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Last active March 2, 2016 02:50
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Hello World

This post walks through the Pony "hello world" program.


First, the program in all its glory.

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    env.out.print("Hello, World")



Pony's concurrency model is based on actors. In essence, an actor is an object that guarantees that all of its methods are executed sequentially in a single thread. You don't need to fully understand this in order to understand the "Hello World" program, though. Just note that every Pony program requires there to be one actor named Main in order to work properly.


The new keyword signifies that the program is defining a constructor. In this case, the constructor will return a new instance of the Main actor. Because this is the Main actor, the constructor must be named create. However, in general, except for a few other constraints*, the name of the constructor can be whatever the programmer wishes.

This constructor also requires there to be a single argument with the type Env. Since this is a constructor, the return type is implicitly the type of the actor that defines it. In this case, that is the type Main. Finally, the => denotes that the body of the constructor begins.

Code Blocks

For this program, the body of the constructor is a single line of code that prints the text "Hello, World" to standard out. Pony does not have any global variables, thus anything about the program's environment that's typically global is provided by the Env instance passed into the constructor.

The Env instance, referenced by the env variable, has a field named out that references standard out, and is accessed by dot notation. Lets not concern ourselves with the type of the out field, but note that it has a method called print that is accepting a String literal. Methods are also accessed by dot notation. The difference between field and method access is that methods require parenthesis after the name. The print method will then print the provided string to standard out followed by a new line character.

Compile and Run

The Pony compiler will create an executable that instantiates and instance of an actor of type Main using the create constructor.

This assumes you have the Pony compiler ponyc installed and that you're currently in a directory named hello.

$ pwd
$ ls
$ cat main.pony
actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    env.out.print("Hello, World")
hello:$ ponyc
Building . -> /Users/jeremy/src/pony/hello
Building builtin -> /usr/local/Cellar/ponyc/0.2.1/packages/builtin
Writing ./hello.o
Linking ./hello
$ ls
hello      hello.dSYM main.pony
$ ./hello
Hello, World


Q: Is whitespace significant like in Python?
A: No. The indentation in this program is by convention.

Q: Why doesn't the constructor body need an "end" token?
A: Every constructor definition begins with the new keyword. If another constructor followed the create constructor, the compiler would see another new and start defining another constructor. (For methods the keyword is fun, and the keywords for fields are let and var.)

Q: Why is the executable named hello?
A: By default ponyc uses the name of the directory it is invoked in.

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