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Last active December 18, 2015 10:39
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  • Save jeremyheiler/5770079 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jeremyheiler/5770079 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(require '[paprika.core :as adn])
;; This returns a sequence your of vectors, one for each of the people you follow.
;; Each vector contains the user's username and the date of their last post.
;; The sequence is in ascending order by the date of their last post
;; Careful, though. The lookup is N+1.
(sort-by first
(map (juxt :created-at #(get-in % [:user :username]))
(apply concat
(map #(adn/lookup-user-posts % {:count 1 :access-token t}))
(adn/lookup-following-ids "me" {:access-token t}))))
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(sort-by first
  (map (juxt :created-at #(get-in % [:user :username]))
    (apply concat
      (map #(:data (adn/lookup-user-posts % {:count 1 :access-token t})))
        (:data (adn/lookup-following-ids "me" {:access-token t})))))

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Potential return options:

(lookup-user "@jeremyheiler" {:return :data}) ;; default
(lookup-user "@jeremyheiler" {:return :envelope})
(lookup-user "@jeremyheiler" {:return :response})

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Using a combined monadic bind + thread-last operator:

(m/->> adn/Either
  (adn/lookup-following-ids "me" {:access-token t})
  (map #(adn/lookup-user-posts % {:count 1 :access-token t}))
  (apply concat)
  (map (juxt :created-at #(get-in % [:user :username]))
  (sort-by first))

(Using core's thread-last ->> macro would flatten out the nesting in your examples a lot.)

I based this off distant memories of the monad stuff in Marick's fp-oo book. The adn/Either tells the monad library which monad function implementations to use. adn/Either would be a Paprika-specific Either that knows to treat :data as Right and :error as Left. Its bind either extracts Right and feeds that to the function, or skips invoking the function and returns Left directly.


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(->> (:data (p/lookup-following-ids "me" {:token t})) (map #(:data (p/lookup-user-posts % {:count 1 :token t}))) (apply concat) (map (juxt :created-at #(get-in % [:user :username]))) (sort-by first))

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