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Last active October 4, 2019 18:38
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Branch Library Pretty Source
(function() {// Input 0
var $jscomp = {scope:{}};
$jscomp.defineProperty = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, b, c) {
if (c.get || c.set) {
throw new TypeError("ES3 does not support getters and setters.");
a != Array.prototype && a != Object.prototype && (a[b] = c.value);
$jscomp.getGlobal = function(a) {
return "undefined" != typeof window && window === a ? a : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ? global : a;
$ = $jscomp.getGlobal(this);
$jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX = "jscomp_symbol_";
$jscomp.initSymbol = function() {
$jscomp.initSymbol = function() {
$ || ($ = $jscomp.Symbol);
$jscomp.symbolCounter_ = 0;
$jscomp.Symbol = function(a) {
return $jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX + (a || "") + $jscomp.symbolCounter_++;
$jscomp.initSymbolIterator = function() {
var a = $;
a || (a = $ = $"iterator"));
"function" != typeof Array.prototype[a] && $jscomp.defineProperty(Array.prototype, a, {configurable:!0, writable:!0, value:function() {
return $jscomp.arrayIterator(this);
$jscomp.initSymbolIterator = function() {
$jscomp.arrayIterator = function(a) {
var b = 0;
return $jscomp.iteratorPrototype(function() {
return b < a.length ? {done:!1, value:a[b++]} : {done:!0};
$jscomp.iteratorPrototype = function(a) {
a = {next:a};
a[$] = function() {
return this;
return a;
$jscomp.array = $jscomp.array || {};
$jscomp.iteratorFromArray = function(a, b) {
a instanceof String && (a += "");
var c = 0, d = {next:function() {
if (c < a.length) {
var e = c++;
return {value:b(e, a[e]), done:!1};
} = function() {
return {done:!0, value:void 0};
d[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return d;
return d;
$jscomp.polyfill = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (b) {
c = $;
a = a.split(".");
for (d = 0;d < a.length - 1;d++) {
var e = a[d];
e in c || (c[e] = {});
c = c[e];
a = a[a.length - 1];
d = c[a];
b = b(d);
b != d && null != b && $jscomp.defineProperty(c, a, {configurable:!0, writable:!0, value:b});
$jscomp.checkStringArgs = function(a, b, c) {
if (null == a) {
throw new TypeError("The 'this' value for String.prototype." + c + " must not be null or undefined");
if (b instanceof RegExp) {
throw new TypeError("First argument to String.prototype." + c + " must not be a regular expression");
return a + "";
$jscomp.polyfill("String.prototype.includes", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(a, c) {
return -1 !== $jscomp.checkStringArgs(this, a, "includes").indexOf(a, c || 0);
}, "es6-impl", "es3");
$jscomp.polyfill("Number.isFinite", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(a) {
return "number" !== typeof a ? !1 : !isNaN(a) && Infinity !== a && -Infinity !== a;
}, "es6-impl", "es3");
$jscomp.polyfill("Number.isInteger", function(a) {
return a ? a : function(a) {
return Number.isFinite(a) ? a === Math.floor(a) : !1;
}, "es6-impl", "es3");
var COMPILED = !0, goog = goog || {}; = this;
goog.isDef = function(a) {
return void 0 !== a;
goog.exportPath_ = function(a, b, c) {
a = a.split(".");
c = c ||;
a[0] in c || !c.execScript || c.execScript("var " + a[0]);
for (var d;a.length && (d = a.shift());) {
!a.length && goog.isDef(b) ? c[d] = b : c = c[d] &&, d) ? c[d] : c[d] = {};
goog.define = function(a, b) {
var c = b;
COMPILED || ( &&, a) ? c =[a] : &&, a) && (c =[a]));
goog.exportPath_(a, c);
goog.DEBUG = !0;
goog.LOCALE = "en";
goog.TRUSTED_SITE = !0;
goog.provide = function(a) {
if (goog.isInModuleLoader_()) {
throw Error("goog.provide can not be used within a goog.module.");
if (!COMPILED && goog.isProvided_(a)) {
throw Error('Namespace "' + a + '" already declared.');
goog.constructNamespace_ = function(a, b) {
if (!COMPILED) {
delete goog.implicitNamespaces_[a];
for (var c = a;(c = c.substring(0, c.lastIndexOf("."))) && !goog.getObjectByName(c);) {
goog.implicitNamespaces_[c] = !0;
goog.exportPath_(a, b);
goog.VALID_MODULE_RE_ = /^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9._$]*$/;
goog.module = function(a) {
if (!goog.isString(a) || !a || -1 == {
throw Error("Invalid module identifier");
if (!goog.isInModuleLoader_()) {
throw Error("Module " + a + " has been loaded incorrectly. Note, modules cannot be loaded as normal scripts. They require some kind of pre-processing step. You're likely trying to load a module via a script tag or as a part of a concatenated bundle without rewriting the module. For more info see:");
if (goog.moduleLoaderState_.moduleName) {
throw Error("goog.module may only be called once per module.");
goog.moduleLoaderState_.moduleName = a;
if (!COMPILED) {
if (goog.isProvided_(a)) {
throw Error('Namespace "' + a + '" already declared.');
delete goog.implicitNamespaces_[a];
goog.module.get = function(a) {
return goog.module.getInternal_(a);
goog.module.getInternal_ = function(a) {
if (!COMPILED) {
if (a in goog.loadedModules_) {
return goog.loadedModules_[a];
if (!goog.implicitNamespaces_[a]) {
return a = goog.getObjectByName(a), null != a ? a : null;
return null;
goog.moduleLoaderState_ = null;
goog.isInModuleLoader_ = function() {
return null != goog.moduleLoaderState_;
goog.module.declareLegacyNamespace = function() {
if (!COMPILED && !goog.isInModuleLoader_()) {
throw Error("goog.module.declareLegacyNamespace must be called from within a goog.module");
if (!COMPILED && !goog.moduleLoaderState_.moduleName) {
throw Error("goog.module must be called prior to goog.module.declareLegacyNamespace.");
goog.moduleLoaderState_.declareLegacyNamespace = !0;
goog.setTestOnly = function(a) {
throw a = a || "", Error("Importing test-only code into non-debug environment" + (a ? ": " + a : "."));
goog.forwardDeclare = function(a) {
COMPILED || (goog.isProvided_ = function(a) {
return a in goog.loadedModules_ || !goog.implicitNamespaces_[a] && goog.isDefAndNotNull(goog.getObjectByName(a));
}, goog.implicitNamespaces_ = {"goog.module":!0});
goog.getObjectByName = function(a, b) {
for (var c = a.split("."), d = b ||, e;e = c.shift();) {
if (goog.isDefAndNotNull(d[e])) {
d = d[e];
} else {
return null;
return d;
goog.globalize = function(a, b) {
var c = b ||, d;
for (d in a) {
c[d] = a[d];
goog.addDependency = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e;
a = a.replace(/\\/g, "/");
var f = goog.dependencies_;
d && "boolean" !== typeof d || (d = d ? {module:"goog"} : {});
for (var g = 0;e = b[g];g++) {
f.nameToPath[e] = a, f.loadFlags[a] = d;
for (d = 0;b = c[d];d++) {
a in f.requires || (f.requires[a] = {}), f.requires[a][b] = !0;
goog.logToConsole_ = function(a) { &&;
goog.require = function(a) {
if (!COMPILED) {
goog.ENABLE_DEBUG_LOADER && goog.IS_OLD_IE_ && goog.maybeProcessDeferredDep_(a);
if (goog.isProvided_(a)) {
if (goog.isInModuleLoader_()) {
return goog.module.getInternal_(a);
} else {
var b = goog.getPathFromDeps_(a);
if (b) {
} else {
throw a = "goog.require could not find: " + a, goog.logToConsole_(a), Error(a);
return null;
goog.basePath = "";
goog.nullFunction = function() {
goog.abstractMethod = function() {
throw Error("unimplemented abstract method");
goog.addSingletonGetter = function(a) {
a.instance_ = void 0;
a.getInstance = function() {
if (a.instance_) {
return a.instance_;
goog.DEBUG && (goog.instantiatedSingletons_[goog.instantiatedSingletons_.length] = a);
return a.instance_ = new a;
goog.instantiatedSingletons_ = [];
goog.loadedModules_ = {};
goog.TRANSPILE = "detect";
goog.TRANSPILER = "transpile.js";
goog.DEPENDENCIES_ENABLED && (goog.dependencies_ = {loadFlags:{}, nameToPath:{}, requires:{}, visited:{}, written:{}, deferred:{}}, goog.inHtmlDocument_ = function() {
var a =;
return null != a && "write" in a;
}, goog.findBasePath_ = function() {
if (goog.isDef( {
goog.basePath =;
} else {
if (goog.inHtmlDocument_()) {
for (var a ="SCRIPT"), b = a.length - 1;0 <= b;--b) {
var c = a[b].src, d = c.lastIndexOf("?"), d = -1 == d ? c.length : d;
if ("base.js" == c.substr(d - 7, 7)) {
goog.basePath = c.substr(0, d - 7);
}, goog.importScript_ = function(a, b) {
( || goog.writeScriptTag_)(a, b) && (goog.dependencies_.written[a] = !0);
}, goog.IS_OLD_IE_ = !( || ! || !, goog.importProcessedScript_ = function(a, b, c) {
goog.importScript_("", 'goog.retrieveAndExec_("' + a + '", ' + b + ", " + c + ");");
}, goog.queuedModules_ = [], goog.wrapModule_ = function(a, b) {
return goog.LOAD_MODULE_USING_EVAL && goog.isDef( ? "goog.loadModule(" + + "\n//# sourceURL=" + a + "\n") + ");" : 'goog.loadModule(function(exports) {"use strict";' + b + "\n;return exports});\n//# sourceURL=" + a + "\n";
}, goog.loadQueuedModules_ = function() {
var a = goog.queuedModules_.length;
if (0 < a) {
var b = goog.queuedModules_;
goog.queuedModules_ = [];
for (var c = 0;c < a;c++) {
}, goog.maybeProcessDeferredDep_ = function(a) {
goog.isDeferredModule_(a) && goog.allDepsAreAvailable_(a) && (a = goog.getPathFromDeps_(a), goog.maybeProcessDeferredPath_(goog.basePath + a));
}, goog.isDeferredModule_ = function(a) {
var b = (a = goog.getPathFromDeps_(a)) && goog.dependencies_.loadFlags[a] || {}, c = b.lang || "es3";
return a && ("goog" == b.module || goog.needsTranspile_(c)) ? goog.basePath + a in goog.dependencies_.deferred : !1;
}, goog.allDepsAreAvailable_ = function(a) {
if ((a = goog.getPathFromDeps_(a)) && a in goog.dependencies_.requires) {
for (var b in goog.dependencies_.requires[a]) {
if (!goog.isProvided_(b) && !goog.isDeferredModule_(b)) {
return !1;
return !0;
}, goog.maybeProcessDeferredPath_ = function(a) {
if (a in goog.dependencies_.deferred) {
var b = goog.dependencies_.deferred[a];
delete goog.dependencies_.deferred[a];
}, goog.loadModuleFromUrl = function(a) {
goog.retrieveAndExec_(a, !0, !1);
}, goog.writeScriptSrcNode_ = function(a) {'<script type="text/javascript" src="' + a + '">\x3c/script>');
}, goog.appendScriptSrcNode_ = function(a) {
var b =, c = b.createElement("script");
c.type = "text/javascript";
c.src = a;
c.defer = !1;
c.async = !1;
}, goog.writeScriptTag_ = function(a, b) {
if (goog.inHtmlDocument_()) {
var c =;
if (!goog.ENABLE_CHROME_APP_SAFE_SCRIPT_LOADING && "complete" == c.readyState) {
if (/\bdeps.js$/.test(a)) {
return !1;
throw Error('Cannot write "' + a + '" after document load');
if (void 0 === b) {
if (goog.IS_OLD_IE_) {
var d = " onreadystatechange='goog.onScriptLoad_(this, " + ++goog.lastNonModuleScriptIndex_ + ")' ";
c.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + a + '"' + d + ">\x3c/script>");
} else {
goog.ENABLE_CHROME_APP_SAFE_SCRIPT_LOADING ? goog.appendScriptSrcNode_(a) : goog.writeScriptSrcNode_(a);
} else {
c.write('<script type="text/javascript">' + goog.protectScriptTag_(b) + "\x3c/script>");
return !0;
return !1;
}, goog.protectScriptTag_ = function(a) {
return a.replace(/<\/(SCRIPT)/ig, "\\x3c\\$1");
}, goog.needsTranspile_ = function(a) {
if ("always" == goog.TRANSPILE) {
return !0;
if ("never" == goog.TRANSPILE) {
return !1;
goog.requiresTranspilation_ || (goog.requiresTranspilation_ = goog.createRequiresTranspilation_());
if (a in goog.requiresTranspilation_) {
return goog.requiresTranspilation_[a];
throw Error("Unknown language mode: " + a);
}, goog.requiresTranspilation_ = null, goog.lastNonModuleScriptIndex_ = 0, goog.onScriptLoad_ = function(a, b) {
"complete" == a.readyState && goog.lastNonModuleScriptIndex_ == b && goog.loadQueuedModules_();
return !0;
}, goog.writeScripts_ = function(a) {
function b(a) {
if (!(a in e.written || a in e.visited)) {
e.visited[a] = !0;
if (a in e.requires) {
for (var f in e.requires[a]) {
if (!goog.isProvided_(f)) {
if (f in e.nameToPath) {
} else {
throw Error("Undefined nameToPath for " + f);
a in d || (d[a] = !0, c.push(a));
var c = [], d = {}, e = goog.dependencies_;
for (a = 0;a < c.length;a++) {
var f = c[a];
goog.dependencies_.written[f] = !0;
var g = goog.moduleLoaderState_;
goog.moduleLoaderState_ = null;
for (a = 0;a < c.length;a++) {
if (f = c[a]) {
var h = e.loadFlags[f] || {}, k = goog.needsTranspile_(h.lang || "es3");
"goog" == h.module || k ? goog.importProcessedScript_(goog.basePath + f, "goog" == h.module, k) : goog.importScript_(goog.basePath + f);
} else {
throw goog.moduleLoaderState_ = g, Error("Undefined script input");
goog.moduleLoaderState_ = g;
}, goog.getPathFromDeps_ = function(a) {
return a in goog.dependencies_.nameToPath ? goog.dependencies_.nameToPath[a] : null;
}, goog.findBasePath_(), || goog.importScript_(goog.basePath + "deps.js"));
goog.hasBadLetScoping = null;
goog.useSafari10Workaround = function() {
if (null == goog.hasBadLetScoping) {
var a;
try {
a = !eval('"use strict";let x = 1; function f() { return typeof x; };f() == "number";');
} catch (b) {
a = !1;
goog.hasBadLetScoping = a;
return goog.hasBadLetScoping;
goog.workaroundSafari10EvalBug = function(a) {
return "(function(){" + a + "\n;})();\n";
goog.loadModule = function(a) {
var b = goog.moduleLoaderState_;
try {
goog.moduleLoaderState_ = {moduleName:void 0, declareLegacyNamespace:!1};
var c;
if (goog.isFunction(a)) {
c = 0, {});
} else {
if (goog.isString(a)) {
goog.useSafari10Workaround() && (a = goog.workaroundSafari10EvalBug(a)), c = 0, a);
} else {
throw Error("Invalid module definition");
var d = goog.moduleLoaderState_.moduleName;
if (!goog.isString(d) || !d) {
throw Error('Invalid module name "' + d + '"');
goog.moduleLoaderState_.declareLegacyNamespace ? goog.constructNamespace_(d, c) : goog.SEAL_MODULE_EXPORTS && Object.seal && "object" == typeof c && null != c && Object.seal(c);
goog.loadedModules_[d] = c;
} finally {
goog.moduleLoaderState_ = b;
goog.loadModuleFromSource_ = function(a) {
return {};
goog.normalizePath_ = function(a) {
a = a.split("/");
for (var b = 0;b < a.length;) {
"." == a[b] ? a.splice(b, 1) : b && ".." == a[b] && a[b - 1] && ".." != a[b - 1] ? a.splice(--b, 2) : b++;
return a.join("/");
goog.loadFileSync_ = function(a) {
if ( {
try {
var b = new;"get", a, !1);
return 0 == b.status || 200 == b.status ? b.responseText : null;
} catch (c) {
return null;
goog.retrieveAndExec_ = function(a, b, c) {
if (!COMPILED) {
var d = a;
a = goog.normalizePath_(a);
var e = || goog.writeScriptTag_, f = goog.loadFileSync_(a);
if (null == f) {
throw Error('Load of "' + a + '" failed');
c && (f =, f, a));
f = b ? goog.wrapModule_(a, f) : f + ("\n//# sourceURL=" + a);
goog.IS_OLD_IE_ ? (goog.dependencies_.deferred[d] = f, goog.queuedModules_.push(d)) : e(a, f);
goog.transpile_ = function(a, b) {
var c =$jscomp;
c || ($jscomp = c = {});
var d = c.transpile;
if (!d) {
var e = goog.basePath + goog.TRANSPILER, f = goog.loadFileSync_(e);
if (f) {
eval(f + "\n//# sourceURL=" + e);
if ($gwtExport &&$gwtExport.$jscomp && !$gwtExport.$jscomp.transpile) {
throw Error('The transpiler did not properly export the "transpile" method. $gwtExport: ' + JSON.stringify($gwtExport));
}$jscomp.transpile =$gwtExport.$jscomp.transpile;
c =$jscomp;
d = c.transpile;
d || (d = c.transpile = function(a, b) {
goog.logToConsole_(b + " requires transpilation but no transpiler was found.");
return a;
return d(a, b);
goog.typeOf = function(a) {
var b = typeof a;
if ("object" == b) {
if (a) {
if (a instanceof Array) {
return "array";
if (a instanceof Object) {
return b;
var c =;
if ("[object Window]" == c) {
return "object";
if ("[object Array]" == c || "number" == typeof a.length && "undefined" != typeof a.splice && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) {
return "array";
if ("[object Function]" == c || "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call")) {
return "function";
} else {
return "null";
} else {
if ("function" == b && "undefined" == typeof {
return "object";
return b;
goog.isNull = function(a) {
return null === a;
goog.isDefAndNotNull = function(a) {
return null != a;
goog.isArray = function(a) {
return "array" == goog.typeOf(a);
goog.isArrayLike = function(a) {
var b = goog.typeOf(a);
return "array" == b || "object" == b && "number" == typeof a.length;
goog.isDateLike = function(a) {
return goog.isObject(a) && "function" == typeof a.getFullYear;
goog.isString = function(a) {
return "string" == typeof a;
goog.isBoolean = function(a) {
return "boolean" == typeof a;
goog.isNumber = function(a) {
return "number" == typeof a;
goog.isFunction = function(a) {
return "function" == goog.typeOf(a);
goog.isObject = function(a) {
var b = typeof a;
return "object" == b && null != a || "function" == b;
goog.getUid = function(a) {
return a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_] || (a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_] = ++goog.uidCounter_);
goog.hasUid = function(a) {
return !!a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_];
goog.removeUid = function(a) {
null !== a && "removeAttribute" in a && a.removeAttribute(goog.UID_PROPERTY_);
try {
delete a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_];
} catch (b) {
goog.UID_PROPERTY_ = "closure_uid_" + (1e9 * Math.random() >>> 0);
goog.uidCounter_ = 0;
goog.getHashCode = goog.getUid;
goog.removeHashCode = goog.removeUid;
goog.cloneObject = function(a) {
var b = goog.typeOf(a);
if ("object" == b || "array" == b) {
if (a.clone) {
return a.clone();
var b = "array" == b ? [] : {}, c;
for (c in a) {
b[c] = goog.cloneObject(a[c]);
return b;
return a;
goog.bindNative_ = function(a, b, c) {
return, arguments);
goog.bindJs_ = function(a, b, c) {
if (!a) {
throw Error();
if (2 < arguments.length) {
var d =, 2);
return function() {
var c =;
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(c, d);
return a.apply(b, c);
return function() {
return a.apply(b, arguments);
goog.bind = function(a, b, c) {
Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? goog.bind = goog.bindNative_ : goog.bind = goog.bindJs_;
return goog.bind.apply(null, arguments);
goog.partial = function(a, b) {
var c =, 1);
return function() {
var b = c.slice();
b.push.apply(b, arguments);
return a.apply(this, b);
goog.mixin = function(a, b) {
for (var c in b) {
a[c] = b[c];
}; = goog.TRUSTED_SITE && || function() {
return +new Date;
goog.globalEval = function(a) {
if ( {, "JavaScript");
} else {
if ( {
if (null == goog.evalWorksForGlobals_) {
if ("var _evalTest_ = 1;"), "undefined" != typeof {
try {
} catch (d) {
goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ = !0;
} else {
goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ = !1;
if (goog.evalWorksForGlobals_) {;
} else {
var b =, c = b.createElement("SCRIPT");
c.type = "text/javascript";
c.defer = !1;
} else {
throw Error("goog.globalEval not available");
goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ = null;
goog.getCssName = function(a, b) {
if ("." == String(a).charAt(0)) {
throw Error('className passed in goog.getCssName must not start with ".". You passed: ' + a);
var c = function(a) {
return goog.cssNameMapping_[a] || a;
}, d = function(a) {
a = a.split("-");
for (var b = [], d = 0;d < a.length;d++) {
return b.join("-");
}, d = goog.cssNameMapping_ ? "BY_WHOLE" == goog.cssNameMappingStyle_ ? c : d : function(a) {
return a;
}, d = b ? a + "-" + d(b) : d(a);
return ? : d;
goog.setCssNameMapping = function(a, b) {
goog.cssNameMapping_ = a;
goog.cssNameMappingStyle_ = b;
!COMPILED && && (goog.cssNameMapping_ =;
goog.getMsg = function(a, b) {
b && (a = a.replace(/\{\$([^}]+)}/g, function(a, d) {
return null != b && d in b ? b[d] : a;
return a;
goog.getMsgWithFallback = function(a, b) {
return a;
goog.exportSymbol = function(a, b, c) {
goog.exportPath_(a, b, c);
goog.exportProperty = function(a, b, c) {
a[b] = c;
goog.inherits = function(a, b) {
function c() {
c.prototype = b.prototype;
a.superClass_ = b.prototype;
a.prototype = new c;
a.prototype.constructor = a;
a.base = function(a, c, f) {
for (var d = Array(arguments.length - 2), e = 2;e < arguments.length;e++) {
d[e - 2] = arguments[e];
return b.prototype[c].apply(a, d);
goog.base = function(a, b, c) {
var d = arguments.callee.caller;
if (goog.STRICT_MODE_COMPATIBLE || goog.DEBUG && !d) {
throw Error("arguments.caller not defined. goog.base() cannot be used with strict mode code. See");
if (d.superClass_) {
for (var e = Array(arguments.length - 1), f = 1;f < arguments.length;f++) {
e[f - 1] = arguments[f];
return d.superClass_.constructor.apply(a, e);
e = Array(arguments.length - 2);
for (f = 2;f < arguments.length;f++) {
e[f - 2] = arguments[f];
for (var f = !1, g = a.constructor;g;g = g.superClass_ && g.superClass_.constructor) {
if (g.prototype[b] === d) {
f = !0;
} else {
if (f) {
return g.prototype[b].apply(a, e);
if (a[b] === d) {
return a.constructor.prototype[b].apply(a, e);
throw Error("goog.base called from a method of one name to a method of a different name");
goog.scope = function(a) {
if (goog.isInModuleLoader_()) {
throw Error("goog.scope is not supported within a goog.module.");
goog.defineClass = function(a, b) {
var c = b.constructor, d = b.statics;
c && c != Object.prototype.constructor || (c = function() {
throw Error("cannot instantiate an interface (no constructor defined).");
c = goog.defineClass.createSealingConstructor_(c, a);
a && goog.inherits(c, a);
delete b.constructor;
delete b.statics;
goog.defineClass.applyProperties_(c.prototype, b);
null != d && (d instanceof Function ? d(c) : goog.defineClass.applyProperties_(c, d));
return c;
goog.defineClass.SEAL_CLASS_INSTANCES = goog.DEBUG;
goog.defineClass.createSealingConstructor_ = function(a, b) {
if (!goog.defineClass.SEAL_CLASS_INSTANCES) {
return a;
var c = !goog.defineClass.isUnsealable_(b), d = function() {
var b = a.apply(this, arguments) || this;
b[goog.UID_PROPERTY_] = b[goog.UID_PROPERTY_];
this.constructor === d && c && Object.seal instanceof Function && Object.seal(b);
return b;
return d;
goog.defineClass.isUnsealable_ = function(a) {
return a && a.prototype && a.prototype[goog.UNSEALABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTY_];
goog.defineClass.OBJECT_PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_ = "constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf".split(" ");
goog.defineClass.applyProperties_ = function(a, b) {
for (var c in b) {, c) && (a[c] = b[c]);
for (var d = 0;d < goog.defineClass.OBJECT_PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_.length;d++) {
c = goog.defineClass.OBJECT_PROTOTYPE_FIELDS_[d],, c) && (a[c] = b[c]);
goog.tagUnsealableClass = function(a) {
!COMPILED && goog.defineClass.SEAL_CLASS_INSTANCES && (a.prototype[goog.UNSEALABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTY_] = !0);
goog.UNSEALABLE_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTY_ = "goog_defineClass_legacy_unsealable";
goog.createRequiresTranspilation_ = function() {
function a(a, b) {
d ? c[a] = !0 : b() ? c[a] = !1 : d = c[a] = !0;
function b(a) {
try {
return !!eval(a);
} catch (f) {
return !1;
var c = {es3:!1}, d = !1;
a("es5", function() {
return b("[1,].length==1");
a("es6", function() {
return b('(()=>{"use strict";class X{constructor(){if(!=String)throw 1;this.x=42}}let q=Reflect.construct(X,[],String);if(q.x!=42||!(q instanceof String))throw 1;for(const a of[2,3]){if(a==2)continue;function f(z={a}){let a=0;return z.a}{function f(){return 0;}}return f()==3}})()');
a("es6-impl", function() {
return !0;
a("es7", function() {
return b("2 ** 2 == 4");
a("es8", function() {
return b("async () => 1, true");
return c;
// Input 1
goog.json = {};
goog.json.USE_NATIVE_JSON = !1;
goog.json.isValid = function(a) {
return /^\s*$/.test(a) ? !1 : /^[\],:{}\s\u2028\u2029]*$/.test(a.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, "@").replace(/(?:"[^"\\\n\r\u2028\u2029\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?)[\s\u2028\u2029]*(?=:|,|]|}|$)/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:[\s\u2028\u2029]*\[)+/g, ""));
goog.json.parse = goog.json.USE_NATIVE_JSON ? : function(a) {
a = String(a);
if (goog.json.isValid(a)) {
try {
return eval("(" + a + ")");
} catch (b) {
throw Error("Invalid JSON string: " + a);
goog.json.unsafeParse = goog.json.USE_NATIVE_JSON ? : function(a) {
return eval("(" + a + ")");
goog.json.serialize = goog.json.USE_NATIVE_JSON ? : function(a, b) {
return (new goog.json.Serializer(b)).serialize(a);
goog.json.Serializer = function(a) {
this.replacer_ = a;
goog.json.Serializer.prototype.serialize = function(a) {
var b = [];
this.serializeInternal(a, b);
return b.join("");
goog.json.Serializer.prototype.serializeInternal = function(a, b) {
if (null == a) {
} else {
if ("object" == typeof a) {
if (goog.isArray(a)) {
this.serializeArray(a, b);
if (a instanceof String || a instanceof Number || a instanceof Boolean) {
a = a.valueOf();
} else {
this.serializeObject_(a, b);
switch(typeof a) {
case "string":
this.serializeString_(a, b);
case "number":
this.serializeNumber_(a, b);
case "boolean":
case "function":
throw Error("Unknown type: " + typeof a);
goog.json.Serializer.charToJsonCharCache_ = {'"':'\\"', "\\":"\\\\", "/":"\\/", "\b":"\\b", "\f":"\\f", "\n":"\\n", "\r":"\\r", "\t":"\\t", "\x0B":"\\u000b"};
goog.json.Serializer.charsToReplace_ = /\uffff/.test("\uffff") ? /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\uffff]/g : /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]/g;
goog.json.Serializer.prototype.serializeString_ = function(a, b) {
b.push('"', a.replace(goog.json.Serializer.charsToReplace_, function(a) {
var b = goog.json.Serializer.charToJsonCharCache_[a];
b || (b = "\\u" + (a.charCodeAt(0) | 65536).toString(16).substr(1), goog.json.Serializer.charToJsonCharCache_[a] = b);
return b;
}), '"');
goog.json.Serializer.prototype.serializeNumber_ = function(a, b) {
b.push(isFinite(a) && !isNaN(a) ? String(a) : "null");
goog.json.Serializer.prototype.serializeArray = function(a, b) {
var c = a.length;
for (var d = "", e = 0;e < c;e++) {
b.push(d), d = a[e], this.serializeInternal(this.replacer_ ?, String(e), d) : d, b), d = ",";
goog.json.Serializer.prototype.serializeObject_ = function(a, b) {
var c = "", d;
for (d in a) {
if (, d)) {
var e = a[d];
"function" != typeof e && (b.push(c), this.serializeString_(d, b), b.push(":"), this.serializeInternal(this.replacer_ ?, d, e) : e, b), c = ",");
// Input 2
var config = {app_service_endpoint:"", link_service_endpoint:"", api_endpoint:"", version:"2.33.1"};
// Input 3
var safejson = {parse:function(a) {
a = String(a);
try {
return JSON.parse(a);
} catch (b) {
throw Error("Invalid JSON string: " + a);
}, stringify:function(a) {
try {
return "object" === typeof JSON && "function" === typeof JSON.stringify ? JSON.stringify(a) : goog.json.serialize(a);
} catch (b) {
throw Error("Could not stringify object");
// Input 4
var task_queue = function() {
var a = [], b = function() {
if (a.length) {
a[0](function() {
return function(c) {
1 === a.length && b();
// Input 5
var utils = {}, DEBUG = !0, message;
utils.retries = 2;
utils.retry_delay = 200;
utils.timeout = 5000;
utils.userPreferences = {trackingDisabled:!1, whiteListedEndpointsWithData:{"/v1/open":{link_identifier:"\\d+"}, "/v1/event":{event:"pageview"}, "/v1/branchview":{}}, allowErrorsInCallback:!1, shouldBlockRequest:function(a, b) {
var c = document.createElement("a");
c.href = a;
c = c.pathname;
"/" != c[0] && (c = "/" + c);
c = utils.userPreferences.whiteListedEndpointsWithData[c];
if (!c) {
return !0;
if (0 < Object.keys(c).length) {
if (!b) {
return !0;
for (var d in c) {
var e = new RegExp(c[d]);
if (!b.hasOwnProperty(d) || !e.test(b[d])) {
return !0;
return !1;
utils.cleanApplicationAndSessionStorage = function(a) {
a && (a.device_fingerprint_id = null, a.sessionLink = null, a.session_id = null, a.identity_id = null, a.identity = null, a.browser_fingerprint_id = null, a._deepviewCta && delete a._deepviewCta, a._deepviewRequestForReplay && delete a._deepviewRequestForReplay, a._storage.remove("branch_view_enabled"), session.set(a._storage, {}, !0));
utils.httpMethod = {POST:"POST", GET:"GET"};
utils.messages = {missingParam:"API request $1 missing parameter $2", invalidType:"API request $1, parameter $2 is not $3", nonInit:"Branch SDK not initialized", initPending:"Branch SDK initialization pending and a Branch method was called outside of the queue order", initFailed:"Branch SDK initialization failed, so further methods cannot be called", existingInit:"Branch SDK already initialized", missingAppId:"Missing Branch app ID", callBranchInitFirst:"Branch.init must be called first", timeout:"Request timed out",
blockedByClient:"Request blocked by client, probably adblock", missingUrl:"Required argument: URL, is missing", trackingDisabled:"Requested operation cannot be completed since tracking is disabled"};
utils.bannerThemes = ["light", "dark"];
utils.getLocationSearch = function() {
return utils.isIframeAndFromSameOrigin() ? :;
utils.getLocationHash = function() {
return utils.isIframeAndFromSameOrigin() ? : window.location.hash;
utils.message = function(a, b, c, d) {
a = a.replace(/\$(\d)/g, function(a, c) {
return b[parseInt(c, 10) - 1];
c && (a += "\n Failure Code:" + c);
d && (a += "\n Failure Details:" + d);
DEBUG && console && console.log(a);
return a;
utils.whiteListSessionData = function(a) {
return { || "", data_parsed:a.data_parsed || {}, has_app:a.has_app || null, identity:a.identity || null, referring_identity:a.referring_identity || null, referring_link:a.referring_link || null};
utils.whiteListJourneysLanguageData = function(a) {
var b = /^\$journeys_\S+$/, c =, d = {};
if (!c) {
return {};
switch(typeof c) {
case "string":
try {
c = safejson.parse(c);
} catch (e) {
c = {};
case "object":
c = {};
Object.keys(c).forEach(function(a) {
b.test(a) && (d[a] = c[a]);
return d;
utils.getWindowLocation = function() {
return utils.isIframe() ? document.referrer : String(window.location);
utils.getParameterByName = function(a) {
var b;
a = a.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
b = utils.getWindowLocation();
return (a = (new RegExp("[?&]" + a + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)")).exec(b)) && a[2] ? decodeURIComponent(a[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")) : "";
utils.cleanLinkData = function(a) {
a.source = "web-sdk";
var b =;
switch(typeof b) {
case "string":
try {
b = safejson.parse(b);
} catch (c) {
b = {_bncNoEval:!0};
case "object":
b = {};
b.$canonical_url || (b.$canonical_url = utils.getWindowLocation());
b.$og_title || (b.$og_title = utils.getOpenGraphContent("title"));
b.$og_description || (b.$og_description = utils.getOpenGraphContent("description"));
b.$og_image_url || (b.$og_image_url = utils.getOpenGraphContent("image"));
b.$og_video || (b.$og_video = utils.getOpenGraphContent("video"));
"string" === typeof b.$desktop_url && (b.$desktop_url = b.$desktop_url.replace(/#r:[a-z0-9-_]+$/i, "").replace(/([\?\&]_branch_match_id=\d+)/, ""));
try {
} catch (c) {
b = goog.json.serialize(b);
} = b;
return a;
utils.getClickIdAndSearchStringFromLink = function(a) {
function b(a) {
return "" !== a;
if (!a || "string" !== typeof a) {
return "";
var c = document.createElement("a");
c.href = a;
a = c.pathname && c.pathname.split("/").filter(b);
return Array.isArray(a) && a.length ? a[a.length - 1] + :;
utils.processReferringLink = function(a) {
return a ? "http" !== a.substring(0, 4) ? config.link_service_endpoint + a : a : null;
utils.merge = function(a, b) {
a && "object" === typeof a || (a = {});
if (!b || "object" !== typeof b) {
return a;
for (var c in b) {
b.hasOwnProperty(c) && (a[c] = b[c]);
return a;
utils.hashValue = function(a) {
try {
var b = utils.getLocationHash().match(new RegExp(a + ":([^&]*)"));
if (b && 1 <= b.length) {
return b[1];
} catch (c) {
utils.mobileUserAgent = function() {
var a = navigator.userAgent;
return a.match(/android/i) ? "android" : a.match(/ipad/i) ? "ipad" : a.match(/i(os|p(hone|od))/i) ? "ios" : a.match(/\(BB[1-9][0-9]*\;/i) ? "blackberry" : a.match(/Windows Phone/i) ? "windows_phone" : a.match(/Kindle/i) || a.match(/Silk/i) || a.match(/KFTT/i) || a.match(/KFOT/i) || a.match(/KFJWA/i) || a.match(/KFJWI/i) || a.match(/KFSOWI/i) || a.match(/KFTHWA/i) || a.match(/KFTHWI/i) || a.match(/KFAPWA/i) || a.match(/KFAPWI/i) ? "kindle" : !1;
function isSafariBrowser(a) {
return !!/^((?!chrome|android|crios|fxios).)*safari/i.test(a);
function isGreaterThanVersion(a, b) {
b = b || 11;
var c = /version\/([^ ]*)/i.exec(a);
if (c && c[1]) {
try {
if (parseFloat(c[1]) >= b) {
return !0;
} catch (d) {
return !1;
utils.isSafari11OrGreater = function() {
var a = navigator.userAgent;
return isSafariBrowser(a) ? isGreaterThanVersion(a, 11) : !1;
utils.getParamValue = function(a) {
try {
var b = utils.getLocationSearch().substring(1).match(new RegExp(a + "=([^&]*)"));
if (b && 1 <= b.length) {
return b[1];
} catch (c) {
utils.isKey = function(a) {
return -1 < a.indexOf("key_");
utils.snakeToCamel = function(a) {
return a.replace(/(\-\w)/g, function(a) {
return a[1].toUpperCase();
utils.base64encode = function(a) {
var b = "", c, d, e, f, g, h, k = 0;
a = a.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
d = "";
for (e = 0;e < a.length;e++) {
f = a.charCodeAt(e), 128 > f ? d += String.fromCharCode(f) : (127 < f && 2048 > f ? d += String.fromCharCode(f >> 6 | 192) : (d += String.fromCharCode(f >> 12 | 224), d += String.fromCharCode(f >> 6 & 63 | 128)), d += String.fromCharCode(f & 63 | 128));
for (a = d;k < a.length;) {
c = a.charCodeAt(k++), d = a.charCodeAt(k++), e = a.charCodeAt(k++), f = c >> 2, c = (c & 3) << 4 | d >> 4, g = (d & 15) << 2 | e >> 6, h = e & 63, isNaN(d) ? h = g = 64 : isNaN(e) && (h = 64), b = b + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(f) + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(c) + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(g) + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=".charAt(h);
return b;
utils.addEvent = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = 0;
"function" === typeof a.addEventListener ? e = a.addEventListener(b, c, d) : "function" === typeof a.attachEvent ? e = a.attachEvent("on" + b, c) : a["on" + b] = c;
return e;
utils.extractDeeplinkPath = function(a) {
if (!a) {
return null;
-1 < a.indexOf("://") && (a = a.split("://")[1]);
return a.substring(a.indexOf("/") + 1);
utils.extractMobileDeeplinkPath = function(a) {
if (!a) {
return null;
-1 < a.indexOf("://") ? a = a.split("://")[1] : "/" === a.charAt(0) && (a = a.slice(1));
return a;
utils.getOpenGraphContent = function(a, b) {
a = String(a);
b = b || null;
var c = document.querySelector('meta[property="og:' + a + '"]');
c && c.content && (b = c.content);
return b;
utils.prioritizeDeeplinkPaths = function(a, b) {
if (!b || "object" !== typeof b || 0 === Object.keys(b).length) {
return a;
b.hostedIOS ? a.$ios_deeplink_path = b.hostedIOS : b.applinksIOS ? a.$ios_deeplink_path = b.applinksIOS : b.twitterIOS && (a.$ios_deeplink_path = b.twitterIOS);
b.hostedAndroid ? a.$android_deeplink_path = b.hostedAndroid : b.applinksAndroid ? a.$android_deeplink_path = b.applinksAndroid : b.twitterAndroid && (a.$android_deeplink_path = b.twitterAndroid);
a.hasOwnProperty("$ios_deeplink_path") && a.hasOwnProperty("$android_deeplink_path") && a.$ios_deeplink_path === a.$android_deeplink_path && (a.$deeplink_path = a.$ios_deeplink_path);
return a;
utils.processHostedDeepLinkData = function(a) {
var b = {};
if (!a || 0 === a.length) {
return b;
for (var c = {hostedIOS:null, hostedAndroid:null, applinksIOS:null, applinksAndroid:null, twitterIOS:null, twitterAndroid:null}, d = 0;d < a.length;d++) {
if ((a[d].getAttribute("name") || a[d].getAttribute("property")) && a[d].getAttribute("content")) {
var e = a[d].getAttribute("name"), f = a[d].getAttribute("property"), e = e || f, f = e.split(":");
3 === f.length && "branch" === f[0] && "deeplink" === f[1] && ("$ios_deeplink_path" === f[2] ? c.hostedIOS = utils.extractMobileDeeplinkPath(a[d].getAttribute("content")) : "$android_deeplink_path" === f[2] ? c.hostedAndroid = utils.extractMobileDeeplinkPath(a[d].getAttribute("content")) : b[f[2]] = a[d].getAttribute("content"));
"al:ios:url" === e && (c.applinksIOS = utils.extractMobileDeeplinkPath(a[d].getAttribute("content")));
"twitter:app:url:iphone" === e && (c.twitterIOS = utils.extractMobileDeeplinkPath(a[d].getAttribute("content")));
"al:android:url" === e && (c.applinksAndroid = utils.extractMobileDeeplinkPath(a[d].getAttribute("content")));
"twitter:app:url:googleplay" === e && (c.twitterAndroid = utils.extractMobileDeeplinkPath(a[d].getAttribute("content")));
return utils.prioritizeDeeplinkPaths(b, c);
utils.getHostedDeepLinkData = function() {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
return utils.processHostedDeepLinkData(a);
utils.getBrowserLanguageCode = function() {
var a;
try {
navigator.languages && 0 < navigator.languages.length ? a = navigator.languages[0] : navigator.language && (a = navigator.language), a = a.substring(0, 2).toUpperCase();
} catch (b) {
a = null;
return a;
utils.calculateDiffBetweenArrays = function(a, b) {
var c = [];
b.forEach(function(b) {
-1 === a.indexOf(b) && c.push(b);
return c;
var validCommerceEvents = ["purchase"], commerceEventMessages = {missingPurchaseEvent:"event name is either missing, of the wrong type or not valid. Please specify 'purchase' as the event name.", missingCommerceData:"commerce_data is either missing, of the wrong type or empty. Please ensure that commerce_data is constructed correctly.", invalidKeysForRoot:"Please remove the following keys from the root of commerce_data: ", invalidKeysForProducts:"Please remove the following keys from commerce_data.products: ",
invalidProductListType:"commerce_data.products must be an array of objects", invalidProductType:"Each product in the products list must be an object"}, validateCommerceDataKeys = function(a) {
var b = "sku name price quantity brand category variant".split(" "), c = utils.calculateDiffBetweenArrays("common type transaction_id currency revenue revenue_in_usd exchange_rate shipping tax coupon affiliation persona products".split(" "), Object.keys(a));
if (c.length) {
return commerceEventMessages.invalidKeysForRoot + c.join(", ");
var d = [], e;
if (a.hasOwnProperty("products")) {
if (!Array.isArray(a.products)) {
return commerceEventMessages.invalidProductListType;
a.products.forEach(function(a) {
"object" !== typeof a && (e = commerceEventMessages.invalidProductType);
d = d.concat(utils.calculateDiffBetweenArrays(b, Object.keys(a)));
if (e) {
return e;
if (d.length) {
return commerceEventMessages.invalidKeysForProducts + d.join(", ");
return null;
utils.validateCommerceEventParams = function(a, b) {
if (!a || "string" !== typeof a || -1 === validCommerceEvents.indexOf(a.toLowerCase())) {
return commerceEventMessages.missingPurchaseEvent;
if (!b || "object" !== typeof b || 0 === Object.keys(b).length) {
return commerceEventMessages.missingCommerceData;
var c = validateCommerceDataKeys(b);
return c ? c : null;
utils.cleanBannerText = function(a) {
return "string" !== typeof a ? null : a.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
utils.getTitle = function() {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("title");
return 0 < a.length ? a[0].innerText : null;
utils.getDescription = function() {
var a = document.querySelector('meta[name="description"]');
return a && a.content ? a.content : null;
utils.getCanonicalURL = function() {
var a = document.querySelector('link[rel="canonical"]');
return a && a.href ? a.href : null;
utils.addPropertyIfNotNull = function(a, b, c) {
if (c) {
if ("object" === typeof c && 0 === Object.keys(c).length) {
return a;
a[b] = c;
return a;
utils.openGraphDataAsObject = function() {
var a = {}, a = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(a, "$og_title", utils.getOpenGraphContent("title")), a = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(a, "$og_description", utils.getOpenGraphContent("description")), a = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(a, "$og_image_url", utils.getOpenGraphContent("image"));
return (a = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(a, "$og_video", utils.getOpenGraphContent("video"))) && 0 < Object.keys(a).length ? a : null;
utils.getAdditionalMetadata = function() {
var a = {}, a = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(a, "og_data", utils.openGraphDataAsObject()), a = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(a, "hosted_deeplink_data", utils.getHostedDeepLinkData()), a = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(a, "title", utils.getTitle()), a = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(a, "description", utils.getDescription());
return (a = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(a, "canonical_url", utils.getCanonicalURL())) && 0 < Object.keys(a).length ? a : {};
utils.removePropertiesFromObject = function(a, b) {
if (a && "object" === typeof a && !Array.isArray(a) && 0 < Object.keys(a).length && b && Array.isArray(b) && 0 < b.length) {
for (var c in a) {
a.hasOwnProperty(c) && -1 < b.indexOf(c) && delete a[c];
utils.isStandardEvent = function(a) {
return -1 < BRANCH_STANDARD_EVENTS.indexOf(a);
utils.separateEventAndCustomData = function(a) {
if (!a || 0 === Object.keys(a).length) {
return null;
for (var b = utils.calculateDiffBetweenArrays(BRANCH_STANDARD_EVENT_DATA, Object.keys(a)), c = {}, d = 0;d < b.length;d++) {
var e = b[d];
c[e] = a[e];
delete a[e];
return {custom_data:utils.convertObjectValuesToString(c), event_data:a};
utils.validateParameterType = function(a, b) {
return a && b ? "array" === b ? Array.isArray(a) : typeof a === b && !Array.isArray(a) : !1;
utils.getUserData = function(a) {
var b = {}, b = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(b, "http_origin", document.URL), b = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(b, "user_agent", navigator.userAgent), b = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(b, "language", utils.getBrowserLanguageCode()), b = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(b, "screen_width", screen.width), b = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(b, "screen_height", screen.height), b = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(b, "http_referrer", document.referrer), b = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(b, "browser_fingerprint_id", a.browser_fingerprint_id),
b = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(b, "developer_identity", a.identity), b = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(b, "sdk", "web");
return b = utils.addPropertyIfNotNull(b, "sdk_version", config.version);
utils.isIframe = function() {
return window.self !==;
utils.isSameOriginFrame = function() {
var a = "true";
try { && (a = "true");
} catch (b) {
return !1;
return "true" === a;
utils.isIframeAndFromSameOrigin = function() {
return utils.isIframe() && utils.isSameOriginFrame();
utils.getInitialReferrer = function(a) {
return a ? a : utils.isIframe() ? utils.isSameOriginFrame() ? : "" : document.referrer;
utils.convertObjectValuesToString = function(a) {
if (utils.validateParameterType(a, "object") && 0 !== Object.keys(a).length) {
for (var b in a) {
a.hasOwnProperty(b) && (a[b] = utils.validateParameterType(a[b], "object") || utils.validateParameterType(a[b], "array") ? safejson.stringify(a[b]) : a[b].toString());
return a;
utils.mergeHostedDeeplinkData = function(a, b) {
var c = a ? utils.merge({}, a) : {};
return b && 0 < Object.keys(b).length ? 0 < Object.keys(c).length ? utils.merge(c, b) : utils.merge({}, b) : c;
// Input 6
var resources = {}, validationTypes = {OBJECT:0, STRING:1, NUMBER:2, ARRAY:3, BOOLEAN:4}, _validator;
function validator(a, b) {
return function(c, d, e) {
if (utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled) {
return !1;
if ("number" === typeof e || e) {
if (b === validationTypes.OBJECT) {
if ("object" !== typeof e) {
return utils.message(utils.messages.invalidType, [c, d, "an object"]);
} else {
if (b === validationTypes.ARRAY) {
if (!(e instanceof Array)) {
return utils.message(utils.messages.invalidType, [c, d, "an array"]);
} else {
if (b === validationTypes.NUMBER) {
if ("number" !== typeof e) {
return utils.message(utils.messages.invalidType, [c, d, "a number"]);
} else {
if (b === validationTypes.BOOLEAN) {
if ("boolean" !== typeof e) {
return utils.message(utils.messages.invalidType, [c, d, "a boolean"]);
} else {
if ("string" !== typeof e) {
return utils.message(utils.messages.invalidType, [c, d, "a string"]);
if (b !== validationTypes.STRING && !b.test(e)) {
return utils.message(utils.messages.invalidType, [c, d, "in the proper format"]);
} else {
if (a) {
return utils.message(utils.messages.missingParam, [c, d]);
return !1;
var branch_id = /^[0-9]{15,20}$/;
function defaults(a) {
var b = {browser_fingerprint_id:validator(!0, branch_id), identity_id:validator(!0, branch_id), sdk:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), session_id:validator(!0, branch_id)};
return utils.merge(a, b);
} = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/open", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, params:{browser_fingerprint_id:validator(!1, branch_id), alternative_browser_fingerprint_id:validator(!1, branch_id), identity_id:validator(!1, branch_id), link_identifier:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), sdk:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), options:validator(!1, validationTypes.OBJECT), initial_referrer:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), tracking_disabled:validator(!1, validationTypes.BOOLEAN)}};
resources._r = {destination:config.app_service_endpoint, endpoint:"/_r", method:utils.httpMethod.GET, jsonp:!0, params:{sdk:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), _t:validator(!1, branch_id), branch_key:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)}};
resources.linkClick = {destination:"", endpoint:"", method:utils.httpMethod.GET, queryPart:{link_url:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)}, params:{click:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)}};
resources.SMSLinkSend = {destination:config.link_service_endpoint, endpoint:"/c", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, queryPart:{link_url:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)}, params:{sdk:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), phone:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)}};
resources.getCode = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/referralcode", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, params:defaults({amount:validator(!0, validationTypes.NUMBER), bucket:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), calculation_type:validator(!0, validationTypes.NUMBER), creation_source:validator(!0, validationTypes.NUMBER), expiration:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), location:validator(!0, validationTypes.NUMBER), prefix:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), type:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)})};
resources.validateCode = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/referralcode", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, queryPart:{code:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)}, params:defaults({})};
resources.applyCode = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/applycode", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, queryPart:{code:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)}, params:defaults({})};
resources.logout = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/logout", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, params:defaults({session_id:validator(!0, branch_id)})};
resources.profile = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/profile", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, params:defaults({identity_id:validator(!0, branch_id), identity:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)})};
resources.referrals = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/referrals", method:utils.httpMethod.GET, queryPart:{identity_id:validator(!0, branch_id)}, params:defaults({})};
resources.creditHistory = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/credithistory", method:utils.httpMethod.GET, params:defaults({begin_after_id:validator(!1, branch_id), bucket:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), direction:validator(!1, validationTypes.NUMBER), length:validator(!1, validationTypes.NUMBER), link_click_id:validator(!1, branch_id)})};
resources.credits = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/credits", method:utils.httpMethod.GET, params:defaults({branch_key:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), identity:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)})};
resources.redeem = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/redeem", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, params:defaults({amount:validator(!0, validationTypes.NUMBER), bucket:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), identity_id:validator(!0, branch_id)})}; = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/url", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, ref:"obj", params:defaults({alias:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), campaign:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), channel:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), data:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), feature:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), identity_id:validator(!0, branch_id), stage:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), tags:validator(!1, validationTypes.ARRAY), type:validator(!1,
validationTypes.NUMBER), source:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING)})};
resources.deepview = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/deepview", jsonp:!0, method:utils.httpMethod.POST, params:defaults({campaign:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), _t:validator(!1, branch_id), channel:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), data:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), feature:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), link_click_id:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), open_app:validator(!1, validationTypes.BOOLEAN), append_deeplink_path:validator(!1, validationTypes.BOOLEAN),
stage:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), tags:validator(!1, validationTypes.ARRAY), deepview_type:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), source:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING)})};
resources.hasApp = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/has-app", method:utils.httpMethod.GET, params:{browser_fingerprint_id:validator(!0, branch_id)}};
resources.event = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/event", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, params:defaults({event:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), metadata:validator(!0, validationTypes.OBJECT), initial_referrer:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), tracking_disabled:validator(!1, validationTypes.BOOLEAN)})};
resources.commerceEvent = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v1/event", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, params:defaults({event:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), metadata:validator(!1, validationTypes.OBJECT), initial_referrer:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), commerce_data:validator(!0, validationTypes.OBJECT)})};
resources.logStandardEvent = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v2/event/standard", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, params:{name:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), user_data:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), custom_data:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), event_data:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING), content_items:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING)}};
resources.logCustomEvent = {destination:config.api_endpoint, endpoint:"/v2/event/custom", method:utils.httpMethod.POST, params:{name:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), user_data:validator(!0, validationTypes.STRING), custom_data:validator(!1, validationTypes.STRING)}};
// Input 7
var COOKIE_MS = 31536E6, BRANCH_KEY_PREFIX = "BRANCH_WEBSDK_KEY", storage, BranchStorage = function(a) {
for (var b = 0;b < a.length;b++) {
var c = this[a[b]], c = "function" === typeof c ? c() : c;
if (c.isEnabled()) {
return c._store = {}, c;
}, prefix = function(a) {
return "branch_session" === a || "branch_session_first" === a ? a : BRANCH_KEY_PREFIX + a;
}, trimPrefix = function(a) {
return a.replace(BRANCH_KEY_PREFIX, "");
}, retrieveValue = function(a) {
return "true" === a ? !0 : "false" === a ? !1 : a;
}, hasBranchPrefix = function(a) {
return 0 === a.indexOf(BRANCH_KEY_PREFIX);
}, isBranchCookie = function(a) {
return "branch_session" === a || "branch_session_first" === a || hasBranchPrefix(a);
}, processCookie = function(a) {
a = a.trim();
var b = a.indexOf("=");
return {name:a.substring(0, b), value:retrieveValue(a.substring(b + 1, a.length))};
}, webStorage = function(a) {
var b;
try {
b = a && localStorage ? localStorage : sessionStorage;
} catch (c) {
return {isEnabled:function() {
return !1;
return {getAll:function() {
if ("undefined" === typeof b) {
return null;
var a = null, d;
for (d in b) {
0 === d.indexOf(BRANCH_KEY_PREFIX) && (null === a && (a = {}), a[trimPrefix(d)] = retrieveValue(b.getItem(d)));
return a;
}, get:function(a, d) {
return retrieveValue(d && localStorage ? localStorage.getItem(prefix(a)) : b.getItem(prefix(a)));
}, set:function(a, d, e) {
e && localStorage ? localStorage.setItem(prefix(a), d) : b.setItem(prefix(a), d);
}, remove:function(a, d) {
d && localStorage ? localStorage.removeItem(prefix(a)) : b.removeItem(prefix(a));
}, clear:function() {
Object.keys(b).forEach(function(a) {
0 === a.indexOf(BRANCH_KEY_PREFIX) && b.removeItem(a);
}, isEnabled:function() {
try {
return b.setItem("test", ""), b.removeItem("test"), !0;
} catch (c) {
return !1;
BranchStorage.prototype.local = function() {
return webStorage(!0);
BranchStorage.prototype.session = function() {
return webStorage(!1);
var cookies = function() {
var a = function(a, c) {
c && (a = prefix(a));
document.cookie = a + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/";
return {getAll:function() {
for (var a = {}, c = document.cookie.split(";"), d = 0;d < c.length;d++) {
var e = processCookie(c[d]);
e && e.hasOwnProperty("name") && e.hasOwnProperty("value") && isBranchCookie( && (a[trimPrefix(] = e.value);
return a;
}, get:function(a) {
a = prefix(a);
for (var b = document.cookie.split(";"), d = 0;d < b.length;d++) {
var e = processCookie(b[d]);
if (e && e.hasOwnProperty("name") && e.hasOwnProperty("value") && === a) {
return e.value;
return null;
}, set:function(a, c) {
var b = prefix(a);
document.cookie = b + "=" + c + "; path=/";
}, remove:function(b) {
a(b, !0);
}, clear:function() {
for (var b = document.cookie.split(";"), c = 0;c < b.length;c++) {
var d = processCookie(b[c]);
d && d.hasOwnProperty("name") && isBranchCookie( && a(, !1);
}, isEnabled:function() {
return navigator.cookieEnabled;
BranchStorage.prototype.cookie = function() {
return cookies();
BranchStorage.prototype.pojo = {getAll:function() {
return this._store;
}, get:function(a) {
return this._store[a] || null;
}, set:function(a, b) {
this._store[a] = b;
}, remove:function(a) {
delete this._store[a];
}, clear:function() {
this._store = {};
}, isEnabled:function() {
return !0;
// Input 8
var session = {get:function(a, b) {
try {
return safejson.parse(a.get(b ? "branch_session_first" : "branch_session", b)) || null;
} catch (c) {
return null;
}, set:function(a, b, c) {
a.set("branch_session", goog.json.serialize(b));
c && a.set("branch_session_first", goog.json.serialize(b), !0);
}, update:function(a, b) {
if (b) {
var c = session.get(a) || {}, c = utils.merge(c, b);
a.set("branch_session", goog.json.serialize(c));
// Input 9
var Server = function() {
Server.prototype._jsonp_callback_index = 0;
Server.prototype.serializeObject = function(a, b) {
if ("undefined" === typeof a) {
return "";
var c = [];
if (a instanceof Array) {
for (var d = 0;d < a.length;d++) {
c.push(encodeURIComponent(b) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(a[d]));
return c.join("&");
for (d in a) {
a.hasOwnProperty(d) && (a[d] instanceof Array || "object" === typeof a[d] ? c.push(this.serializeObject(a[d], b ? b + "." + d : d)) : c.push(encodeURIComponent(b ? b + "." + d : d) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(a[d])));
return c.join("&");
Server.prototype.getUrl = function(a, b) {
var c, d, e = a.destination + a.endpoint, f = /^[0-9]{15,20}$/, g = /key_(live|test)_[A-Za-z0-9]{32}/, h = function(b, c) {
"undefined" === typeof c && (c = {});
if (b.branch_key && g.test(b.branch_key)) {
return c.branch_key = b.branch_key, c;
if (b.app_id && f.test(b.app_id)) {
return c.app_id = b.app_id, c;
throw Error(utils.message(utils.messages.missingParam, [a.endpoint, "branch_key or app_id"]));
if ("/v1/has-app" === a.endpoint) {
try {
a.queryPart = h(b, a.queryPart);
} catch (m) {
return {error:m.message};
if ("undefined" !== typeof a.queryPart) {
for (c in a.queryPart) {
if (a.queryPart.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
if (d = "function" === typeof a.queryPart[c] ? a.queryPart[c](a.endpoint, c, b[c]) : d) {
return {error:d};
e += "/" + b[c];
var k = {};
if ("undefined" !== typeof a.params) {
for (c in a.params) {
if (a.params.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
if (d = a.params[c](a.endpoint, c, b[c])) {
return {error:d};
d = b[c];
"undefined" !== typeof d && "" !== d && null !== d && (k[c] = d);
if ("POST" === a.method || "/v1/credithistory" === a.endpoint) {
try {
b = h(b, k);
} catch (m) {
return {error:m.message};
"/v1/event" === a.endpoint && (k.metadata = safejson.stringify(k.metadata || {}), k.hasOwnProperty("commerce_data") && (k.commerce_data = safejson.stringify(k.commerce_data || {})));
"/v1/open" === a.endpoint && (k.options = safejson.stringify(k.options || {}));
return {data:this.serializeObject(k, ""), url:e.replace(/^\//, "")};
Server.prototype.createScript = function(a, b, c) {
var d = document.createElement("script");
d.type = "text/javascript";
d.async = !0;
d.src = a;
a = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
!a || 1 > a.length ? "function" === typeof b && b() : (a[0].appendChild(d), "function" === typeof b && utils.addEvent(d, "error", b), "function" === typeof c && utils.addEvent(d, "load", c));
Server.prototype.jsonpRequest = function(a, b, c, d) {
0 === this._jsonp_callback_index && utils.isSafari11OrGreater() && this._jsonp_callback_index++;
var e = "branch_callback__" + this._jsonp_callback_index++, f = 0 <= a.indexOf("") ? "&data=" : "&post_data=";
b = "POST" === c ? encodeURIComponent(utils.base64encode(goog.json.serialize(b))) : "";
var g = window.setTimeout(function() {
window[e] = function() {
d(Error(utils.messages.timeout), null, 504);
}, utils.timeout);
window[e] = function(a) {
d(null, a);
this.createScript(a + (0 > a.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "") + (b ? f + b : "") + (0 <= a.indexOf("/c/") ? "&click=1" : "") + "&callback=" + e, function() {
d(Error(utils.messages.blockedByClient), null);
}, function() {
try {
"function" === typeof this.remove ? this.remove() : this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
} catch (h) {
delete window[e];
Server.prototype.XHRRequest = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
g.ontimeout = function() {
e(Error(utils.messages.timeout), null, 504);
g.onerror = function(a) {
e(Error(a.error || "Error in API: " + g.status), null, g.status);
g.onreadystatechange = function() {
var a;
if (4 === g.readyState) {
if (200 === g.status) {
if (f) {
a = g.responseText;
} else {
try {
a = safejson.parse(g.responseText);
} catch (k) {
a = {};
e(null, a, g.status);
} else {
if (402 === g.status) {
e(Error("Not enough credits to redeem."), null, g.status);
} else {
if ("4" === g.status.toString().substring(0, 1) || "5" === g.status.toString().substring(0, 1)) {
g.responseURL && g.responseURL.includes("v2/event") ? e(g.responseText, null, g.status) : e(Error("Error in API: " + g.status), null, g.status);
try {, a, !0), g.timeout = utils.timeout, g.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), g.send(b);
} catch (h) {
d.set("use_jsonp", !0), this.jsonpRequest(a, b, c, e);
Server.prototype.request = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = this;
if (utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled) {
for (var f = ["browser_fingerprint_id", "alternative_browser_fingerprint_id", "identity_id", "session_id"], g = 0;g < f.length;g++) {
b.hasOwnProperty(f[g]) && delete b[f[g]];
f = this.getUrl(a, b);
if (f.error) {
return d(Error(safejson.stringify({message:f.error, endpoint:a.endpoint, data:b})));
var h, k = "";
"GET" === a.method ? h = f.url + "?" + : (h = f.url, k =;
var m = utils.retries, l = function(a, b, c) {
a && 0 < m && "5" === (c || "").toString().substring(0, 1) ? (m--, window.setTimeout(function() {
}, utils.retry_delay)) : d(a, b);
if (utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled && utils.userPreferences.shouldBlockRequest(h, b)) {
return utils.userPreferences.allowErrorsInCallback ? l(Error(utils.messages.trackingDisabled), null, 300) : l(null, {}, 200);
var n = function() {
c.get("use_jsonp") || a.jsonp ? e.jsonpRequest(h, b, a.method, l) : e.XHRRequest(h, k, a.method, c, l);
// Input 10
var banner_utils = {animationSpeed:250, animationDelay:20, bannerHeight:"76px", error_timeout:2000, success_timeout:3000, removeElement:function(a) {
a && a.parentNode.removeChild(a);
}, hasClass:function(a, b) {
return !!a.className.match(new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + b + "(\\s|$)"));
}, addClass:function(a, b) {
a && !banner_utils.hasClass(a, b) && (a.className += " " + b);
}, removeClass:function(a, b) {
a && banner_utils.hasClass(a, b) && (a.className = a.className.replace(new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + b + "(\\s|$)"), " "));
}, getDate:function(a) {
var b = new Date;
return b.setDate(b.getDate() + a);
}, getBodyStyle:function(a) {
return document.body.currentStyle ? document.body.currentStyle[utils.snakeToCamel(a)] : window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue(a);
}, addCSSLengths:function(a, b) {
var c = function(a) {
if (!a) {
return 0;
var b = a.replace(/[0-9,\.]/g, "");
a = a.match(/\d+/g);
var d = parseInt(0 < a.length ? a[0] : "0", 10), g = function() {
return Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0) / 100;
}, h = function() {
return Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0) / 100;
return parseInt({px:function(a) {
return a;
}, em:function(a) {
return document.body.currentStyle ? a * c(document.body.currentStyle.fontSize) : a * parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(document.body).fontSize);
}, rem:function(a) {
return document.documentElement.currentStyle ? a * c(document.documentElement.currentStyle.fontSize) : a * parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).fontSize);
}, vw:function(a) {
return a * g();
}, vh:function(a) {
return a * h();
}, vmin:function(a) {
return a * Math.min(h(), g());
}, vmax:function(a) {
return a * Math.max(h(), g());
}, "%":function() {
return document.body.clientWidth / 100 * d;
}}[b](d), 10);
return (c(a) + c(b)).toString() + "px";
}, shouldAppend:function(a, b) {
var c = a.get("hideBanner", !0);
if (b.respectDNT && navigator && Number(navigator.doNotTrack)) {
return !1;
try {
"string" === typeof c && (c = safejson.parse(c));
} catch (e) {
c = !1;
var c = "number" === typeof c ? new Date >= new Date(c) : !c, d = b.forgetHide;
"number" === typeof d && (d = !1);
return !document.getElementById("branch-banner") && !document.getElementById("branch-banner-iframe") && (c || d) && (b.showDesktop && !utils.mobileUserAgent() || b.showAndroid && "android" === utils.mobileUserAgent() || b.showiPad && "ipad" === utils.mobileUserAgent() || b.showiOS && "ios" === utils.mobileUserAgent() || b.showBlackberry && "blackberry" === utils.mobileUserAgent() || b.showWindowsPhone && "windows_phone" === utils.mobileUserAgent() || b.showKindle && "kindle" === utils.mobileUserAgent());
// Input 11
var banner_css = {banner:function(a) {
return ".branch-banner-is-active { -webkit-transition: all " + 1.5 * banner_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; transition: all 0" + 1.5 * banner_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; }\n#branch-banner { width:100%; z-index: 99999; font-family: Helvetica Neue, Sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; user-select: none; -webkit-transition: all " + banner_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; transition: all 0" + banner_utils.animationSpeed /
1000 + "s ease; }\n#branch-banner .button{ border: 1px solid " + (a.buttonBorderColor || ("dark" === a.theme ? "transparent" : "#ccc")) + "; background: " + (a.buttonBackgroundColor || "#fff") + "; color: " + (a.buttonFontColor || "#000") + "; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-size: 14px; display: inline-block; margin-left: 5px; font-weight: 400; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 4px; padding: 6px 12px; transition: all .2s ease;}\n#branch-banner .button:hover { border: 1px solid " +
(a.buttonBorderColorHover || ("dark" === a.theme ? "transparent" : "#BABABA")) + "; background: " + (a.buttonBackgroundColorHover || "#E0E0E0") + "; color: " + (a.buttonFontColorHover || "#000") + ";}\n#branch-banner .button:focus { outline: none; }\n#branch-banner * { margin-right: 4px; position: relative; line-height: 1.2em; }\n#branch-banner-close { font-weight: 400; cursor: pointer; float: left; z-index: 2;padding: 0 5px 0 5px; margin-right: 0; }\n#branch-banner .content { width:100%; overflow: hidden; height: " +
banner_utils.bannerHeight + "; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95); color: #333; " + ("top" === a.position ? "border-bottom" : "border-top") + ': 1px solid #ddd; }\n#branch-banner-close { color: #000; font-size: 24px; top: 14px; opacity: .5; transition: opacity .3s ease; }\n#branch-banner-close:hover { opacity: 1; }\n#branch-banner .title { font-size: 18px; font-weight:bold; color: #555; }\n#branch-banner .description { font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; color: #777; max-height: 30px; overflow: hidden; }\n#branch-banner .icon { float: left; padding-bottom: 40px; margin-right: 10px; margin-left: 5px; }\n#branch-banner .icon img { width: 63px; height: 63px; margin-right: 0; }\n#branch-banner .reviews { font-size:13px; margin: 1px 0 3px 0; color: #777; }\n#branch-banner .reviews .star { display:inline-block; position: relative; margin-right:0; }\n#branch-banner .reviews .star span { display: inline-block; margin-right: 0; color: #555; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; }\n#branch-banner .reviews .review-count { font-size:10px; }\n#branch-banner .reviews .star .half { width: 50%; overflow: hidden; display: block; }\n#branch-banner .content .left { padding: 6px 5px 6px 5px; }\n#branch-banner .vertically-align-middle { top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%); -ms-transform: translateY(-50%); }\n#branch-banner .details > * { display: block; }\n#branch-banner .content .left { height: 63px; }\n#branch-banner .content .right { float: right; height: 63px; margin-bottom: 50px; padding-top: 22px; z-index: 1; }\n#branch-banner .right > div { float: left; }\n#branch-banner-action { top: 17px; }\n#branch-banner .content:after { content: ""; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; top: 100%; height: 1px; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); }\n#branch-banner .theme-dark.content { background: rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.95); }\n#branch-banner .theme-dark #branch-banner-close{ color: #fff; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15); }\n#branch-banner .theme-dark .details { text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15); }\n#branch-banner .theme-dark .title { color: #fff; }\n#branch-banner .theme-dark .description { color: #fff; }\n#branch-banner .theme-dark .reviews { color: #888; }\n#branch-banner .theme-dark .reviews .star span{ color: #fff; }\n#branch-banner .theme-dark .reviews .review-count{ color: #fff; }\n';
}, desktop:"#branch-banner { position: fixed; min-width: 600px; }\n#branch-sms-block * { vertical-align: bottom; font-size: 15px; }\n#branch-sms-block { display: inline-block; }\n#branch-banner input{ border: 1px solid #ccc; font-weight: 400; border-radius: 4px; height: 30px; padding: 5px 7px 4px; width: 145px; font-size: 14px;}\n#branch-banner input:focus { outline: none; }\n#branch-banner input.error { color: rgb(194, 0, 0); border-color: rgb(194, 0, 0); }\n#branch-banner .branch-icon-wrapper { width:25px; height: 25px; vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; margin-top: -18px; }\n@keyframes branch-spinner { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); } }\n@-webkit-keyframes branch-spinner { 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); -ms-transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); } }\n#branch-spinner { -webkit-animation: branch-spinner 1s ease-in-out infinite; animation: branch-spinner 1s ease-in-out infinite; transition: all 0.7s ease-in-out; border:2px solid #ddd; border-bottom-color:#428bca; width:80%; height:80%; border-radius:50%; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased !important; }\n#branch-banner .theme-dark input { border-color: transparent; }\n",
nonie:"#branch-banner .checkmark { stroke: #428bca; stroke-dashoffset: 745.74853515625; stroke-dasharray: 745.74853515625; -webkit-animation: dash 2s ease-out forwards; animation: dash 2s ease-out forwards; }\n@-webkit-keyframes dash { 0% { stroke-dashoffset: 745.748535 15625; } 100% { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } }\n@keyframes dash { 0% { stroke-dashoffset: 745.74853515625; } 100% { stroke-dashoffset: 0; } }\n", ie:"#branch-banner .checkmark { color: #428bca; font-size: 22px; }\n", mobile:"#branch-banner { position: absolute; }\n#branch-banner .content .left .details .title { font-size: 12px; }\n#branch-mobile-action { white-space: nowrap; }\n#branch-banner .content .left .details .description { font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; }\n@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and (max-device-width: 350px) { #branch-banner .content .right { max-width: 120px; } }\n@media only screen and (min-device-width: 351px) and (max-device-width: 400px) and (orientation: landscape) { #branch-banner .content .right { max-width: 150px; } }\n@media only screen and (min-device-width: 401px) and (max-device-width: 480px) and (orientation: landscape) { #branch-banner .content .right { max-width: 180px; } }\n",
ios:"", android:"#branch-banner #branch-banner-close,#branch-banner .theme-dark #branch-banner-close { height:17px; width: 17px; text-align: center; font-size: 15px; top: 24px; border-radius:14px; border:0; line-height:14px; color:#b1b1b3; background:#efefef; padding: 0; opacity: 1; }\n#branch-banner .button { top: 0; text-decoration:none; border-bottom: 3px solid #A4C639; padding: 0 10px; height: 24px; line-height: 24px; text-align: center; color: #fff; margin-top: 2px; font-weight: bold; background-color: #A4C639; border-radius: 5px; }\n#branch-banner .button:hover { border-bottom:3px solid #8c9c29; background-color: #c1d739; }\n",
blackberry:"", windows_phone:"", kindle:""};
banner_css.iframe = "body { -webkit-transition: all " + 1.5 * banner_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; transition: all 0" + 1.5 * banner_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; }\n#branch-banner-iframe { box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .35); width: 1px; min-width:100%; left: 0; right: 0; border: 0; height: " + banner_utils.bannerHeight + "; z-index: 99999; -webkit-transition: all " + banner_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; transition: all 0" + banner_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; }\n";
banner_css.inneriframe = "body { margin: 0; }\n";
banner_css.iframe_position = function(a, b) {
return "#branch-banner-iframe { position: " + ("top" !== b || a ? "fixed" : "absolute") + "; }\n";
banner_css.css = function(a, b) {
var c = banner_css.banner(a), d = utils.mobileUserAgent();
"ios" !== d && "ipad" !== d || !a.showiOS ? "android" === d && a.showAndroid ? c += + : "blackberry" === d && a.showBlackberry ? c += + banner_css.blackberry : "windows_phone" === d && a.showWindowsPhone ? c += + banner_css.windows_phone : "kindle" === d && a.showKindle ? c += + : (c += banner_css.desktop, c = window.ActiveXObject ? c + : c + banner_css.nonie) : c += +
c += a.customCSS;
a.iframe && (c += banner_css.inneriframe, d = document.createElement("style"), d.type = "text/css", = "branch-iframe-css", d.innerHTML = banner_css.iframe + (utils.mobileUserAgent() ? banner_css.iframe_position(a.mobileSticky, a.position) : banner_css.iframe_position(a.desktopSticky, a.position)), (document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]).appendChild(d));
d = document.createElement("style");
d.type = "text/css"; = "branch-css";
d.innerHTML = c;
c = a.iframe ? b.contentWindow.document : document;
(c = c.head || c.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]) && "function" === typeof c.appendChild && c.appendChild(d);
"top" === a.position ? = "-" + banner_utils.bannerHeight : "bottom" === a.position && ( = "-" + banner_utils.bannerHeight);
// Input 12
var banner_html = {banner:function(a, b) {
var c = '<div class="content' + (a.theme ? " theme-" + a.theme : "") + '"><div class="right">' + b + '</div><div class="left">' + (a.disableHide ? "" : '<div id="branch-banner-close" class="branch-animation" aria-label="Close">&times;</div>') + '<div class="icon"><img src="' + a.icon + '" alt="Application icon"></div><div class="details vertically-align-middle"><div class="title">' + a.title + "</div>", d;
if (a.rating || a.reviewCount) {
if (a.rating) {
d = "";
for (var e = 0;5 > e;e++) {
d += '<span class="star"><svg class="star" fill="#555555" height="12" viewBox="3 2 20 19" width="12"><path d="M22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27 18.18 21l-1.63-7.03L22 9.24zM12 15.4l-3.76 2.27 1-4.28-3.32-2.88 4.38-.38L12 6.1l1.71 4.04 4.38.38-3.32 2.88 1 4.28L12 15.4z"/><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><foreignObject display="none"><span class="star">\u2606</span></foreignObject></svg>', a.rating > e && (d += e + 1 > a.rating && a.rating % 1 ? '<span class="half"><svg fill="#555555" height="12" viewBox="3 2 20 19" width="12"><defs><path d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z" id="a"/></defs><clipPath id="b"><use overflow="visible" xlink:href="#a"/></clipPath><path clip-path="url(#b)" d="M22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21 12 17.27 18.18 21l-1.63-7.03L22 9.24zM12 15.4V6.1l1.71 4.04 4.38.38-3.32 2.88 1 4.28L12 15.4z"/></svg><foreignObject display="none"><span class="half">\u2605</span></foreignObject></span>' :
'<span class="full"><svg fill="#555555" height="12" viewBox="3 2 20 19" width="12"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.61L12 2 9.19 8.63 2 9.24l5.46 4.73L5.82 21z"/><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><foreignObject display="none"><span class="full">\u2605</span></foreignObject></svg> </span>'), d += "</span>";
d = '<span class="stars">' + d + "</span>";
} else {
d = "";
d = '<div class="reviews">' + d + (a.reviewCount ? '<span class="review-count">' + a.reviewCount + "</span>" : "") + "</div>";
} else {
d = "";
return c + d + '<div class="description">' + a.description + "</div></div></div></div>";
}, mobileAction:function(a, b) {
return '<a id="branch-mobile-action" class="button" href="#" target="_parent">' + ((session.get(b) || {}).has_app ? a.openAppButtonText : a.downloadAppButtonText) + "</a>";
}, desktopAction:function(a) {
return '<div class="branch-icon-wrapper" id="branch-loader-wrapper" style="opacity: 0;"><div id="branch-spinner"></div></div><div id="branch-sms-block"><form id="sms-form"><input type="phone" aria-label="Enter phone number" class="branch-animation" name="branch-sms-phone" id="branch-sms-phone" placeholder="' + a.phonePreviewText + '"><button type="submit" id="branch-sms-send" class="branch-animation button">' + a.sendLinkText + "</button></form></div>";
}, checkmark:function() {
return window.ActiveXObject ? '<span class="checkmark">&#x2713;</span>' : '<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 98.5 98.5" enable-background="new 0 0 98.5 98.5" xml:space="preserve"><path class="checkmark" fill="none" stroke-width="8" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M81.7,17.8C73.5,9.3,62,4,49.2,4C24.3,4,4,24.3,4,49.2s20.3,45.2,45.2,45.2s45.2-20.3,45.2-45.2c0-8.6-2.4-16.6-6.5-23.4l0,0L45.6,68.2L24.7,47.3"/></svg>';
}, iframe:function(a, b) {
var c = document.createElement("iframe");
c.src = "about:blank"; = "hidden";
c.scrolling = "no"; = "branch-banner-iframe";
c.className = "branch-animation";
var d = utils.mobileUserAgent(), d = '<html><head></head><body class="' + ("ios" === d || "ipad" === d ? "branch-banner-ios" : "android" === d ? "branch-banner-android" : "branch-banner-desktop") + '"><div id="branch-banner" class="branch-animation">' + banner_html.banner(a, b) + "</body></html>";;
return c;
}, div:function(a, b) {
var c = document.createElement("div"); = "branch-banner";
c.className = "branch-animation";
c.innerHTML = banner_html.banner(a, b);
return c;
}, markup:function(a, b) {
var c = '<div id="branch-sms-form-container">' + (utils.mobileUserAgent() ? banner_html.mobileAction(a, b) : banner_html.desktopAction(a)) + "</div>";
return a.iframe ? banner_html.iframe(a, c) : banner_html.div(a, c);
// Input 13
var sendSMS = function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = a.getElementById("branch-sms-phone"), f = a.getElementById("branch-sms-send"), g = a.getElementById("branch-loader-wrapper"), h = a.getElementById("branch-sms-form-container"), k, m = function() {
e.removeAttribute("disabled"); = "1"; = "1"; = "0";
}, l = function() {
k = a.createElement("div");
k.className = "branch-icon-wrapper"; = "branch-checkmark"; = "opacity: 0;";
k.innerHTML = banner_html.checkmark();
h.appendChild(k); = "0"; = "0"; = "0";
setTimeout(function() { = "1";
}, banner_utils.animationDelay);
e.value = "";
}, n = function() {
m(); = "#FFD4D4";
e.className = "error";
setTimeout(function() { = "#FFFFFF";
e.className = "";
}, banner_utils.error_timeout);
if (e) {
var p = e.value;
/^\d{7,}$/.test(p.replace(/[\s()+\-\.]|ext/gi, "")) ? (b._publishEvent("willSendBannerSMS"), f.setAttribute("disabled", ""), e.setAttribute("disabled", ""), = ".4", = ".4", = "1", e.className = "", b.sendSMS(p, d, c, function(a) {
a ? (b._publishEvent("sendBannerSMSError"), n()) : (b._publishEvent("didSendBannerSMS"), l(), setTimeout(function() {
}, banner_utils.success_timeout));
})) : n();
}, banner = function(a, b, c, d) {
function e() {
"top" === b.position ? = "0" : "bottom" === b.position && ( = "0");
if (!banner_utils.shouldAppend(d, b)) {
return a._publishEvent("willNotShowBanner"), null;
var f = banner_html.markup(b, d);
banner_css.css(b, f); = || "app banner";
var g = b.iframe ? f.contentWindow.document : document;
if (utils.mobileUserAgent()) {
b.open_app = b.open_app;
b.append_deeplink_path = b.append_deeplink_path;
b.make_new_link = b.make_new_link;
b.deepview_type = "banner";
a.deepview(c, b);
var h = g.getElementById("branch-mobile-action");
h && (h.onclick = function(b) {
} else {
g.getElementById("sms-form") ? g.getElementById("sms-form").addEventListener("submit", function(d) {
sendSMS(g, a, b, c);
}) : f.onload = function() {
g = f.contentWindow.document;
g.getElementById("sms-form") && g.getElementById("sms-form").addEventListener("submit", function(d) {
sendSMS(g, a, b, c);
var h = banner_utils.getBodyStyle("margin-top"), k =, m = banner_utils.getBodyStyle("margin-bottom"), l =, n = g.getElementById("branch-banner-close"), p = function(a, c) {
"function" === typeof a && (c = a, a = {});
a = a || {};
"top" === b.position ? = "-" + banner_utils.bannerHeight : "bottom" === b.position && ( = "-" + banner_utils.bannerHeight);
"number" === typeof b.forgetHide ? d.set("hideBanner", banner_utils.getDate(b.forgetHide), !0) : d.set("hideBanner", !0, !0);
a.immediate ? ("top" === b.position ? = k : "bottom" === b.position && ( = l), banner_utils.removeClass(document.body, "branch-banner-is-active"), banner_utils.removeElement(f), banner_utils.removeElement(document.getElementById("branch-css")), c()) : (setTimeout(function() {
}, banner_utils.animationSpeed + banner_utils.animationDelay), setTimeout(function() {
"top" === b.position ? = k : "bottom" === b.position && ( = l);
banner_utils.removeClass(document.body, "branch-banner-is-active");
}, banner_utils.animationDelay));
n && (n.onclick = function(b) {
p({}, function() {
banner_utils.addClass(document.body, "branch-banner-is-active");
"top" === b.position ? = banner_utils.addCSSLengths(banner_utils.bannerHeight, h) : "bottom" === b.position && ( = banner_utils.addCSSLengths(banner_utils.bannerHeight, m));
b.immediate ? e() : setTimeout(e, banner_utils.animationDelay);
return p;
// Input 14
var journeys_utils = {position:"top", sticky:"absolute", bannerHeight:"76px", isFullPage:!1, isHalfPage:!1, divToInjectParents:[]};
journeys_utils.windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
journeys_utils.windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
window.innerHeight < window.innerWidth && (journeys_utils.windowHeight = window.innerWidth, journeys_utils.windowWidth = window.innerHeight);
journeys_utils.bodyMarginTop = 0;
journeys_utils.bodyMarginBottom = 0;
journeys_utils.jsonRe = /<script type="application\/json">((.|\s)*?)<\/script>/;
journeys_utils.jsRe = /<script type="text\/javascript">((.|\s)*?)<\/script>/;
journeys_utils.cssRe = /<style type="text\/css" id="branch-css">((.|\s)*?)<\/style>/;
journeys_utils.spacerRe = /#branch-banner-spacer {((.|\s)*?)}/;
journeys_utils.findMarginRe = /margin-bottom: (.*?);/;
journeys_utils.journeyLinkDataRe = /<script id="journeyLinkData" type="application\/json">((.|\s)*?)<\/script>/;
journeys_utils.branch = null;
journeys_utils.banner = null;
journeys_utils.isJourneyDisplayed = !1;
journeys_utils.animationSpeed = 250;
journeys_utils.animationDelay = 20;
journeys_utils.exitAnimationDisabled = !1;
journeys_utils.entryAnimationDisabled = !1;
journeys_utils.journeyDismissed = !1;
journeys_utils.exitAnimationDisabledPreviously = !1;
journeys_utils.previousPosition = "";
journeys_utils.previousDivToInjectParents = [];
journeys_utils.journeyLinkData = null;
journeys_utils.nonce = "";
journeys_utils.setPositionAndHeight = function(a) {
var b = journeys_utils.getMetadata(a);
if (b && b.bannerHeight && b.position && b.sticky) {
journeys_utils.bannerHeight = b.bannerHeight, journeys_utils.position = b.position, journeys_utils.sticky = b.sticky;
} else {
if (a = a.match(journeys_utils.spacerRe)) {
journeys_utils.position = "top";
if (a = a[1].match(journeys_utils.findMarginRe)) {
journeys_utils.bannerHeight = a[1];
journeys_utils.sticky = "absolute";
} else {
journeys_utils.position = "bottom", journeys_utils.sticky = "fixed";
if (-1 !== journeys_utils.bannerHeight.indexOf("vh") || -1 !== journeys_utils.bannerHeight.indexOf("%")) {
a = journeys_utils.bannerHeight.indexOf("vh") ? journeys_utils.bannerHeight.slice(0, -2) : journeys_utils.bannerHeight.slice(0, -1), journeys_utils.bannerHeight = a / 100 * journeys_utils.windowHeight + "px", 100 > a ? journeys_utils.isHalfPage = !0 : journeys_utils.isFullPage = !0;
journeys_utils.getMetadata = function(a) {
if (a = a.match(journeys_utils.jsonRe)) {
return safejson.parse(a[1]);
journeys_utils.getCtaText = function(a, b) {
var c;
b && a && a.ctaText && a.ctaText.has_app ? c = a.ctaText.has_app : a && a.ctaText && a.ctaText.no_app && (c = a.ctaText.no_app);
return c;
journeys_utils.findInsertionDiv = function(a, b) {
journeys_utils.divToInjectParents = [];
if (b && b.injectorSelector) {
var c = document.querySelectorAll(b.injectorSelector);
if (c) {
for (var d = 0;d < c.length;d++) {
journeys_utils.getCss = function(a) {
if (a = a.match(journeys_utils.cssRe)) {
return a[1];
journeys_utils.getJsAndAddToParent = function(a) {
if (a = a.match(journeys_utils.jsRe)) {
a = a[1];
var b = document.createElement("script"); = "branch-journey-cta";
if ("" !== journeys_utils.nonce) {
var c = document.createAttribute("nonce");
c.value = -1 == journeys_utils.nonce.indexOf("nonce-") ? "nonce-" + journeys_utils.nonce : journeys_utils.nonce;
b.innerHTML = a;
journeys_utils.removeScriptAndCss = function(a) {
var b = a.match(journeys_utils.jsonRe), c = a.match(journeys_utils.jsRe), d = a.match(journeys_utils.cssRe), e = a.match(journeys_utils.journeyLinkDataRe);
b && (a = a.replace(journeys_utils.jsonRe, ""));
c && (a = a.replace(journeys_utils.jsRe, ""));
d && (a = a.replace(journeys_utils.cssRe, ""));
e && (a = a.replace(journeys_utils.journeyLinkDataRe, ""));
return a;
journeys_utils.createAndAppendIframe = function() {
var a = document.createElement("iframe");
a.src = "about:blank"; = "hidden";
a.scrolling = "no"; = "branch-banner-iframe";
a.className = "branch-animation";
return a;
journeys_utils.createIframeInnerHTML = function(a, b) {
return '<html><head></head><body class="' + ("ios" === b || "ipad" === b ? "branch-banner-ios" : "android" === b ? "branch-banner-android" : "branch-banner-desktop") + '">' + a + "</body></html>";
journeys_utils.addHtmlToIframe = function(a, b) {;
journeys_utils.addIframeOuterCSS = function() {
var a = document.createElement("style");
a.type = "text/css"; = "branch-iframe-css";
journeys_utils.bodyMarginTop = banner_utils.getBodyStyle("margin-top");
var b = +journeys_utils.bodyMarginTop.slice(0, -2);
journeys_utils.bodyMarginBottom = banner_utils.getBodyStyle("margin-bottom");
var c = +journeys_utils.bodyMarginBottom.slice(0, -2), d = +journeys_utils.bannerHeight.slice(0, -2);
"top" === journeys_utils.position ? = (+d + b).toString() + "px" : "bottom" === journeys_utils.position && ( = (+d + c).toString() + "px");
0 < journeys_utils.divToInjectParents.length && journeys_utils.divToInjectParents.forEach(function(a) {
var b, c = window.getComputedStyle(a);
c && (b = journeys_utils.isFullPage && "fixed" === c.getPropertyValue("position"));
b || ( = journeys_utils.bannerHeight);
"top" === journeys_utils.previousPosition && journeys_utils.previousPosition !== journeys_utils.position && journeys_utils.exitAnimationDisabledPreviously && journeys_utils.previousDivToInjectParents && 0 < journeys_utils.previousDivToInjectParents.length && journeys_utils.previousDivToInjectParents.forEach(function(a) { = 0;
journeys_utils.exitAnimationDisabledPreviously = !1;
journeys_utils.previousPosition = "";
journeys_utils.previousDivToInjectParents = [];
journeys_utils.journeyDismissed = !1;
a.innerHTML = generateIframeOuterCSS();
function generateIframeOuterCSS() {
var a = "", b = ""; = "";
document.getElementById("branch-banner-iframe") && (document.getElementById("branch-banner-iframe").style.transition = "");
journeys_utils.entryAnimationDisabled || (a = "body { -webkit-transition: all " + 1.5 * journeys_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; }\n", = "all 0" + 1.5 * journeys_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease", b = "-webkit-transition: all " + journeys_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; transition: all 0" + journeys_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease;");
return (a ? a : "") + ("#branch-banner-iframe { box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .35); width: 1px; min-width:100%; left: 0; right: 0; border: 0; height: " + journeys_utils.bannerHeight + "; z-index: 99999; " + b + " }\n#branch-banner-iframe { position: " + journeys_utils.sticky + "; }\n@media only screen and (orientation: landscape) { body { " + ("top" === journeys_utils.position ? "margin-top: " : "margin-bottom: ") + (journeys_utils.isFullPage ? journeys_utils.windowWidth + "px" : journeys_utils.bannerHeight) +
"; }\n#branch-banner-iframe { height: " + (journeys_utils.isFullPage ? journeys_utils.windowWidth + "px" : journeys_utils.bannerHeight) + "; }");
journeys_utils.addIframeInnerCSS = function(a, b) {
var c = document.createElement("style");
c.type = "text/css"; = "branch-css";
c.innerHTML = b;
var d = a.contentWindow.document;
if (journeys_utils.isHalfPage || journeys_utils.isFullPage) {
var e = d.getElementsByClassName("branch-banner-content")[0];
e && ( = journeys_utils.bannerHeight);
"top" === journeys_utils.position ? = "-" + journeys_utils.bannerHeight : "bottom" === journeys_utils.position && ( = "-" + journeys_utils.bannerHeight);
try {
var e = d.getElementsByClassName("branch-banner-content")[0], f = window.getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue("background-color").split(", ");
f[3] && 0 === parseFloat(f[3]) && ( = "none");
} catch (g) {
journeys_utils.addDynamicCtaText = function(a, b) {
a.contentWindow.document.getElementById("branch-mobile-action").innerHTML = b;
journeys_utils.animateBannerEntrance = function(a) {
banner_utils.addClass(document.body, "branch-banner-is-active");
journeys_utils.isFullPage && "fixed" === journeys_utils.sticky && banner_utils.addClass(document.body, "branch-banner-no-scroll");
setTimeout(function() {
"top" === journeys_utils.position ? = "0" : "bottom" === journeys_utils.position && ( = "0");
journeys_utils.branch._publishEvent("didShowJourney", journeys_utils.journeyLinkData);
journeys_utils.isJourneyDisplayed = !0;
}, journeys_utils.animationDelay);
journeys_utils.findDismissPeriod = function(a) {
var b = 7;
if (a = a.match(journeys_utils.jsonRe)) {
a = safejson.parse(a[1]) || {}, "number" === typeof a.dismissPeriod && (b = a.dismissPeriod);
return -1 === b ? !0 : banner_utils.getDate(b);
journeys_utils.finalHookups = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
journeys_utils.banner = d;
if (c && d) {
var f = d.contentWindow.document, g = f.querySelectorAll("#branch-mobile-action");, function(a) {
a.addEventListener("click", function(a) {
journeys_utils.branch._publishEvent("didClickJourneyCTA", journeys_utils.journeyLinkData);
journeys_utils.journeyDismissed = !0;
g = f.querySelectorAll(".branch-banner-continue");, function(c) {
c.addEventListener("click", function(c) {
journeys_utils.branch._publishEvent("didClickJourneyContinue", journeys_utils.journeyLinkData);
journeys_utils.journeyDismissed = !0;
b.set("hideBanner" +, e, !0);
g = f.querySelectorAll(".branch-banner-close");, function(c) {
c.addEventListener("click", function(c) {
journeys_utils.branch._publishEvent("didClickJourneyClose", journeys_utils.journeyLinkData);
journeys_utils.journeyDismissed = !0;
b.set("hideBanner" +, e, !0);
journeys_utils.animateBannerExit = function(a) {
if (journeys_utils.entryAnimationDisabled && !journeys_utils.exitAnimationDisabled) { = "all 0" + 1.5 * journeys_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease";
document.getElementById("branch-banner-iframe").style.transition = "all 0" + journeys_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease";
var b = document.getElementById("branch-iframe-css").innerHTML + "\n", b = b + ("body { -webkit-transition: all " + 1.5 * journeys_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; }\n"), b = b + ("#branch-banner-iframe { -webkit-transition: all " + journeys_utils.animationSpeed / 1000 + "s ease; }\n");
document.getElementById("branch-iframe-css").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("branch-iframe-css").innerHTML = b;
"top" === journeys_utils.position ? = "-" + journeys_utils.bannerHeight : "bottom" === journeys_utils.position && ( = "-" + journeys_utils.bannerHeight);
journeys_utils.branch._publishEvent("willCloseJourney", journeys_utils.journeyLinkData);
setTimeout(function() {
(!journeys_utils.exitAnimationDisabled || journeys_utils.journeyDismissed) && journeys_utils.divToInjectParents && 0 < journeys_utils.divToInjectParents.length ? journeys_utils.divToInjectParents.forEach(function(a) { = 0;
}) : (journeys_utils.exitAnimationDisabledPreviously = journeys_utils.exitAnimationDisabled, journeys_utils.previousPosition = journeys_utils.position, journeys_utils.previousDivToInjectParents = journeys_utils.divToInjectParents);
"top" === journeys_utils.position ? = journeys_utils.bodyMarginTop : "bottom" === journeys_utils.position && ( = journeys_utils.bodyMarginBottom);
banner_utils.removeClass(document.body, "branch-banner-is-active");
banner_utils.removeClass(document.body, "branch-banner-no-scroll");
journeys_utils.branch._publishEvent("didCloseJourney", journeys_utils.journeyLinkData);
journeys_utils.isJourneyDisplayed = !1;
}, journeys_utils.exitAnimationDisabled ? 0 : journeys_utils.animationSpeed + journeys_utils.animationDelay);
journeys_utils.setJourneyLinkData = function(a) {
var b = {banner_id:journeys_utils.branchViewId};
if (a = a.match(journeys_utils.journeyLinkDataRe)) {
a = a[1];
var c = "";
try {
c = safejson.parse(a);
} catch (d) {
c && (utils.removePropertiesFromObject(c.journey_link_data, ["browser_fingerprint_id", "app_id", "source", "open_app", "link_click_id"]), b = utils.merge(b, c));
journeys_utils.journeyLinkData = b;
// Input 15
var branch_view = {callback_index:1};
function checkPreviousBanner() {
return document.getElementById("branch-banner") || document.getElementById("branch-banner-iframe") || document.getElementById("branch-banner-container") ? !0 : !1;
function renderHtmlBlob(a, b, c) {
journeys_utils.branch._publishEvent("willShowJourney", journeys_utils.journeyLinkData);
var d = c ? "OPEN" : "GET";
var e = journeys_utils.getMetadata(b);
e && (d = journeys_utils.getCtaText(e, c), journeys_utils.findInsertionDiv(a, e));
a = journeys_utils.getCss(b);
b = journeys_utils.removeScriptAndCss(b);
c = journeys_utils.createAndAppendIframe();
b = journeys_utils.createIframeInnerHTML(b, utils.mobileUserAgent());
journeys_utils.addHtmlToIframe(c, b);
journeys_utils.addIframeInnerCSS(c, a);
journeys_utils.addDynamicCtaText(c, d);
return c;
branch_view.handleBranchViewData = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
if (!checkPreviousBanner()) {
journeys_utils.branch = g;
var h = null, k = null;
c = c || {};
c.feature = "journeys";
c = utils.cleanLinkData(c);
(g = document.getElementById("branch-iframe-css")) && g.parentElement.removeChild(g);
var m = document.createElement("div"); = "branch-banner";
document.body.insertBefore(m, null);
banner_utils.addClass(m, "branch-banner-is-active");
if (b.html) {
return renderHtmlBlob(document.body, b.html, e);
if (b.url) {
var l = "branch_view_callback__" + branch_view.callback_index++;
c = encodeURIComponent(utils.base64encode(goog.json.serialize(c)));
g = b.url + "&callback=" + l;
g += "&_lan=" + (journeys_utils.branch.user_language || utils.getBrowserLanguageCode() || "en");
a.XHRRequest(g + ("&data=" + c), {}, "GET", {}, function(a, c) {
var g = !1;
if (!a && c) {
var q = f ? 0 : journeys_utils.findDismissPeriod(c), n = window.setTimeout(function() {
window[l] = function() {
}, utils.timeout);
window[l] = function(a) {
g || (k = a, journeys_utils.finalHookups(b, d, k, h, q));
h = renderHtmlBlob(document.body, c, e);
if (null === h) {
g = !0;
journeys_utils.finalHookups(b, d, k, h, q);
}, !0);
function buildJourneyTestData(a, b, c) {
return {id:a, number_of_use:-1, url:config.api_endpoint + "/v1/branchview/" + b + "/" + a + "?_a=audience_rule_id&_t=" + c.browser_fingerprint_id};
function isJourneyDismissed(a, b) {
var c = b._storage.get("hideBanner" +, !0);
if (!0 === c || c > {
return !0;
b._storage.remove("hideBanner" +, !0);
return !1;
function compileRequestData(a, b, c) {
var d = a._branchViewData || {}; || ( = {});
b = b ? null : utils.getClickIdAndSearchStringFromLink(a._referringLink());
a = session.get(a._storage) || {};
var e = a.hasOwnProperty("has_app") ? a.has_app : !1; = utils.merge(utils.getHostedDeepLinkData(),; = utils.merge(utils.whiteListJourneysLanguageData(a || {}),; = b ? utils.merge({link_click_id:b}, :;
d = utils.merge({open_app:c}, d);
d = utils.merge({has_app_websdk:e}, d);
d = utils.isIframe() ? utils.merge({is_iframe:!0}, d) : d;
return d = utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled ? utils.merge({tracking_disabled:!0}, d) : d;
branch_view.initJourney = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
e._branchViewEnabled = !!c.branch_view_enabled;
e._storage.set("branch_view_enabled", e._branchViewEnabled);
var f = null, g = null, h = null, k = null, m = null, l = !1, n = !1, p = !1;
d && (f = d.branch_view_id || null, g = d.no_journeys || null, e.user_language = (d.user_language || utils.getBrowserLanguageCode() || "en").toLowerCase(), journeys_utils.entryAnimationDisabled = d.disable_entry_animation || !1, journeys_utils.exitAnimationDisabled = d.disable_exit_animation || !1, n = d.make_new_link || !1, p = d.open_app || !1);
(f = f || utils.getParameterByName("_branch_view_id") || null) && utils.mobileUserAgent() && (l = !0, k = buildJourneyTestData(f, a, b));
!k && c.hasOwnProperty("branch_view_data") && (k = c.branch_view_data, h = isJourneyDismissed(k, e));
!k || h || g ? e._publishEvent("willNotShowJourney") : (journeys_utils.branchViewId =, e.renderQueue(function() {
m = compileRequestData(e, n, p);
branch_view.handleBranchViewData(e._server, k, m, e._storage, b.has_app, l, e);
// Input 16
var appindexing = {state:{}};
appindexing.state.androidAppIndexingTagsPresent = !1;
appindexing.state.iosAppIndexingTagsPresent = !1;
appindexing.state.androidDetailsComplete = !1;
appindexing.state.iosDetailsComplete = !1;
appindexing.options = {};
function addAppIndexingTag(a) {
var b;
"android" === a && appindexing.state.androidDetailsComplete && (b = "android-app://" + appindexing.options.androidPackageName + "/" + appindexing.options.androidURL, b = addBranchTrackingParams(b), writeToDOM(b));
"ios" === a && appindexing.state.iosDetailsComplete && (b = "ios-app://" + appindexing.options.iosAppId + "/" + appindexing.options.iosURL, b = addBranchTrackingParams(b), writeToDOM(b));
function addBranchTrackingParams(a) {
var b = {"~channel":"Firebase App Indexing", "~feature":"Auto App Indexing", $canonical_url:utils.getWindowLocation()};
if ("object" === typeof {
for (var c in { && !b.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b[c] =[c]);
c = -1 < a.indexOf("?") ? "&" : "?";
return a + c + "link_click_id=a-" + btoa(safejson.stringify(b));
function writeToDOM(a) {
var b = document.createElement("link");
b.setAttribute("rel", "alternate");
b.setAttribute("href", a);
appindexing.updateAppIndexingTagsIfPresent = function() {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("link"), b = a.length;
if (b) {
for (var c = 0;c < b;c++) {
var d = a[c], e = d.href;
e && (e.includes("ios-app") && (appindexing.state.iosAppIndexingTagsPresent = !0, d.setAttribute("href", addBranchTrackingParams(e))), e.includes("android-app") && (appindexing.state.androidAppIndexingTagsPresent = !0, d.setAttribute("href", addBranchTrackingParams(e))));
appindexing.insertAppIndexingTagsFromConfig = function(a) {
"android" === a && "string" === typeof appindexing.options.androidPackageName && "string" === typeof appindexing.options.androidURL && (appindexing.state.androidDetailsComplete = !0, addAppIndexingTag("android"));
"ios" === a && "string" === typeof appindexing.options.iosAppId && "string" === typeof appindexing.options.iosURL && (appindexing.state.iosDetailsComplete = !0, addAppIndexingTag("ios"));
appindexing.populateConfigFromAppLinksTags = function(a) {
for (var b = document.getElementsByTagName("meta"), c = 0;c < b.length;c++) {
var d = b[c];
"ios" === a && "al:ios:app_store_id" === d.getAttribute("property") && (appindexing.options.iosAppId = d.getAttribute("content"));
"ios" === a && "al:ios:url" === d.getAttribute("property") && (appindexing.options.iosURL = d.getAttribute("content").replace("://", "/"));
"android" === a && "al:android:package" === d.getAttribute("property") && (appindexing.options.androidPackageName = d.getAttribute("content"));
"android" === a && "al:android:url" === d.getAttribute("property") && (appindexing.options.androidURL = d.getAttribute("content").replace("://", "/"));
// Input 17
var default_branch, callback_params = {NO_CALLBACK:0, CALLBACK_ERR:1, CALLBACK_ERR_DATA:2}, init_states = {NO_INIT:0, INIT_PENDING:1, INIT_FAILED:2, INIT_SUCCEEDED:3}, init_state_fail_codes = {NO_FAILURE:0, UNKNOWN_CAUSE:1, OPEN_FAILED:2, BFP_NOT_FOUND:3, HAS_APP_FAILED:4}, wrap = function(a, b, c) {
return function() {
var d = this, e, f, g = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
a === callback_params.NO_CALLBACK || "function" !== typeof g ? (f = function(a) {
}, e = : (e =, 0, arguments.length - 1) || [], f = g);
d._queue(function(g) {
var h = function(b, c) {
try {
if (b && a === callback_params.NO_CALLBACK) {
throw b;
a === callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR ? f(b) : a === callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA && f(b, c);
} finally {
if (!c) {
if (d.init_state === init_states.INIT_PENDING) {
return h(Error(utils.message(utils.messages.initPending)), null);
if (d.init_state === init_states.INIT_FAILED) {
return h(Error(utils.message(utils.messages.initFailed, d.init_state_fail_code, d.init_state_fail_details)), null);
if (d.init_state === init_states.NO_INIT || !d.init_state) {
return h(Error(utils.message(utils.messages.nonInit)), null);
b.apply(d, e);
}, Branch = function() {
if (!(this instanceof Branch)) {
return default_branch || (default_branch = new Branch), default_branch;
this._queue = task_queue();
this._storage = new BranchStorage(["session", "cookie", "pojo"]);
this._server = new Server;
this._listeners = [];
this.sdk = "web" + config.version;
this.init_state = init_states.NO_INIT;
this.init_state_fail_code = init_state_fail_codes.NO_FAILURE;
this.init_state_fail_details = null;
Branch.prototype._api = function(a, b, c) {
this.app_id && (b.app_id = this.app_id);
this.branch_key && (b.branch_key = this.branch_key);
(a.params && a.params.session_id || a.queryPart && a.queryPart.session_id) && this.session_id && (b.session_id = this.session_id);
(a.params && a.params.identity_id || a.queryPart && a.queryPart.identity_id) && this.identity_id && (b.identity_id = this.identity_id);
(a.params && a.params.link_click_id || a.queryPart && a.queryPart.link_click_id) && this.link_click_id && (b.link_click_id = this.link_click_id);
(a.params && a.params.sdk || a.queryPart && a.queryPart.sdk) && this.sdk && (b.sdk = this.sdk);
(a.params && a.params.browser_fingerprint_id || a.queryPart && a.queryPart.browser_fingerprint_id) && this.browser_fingerprint_id && (b.browser_fingerprint_id = this.browser_fingerprint_id);
utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled && (b.tracking_disabled = utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled);
return this._server.request(a, b, this._storage, function(a, b) {
c(a, b);
Branch.prototype._referringLink = function() {
var a = session.get(this._storage);
return (a = a && a.referring_link) ? a : (a = this._storage.get("click_id")) ? config.link_service_endpoint + "/c/" + a : null;
Branch.prototype._publishEvent = function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0;c < this._listeners.length;c++) {
this._listeners[c].event && this._listeners[c].event !== a || this._listeners[c].listener(a, b);
Branch.prototype.init = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA, function(a, b, c) {
var d = this;
d.init_state = init_states.INIT_PENDING;
utils.isKey(b) ? d.branch_key = b : d.app_id = b;
c = c && utils.validateParameterType(c, "object") ? c : {};
d.init_options = c;
utils.retries = c && c.retries && Number.isInteger(c.retries) ? c.retries : utils.retries;
utils.retry_delay = c && c.retry_delay && Number.isInteger(c.retry_delay) ? c.retry_delay : utils.retry_delay;
utils.timeout = c && c.timeout && Number.isInteger(c.timeout) ? c.timeout : utils.timeout;
journeys_utils.nonce = c && c.nonce ? c.nonce : journeys_utils.nonce;
utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled = c && c.tracking_disabled && !0 === c.tracking_disabled ? !0 : !1;
utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled ? utils.cleanApplicationAndSessionStorage(d) : utils.userPreferences.allowErrorsInCallback = !1;
var e = function(a) {
a.link_click_id && (d.link_click_id = a.link_click_id.toString());
a.session_id && (d.session_id = a.session_id.toString());
a.identity_id && (d.identity_id = a.identity_id.toString()); && (d.sessionLink =;
a.referring_link && (a.referring_link = utils.processReferringLink(a.referring_link));
!a.click_id && a.referring_link && (a.click_id = utils.getClickIdAndSearchStringFromLink(a.referring_link));
d.browser_fingerprint_id = a.browser_fingerprint_id;
return a;
}, f = session.get(d._storage), g = c && c.url || utils.getWindowLocation(), h = (c && "undefined" !== typeof c.branch_match_id && null !== c.branch_match_id ? c.branch_match_id : null) || utils.getParamValue("_branch_match_id") || utils.hashValue("r"), k = !f || !f.identity_id;
d._branchViewEnabled = !!d._storage.get("branch_view_enabled");
var m = function(a) {
var b = {sdk:config.version, branch_key:d.branch_key}, c = session.get(d._storage) || {}, e = session.get(d._storage, !0) || {};
e.browser_fingerprint_id && (b._t = e.browser_fingerprint_id);
utils.isSafari11OrGreater() || d._api(resources._r, b, function(a, b) {
a && (d.init_state_fail_code = init_state_fail_codes.BFP_NOT_FOUND, d.init_state_fail_details = a.message);
b && (c.browser_fingerprint_id = b);
d._api(resources.hasApp, {browser_fingerprint_id:c.browser_fingerprint_id}, function(b, e) {
b && (d.init_state_fail_code = init_state_fail_codes.HAS_APP_FAILED, d.init_state_fail_details = b.message);
b || !e || c.has_app || (c.has_app = !0, session.update(d._storage, c), d._publishEvent("didDownloadApp"));
a && a(null, c);
}, l = function(f, h) {
h && (h = e(h), utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled || session.set(d._storage, h, k), d.init_state = init_states.INIT_SUCCEEDED, h.data_parsed = && 0 !== ? safejson.parse( : {});
if (f) {
return d.init_state = init_states.INIT_FAILED, d.init_state_fail_code || (d.init_state_fail_code = init_state_fail_codes.UNKNOWN_CAUSE, d.init_state_fail_details = f.message), a(f, h && utils.whiteListSessionData(h));
var m = utils.getAdditionalMetadata(), l = utils.validateParameterType(c.metadata, "object") ? c.metadata : null;
l && (l = utils.mergeHostedDeeplinkData(m.hosted_deeplink_data, l)) && 0 < Object.keys(l).length && (m.hosted_deeplink_data = l);
d._api(resources.event, {event:"pageview", metadata:utils.merge({url:g, user_agent:navigator.userAgent, language:navigator.language, screen_width:screen.width || -1, screen_height:screen.height || -1}, m || {}), initial_referrer:utils.getInitialReferrer(d._referringLink())}, function(e, f) {
e || "object" !== typeof f || branch_view.initJourney(b, h, f, c, d);
try {
a(e, h && utils.whiteListSessionData(h)), utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled && (utils.userPreferences.allowErrorsInCallback = !0);
} catch (r) {
} finally {
}, n = function() {
var a, b;
"undefined" !== typeof document.hidden ? (a = "hidden", b = "visibilitychange") : "undefined" !== typeof document.mozHidden ? (a = "mozHidden", b = "mozvisibilitychange") : "undefined" !== typeof document.msHidden ? (a = "msHidden", b = "msvisibilitychange") : "undefined" !== typeof document.webkitHidden && (a = "webkitHidden", b = "webkitvisibilitychange");
b && !d.changeEventListenerAdded && (d.changeEventListenerAdded = !0, document.addEventListener(b, function() {
document[a] || (m(null), "function" === typeof d._deepviewRequestForReplay && d._deepviewRequestForReplay());
}, !1));
if (f && f.session_id && !h) {
session.update(d._storage, {data:""}), session.update(d._storage, {referring_link:""}), n(), m(l);
} else {
var f = {sdk:config.version, branch_key:d.branch_key}, p = session.get(d._storage, !0) || {};
p.browser_fingerprint_id && (f._t = p.browser_fingerprint_id);
utils.isSafari11OrGreater() ? d._api(, {link_identifier:h, browser_fingerprint_id:h || p.browser_fingerprint_id, alternative_browser_fingerprint_id:p.browser_fingerprint_id, options:c, initial_referrer:utils.getInitialReferrer(d._referringLink())}, function(a, b) {
a && (d.init_state_fail_code = init_state_fail_codes.OPEN_FAILED, d.init_state_fail_details = a.message);
a || "object" !== typeof b || (b.branch_view_enabled && (d._branchViewEnabled = !!b.branch_view_enabled, d._storage.set("branch_view_enabled", d._branchViewEnabled)), h && (b.click_id = h));
l(a, b);
}) : d._api(resources._r, f, function(a, b) {
if (a) {
return d.init_state_fail_code = init_state_fail_codes.BFP_NOT_FOUND, d.init_state_fail_details = a.message, l(a, null);
d._api(, {link_identifier:h, browser_fingerprint_id:h || b, alternative_browser_fingerprint_id:p.browser_fingerprint_id, options:c, initial_referrer:utils.getInitialReferrer(d._referringLink())}, function(a, b) {
a && (d.init_state_fail_code = init_state_fail_codes.OPEN_FAILED, d.init_state_fail_details = a.message);
a || "object" !== typeof b || (b.branch_view_enabled && (d._branchViewEnabled = !!b.branch_view_enabled, d._storage.set("branch_view_enabled", d._branchViewEnabled)), h && (b.click_id = h));
l(a, b);
}, !0);
Branch.prototype.renderQueue = wrap(callback_params.NO_CALLBACK, function(a, b) {
this._renderFinalized ? b() : (this._renderQueue = this._renderQueue || [], this._renderQueue.push(b));
a(null, null);
Branch.prototype.renderFinalize = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA, function(a) {
this._renderQueue && 0 < this._renderQueue.length && (this._renderQueue.forEach(function(a) {;
}), delete this._renderQueue);
this._renderFinalized = !0;
a(null, null);
}); = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA, function(a) {
var b = utils.whiteListSessionData(session.get(this._storage));
b.referring_link = this._referringLink();
b.data_parsed = && 0 !== ? safejson.parse( : {};
a(null, b);
Branch.prototype.first = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA, function(a) {
a(null, utils.whiteListSessionData(session.get(this._storage, !0)));
Branch.prototype.setIdentity = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA, function(a, b) {
var c = this;
this._api(resources.profile, {identity:b}, function(d, e) {
d && a(d);
e = e || {};
c.identity_id = e.identity_id ? e.identity_id.toString() : null;
c.sessionLink =;
c.identity = b;
e.referring_data_parsed = e.referring_data ? safejson.parse(e.referring_data) : null;
session.update(c._storage, e);
a(null, e);
Branch.prototype.logout = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a) {
var b = this;
this._api(resources.logout, {}, function(c, d) {
c && a(c);
d = d || {};
d = {data_parsed:null, data:null, referring_link:null, click_id:null, link_click_id:null, identity:null, session_id:d.session_id, identity_id:d.identity_id,, device_fingerprint_id:b.device_fingerprint_id || null};
b.sessionLink =;
b.session_id = d.session_id;
b.identity_id = d.identity_id;
b.identity = d.identity;
session.update(b._storage, d);
Branch.prototype.track = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = this;
c = c || {};
d = d || {};
if ("pageview" === b) {
var f = utils.mergeHostedDeeplinkData(utils.getHostedDeepLinkData(), c);
f && 0 < Object.keys(f).length && (c.hosted_deeplink_data = f);
e._api(resources.event, {event:b, metadata:utils.merge({url:utils.getWindowLocation(), user_agent:navigator.userAgent, language:navigator.language}, c), initial_referrer:utils.getInitialReferrer(e._referringLink())}, function(c, f) {
c || "object" !== typeof f || "pageview" !== b || branch_view.initJourney(e.branch_key, session.get(e._storage), f, d, e);
"function" === typeof a && a.apply(this, arguments);
Branch.prototype.logEvent = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b, c, d) {
b = utils.validateParameterType(b, "string") ? b : null;
c = utils.validateParameterType(c, "object") ? c : null;
utils.isStandardEvent(b) ? (d = utils.validateParameterType(d, "array") ? d : null, c = utils.separateEventAndCustomData(c), this._api(resources.logStandardEvent, {name:b, user_data:safejson.stringify(utils.getUserData(this)), custom_data:safejson.stringify(c && c.custom_data || {}), event_data:safejson.stringify(c && c.event_data || {}), content_items:safejson.stringify(d || [])}, function(b, c) {
return a(b || null);
})) : this._api(resources.logCustomEvent, {name:b, user_data:safejson.stringify(utils.getUserData(this)), custom_data:safejson.stringify(utils.convertObjectValuesToString(c) || {})}, function(b, c) {
return a(b || null);
}); = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA, function(a, b) {
this._api(, utils.cleanLinkData(b), function(b, d) {
a(b, d && d.url);
Branch.prototype.sendSMS = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b, c, d) {
function e(c) {
f._api(resources.SMSLinkSend, {link_url:c, phone:b}, function(b) {
a(b || null);
var f = this;
if ("function" === typeof d) {
d = {};
} else {
if ("undefined" === typeof d || null === d) {
d = {};
d.make_new_link = d.make_new_link || !1; && "app banner" !== || ( = "sms");
var g = f._referringLink();
g && !d.make_new_link ? e(utils.getClickIdAndSearchStringFromLink(g)) : f._api(, utils.cleanLinkData(c), function(b, c) {
if (b) {
return a(b);
var d = c.url;
/(\/|app\.link\/)/.test(d) || (d = config.link_service_endpoint + "/" + utils.extractDeeplinkPath(d));
f._api(resources.linkClick, {link_url:d, click:"click"}, function(b, c) {
if (b) {
return a(b);
Branch.prototype.deepview = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b, c) {
var d = this;
c || (c = {});
c.deepview_type = "undefined" === typeof c.deepview_type ? "deepview" : "banner"; = utils.merge(utils.getHostedDeepLinkData(),;
b = utils.isIframe() ? utils.merge({is_iframe:!0}, b) : b;
var e = config.link_service_endpoint + "/a/" + d.branch_key, f = !0, g;
for (g in b) {
b.hasOwnProperty(g) && "data" !== g && (f ? (e += "?", f = !1) : e += "&", e += encodeURIComponent(g) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b[g]));
b = utils.cleanLinkData(b);
if (c.open_app || null === c.open_app || "undefined" === typeof c.open_app) {
b.open_app = !0;
b.append_deeplink_path = !!c.append_deeplink_path;
b.deepview_type = c.deepview_type;
(f = d._referringLink()) && !c.make_new_link && (b.link_click_id = utils.getClickIdAndSearchStringFromLink(f));
b.banner_options = c;
d._deepviewRequestForReplay = goog.bind(this._api, d, resources.deepview, b, function(b, c) {
if (b) {
return utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled || (d._deepviewCta = function() {
}), a(b);
"function" === typeof c && (d._deepviewCta = c);
Branch.prototype._windowRedirect = function(a) { = a;
Branch.prototype.deepviewCta = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a) {
if ("undefined" === typeof this._deepviewCta) {
throw Error("Cannot call Deepview CTA, please call branch.deepview() first.");
window.event && (window.event.preventDefault ? window.event.preventDefault() : window.event.returnValue = !1);
Branch.prototype.referrals = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA, function(a) {
this._api(resources.referrals, {}, a);
Branch.prototype.getCode = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA, function(a, b) {
b.type = "credit";
b.creation_source = b.creation_source || 2;
this._api(resources.getCode, b, a);
Branch.prototype.validateCode = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b) {
this._api(resources.validateCode, {code:b}, a);
Branch.prototype.applyCode = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b) {
this._api(resources.applyCode, {code:b}, a);
Branch.prototype.credits = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA, function(a) {
this._api(resources.credits, {branch_key:this.branch_key, identity:this.identity}, a);
Branch.prototype.creditHistory = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR_DATA, function(a, b) {
this._api(resources.creditHistory, b || {}, a);
Branch.prototype.redeem = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b, c) {
this._api(resources.redeem, {amount:b, bucket:c}, function(b) {
a(b || null);
Branch.prototype.addListener = function(a, b) {
"function" === typeof a && void 0 === b && (b = a, a = null);
b && this._listeners.push({listener:b, event:a || null});
Branch.prototype.removeListener = function(a) {
a && (this._listeners = this._listeners.filter(function(b) {
if (b.listener !== a) {
return b;
function _setBranchViewData(a, b, c) {
c = c || {};
try {
a._branchViewData = safejson.parse(safejson.stringify(c));
} finally {
a._branchViewData = a._branchViewData || {};
Branch.prototype.setBranchViewData = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b) {, this, a, b);
Branch.prototype.closeJourney = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a) {
var b = this;
b.renderQueue(function() {
if (journeys_utils.banner && journeys_utils.isJourneyDisplayed) {
b._publishEvent("didCallJourneyClose", journeys_utils.journeyLinkData), journeys_utils.animateBannerExit(journeys_utils.banner);
} else {
return a("Journey already dismissed.");
Branch.prototype.banner = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b, c) {
c = c || {};, this, function() {
}, c);
"undefined" === typeof b.showAgain && "undefined" !== typeof b.forgetHide && (b.showAgain = b.forgetHide);
var d = {icon:utils.cleanBannerText(b.icon) || "", title:utils.cleanBannerText(b.title) || "", description:utils.cleanBannerText(b.description) || "", reviewCount:"number" === typeof b.reviewCount && 0 < b.reviewCount ? Math.floor(b.reviewCount) : null, rating:"number" === typeof b.rating && 5 >= b.rating && 0 < b.rating ? Math.round(2 * b.rating) / 2 : null, openAppButtonText:utils.cleanBannerText(b.openAppButtonText) || "View in app", downloadAppButtonText:utils.cleanBannerText(b.downloadAppButtonText) ||
"Download App", sendLinkText:utils.cleanBannerText(b.sendLinkText) || "Send Link", phonePreviewText:utils.cleanBannerText(b.phonePreviewText) || "(999) 999-9999", iframe:"undefined" === typeof b.iframe ? !0 : b.iframe, showiOS:"undefined" === typeof b.showiOS ? !0 : b.showiOS, showiPad:"undefined" === typeof b.showiPad ? !0 : b.showiPad, showAndroid:"undefined" === typeof b.showAndroid ? !0 : b.showAndroid, showBlackberry:"undefined" === typeof b.showBlackberry ? !0 : b.showBlackberry, showWindowsPhone:"undefined" ===
typeof b.showWindowsPhone ? !0 : b.showWindowsPhone, showKindle:"undefined" === typeof b.showKindle ? !0 : b.showKindle, showDesktop:"undefined" === typeof b.showDesktop ? !0 : b.showDesktop, disableHide:!!b.disableHide, forgetHide:"number" === typeof b.forgetHide ? b.forgetHide : !!b.forgetHide, respectDNT:"undefined" === typeof b.respectDNT ? !1 : b.respectDNT, position:b.position || "top", customCSS:b.customCSS || "", mobileSticky:"undefined" === typeof b.mobileSticky ? !1 : b.mobileSticky,
desktopSticky:"undefined" === typeof b.desktopSticky ? !0 : b.desktopSticky, buttonBorderColor:b.buttonBorderColor || "", buttonBackgroundColor:b.buttonBackgroundColor || "", buttonFontColor:b.buttonFontColor || "", buttonBorderColorHover:b.buttonBorderColorHover || "", buttonBackgroundColorHover:b.buttonBackgroundColorHover || "", buttonFontColorHover:b.buttonFontColorHover || "", make_new_link:!!b.make_new_link, open_app:!!b.open_app, immediate:!!b.immediate, append_deeplink_path:!!b.append_deeplink_path};
"undefined" !== typeof b.showMobile && (d.showiOS = b.showMobile, d.showAndroid = b.showMobile, d.showBlackberry = b.showMobile, d.showWindowsPhone = b.showMobile, d.showKindle = b.showMobile); = utils.merge(utils.getHostedDeepLinkData(),;
var e = this;
e.renderQueue(function() {
e.closeBannerPointer = banner(e, d, c, e._storage);
Branch.prototype.closeBanner = wrap(0, function(a) {
var b = this;
b.renderQueue(function() {
b.closeBannerPointer && (b._publishEvent("willCloseBanner"), b.closeBannerPointer(function() {
Branch.prototype.autoAppIndex = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b) {
b = b || {};
appindexing.options = b;
appindexing.state.androidAppIndexingTagsPresent || (appindexing.insertAppIndexingTagsFromConfig("android"), appindexing.state.androidDetailsComplete || appindexing.populateConfigFromAppLinksTags("android"));
appindexing.state.iosAppIndexingTagsPresent || (appindexing.insertAppIndexingTagsFromConfig("ios"), appindexing.state.iosDetailsComplete || appindexing.populateConfigFromAppLinksTags("ios"));
appindexing.state.iosDetailsComplete || appindexing.state.androidDetailsComplete ? a(null) : a("Firebase App Indexing tags were not added to your webpage. Please check your configuration.");
Branch.prototype.trackCommerceEvent = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b, c, d) {
var e = this;
e.renderQueue(function() {
var f = utils.validateCommerceEventParams(b, c);
if (f) {
return a(Error(f));
e._api(resources.commerceEvent, {event:b, metadata:utils.merge({url:document.URL, user_agent:navigator.userAgent, language:navigator.language}, d || {}), initial_referrer:utils.getInitialReferrer(e._referringLink()), commerce_data:c}, function(b, c) {
a(b || null);
Branch.prototype.disableTracking = wrap(callback_params.CALLBACK_ERR, function(a, b) {
if (!1 === b || "false" === b) {
utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled = !1, utils.userPreferences.allowErrorsInCallback = !1, this.branch_key && this.init_options && (!0 === this.init_options.tracking_disabled && delete this.init_options.tracking_disabled, this.init(this.branch_key, this.init_options));
} else {
if (void 0 === b || !0 === b || "true" === b) {
utils.cleanApplicationAndSessionStorage(this), utils.userPreferences.trackingDisabled = !0, utils.userPreferences.allowErrorsInCallback = !0, this.closeBanner(), this.closeJourney();
// Input 18
var branch_instance = new Branch;
if (window.branch && window.branch._q) {
for (var queue = window.branch._q, i = 0;i < queue.length;i++) {
var task = queue[i];
branch_instance[task[0]].apply(branch_instance, task[1]);
"function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define("branch", function() {
return branch_instance;
}) : "object" === typeof exports && (module.exports = branch_instance);
window && (window.branch = branch_instance);
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