgetter(0))[0]
minY = min(raw_data, key=itemgetter(1))[1]
maxY = max(raw_data, key=itemgetter(1))[1]
# Define the number of clusters
k = 4
# A dictionary of clusters
clusters = {}
# Count the number of iterations until convergence
iterations = 0
# Will be used to determine if the algorithm is complete
convergence = False
# Initialize the means to random points in the general range of our dataset
means = [Vec(randrange(minX, maxX), randrange(minY, maxY)) for x in range(k)]
while convergence is False:
iterations += 1
clusters = {i : [] for i in range(0,k)}
for v in data:
cluster = -1
distance = float('inf')
for i in range(len(means)):
d = Vec.distance(v, means[i])
if d < distance:
distance = d
cluster = i
# Create a list to store the new means
new_means = []
for key in clusters:
# Sum the vectors in each cluster
summed =
cluster = clusters[key]
for v in cluster:
summed += v
# Find the mean of all the vectors in each cluster
count = len(cluster)
if count > 0:
new_means.append(summed / Vec(count, count))
# If the new means are the same as the old, the algorithm has converged
convergence = means == new_means
# Otherwise, reset the means and run another iteration
means = new_means
for k in clusters:
print('Cluster %d' % (k+1))
print('Finished in %d iterations' % iterations)
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