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Created May 10, 2012 15:55
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A small collection of useful git commands for beginners.
# This is a handful of git commands I use on a daily basis, some of
# which are pretty basic, some of which took a little research to
# figure out how to do (so hopefully this is a time saver). It's
# by no means an exhaustive list as git is really freaking robust.
# logs
# unmerged differences between dev and master (not including extra master commits)
$ git log
# unmerged differences between dev and master (including extra master commits)
$ git log
# nice visual changelog (thanks @jperras)
# add this alias
$ git config --global alias.lg "log --decorate --stat --graph --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%Creset (%ar - %Cred%an%Creset), %s%n'"
# then from now on
$ git lg
# working
# amend last commit
$ git commit --amend
# stash changes for later (use -u to store files not in the index)
$ git stash save "Working on this feature"
# view a diff of that stash
$ git show stash@{0}
# store portions of a changed file in the index
$ git add -p
# remove portions of a changed file from the index
$ git reset -p
# after deleting or renaming a ton of files, remove them all from the index
$ git rm `git ls-files -d`
# view a diff of files in the index
$ git diff --cached
# branches
# create and checkout a new branch
$ git checkout -b newbranch
# remove a branch (locally and remotely)
$ git branch -d newbranch
$ git push origin :newbranch
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